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Corruption claims meant to influence PPP Congress outcome - Rohee

  • Monday, 08 July 2013 14:02

Clement Rohee [R) speaks to a reporter after the news conference. Clement Rohee (R) speaks to a reporter after the news conference.

Latest News

Ruling People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Executive Member Clement Rohee says the recent writings in the press linking the party to corruption are meant to influence delegates to “revolt” at its August 2 to 4 Congress.
His comment at a Monday media briefing was part of an extended response to a question on the view that the party had strayed from the governance ideals of founder Dr. Cheddi Jagan.
“What we have noticed over the past few months is that there seems to be a concerted attempt by certain individuals who were once leaders of this party to influence the Congress, to influence the direction of the Congress, to influence the membership and we believe that as we get closer to the Congress such attempts would intensify,” the Congress Committee Chairman said.
And in a not too cryptic reference to former PPP executive Ralph Ramkarran Rohee remarked: “Reading recent articles especially in the Sunday Stabroek you would recognise that there’s a certain prolific writer who is hammering away at the PPP, to which he once belonged, and the Congress in particular. The objective, it would seem to us, is to influence the outcome of the Congress, to influence the delegates and observers going to the Congress to make decisions.”
Ramkarran has linked the party leadership to a trifecta of corrupt individuals covering bureaucrats, contractors and influential businessmen who use their position and political connections to enrich themselves. According to him, the PPP leadership benefited from those individuals.
Ramkarran had been a member of the party for more than 40 years before his resignation last year. Writing in the PPP-affiliated Mirror newspaper, just before his departure, he had alleged that there was pervasive government corruption and that the administration needed to do more to counter it. He has taken up the crusade on his blog Conversation Tree.

“SN plus KN plus RR plus MN plus KR equal zero,” Rohee said continued.

 The first two initials are those of the independent dailies Stabroek News and the Kaieteur News while the others are the initials of Ramkarran, Moses Nagamootoo and Khemraj Ramjattan respectively. The last two were also members of the PPP before joining the Alliance For Change which Ramjattan now leads.

Asked about the credence of the claims levelled  by the former members about the way the party operated Rohee indicated that only Ramkarran would have been in a position to make any pronouncement on the workings of the party since the others had left a while ago.


"And even so because of the level at which he operated he would not have been very much acquainted, contrary to ... the picture the Stabroek News have painted him, he would not have been involved in many of the decisions in respect to the elections." 


Ramkarran served as Speaker of the National Assembly from 2001 to 2011.

“These attacks on the party, especially the attacks on the party in respect to corruption, as I said are aimed at influencing the membership to go to the Congress to raise questions, or to revolt as it were. It is the PPP that is being attacked and not the PPP that is being helped to find answer to certain problems,” Rohee stated.

 Asked whether questions about corruption and transparency constituted “attacks” the PPP executive responded..... that they considered them to be so.


On the question about the party straying from Jagan’s philosophy Rohee responded that it was only those outside the party who were plugging that line.


“You would never hear persons from inside the PPP, you’ll never hear members of the PPP making such allegations, it is the detractors, it is the defectors, the people who have left us who you would hear those views coming from.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Updated: Gunmen grab GUY$8 M; injure businessman, kill employee

The slain man is yet to be identified. The slain man is yet to be identified.

Re-migrant Cecil Gajadhar, who decided to open a relatively small filling station on the East Coast Demerara, Monday morning narrowly escaped death but his employee was shot dead during an GUY$8 million heist.
Gajadhar, 71, of Foulis, East Coast Demerara sustained a gunshot injury to his forehead and was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) where he received treatment. However, Victor “Red Man” Da Silva of Covent Gardens, East Bank Demerara was fatally shot to his chest.

Investigators said the two men were in a vehicle on their way to a city bank about 8:15 AM when two men in another motor vehicle blocked their path in the vicinity of Water and Cowan Streets, Kingston.   “The two men exited the vehicle and began discharging rounds at Cecil Gajadhar, who was struck to his forehead, and Victor Da Silva, who was hit to his chest,” police said.
Despite his injury, Gajadhar drove his vehicle in an alley between Republic Bank and GTM on Robb Street.
Da Silva’s body was seen slumped in the left front seat of the vehicle.
The left window of the grey CRV was shattered and what was believed to be a bullet hole was seen in the front windshield.
Eyewitnesses said the men were attacked by the bandits shortly after Gajadhar turned from Cowan Street south into Water Street. The assailants fled the scene in a car that was parked on Water Street facing north.

Gajadhar had been the victim of a robbery in March when bandits snatched a bag containing some $4m from him in front of the GRA office on Camp Street. Quick action by the police led to the arrest of two men and the recovery of the money.

He owns the Gajadhar Filling Station at Foulis, East Coast Demerara and had lived for decades in New York before returning to his homeland more than 10 years ago


Rohee: Winning De PPP Congress in Berbice is De Problem


Carpenter gunned down on seawall

Carpenter gunned down on seawall


A 32-year old man was gunned down on the Vryheid’s Lust Seawall, East Coast Demerara hours after leaving his pregnant common-law wife to be in the company of another woman, relatives said.
Police identified the dead man as Tyrone Boodhoo of Better Hope (Area H), East Coast Demerara. Investigators said he and 23-year old Martha Mohammed were on the seawall in the vicinity of Vryheid’s Lust, East Coast Demerara around 9:25 PM when they were attacked.
“They were confronted by two men who ordered them to lie on the ground. At this stage Tyrone Boodhoo attempted to escape and was shot by one of the men,” police force spokesman Ivelaw Whittaker said in a statement. They took away a cell phone from Mohammed and escaped, police added.

He was a carpenter and mason.
Families of Mohammed and Boodhoo exchanged views on the incident at the Sparendaam Police Station.
Mohammed’s relatives said she left home around 6:30 PM to purchase a drink at a nearby shop. But from all accounts, she ended up on the seawall with Boodhoo. His common-law wife is six months pregnant.
Mohammed and her husband have severed their relationship some time now.

Rohee... "How can we Funny Fellas Win De PPP Congress in Berbice is now  De Real Problem"


Kitty acid attack victim demands

positive response from police

July 8, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

Acid attack victim Mala Persaud

A Kitty businesswoman who was doused with acid a month ago is calling on the Guyana Police Force to give her some “positive answers” as it relates to the investigation into her attack. Mala Persaud, 54, of Lot 9 Station Street, Kitty was burnt about her body when an unknown man walked up and threw acid on her in front of her yard on June 01, last. She sustained burns to her face, hands, chest and feet. The woman, who operates a grocery store in the area believes that the attack was in direct retaliation to the action that she and some other neighbours took against the owner of a popular establishment that is situated opposite her home. A week before Persaud was attacked, she and her neighbours had called the media to complain about the music emanating from the bar. However, owners of the bar have categorically denied any involvement in the attack. Yesterday, When Kaieteur News visited Persaud, she claimed that she is in pain every day. The woman also said that she believes that the police are not doing anything because since she was attacked, no officer has visited her. “The officer dealing with the matter only promising to come but he can’t reach here and nobody telling me anything. All that I was told is that the file has been returned to the Kitty Police Station from the Director of Public Prosecution,” Persaud said. She also explained that the owner of the bar continues to play loud music way into the morning hours. “We called the police so many times and they are not doing anything,” the woman lamented. She told this newspaper that based on recent events, the police should pay closer attention to persons associated with the bar. “Her (proprietor) brother told a girl in the street that I didn’t get burn in my eyes so she will get it,” Persaud noted. She also stressed that the same man threatened to chop her son, Sunil Persaud yesterday. Persaud is pleading with the police to ensure justice is served.


Five more rescued from sex trade in Region Seven

July 8, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

- Two of Rohee police ranks accused of raping 16 year & 26 Year TIP victims


Simona Broomes

Five women were yesterday rescued from the sex trade in the hinterland as Guyana’s internationally recognized fighter against trafficking in persons, Simona Broomes continues her fearless work. Two of the females have since accused ranks of Sherima Police Station of rape. According to reports the two policemen allegedly raped the young women to allow them and their “madam” access into the 14 Mile Issano, Region Seven mining District. According to Broomes, who is the President of Guyana Women Miners Organization (GWMO), five victims of Trafficking in Persons (TIP) ages 14, 16, 18, 20, and 26 years old are now assisting ranks of Bartica Police Station with investigations. During a brief telephone interview yesterday, Broomes who was still in Bartica, explained the circumstances under which the 16 and 26 year-old were forced into the sex trade. From all indications, the young ladies believed they were going to be gainfully employed in a shop in the interior but little did they know their youthful bodies were the goods that would be sold night after night. According to Broomes, the young ladies met a man at a popular City bar in Georgetown, who told them about vacancies at a shop in the interior. The man subsequently introduced the girls to a woman, who they met at a City hotel. With all the necessary arrangements in place except for their National Identification Cards, the girls along with the woman. left Georgetown. However, things got strange when the girls were forced to hide under an old zinc sheet in a truck at the security check point at the Sherima Police Station. Broomes said that the girls felt uncomfortable with the situation and hit the zinc to gain the police’s attention. The girls were ordered out of the truck and the policemen began negotiating with the perpetrator. Broomes said that instead of preventing the girls from entering the backdam without identification, the police allegedly demanded sex. Apparently, the perpetrator is known to the ranks and because of her failure to make good on a previous deal, they demanded the girls. Broomes said the girls refused to have sex with the men since that was not part of their work agreement. However, they were placed on a bench and were given no other option but to sleep with the policemen in their barrack room. Broomes stated after that ordeal, the trio recommenced their journey to 14 Mile Issano, where the young women were forced into prostitution. All their earnings, cash and gold, were deposited with the woman who turned out to be the “madam” of the sex shop. Finally, finding the courage to stand up to the “madam”, the 26-year-old demanded her money to leave. But, the woman refused to give her the money and demanded $70,000 in exchange for her freedom. Broomes said that one night the young lady was fortunate to meet a man in the shop who generously gave her $100,000 to clear off her so-called debt. The girl was free to leave but stuck around to earn money for her passage out of the area. But, that was not the end of the ordeal. The two policemen allegedly went to the shop to have sex with the two girls again but their approaches were rebuffed. The cops became angry and threatened to shut down the establishment and charge the operators for prostitution. Meanwhile the girls’ quest to leave the area intensified. The 16-year-old somehow came into contact with members of the GWMO and was taken into their custody. News of this incensed the “madam” who started to physically assault the 26-year-old. A man, who noticed the injustice, brought it to GWMO’s attention and she too was rescued. Because of time constraint and the numerous activities that are expected after a rescue mission such as doctor’s check-up for the victims, Broomes was unable to divulge information on the other rescued girls.

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Five more rescued from sex trade in Region Seven

July 8, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

- Two of Rohee police ranks accused of raping 16 year & 26 Year TIP victims


Simona Broomes

Five women were yesterday rescued from the sex trade in the hinterland as Guyana’s internationally recognized fighter against trafficking in persons, Simona Broomes continues her fearless work. Two of the females have since accused ranks of Sherima Police Station of rape. According to reports the two policemen allegedly raped the young women to allow them and their “madam” access into the 14 Mile Issano, Region Seven mining District. According to Broomes, who is the President of Guyana Women Miners Organization (GWMO), five victims of Trafficking in Persons (TIP) ages 14, 16, 18, 20, and 26 years old are now assisting ranks of Bartica Police Station with investigations. During a brief telephone interview yesterday, Broomes who was still in Bartica, explained the circumstances under which the 16 and 26 year-old were forced into the sex trade. From all indications, the young ladies believed they were going to be gainfully employed in a shop in the interior but little did they know their youthful bodies were the goods that would be sold night after night. According to Broomes, the young ladies met a man at a popular City bar in Georgetown, who told them about vacancies at a shop in the interior. The man subsequently introduced the girls to a woman, who they met at a City hotel. With all the necessary arrangements in place except for their National Identification Cards, the girls along with the woman. left Georgetown. However, things got strange when the girls were forced to hide under an old zinc sheet in a truck at the security check point at the Sherima Police Station. Broomes said that the girls felt uncomfortable with the situation and hit the zinc to gain the police’s attention. The girls were ordered out of the truck and the policemen began negotiating with the perpetrator. Broomes said that instead of preventing the girls from entering the backdam without identification, the police allegedly demanded sex. Apparently, the perpetrator is known to the ranks and because of her failure to make good on a previous deal, they demanded the girls. Broomes said the girls refused to have sex with the men since that was not part of their work agreement. However, they were placed on a bench and were given no other option but to sleep with the policemen in their barrack room. Broomes stated after that ordeal, the trio recommenced their journey to 14 Mile Issano, where the young women were forced into prostitution. All their earnings, cash and gold, were deposited with the woman who turned out to be the “madam” of the sex shop. Finally, finding the courage to stand up to the “madam”, the 26-year-old demanded her money to leave. But, the woman refused to give her the money and demanded $70,000 in exchange for her freedom. Broomes said that one night the young lady was fortunate to meet a man in the shop who generously gave her $100,000 to clear off her so-called debt. The girl was free to leave but stuck around to earn money for her passage out of the area. But, that was not the end of the ordeal. The two policemen allegedly went to the shop to have sex with the two girls again but their approaches were rebuffed. The cops became angry and threatened to shut down the establishment and charge the operators for prostitution. Meanwhile the girls’ quest to leave the area intensified. The 16-year-old somehow came into contact with members of the GWMO and was taken into their custody. News of this incensed the “madam” who started to physically assault the 26-year-old. A man, who noticed the injustice, brought it to GWMO’s attention and she too was rescued. Because of time constraint and the numerous activities that are expected after a rescue mission such as doctor’s check-up for the victims, Broomes was unable to divulge information on the other rescued girls.

bai rohee cannot catch the goat that bit him you want him to catch bandits


Bandits kill Mahaica man in home invasion

  • Tuesday, 09 July 2013 12:57


Bandits kill Mahaica man in home invasion


A 27-year old man was Monday night shot dead during an invasion of his home at Mahaicony, East Coast Demerara.
Police said Omadat “Vicky” Persaud of Supply Mahaica was shot to his head by one three bandits who barged into his home around 8:30 PM. Two of the perpetrators carried guns.
Investigators said that Yogendra Naipaul, 38, his wife Omadai Naipaul,38, and their son and daughter were outside of the home when they were confronted by the armed men.   “The perpetrators took them into building where they also held up Omadat Persaud and who was shot to his head in the process,” according to Guyana Police Force spokesman, Ivelaw Whittaker.   The armed men took away a quantity of jewellery and a sum of US currency and escaped.



PPP grassroot Supporters stupid......

Dem would never complain.......

Dem love Jagabat and De Duck.


Yeahhh if yuh believe dem Crab Louse, Vultures,Jagdeo Cockarocah and Donald Political Prostitutes.....there is no place sweet like Guyana.

De place nice-nice....Garmount is a New-ru Tourist Attraction.

Omadat Persaud

Bandits in Supply murder were


Relatives of Omadat Persaud who was killed in a brazen robbery on Monday evening are still trying to figure out why the young farmer was shot by bandits .



Rohee swear eee got de winning formula.....

CR plus BJ  plus DR  =  51% or better


"Now De Goat + Jagabat + De Duck is the winning Formula"...... Rohee


Welcome …

Shabna UllahShabana Ullah... To my blog. I am journalist attached to Stabroek News, covering latest news stories and features mostly around Berbice.

Berbice group nabs pirates after


-hands them over to Suriname police after .....

"De Goat Police"local authorities  fail to respond

Members of the Berbice Anti-Piracy Committee (BAPC) yesterday apprehended four pirates, said to be fishermen from No 43 Village, Corentyne after firing shots at them and turned them over to the Suriname authorities.

The pirates were in the process of robbing a fishing boat in the vicinity off Eversham, Corentyne when members of the BAPC overpowered and arrested them.

They had earlier used a gun and cutlasses to rob two fishing vessels in the Corentyne.

Rohee: Winning De PPP Congress in Berbice is De Real Problem


Nehru seh Berbician Appy....Dem like Ramotar & Jagdeo.

Nehru seh Vulture & Crab louseeating well .....and.....

will not starve under this govt.........

Baseman admit....... he and Bobby Ramroop ......

eating good meat provided by Jagdeo & Ramotar.



"Let's put it simple, one man's meat is another man's poison."

Some will feast....... on anything
A Vulture & A Crab Louse latch on to Corruption
and Support Wrong-doing as acceptable.

Berbice will flush out....

All Vultures & Crab Louse

Last edited by Former Member

Murdered Mahaica farmer begged

for his life

July 10, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

Murdered: Omadat Persaud

For the past year or so, 27-year-old farmer Omadat Persaud waited patiently for his turn to migrate to the United States of America; but in the blink of an eye a bullet to the centre of his forehead snuffled out his life leaving his mother dumbstruck.

Chan Persaud called ‘Aunty Chan’ had returned to Guyana to be with her son until he migrated, but instead she watched helplessly as a gunman pointed a gun at his head and pulled the trigger during a brutal robbery at their Supply, Mahaica home on Monday night.

Like most mothers, ‘Aunty Chan’ did not immediately accept the fact that her only son had succumbed; she thought that he was hospitalized, so she even prepared breakfast and was sending it to the hospital for him yesterday morning. It was only then that she was told that Omadat had passed away hours earlier.

Yesterday the distraught mother tried through sobs and tears to recall the events that led to her tragic state.  She told this newspaper that it was around 19:30 hours; she was upstairs in her two-flat house,while her daughter and son in law, Yogendra Naipaul and his wife Omadai , and their two children who had recently returned to Guyana on holiday, along with son Omadat were in the yard, when the bandits barged in.

Two of the assailants were carrying guns and they quickly confronted their terrified victims. “I was upstairs and when I peep I see the guy in front of me son,” she said. According to ‘Aunty Chan’, her son froze and stared at the gunman who apparently thought that he had recognized him.

Kaieteur News was told that Omadat Persaud knelt on the floor with his hands in the air and begged the gunman to spare his life.

It was at this moment that the bandit, who had a black cloth covering a part of his face, cold-bloodedly squeezed the trigger.

The elderly woman said that after witnessing that she ran to the front room of her house and began screaming in a desperate attempt to alert the neighbours.

 “I see he (killer) but he nah see me, so I had de chance to run at de end room and holler fuh me neighbour, ‘call people, call people thief man deh in de house, dem gat me son ah bottom deh’,” she recounted.

This however did not deter the bandits, who proceeded to herd the rest of the family together in the house, demanding cash and other valuables.

“Me son had a cutlass, dem pull out dat and lash me grandson. He’s only 13 years.

Dem carry me daughter upstairs and seh dat dem want money, and she give dem.

She say, ‘Ow, me ah give alyuh, but alyuh nah kill nobody’, but dem still kill she brother,” Aunty Chan said.

The woman said that after the bandits left she went downstairs to her badly wounded son and cradled him in her arms, willing him to stay alive.

 “He open he mouth fuh talk and is suh de blood coming out ah he mouth,” she added.

During the ordeal, the bandits also duct-taped the face of her granddaughter, to keep her from screaming.

They also dealt Yogenrdra Naipaul a blow to his head with a gun.

The armed men took away a quantity of jewellery and an undisclosed sum of US currency and escaped.

“In twelve minutes dem finish do everything; kill me son and gone,” Mrs. Persaud lamented.

A neighbour told this newspaper that she heard the screaming, but there was nothing that she or her husband could do.

“When we hear de hollering, me peep out de window. I hear dem calling me husband, but den we hear gunshots,” the neighbour said.

She stated that the bandits must have fled through the back of the Persaud’s yard since she did not see them leave through the front.

Other residents recalled hearing the gunshots from relatively long distances away.

“Awe hear bullet and hollering, but awe nah know was wha…is when everything done, den people come and see was wha,” another neighbour stated.

Residents are convinced that the perpetrators are from the Mahaica area, since they seem to be targeting overseas visitors and they appeared to know the Persauds’ yard well.

 “How dem know fuh run through de back whey gat nuff bush?” one resident asked.

 They were not too complimentary of the police, claiming that ranks are often too slow to respond to reports of crime in the community.

One resident told this newspaper that on most occasions the Mahaica Police Station is seriously understaffed.

“In de nights is only one or two police does deh in deh.

Dey use to gat patrol, now dem hardly gat police.

Is only when people play loud music, and beat up dem wife, de police coming quick,” a Mahaica resident declared.

Police said that they are questioning four suspects as they continue their probe into the farmer’s murder.


Nehru.....Guyana prapa.....Nice.....

Jagdeo, Ramotar & Rohee got de whole country Place Sweet...


Police should release anti-crime strategy, capture bandits- G/town Chamber


An East Coast Demerara businessman's vehicle that was shot during an ambush by bandits. Cecil Gajadar survived but his employee, Vincent Da Silva, was shot dead and GUY$8 million stolen. An East Coast Demerara businessman's vehicle that was shot during an ambush by bandits. Cecil Gajadar survived but his employee, Vincent Da Silva, was shot dead and GUY$8 million stolen.

In the wake of a spate of robberies on business places and business persons, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) on Tuesday called on the Guyana Police Force (GPF) to reveal its plan to address the growing scourge.
The city business organisation wants the police force to present its strategy at a seminar scheduled for August 13 to sensitize the private sector on best practices for businesses to secure and protect themselves.
“We are hopeful that the Guyana Police Force can participate in this seminar so as to share its strategy for addressing the recent upsurge in violent crime that is calculated towards the business community,” the GPF said.
Chief of Criminal Investigations, Deputy Police Commissioner Seelall Persaud on Tuesday said the recent wave of multi-million dollar robberies was not the work of an organised gang.  His comments came less than one day after Monday’s robberies on Akbar Auto Sales on North Road,  Steve Cheong’s Rubis-branded gas station on Vlissengen Road, and the deadly invasion of Fuzzy’s mini-mart  in Guyhoc Park.  Persaud said that based on intelligence being gathered and persons being captured, the bandits are not members of one gang.
The GCCI also urged business persons to take precautionary measures to ensure that they have adequate security infrastructure and procedures in place to reduce the likelihood of their businesses being targeted. Another GCCI suggestion is for businesses to use private security services when transporting huge sums of cash and provide advice on implementing security systems and strategies.
The GCCI said it was “alarmed and unsettled at the number of robberies being perpetrated on city businesses and businesspersons.”
“There is a spike in armed and violent criminal acts that is directed towards the business community in the past few months and which has intensified as of late,” said the chamber.
The GCCI called on the police force to respond to vigorously and effectively in apprehending perpetrators of those heinous crimes.
The chamber wants the police to dedicate additional manpower to businesses to prevent robberies from occurring and respond promptly when crimes are reported to the various police stations. “Failure on the part of the GPF to do so would only embolden criminal thugs to intensify their assault on our businesses,” the GCCI added.
Rohee seh if Ramotr ia a Failure...
Give eee De Job.....
Goat aint Bite eee

Fullworks Motor Spares robbed at gun-point

  • Wednesday, 17 July 2013 15:40


Fullworks Motor Spares robbed at gun-point

Fullworks Motor Spares’ East Coast Demerara branch was robbed by two bandits at gunpoint, an official of the enterprise said.
A manager said two men parked a car some distance away from the Good Hope branch and entered the premises around 2:30 PM.
They ordered all the staff members and customers to lay face down. The men carted off an estimated GUY$400,000 from the company and robbed the customers of their valuables.
One of the customers was injured on his nose by the gun butt. One of the bandits was armed with a gun.
Company officials and police were reviewing surveillance video recordings to identify the bandits.

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