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Why only the AFC supporters are crying that Guyana gone to the dogs? Folks, there is ONE Guyana, not TWO. Guyana society made up of the rich, middle class and poor like all nations. We in America have to work every day to make ends meet, and we're doing it with pleasure.

America's economy fell to all-time low and affected the working-class, and we have to live with it. We don't go about cursing America. In this country, the people help themselves and don't sit on their asses and depend on the government handout. I think you guys get it too damn good and easy to come and shed eye water on GNI daily. This nasty habit has to stop. You guys are big and responsible men to behave like that.

Come on folks, let's get real. The whole world is staggering. Some of you should be sent to Africa where people are starving to death. Next time you put a grain of rice in your mouth, remember the African people who're far worse than you and only then you will appreciate what you have. Guyana is a paradise comparing to many countries, and we have to learn to be content with what we have until better come our way. Pray for your country and give thanks and practice the principles your parents taught you. Don't go about cursing the bridge you cross. If you keep up this attitude, you'll always complain no matter where you live.

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Why are long time senior PPP members leaving the PPP ?

People will continue to complain because the PPP rich live off the backs of the poor and only an uneducated person will compare Guyana to a country with over 200 million people and a much established economy.

Get a PPP person to complain about the PPP or try to make changes for the better and their ass will be grass, out the door.
Recent example, published photographs show no furniture in schools, instead of addressing and fixing the problem, the Berbice REO get his sister from a TV station to broadcast it as lies.

If the education minister is really interested in the welfare of the students, why do parents have to protest to get repairs done to schools ?

Cobra, carry you rass and go live with ordinary folks in Guyana. You have been bainwashed too much by the PPP free taxpayers boose in the US.
Originally posted by Cobra:
Why only the AFC supporters are crying that Guyana gone to the dogs? Folks, there is ONE Guyana, not TWO. Guyana society made up of the rich, middle class and poor like all nations. We in America have to work every day to make ends meet, and we're doing it with pleasure.

America's economy fell to all-time low and affected the working-class, and we have to live with it. We don't go about cursing America. In this country, the people help themselves and don't sit on their asses and depend on the government handout. I think you guys get it too damn good and easy to come and shed eye water on GNI daily. This nasty habit has to stop. You guys are big and responsible men to behave like that.

Come on folks, let's get real. The whole world is staggering. Some of you should be sent to Africa where people are starving to death. Next time you put a grain of rice in your mouth, remember the African people who're far worse than you and only then you will appreciate what you have. Guyana is a paradise comparing to many countries, and we have to learn to be content with what we have until better come our way. Pray for your country and give thanks and practice the principles your parents taught you. Don't go about cursing the bridge you cross. If you keep up this attitude, you'll always complain no matter where you live.

Adolescent ranting by the ignorant.

THIS is what you PPP idiots call argument . . .?!
Cause he is a Snakeoil Salesman who still believe he lives in the 18th Century. This is how DUMB these Guys ARE!!! On another thread he stated that it is not a BIG Deal that one of KFC Meeting got 5 People. Laad Ah Mercy with these Brainless baboons!!!
Originally posted by Cobra:
If you used to mature discussion why are you here?
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by Cobra:
Why only the AFC supporters are crying that Guyana gone to the dogs? Folks, there is ONE Guyana, not TWO. Guyana society made up of the rich, middle class and poor like all nations. We in America have to work every day to make ends meet, and we're doing it with pleasure.

America's economy fell to all-time low and affected the working-class, and we have to live with it. We don't go about cursing America. In this country, the people help themselves and don't sit on their asses and depend on the government handout. I think you guys get it too damn good and easy to come and shed eye water on GNI daily. This nasty habit has to stop. You guys are big and responsible men to behave like that.

Come on folks, let's get real. The whole world is staggering. Some of you should be sent to Africa where people are starving to death. Next time you put a grain of rice in your mouth, remember the African people who're far worse than you and only then you will appreciate what you have. Guyana is a paradise comparing to many countries, and we have to learn to be content with what we have until better come our way. Pray for your country and give thanks and practice the principles your parents taught you. Don't go about cursing the bridge you cross. If you keep up this attitude, you'll always complain no matter where you live.

Adolescent ranting by the ignorant.

THIS is what you PPP idiots call argument . . .?!

Most of these people hold important positions in the GOG, yet they have not graduated from primry school and in the case of the Berbice regional chairman, have to be propped up by the regional education officer.
They work together to discredit any truth/grievence coming from the region.
Thus the unprofessional management of the region.
Most of these people hold important positions in the GOG, yet they have not graduated from primry school and in the case of the Berbice regional chairman, have to be propped up by the regional education officer.
They work together to discredit any truth/grievence coming from the region.
Thus the unprofessional management of the region.

And you couldn't wait for a little prop from an anti-America, pro Chavez little prick, redux. In your book, redux must be a savior to the cause. Redux is as bias and racist as they come.
Originally posted by Cobra:
Most of these people hold important positions in the GOG, yet they have not graduated from primry school and in the case of the Berbice regional chairman, have to be propped up by the regional education officer.
They work together to discredit any truth/grievence coming from the region.
Thus the unprofessional management of the region.

And you couldn't wait for a little prop from an anti-America, pro Chavez little prick, redux. In your book, redux must be a savior to the cause. Redux is as bias and racist as they come.

Really now??!

Stupid is a bad bad disease.
Originally posted by Tola:
Why are long time senior PPP members leaving the PPP ?

People will continue to complain because the PPP rich live off the backs of the poor and only an uneducated person will compare Guyana to a country with over 200 million people and a much established economy.

Get a PPP person to complain about the PPP or try to make changes for the better and their ass will be grass, out the door.
Recent example, published photographs show no furniture in schools, instead of addressing and fixing the problem, the Berbice REO get his sister from a TV station to broadcast it as lies.

If the education minister is really interested in the welfare of the students, why do parents have to protest to get repairs done to schools ?

Cobra, carry you rass and go live with ordinary folks in Guyana. You have been bainwashed too much by the PPP free taxpayers boose in the US.

I can assure you as a PPP man in GY on the ground this is the general sentiment I am getting from a lot of people and that is why when you go into the villages we are not getting people to come out to our meetings. Dem nah gat time fuh we no mo.
Originally posted by Cobra:
Why only the AFC supporters are crying that Guyana gone to the dogs? Folks, there is ONE Guyana, not TWO. Guyana society made up of the rich, middle class and poor like all nations. We in America have to work every day to make ends meet, and we're doing it with pleasure.

America's economy fell to all-time low and affected the working-class, and we have to live with it. We don't go about cursing America. In this country, the people help themselves and don't sit on their asses and depend on the government handout. I think you guys get it too damn good and easy to come and shed eye water on GNI daily. This nasty habit has to stop. You guys are big and responsible men to behave like that.

Come on folks, let's get real. The whole world is staggering. Some of you should be sent to Africa where people are starving to death. Next time you put a grain of rice in your mouth, remember the African people who're far worse than you and only then you will appreciate what you have. Guyana is a paradise comparing to many countries, and we have to learn to be content with what we have until better come our way. Pray for your country and give thanks and practice the principles your parents taught you. Don't go about cursing the bridge you cross. If you keep up this attitude, you'll always complain no matter where you live.
If Guyana was going to the dogs then that would have been the easy hill to climb. We are unfortunately confronted with Guyana going into the pockets of the curoptocrats in the PPP. We fear the rise of a new Suharto like dynasty in Guyana where the kith and kin of the PPP cabal will steal the whole damn country from under us.

Our present presidential candidate has shown great aptitude for continuing the PPP's corrupt practices. He has a deep legacy of kith and kin nepotism and sitting on important positions while doing nothing to aid the Guyanese people. Instead he has become one of the rags to riches story of the decade and all on being adroit at the grift!

I do not care to hear stories of other nations plight. No one agrees that abusing ones wife is tolerable ( maybe the PPP clan with the way the treated Jagdeos cruel abuse of Varshnie) because it exists in next door. Even god does not excuse a sinner because other sinners exists. Every sinner is accountable for their personal sins.
Originally posted by Cobra:
They say when you curse your country you also curse your mother. How can you guys digest that?
I think you have had idiots for teachers. countries. states are artificial entities and only emerged into the lexicon of modern languages in the past 200 years. Prior to that we were tribals first and nationalism and nations had different meanings. Go improve your understanding of this by getting a book on the matter and stop insulting your mother.
Originally posted by D2:
I think you have had idiots for teachers.

Don't blame he teachers. Doing more than performing miracles is above their pay grade. Somehow he equated disappointment at the current leadership with hating Guyana not taking the time to consider that most if not all of us post here because we like Guyana.
Originally posted by chameli:
Originally posted by raymond:
20 tonnes materials
Roger Khan
SAt Sawh
Ed Ahmed

Ray I believe is referring to the PPP Gov't's refusal to accept help from the Canadian RCMP and Foreign Ministry in solving Sash Sawh's murder. But he can answer for himself.
Originally posted by Cobra:
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by Cobra:
If you used to mature discussion why are you here?

Do you see me dignifying your foolishness with counter argument?

Then stay the F out...and mind your business you fool.

I love Guyana and unlike you I have interests there. Even your PPP supporters are running away to live in fowl coops and dog sheds on the Islands in the WI. WHY?

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