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Irfaan Ali

Irfaan Ali

October 11 2019


Almost nine months after being selected as the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) presidential candidate for next year’s general elections, Irfaan Ali is yet to detail how one of the key planks of his campaign so far – the creation of 50,000 jobs – would be achieved.

Ali has not responded to requests from Stabroek News for more details on the proposal and instead pointed to an interview posted on his Facebook page on July 1, 2019. In that interview, Ali indicated that the 50,000 jobs will come from the mining, forestry, environmental, and other sectors. He, however, did not source the figures he cited and while he spoke about how some jobs will be created, the figures did not amount to the 50,000 promised.

Stabroek News had asked Ali to explain how he intends to deliver on his promise to create 50,000 jobs. Apart from directing this newspaper to the July 1 interview, the PPP presidential candidate, who thus far has kept press interactions to a minimum, also asked Stabroek News to message him via WhatsApp if there was need to clarify anything in that interview. Messages requesting clarification were sent up to September 25th but, to date, Ali has not responded. An attempt to reach him by phone was also unsuccessful as it went unanswered.

Previously, Ali had spoken about the proposal in broad terms. In April, in response to questions from Stabroek News, he said that some of the job-creation approaches will include but [are] not limited to: reorienting the spending in the budget towards job creation which can see 10,000 more jobs; 11,000 jobs resulting from the reopening of closed sugar estates; 5,000 jobs through the development and implementation of a pragmatic local content policy and legislation for the oil and gas sector; and another 15,000 from the expansion of several service-related sectors, including Infor-mation and Communications Technology (ICT). He has not provided further details.

President David Granger has issued a proclamation naming March 2, 2020 as the date for general and regional elections and the various political groupings are said to be compiling their manifestos. In April, Ali had said that with the PPP finalising its manifesto, the public would see an elaborate plan in terms of job creation, revival of various industries and the creation of new sectors. This plan is yet to be made public.

In his July 1 interview, Ali claimed that 39,000 jobs have been lost since the A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) coalition government took the reins of government in 2015. He, however, did not give the source of his statistics. He identified several sectors in which he proposes to facilitate job creation through various initiatives.

Mining  and forestry

In terms of mining, Ali claimed that in 2014, 3,000 dredges were operating in the mining sector, each of them employing about five persons directly, and facilitating indirect employment in businesses which service the sector. He alleged that since 2014, the “draconian measures” of the current government have caused investors to “hold back investment,” reducing the  number of dredges operating by 40 per cent, and wiping out 6,000 direct jobs, and an undisclosed number of indirect jobs.

According to Ali, he plans to correct the contraction through tax concessions for small and medium scale miners. He said that he would also implement a 2 per cent royalty on gold and eliminate “onerous” documentation requirements placed on small and medium scale miners. He also promised to address issues of bad roads, high fuel costs, and allocation of mining blocks.

Ali claimed that such initiatives would stimulate re-investment, new investment, and replace the jobs lost, while adding more. He did not, however, clearly demonstrate how these actions would create the 6,000 plus jobs in this sector he has promised.

Regarding forestry, Ali said that in 2014, 25,000 persons were employed in the sector but since then, this number has fallen to 19,000. Again, Ali did not share the source of his statistics. The loss of these 6,000, jobs, he said, is attributable to bad policies, and incompetence by the coalition government since 2015. 

Ali promised to stimulate activity in this sector by rebuilding community forestry organisations, returning concessions he said were taken from these organisations, and giving them additional concessions. This did, and will, he assured, provide its members with much needed jobs and revenue for members.

Ali also promised to incentivize value-added processing in the forestry sector. Various incentives were granted by successive PPP/C administrations to companies for value-added production but little has materialised. Millions in concessions were granted by the PPP/C government to Chinese logging company Baishanlin, and Indian logging company Vaitarna Holdings Private Inc (VHPI) which had operated here for years – since 2006 and 2010 respectively.  As part of their licences, both companies were required to set up value-added operations. However, in 2016, Baishanlin’s concession were seized as they had not moved to value-added and they have since left Guyana, having never set up value-added operations.

Vaitarna, after limited movement on this matter and following warnings by the current administration to rescind its licence if it did not fulfil its obligations, started value-added operations in 2015, and has indicated that it has plans to scale up these operations. 

Despite the companies not adhering to their promises for years, the PPP/C government never held the companies to account for their failures in setting up value-added facilities.

In his July 1 interview, Ali said that cheap energy is key to stimulating value-added processing in the forestry sector, and promised to address this issue. He also spoke of an intention to link goods produced in the forestry sector to the housing sector, while employing various strategies, including rebates, to stimulate demand for forestry products.

Ali also said that plans to invigorate the forestry sector include bilateral agreements to increase Guyana’s market share in existing foreign markets, while also breaking into new markets.

Environmental Services

Ali also noted that the Low Carbon Development Strategy, pioneered by opposition leader Bharrat Jagdeo when he was President, and which saw Guyana receiving revenue in exchange for protecting its forests, was to be used to fund initiatives including community shops and other projects, including Amerindian land titling, which, he said, would create jobs for surveyors. He said that under his presidency, the initiative would be managed effectively towards achieving the goals established by the strategy.

Ali projected that under this strategy, at least 1,000 jobs would be created. He did not specify how these jobs would be created

He also referenced intentions to create jobs in financial services to allow foreign companies to offer their services in Guyana through local financial professionals. He did not say how many jobs this particular undertaking is projected to create if implemented.

Ali also promised to stimulate the technical services sector by streamlining curriculums to match the needs of society, thus allowing more employable technicians to be produced. He did not say how many jobs this undertaking is likely to create if implemented.

Further, in his July 1 interview, Ali proposed to examine the possibility of qualifying industrial parts as zero-rated items to incentivise investors to invest in this sector. He also promised to create a special fund to stimulate business and innovation, and said he would increase grants to small and medium sized businesses. These initiatives would be coupled with entrepreneurial training, linking entrepreneurs to innovation, and facilitating seed capital to entrepreneurs to allow them to enter the business market. He did not say how many jobs this undertaking would generate.

Rural enterprise development

Finally, Ali said that he would seeks ways to reduce the cost of production incurred by farmers in their operations, and find ways to make farming more attractive to young people. He did not say how his government proposed to accomplish this particular task.

Under this heading, Ali also mentioned the need to stimulate the processing of agricultural produce, the opening up of new lands to facilitate more farms, and the facilitation of mega farms. Again, Ali did not say how many jobs these undertakings are expected to create.

Despite not stating the number of jobs likely to be produced for most of the initiatives floated, Ali said that they, along with plans for the oil and gas, housing, and other sectors, will create the 50,000 jobs he has promised, and even more.

Ali is currently facing 19 fraud charges over the allocation of house lots to fellow Cabinet members and other persons in the Pradoville 2 Housing Scheme during his tenure as Housing Minister. The basis of the charges is that the lands were sold far below market value. He has mounted a challenge in the High Court to have the charges dismissed. In August, Ali lost his bid in the Court of Appeal to have the matter stayed after Appellate Judge Dawn Gregory explained that having looked at the merits of the substantive appeal, it was clear that it had no arguable prospect of success. His lawyers have since indicated that they would file another application at the Court of Appeal for a stay.

Ali has also been dogged by questions about the authenticity of his academic qualifications since the announcement of his candidacy to lead the opposition into the next elections. In April, he claimed that he has made all his transcripts and certificates public on his Facebook page and said that he had no further comments on the matter. On Ali’s Facebook page, no photographs, documents or any other material related to his qualifications were found by this newspaper.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Drugb posted:

he gun hire nuff ah dem people fuh pick up all de litter around de country created when dem pnc bais discard dem food bax in de gutta. 

...he gon scrape em clean and make nice big sandwiches with de scraps for his dinner. Guyana's recycle bin tarassss.

Last edited by cain
cain posted:
Drugb posted:

he gun hire nuff ah dem people fuh pick up all de litter around de country created when dem pnc bais discard dem food bax in de gutta. 

...he gon scrape em clean and make nice big sandwiches with de scraps for his dinner. Guyana's recycle bin tarassss.

And you were saying how the man is rich. Now the man gat to eat scraps. Make up your mind. Or are you saying that the present govt is so terrible that now even the rich become poor and have to eat scraps? lol



Zed posted:
cain posted:
Drugb posted:

he gun hire nuff ah dem people fuh pick up all de litter around de country created when dem pnc bais discard dem food bax in de gutta. 

...he gon scrape em clean and make nice big sandwiches with de scraps for his dinner. Guyana's recycle bin tarassss.

And you were saying how the man is rich. Now the man gat to eat scraps. Make up your mind. Or are you saying that the present govt is so terrible that now even the rich become poor and have to eat scraps? lol



I never said anything about Irfart being rich, I have said (as many others here) he is outta shape...probably eats too much..BIG FAT..oops.I mean HUGE difference.

Last edited by cain

Thanks for the correction. It is insightful that you used ‘probable’. Educative for some here. There are many reasons why an individual is over-weight.

presently on the Essequibo Coast, enjoying the little warmth from the rising sun, cool sea breeze and the beautiful view of the ocean.  This is why I love it so much here and try to come here as often as possible.







cain posted:
Zed posted:
cain posted:
Drugb posted:

he gun hire nuff ah dem people fuh pick up all de litter around de country created when dem pnc bais discard dem food bax in de gutta. 

...he gon scrape em clean and make nice big sandwiches with de scraps for his dinner. Guyana's recycle bin tarassss.

And you were saying how the man is rich. Now the man gat to eat scraps. Make up your mind. Or are you saying that the present govt is so terrible that now even the rich become poor and have to eat scraps? lol



I never said anything about Irfart being rich, I have said (as many others here) he is outta shape...probably eats too much..BIG FAT..oops.I mean HUGE difference.

You never said good of any Indian much less any PPP personality!

Gwan suh you anti-Indian racist!

Zed posted:

Thanks for the correction. It is insightful that you used ‘probable’. Educative for some here. There are many reasons why an individual is over-weight.

presently on the Essequibo Coast, enjoying the little warmth from the rising sun, cool sea breeze and the beautiful view of the ocean.  This is why I love it so much here and try to come here as often as possible.

Don’t believe that racist punk.  You caught him bare ass so he doing a Michael Jackson. 

He is one who chant the mantra that the PPP got rich by corruption. I don’t disagree that there was corruption but I’m pointing to his inconsistent nonsense. 

How come, as he claims, everyone got rich yet this multi-generational PPP insider remained poor and will eat scraps?

They play a different tune everyday! 

The PNC not corrupt, but they bankrupt the nation once and threatening another implosion. 

So take you pick of spaghetti!

Last edited by Former Member

There is no doubt that the PNC is highly incompetent and when coupled with their natural inclination to be lawless they present a clear and instant danger to Guyana. That I agree with. I don’t agree that the Cainman is anti-Indian. I do agree that he is staunchly anti-PPP.


Doan worry with that turd , he stays away from certain threads because he knows he would look like a fool such as the one on his hero Trump, but post nuff shyte on some threads to try putting others down with his dam lies. (Hence he stays away from the Trump thread, he adores liars but ashamed to show it)

Kaz, I am anti PPP for the same reason I am anti Republican...they stand behind corrupt people and don't give a dam for their country.

Last edited by cain
cain posted:


Kaz, I am anti PPP for the same reason I am anti Republican...they stand behind corrupt people and don't give a dam for their country.

I have no problem with this bai. I too may be anti PPP (in fact, I am not even pro PPP) but I stand on the side of the PPP because it is the most effective way to be anti PNC. I will always be anti PNC because I lived through their high handedness until I left Guyana in 1987. Those were very dark days, dark days as the ones when those PNC supported terrorists terrified Guyana some 15 years ago. To add to that, the current PNC does not look any bit reformed from the ones that I left there in 1987.

ksazma posted:

I have no problem with this bai. I too may be anti PPP (in fact, I am not even pro PPP) but I stand on the side of the PPP because it is the most effective way to be anti PNC. I will always be anti PNC because I lived through their high handedness until I left Guyana in 1987. Those were very dark days, dark days as the ones when those PNC supported terrorists terrified Guyana some 15 years ago. To add to that, the current PNC does not look any bit reformed from the ones that I left there in 1987.

makes one wonder at your Klan importunings

your manifesto that "blacks are the scourge of the world" puts paid to the excuse fakery about "PNC"

Black folks in America who by and large welcomed you and yours to these shores as fellow people of color left scratching their heads at the anti-black racist vomit spewing from your anus doubling as a speech orifice

but then again you learned much at the feet of your senior . . . another black skin refugee racist going by the handle "skeldon_man"

poor effort mini_me . . . not clever at all

Last edited by Former Member
cain posted:

Oi man, left Kaz alone, like many, he obviously saw no good in the PNC and that is his right to feel the way he does about them.

i will not

especially since my HIGHLIGHTING his crude anti-black racism has NOTHING to do with his negative feelings about "PNC"

anti-PNC is legion on GNI . . . do you see me spending time calling people out on that?

what does that tell you?

sh!t, even i am principled anti-PNC more often than not

nb. i bolded his multiple mentions of "PNC" in my previous response only to point out that it is a smokescreen

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
cain posted:

Oi man, left Kaz alone, like many, he obviously saw no good in the PNC and that is his right to feel the way he does about them.

i will not

especially since my HIGHLIGHTING his crude anti-black racism has NOTHING to do with his negative feelings about "PNC"

anti-PNC is legion on GNI . . . do you see me spending time calling people out on that?

what does that tell you?

sh!t, even i am principled anti-PNC more often than not

nb. i bolded his multiple mentions of "PNC" in my previous response only to point out that it is a smokescreen

Hahahahhahahahahah [laughing like a maniac] this shill so full of himself he doesn't even know his pnc shit can be smell from miles away......

sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
cain posted:

Oi man, left Kaz alone, like many, he obviously saw no good in the PNC and that is his right to feel the way he does about them.

i will not

especially since my HIGHLIGHTING his crude anti-black racism has NOTHING to do with his negative feelings about "PNC"

anti-PNC is legion on GNI . . . do you see me spending time calling people out on that?

what does that tell you?

sh!t, even i am principled anti-PNC more often than not

nb. i bolded his multiple mentions of "PNC" in my previous response only to point out that it is a smokescreen

Hahahahhahahahahah [laughing like a maniac] this shill so full of himself he doesn't even know his pnc shit can be smell from miles away......

i guess this is the 'assist' alyuh thumbsucking braintrust come up with to 'divert' from the uncomfortable facts i set out about y'all good fren the ignorant, IDEOLOGICAL anti-black, Klan wannabe racist

uh huh

ronan posted:
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
cain posted:

Oi man, left Kaz alone, like many, he obviously saw no good in the PNC and that is his right to feel the way he does about them.

i will not

especially since my HIGHLIGHTING his crude anti-black racism has NOTHING to do with his negative feelings about "PNC"

anti-PNC is legion on GNI . . . do you see me spending time calling people out on that?

what does that tell you?

sh!t, even i am principled anti-PNC more often than not

nb. i bolded his multiple mentions of "PNC" in my previous response only to point out that it is a smokescreen

Hahahahhahahahahah [laughing like a maniac] this shill so full of himself he doesn't even know his pnc shit can be smell from miles away......

i guess this is the 'assist' alyuh thumbsucking braintrust come up with to 'divert' from the uncomfortable facts i set out about y'all good fren the ignorant, IDEOLOGICAL anti-black, Klan wannabe racist

uh huh

Non sequitur ….. to your "I am principled anti-PNC more often than not" call a friend and come then I might ketch my breath and ready for another laugh....

sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
cain posted:

Oi man, left Kaz alone, like many, he obviously saw no good in the PNC and that is his right to feel the way he does about them.

i will not

especially since my HIGHLIGHTING his crude anti-black racism has NOTHING to do with his negative feelings about "PNC"

anti-PNC is legion on GNI . . . do you see me spending time calling people out on that?

what does that tell you?

sh!t, even i am principled anti-PNC more often than not

nb. i bolded his multiple mentions of "PNC" in my previous response only to point out that it is a smokescreen

Hahahahhahahahahah [laughing like a maniac] this shill so full of himself he doesn't even know his pnc shit can be smell from miles away......

i guess this is the 'assist' alyuh thumbsucking braintrust come up with to 'divert' from the uncomfortable facts i set out about y'all good fren the ignorant, IDEOLOGICAL anti-black, Klan wannabe racist

uh huh

Non sequitur ….. to your "I am principled anti-PNC more often than not" call a friend and come then I might ketch my breath and ready for another laugh....

your use of "non-sequitur" here is hilarious

and ILLITERATE! . . . shhhhhhhh

trying oh soooo hard to be me and pratfalling tarass

har har

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
cain posted:

Oi man, left Kaz alone, like many, he obviously saw no good in the PNC and that is his right to feel the way he does about them.

i will not

especially since my HIGHLIGHTING his crude anti-black racism has NOTHING to do with his negative feelings about "PNC"

anti-PNC is legion on GNI . . . do you see me spending time calling people out on that?

what does that tell you?

sh!t, even i am principled anti-PNC more often than not

nb. i bolded his multiple mentions of "PNC" in my previous response only to point out that it is a smokescreen

Hahahahhahahahahah [laughing like a maniac] this shill so full of himself he doesn't even know his pnc shit can be smell from miles away......

i guess this is the 'assist' alyuh thumbsucking braintrust come up with to 'divert' from the uncomfortable facts i set out about y'all good fren the ignorant, IDEOLOGICAL anti-black, Klan wannabe racist

uh huh

Non sequitur ….. to your "I am principled anti-PNC more often than not" call a friend and come then I might ketch my breath and ready for another laugh....

your use of "non-sequitur" here is hilarious

and ILLITERATE! . . . shhhhhhhh

trying oh soooo hard to be me

har har

More like being whipped with your own whip... 

sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
sachin_05 posted:

Non sequitur ….. to your "I am principled anti-PNC more often than not" call a friend and come then I might ketch my breath and ready for another laugh....

your use of "non-sequitur" here is hilarious

and ILLITERATE! . . . shhhhhhhh

trying oh soooo hard to be me

har har

More like being whipped with your own whip... 

you ought to be paying me for the English, formatting and composition lessons

unfortunately, any training for you in even the basics of formal logic is impossible given your low breeding and IQ


ronan posted:
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
sachin_05 posted:

Non sequitur ….. to your "I am principled anti-PNC more often than not" call a friend and come then I might ketch my breath and ready for another laugh....

your use of "non-sequitur" here is hilarious

and ILLITERATE! . . . shhhhhhhh

trying oh soooo hard to be me

har har

More like being whipped with your own whip... 

you ought to be paying me for the English, formatting and composition lessons

unfortunately, any training for you in even the basics of formal logic is impossible given your low breeding and IQ


Hahahahahah[laughing like never before] you are good...keep it coming ….

sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
cain posted:

Oi man, left Kaz alone, like many, he obviously saw no good in the PNC and that is his right to feel the way he does about them.

i will not

especially since my HIGHLIGHTING his crude anti-black racism has NOTHING to do with his negative feelings about "PNC"

anti-PNC is legion on GNI . . . do you see me spending time calling people out on that?

what does that tell you?

sh!t, even i am principled anti-PNC more often than not

nb. i bolded his multiple mentions of "PNC" in my previous response only to point out that it is a smokescreen

Hahahahhahahahahah [laughing like a maniac] this shill so full of himself he doesn't even know his pnc shit can be smell from miles away......

i guess this is the 'assist' alyuh thumbsucking braintrust come up with to 'divert' from the uncomfortable facts i set out about y'all good fren the ignorant, IDEOLOGICAL anti-black, Klan wannabe racist

uh huh

Non sequitur ….. to your "I am principled anti-PNC more often than not" call a friend and come then I might ketch my breath and ready for another laugh....

your use of "non-sequitur" here is hilarious

and ILLITERATE! . . . shhhhhhhh

trying oh soooo hard to be me

har har

More like being whipped with your own whip... 

Bai, dat banna reminds me of dem lil black picknees in Guyana when dem see a fallen mango pun de ground in front of dem. They feel like dem just gat de whole world. I never expected one to be in that desperately low esteem to need that level of comfort to feel some sense of worth.

ksazma posted:

Bai, dat banna reminds me of dem lil black picknees in Guyana when dem see a fallen mango pun de ground in front of dem. They feel like dem just gat de whole world.

owww skeldon_man mini me . . . is that "PNC" or an addendum to your "blacks are the scourge of the world" manifesto still awaiting approval by the Florida Klan?

tell abie nah

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

I saw the plan. There will be 50k jobs.

However, the PNC can claim it will happen under them as development accelerates given oil money!

What you had for breakfast this morning ??

That depends on who he had breakfast with - Grainger, Bake and saltfish; Jagdeo, dhall puri with duck curry; Shuman, cassava bread with pepper pot. Unlike yall who PPP and PNC gat ahyuh drinking dhall and lime wata, the Base has all the bases covered....

Baseman posted:

I saw the plan. There will be 50k jobs. However, the PNC can claim it will happen under them as development accelerates given oil money!

PNC has never been responsible for any net job creation so their claim will be as ridiculous as all of their other claims. Including the one that 32 is greater than 33. 

sachin_05 posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

I saw the plan. There will be 50k jobs.

However, the PNC can claim it will happen under them as development accelerates given oil money!

What you had for breakfast this morning ??

That depends on who he had breakfast with - Grainger, Bake and saltfish; Jagdeo, dhall puri with duck curry; Shuman, cassava bread with pepper pot. Unlike yall who PPP and PNC gat ahyuh drinking dhall and lime wata, the Base has all the bases covered....

The Base is the real McCoy. 

sachin_05 posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

I saw the plan. There will be 50k jobs.

However, the PNC can claim it will happen under them as development accelerates given oil money!

What you had for breakfast this morning ??

That depends on who he had breakfast with - Grainger, Bake and saltfish; Jagdeo, dhall puri with duck curry; Shuman, cassava bread with pepper pot. Unlike yall who PPP and PNC gat ahyuh drinking dhall and lime wata, the Base has all the bases covered....

Don’t bother wid he rass.  I remember he with he big mouth the day of the NCV, vote leff he rass wid White mouth!

Baseman posted:
sachin_05 posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

I saw the plan. There will be 50k jobs.

However, the PNC can claim it will happen under them as development accelerates given oil money!

What you had for breakfast this morning ??

That depends on who he had breakfast with - Grainger, Bake and saltfish; Jagdeo, dhall puri with duck curry; Shuman, cassava bread with pepper pot. Unlike yall who PPP and PNC gat ahyuh drinking dhall and lime wata, the Base has all the bases covered....

Don’t bother wid he rass.  I remember he with he big mouth the day of the NCV, vote leff he rass wid White mouth!

Ha..ha..ha.. you had inside information then ? I became suspicious when that person was seen siting behind Charran. Can't figure how the Coalition Gov't didn't take that seriously , they believed and trust Charran too much, anyway that issue settled.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
sachin_05 posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

I saw the plan. There will be 50k jobs.

However, the PNC can claim it will happen under them as development accelerates given oil money!

What you had for breakfast this morning ??

That depends on who he had breakfast with - Grainger, Bake and saltfish; Jagdeo, dhall puri with duck curry; Shuman, cassava bread with pepper pot. Unlike yall who PPP and PNC gat ahyuh drinking dhall and lime wata, the Base has all the bases covered....

Don’t bother wid he rass.  I remember he with he big mouth the day of the NCV, vote leff he rass wid White mouth!

Ha..ha..ha.. you had inside information then ? I became suspicious when that person was seen siting behind Charran. Can't figure how the Coalition Gov't didn't take that seriously , anyway that issue settled.

Because they arrogant!  Watch them lose this election!

Baseman posted:
sachin_05 posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

I saw the plan. There will be 50k jobs.

However, the PNC can claim it will happen under them as development accelerates given oil money!

What you had for breakfast this morning ??

That depends on who he had breakfast with - Grainger, Bake and saltfish; Jagdeo, dhall puri with duck curry; Shuman, cassava bread with pepper pot. Unlike yall who PPP and PNC gat ahyuh drinking dhall and lime wata, the Base has all the bases covered....

Don’t bother wid he rass.  I remember he with he big mouth the day of the NCV, vote leff he rass wid White mouth!

Soon after the 2015 elections, my big brother Django used to tell me that he is a strong proponent of rotating governments. Since then and especially over the past year he has been gleefully preaching that the PPP is never getting into government because the Indian population is declining. Now that is a reasonable assessment given Guyana's racial politics. Nothing wrong with that. Unfortunately, he doesn't display the same disgust toward the mostly PNC led 'Coalition' where their support include almost 100% black (and as Cribby would venture, Mixed) votes. One thing is for sure, the PPP does not get almost 100% Indian support as many do support the Coalition. So that makes the PPP's prognosis of getting into power again even stronger than never. 

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
sachin_05 posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

I saw the plan. There will be 50k jobs.

However, the PNC can claim it will happen under them as development accelerates given oil money!

What you had for breakfast this morning ??

That depends on who he had breakfast with - Grainger, Bake and saltfish; Jagdeo, dhall puri with duck curry; Shuman, cassava bread with pepper pot. Unlike yall who PPP and PNC gat ahyuh drinking dhall and lime wata, the Base has all the bases covered....

Don’t bother wid he rass.  I remember he with he big mouth the day of the NCV, vote leff he rass wid White mouth!

Ha..ha..ha.. you had inside information then ? I became suspicious when that person was seen siting behind Charran. Can't figure how the Coalition Gov't didn't take that seriously , anyway that issue settled.

Because they arrogant!  Watch them lose this election!

They are not going to lose the elections. They have their rigging machine in place. They will be as legitimate as their ones of 1968, 1973, 1980 & 1985. 

ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
sachin_05 posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

I saw the plan. There will be 50k jobs.

However, the PNC can claim it will happen under them as development accelerates given oil money!

What you had for breakfast this morning ??

That depends on who he had breakfast with - Grainger, Bake and saltfish; Jagdeo, dhall puri with duck curry; Shuman, cassava bread with pepper pot. Unlike yall who PPP and PNC gat ahyuh drinking dhall and lime wata, the Base has all the bases covered....

Don’t bother wid he rass.  I remember he with he big mouth the day of the NCV, vote leff he rass wid White mouth!

Soon after the 2015 elections,

my big brother Django used to tell me that he is a strong proponent of rotating governments.

Since then and especially over the past year he has been gleefully preaching that the PPP is never getting into government because the Indian population is declining. Now that is a reasonable assessment given Guyana's racial politics. Nothing wrong with that. Unfortunately, he doesn't display the same disgust toward the mostly PNC led 'Coalition' where their support include almost 100% black (and as Cribby would venture, Mixed) votes. One thing is for sure, the PPP does not get almost 100% Indian support as many do support the Coalition. So that makes the PPP's prognosis of getting into power again even stronger than never. 

That view haven't changed .

The PPP will get back in power after the party, seriously contemplates a make over. They will learn their lesson after the March 2020 elections.

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
sachin_05 posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

I saw the plan. There will be 50k jobs.

However, the PNC can claim it will happen under them as development accelerates given oil money!

What you had for breakfast this morning ??

That depends on who he had breakfast with - Grainger, Bake and saltfish; Jagdeo, dhall puri with duck curry; Shuman, cassava bread with pepper pot. Unlike yall who PPP and PNC gat ahyuh drinking dhall and lime wata, the Base has all the bases covered....

Don’t bother wid he rass.  I remember he with he big mouth the day of the NCV, vote leff he rass wid White mouth!

Ha..ha..ha.. you had inside information then ? I became suspicious when that person was seen siting behind Charran. Can't figure how the Coalition Gov't didn't take that seriously , anyway that issue settled.

Because they arrogant!  Watch them lose this election!

Doubt that !!!

Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
sachin_05 posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

I saw the plan. There will be 50k jobs.

However, the PNC can claim it will happen under them as development accelerates given oil money!

What you had for breakfast this morning ??

That depends on who he had breakfast with - Grainger, Bake and saltfish; Jagdeo, dhall puri with duck curry; Shuman, cassava bread with pepper pot. Unlike yall who PPP and PNC gat ahyuh drinking dhall and lime wata, the Base has all the bases covered....

Don’t bother wid he rass.  I remember he with he big mouth the day of the NCV, vote leff he rass wid White mouth!

Soon after the 2015 elections,

my big brother Django used to tell me that he is a strong proponent of rotating governments.

Since then and especially over the past year he has been gleefully preaching that the PPP is never getting into government because the Indian population is declining. Now that is a reasonable assessment given Guyana's racial politics. Nothing wrong with that. Unfortunately, he doesn't display the same disgust toward the mostly PNC led 'Coalition' where their support include almost 100% black (and as Cribby would venture, Mixed) votes. One thing is for sure, the PPP does not get almost 100% Indian support as many do support the Coalition. So that makes the PPP's prognosis of getting into power again even stronger than never. 

That view haven't changed .

The PPP will get back in power after the party, seriously contemplates a make over. They will learn their lesson after the March 2020 elections.

Bai, if the PPP needs a make-over, then the PNC desperately needs an exorcism. 

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
sachin_05 posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

I saw the plan. There will be 50k jobs.

However, the PNC can claim it will happen under them as development accelerates given oil money!

What you had for breakfast this morning ??

That depends on who he had breakfast with - Grainger, Bake and saltfish; Jagdeo, dhall puri with duck curry; Shuman, cassava bread with pepper pot. Unlike yall who PPP and PNC gat ahyuh drinking dhall and lime wata, the Base has all the bases covered....

Don’t bother wid he rass.  I remember he with he big mouth the day of the NCV, vote leff he rass wid White mouth!

Soon after the 2015 elections,

my big brother Django used to tell me that he is a strong proponent of rotating governments.

Since then and especially over the past year he has been gleefully preaching that the PPP is never getting into government because the Indian population is declining. Now that is a reasonable assessment given Guyana's racial politics. Nothing wrong with that. Unfortunately, he doesn't display the same disgust toward the mostly PNC led 'Coalition' where their support include almost 100% black (and as Cribby would venture, Mixed) votes. One thing is for sure, the PPP does not get almost 100% Indian support as many do support the Coalition. So that makes the PPP's prognosis of getting into power again even stronger than never. 

That view haven't changed .

The PPP will get back in power after the party, seriously contemplates a make over. They will learn their lesson after the March 2020 elections.

Bai, if the PPP needs a make-over, then the PNC desperately needs an exorcism. 


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