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Bai Skelly,

Base made an excellent observation yesterday. He stated that PPP has to stop allowing the PNC to play the court game. Stop chasing them in court.

PNC can go the court of gods and get defeated but they still intend to cling on to power. These chaps have dictatorship as part of their DNA from Burnham to Hoyte to Granger. They are wicked SOB's. 

A Military option is the best option to send a shock and awe message to that wicked SOB Granger. I hope that cancer wipes him put.

@Former Member posted:

Bai Skelly,

Base made an excellent observation yesterday. He stated that PPP has to stop allowing the PNC to play the court game. Stop chasing them in court.

PNC can go the court of gods and get defeated but they still intend to cling on to power. These chaps have dictatorship as part of their DNA from Burnham to Hoyte to Granger. They are wicked SOB's. 

A Military option is the best option to send a shock and awe message to that wicked SOB Granger. I hope that cancer wipes him put.

I was wondering if and when the PPP is installed, they would choose to fill their full five years. They will be in power and they can call the shots as the riggers did. No bullying by the PNC anymore.


I think the PPP should rule honorably or they will be out in 2025. They should not grant any amnesty to any of the persons who has put Guyanese through the past 4+ months. They should employ proper, uncorrupted and transparent governing mechanisms so the population's confidence in them is strengthened. Ali promised to govern for all Guyanese. Hopefully he truly means that and does it. Guyanese have demonstrated that they are no longer sheep following the pack.

@Former Member posted:

I think the PPP should rule honorably or they will be out in 2025. They should not grant any amnesty to any of the persons who has put Guyanese through the past 4+ months. They should employ proper, uncorrupted and transparent governing mechanisms so the population's confidence in them is strengthened. Ali promised to govern for all Guyanese. Hopefully he truly means that and does it. Guyanese have demonstrated that they are no longer sheep following the pack.

PNC has a habit that because the army and police are predominantly black, they can bully everyone. The PPP will need to put a stop of the police and army dominated by racist negroes. Populate them by race ratio.

skeldon_man posted:

PNC has a habit that because the army and police are predominantly black, they can bully everyone. The PPP will need to put a stop of the police and army dominated by racist negroes. Populate them by race ratio.

Should they get in power, the PPP can only encourage but not force anyone to join the army unless they make it mandatory as the israelis have. But indian bannas don't usually gravitate to this entity.


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