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Looks like things more things change, the more they stay the same.  We were expecting some change, what we are getting is the same old ways.  On the East Coast, squatters are invading and squatting on private lane.  Many of these individuals already have houses. What has happened to the rule of law and end of lawlessness proclaimed by President Granger. One man said that he knows that it is illegal but he is just trying something. Also, I see Brian Tiwari included in many coalition functions since their narrow victory.  Does this mean that Brian has bought his way into the new government and will avoid the many investigations into contracts?

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

You notice how ppl like Rama suddenly listening to the AFC supporters? Like he wants to jump ship and get onboard with the AFC but he is too ashamed to admit it.

Don't be silly.  I am the PPP and will help by brothers rise again.

The AFC (PNC stooges) cannot be trusted.  I can't wait to see when the PNC going to kick their back sides. Don't your ever think that the PNC trusts these backstabbers.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

You notice how ppl like Rama suddenly listening to the AFC supporters? Like he wants to jump ship and get onboard with the AFC but he is too ashamed to admit it.

The PPP knows that many of these people fled as part of an internal PPP war.  They will try every thing to bring them back.  This is obvious politics when it was basically a 50:50 election.


We will see of it works.


Of course the PPP is also quite stupid, and while trying to woo them back, will still scream that they are traitors.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

You notice how ppl like Rama suddenly listening to the AFC supporters? Like he wants to jump ship and get onboard with the AFC but he is too ashamed to admit it.

The PPP knows that many of these people fled as part of an internal PPP war.  They will try every thing to bring them back.  This is obvious politics when it was basically a 50:50 election.


We will see of it works.


Of course the PPP is also quite stupid, and while trying to woo them back, will still scream that they are traitors.

PPP has no use for Robert, he brough ZERO grass root support to the party.  The only reason he survived was because he was in bed with Jagdow neice.



Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The sugar industry and the hydro project will do the Alliance in.


Don't forget the Mazaruni Hydro project?



You mean the PPP burden has to be borne by the new comers! Indeed that is so but our backs are strong, our hands not averse to work our fingers not as quick to thieving and our minds not gifted to lie. The savings from corruption in the society will go a far way to remedying the impoverishing influence it was on the lives of ordinary people.


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