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Originally Posted by Nehru:

Al YUh notice how the Criminal PNC, House Slaves and illiterate supporters are QUIET with ISSUES they were hollering about prior May 11. ( LGE, TEnder Board, Access to Info and I can go on and on)

Nehru....My Brother

I hope no one stop you...

U can go on and on


Them need to Announce de Date for

Local Govt Elections

We cannot wait another 22 years


Tender Board & Access to Information

teking more than 24 Hour

We cannot wait another 24 years.


Last edited by Former Member

As I mentioned before, the PPP operates best as an opposition party. I am not surprised to read about PPP functionaries fanning out, meeting the people at their homes and villages, etc.

From 1964 to 1992, when the PNC regime was sitting on its laurels, while the PPP was in opposition, there were public meetings and bottom-house meetings and party literature selling campaigns every week in one community or another. Cheddi and Janet Jagan led the charge and the activists followed suit. I was one of them. So, I know the PPP has decades of experience in grounding with the masses.

With regard to upcoming LGE, it is fair to say that the PPP will perform well at the coalition's expense. In the May 11 regional elections the PPP won 7 of the 10 regions. The PPP is capitalizing masterfully on every misstep of the coalition, including the salary increases for politicians. Their percentage hike exceeds the percentage increase for public servants and this is raising eyebrows even among APNU+AFC supporters in social media. I won't be surprised if many of the coalition's supporters stay home on LGE Day.


Gilbakka as you said, "As I mentioned before, the PPP operates best as an opposition party."  I made a similar observation with Jagdeo.  He was relaxed, ready to buss a gaffe, was completely unshaken by the attacks of the KN people.  Everybody was getting a shake hand and a hug up. We were joking and laughing like the good old days.

Bibi Haniffa
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

As I mentioned before, the PPP operates best as an opposition party. I am not surprised to read about PPP functionaries fanning out, meeting the people at their homes and villages, etc.

From 1964 to 1992, when the PNC regime was sitting on its laurels, while the PPP was in opposition, there were public meetings and bottom-house meetings and party literature selling campaigns every week in one community or another. Cheddi and Janet Jagan led the charge and the activists followed suit. I was one of them. So, I know the PPP has decades of experience in grounding with the masses.

With regard to upcoming LGE, it is fair to say that the PPP will perform well at the coalition's expense. In the May 11 regional elections the PPP won 7 of the 10 regions. The PPP is capitalizing masterfully on every misstep of the coalition, including the salary increases for politicians. Their percentage hike exceeds the percentage increase for public servants and this is raising eyebrows even among APNU+AFC supporters in social media. I won't be surprised if many of the coalition's supporters stay home on LGE Day.


If this happens, it might become the beginning of the end of this coalition.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

Do Coalition governments ever win a second term?  Assume free and fair election.

i suggest u start the PPP campaign by posting some current "outreach" photos of your gross tiefman party in action


archived shit as part of an elaborate masquerade only confirms the cockroach quality of your cheap propaganda mek attempt

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:
Originally Posted by Django: some current pics,them pic looks old.

Ahhh.  Sorry about that.  Here are some from last night in Georgetown.




Very Nice.


PPP is ratcheting up their campaign for Local Elections while the PNC is busy feeding their fat pigs politicians.

The PPP will win the seven districts as usual but where it matters for the general they will lose. They have nothing to run on except their ethnic trawling. This, unfortunately, has been their Achilles heel. They continue to disregard the changing demographics and that PR will act against them. Instead of clamoring for local elections as their saving grace ( they know it was not having neglected its importance for the entirety of their tenure) they need to be clamoring for constitution reform. In the race game they are in a losing game and as long as it is a zero sum game ( now the AFC is in t he APNU) they will lose.

Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

I love the show of support from my PPP girls.  Priya Manickchand and Africo Selman - thanks for your leadership.



Africo, no soup for you. She thought that jumping ship from the PNC to PPP would put her in the company of the tiefmen raiding the treasury. Then people power kicked out those tiefin losers. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:

The PPP is the ONLY Party that can bring PROGRESS and PROSPERITY to the Guyanese People.  Only 4 Months and Guyana is already sinking.

Guyana cannot recover from what happened in less than six months.


PPP has to start preparing for the next general election by working with the grassroots supporters.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

 I won't be surprised if many of the coalition's supporters stay home on LGE Day.

This will indeed happen.  Do not rule out a PPP mayor of G/town.  Not because of popularity, but because the grass roots African vote stays home.


APNU attacking vendors.  APNU claiming that they can only afford 5% increase in salary for the masses, yet screaming that they DESERVE 50%.  And of course the slwoing economy, and APNU's clumsiness in explaining what is happening, and how they plan to work with various stake holders to fix the problem.


Clearly these are old PNCites from the 80s, who have been "suffering" out of the lime light for 23 years, and now want their day in the sun.  They are doing as the PPP did, and that is appointing colleagues to slots, without regard to whether they are suitable. 


They are applying similar tactics with the AFC, who are living beyond their wildest dreams, and are happy with their positions. Still do not see why we have a Ministry of Tourism, when Guyana will NEVER be a major tourist destination. This should have been PART of another Ministry.  I wouldnt have even minded if it was assigned a junior minister to ensure that tourism received some attention.


Face it.  This was about giving Cathy something that she wants.


In the meantime we have YET to hear innovative ideas as to how APNU/AFC plan to move Guyana forward. We all know that the PPP left Guyana a mess, with the rampant corruption, increasing indebtedness and an economy mired in deep trouble.  This because Guyana no longer enjoys preferential access for a narrow range of commodities at guaranteed prices.  Our sugar and rice are completely inefficient, and unable to compete globally.


The PPP frauds will scream about how good the PPP managed the economy. Beyond screaming about lavish homes and huge buildings, they cannot say how exactly this was accomplished. Every small kid in G/town knows that the construction was all about money laundering (drugs, remittances, and undeclared gold proceeds).  Obviously at some point the bubble would have burst.


APNU/AFC will score no points by screaming "is de PPP fault", because that is why 51% of the population voted them in, and that is to FIX the PPP mess.


Tragically APNU is too dumb, arrogant, and bereft of the smallest iota of intelligence even to explain their position clearly to the public.  But then this is how Granger runs the PNC, and thinks that he can do so as President.  He doesnt think that he owes any one an explanation for anything.


Granger better know that PNC supporters are NOT dumb sheep like the PPP supporters.


Advice to Granger.  Running a country is not like running an army.


APNU/AFC honey moon period is OVER!  I am hearing loud complaints from some of their core supporters. No the PPP will not get the suipport, as they have become an Indo KKK partym screaming obscenities against blacks, even if they think that they are disguising their rampant racism.


They will stay HOME, and will be punished for their arrogance.  It will also not surprise me if the excluded elements within the PNC (all those who Granger doesnt like) might create some loud dissatisfaction with his governance.  Linden has already given him notice!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Looks like a portion of Afro Guyanese have been hit in the pocketbook and lied to by the AFC/PNC. They are now showing up in the PPP camp. This is a very good sign.

ONE black man and the Indo KKK is jumoping for joy. 


Listen even the KKK in the USA can get a few sorry negroes to support them, so I am most assured that the same can happen in Guyana.

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

I love the show of support from my PPP girls.  Priya Manickchand and Africo Selman - thanks for your leadership.



Africo, no soup for you. She thought that jumping ship from the PNC to PPP would put her in the company of the tiefmen raiding the treasury. Then people power kicked out those tiefin losers. 

Well Roger Luncheon has already said that the PPP does NOT respect PPP blacks, and calls itself a "coolie" party.


So why the shock.  The Soup Man realized early on that he was not going to get soup, and Elizabeth has disappeared.


Shouldnt the woman, who was so confident that the PPP would be good enough for her to accept being its PPP candidate, not be campaigning now?


No soup, so she GOOOONNNNNNNE!

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

For my friend Django.  He likes new pics. 12111992_1650287145243582_7022316355063745983_n[1]



Looks like a portion of Afro Guyanese have been hit in the pocketbook and lied to by the AFC/PNC. They are now showing up in the PPP camp. This is a very good sign.

yuji, that Afro man with the maroon cap has been a PPP member long before 1992. I know him but will not mention his name. You make assumptions and present them as facts.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

yuji, that Afro man with the maroon cap has been a PPP member long before 1992. I know him but will not mention his name. You make assumptions and present them as facts.

The problem is that this loyal negro doesnt look as if he got soup in the PPPs 23 years.


But then Luncheon did say that the PPP hates PPP blacks.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

yuji, that Afro man with the maroon cap has been a PPP member long before 1992. I know him but will not mention his name. You make assumptions and present them as facts.

The problem is that this loyal negro doesnt look as if he got soup in the PPPs 23 years.


But then Luncheon did say that the PPP hates PPP blacks.

Carib, it's a sad story. During my time in the Georgetown PPP Group from 1979 to 1990, 80 percent of members who attended group meetings were Afro-Guyanese. Most of them were with the PPP from the 1950s and '60s, like Michael Forde's mother, Bertie Barnwell, Beaton, Mitchell and Cyril Belgrave. At the 1982 party congress at Enterprise, I discovered how isolated some of these comrades felt. Belgrave gave me a lift back to GT and in his car the Afro comrades were complaining bitterly about a number of things. Still, they remained loyal to the PPP. Barnwell and Mother Forde died as PPP members.

Those Afros who got most out of the PPP regime were the opportunists like Kwame, Lumumba, Pulouri Joe and Edghill --- all Johnny-come-lately.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The PPP is the ONLY Party that can bring PROGRESS and PROSPERITY to the Guyanese People.  Only 4 Months and Guyana is already sinking.

Guyana cannot recover from what happened in less than six months.


PPP has to start preparing for the next general election by working with the grassroots supporters.

Two ignoramuses rubbing each other, HAHAHAHA



Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

For my friend Django.  He likes new pics. 12111992_1650287145243582_7022316355063745983_n[1]



Looks like a portion of Afro Guyanese have been hit in the pocketbook and lied to by the AFC/PNC. They are now showing up in the PPP camp. This is a very good sign.

yuji, that Afro man with the maroon cap has been a PPP member long before 1992. I know him but will not mention his name. You make assumptions and present them as facts.

Come on Gilly, Please let us know who he is. I need to know and shower blessing on him.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

 I won't be surprised if many of the coalition's supporters stay home on LGE Day.

This will indeed happen.  Do not rule out a PPP mayor of G/town.  Not because of popularity, but because the grass roots African vote stays home.


APNU attacking vendors.  APNU claiming that they can only afford 5% increase in salary for the masses, yet screaming that they DESERVE 50%.  And of course the slwoing economy, and APNU's clumsiness in explaining what is happening, and how they plan to work with various stake holders to fix the problem.


Clearly these are old PNCites from the 80s, who have been "suffering" out of the lime light for 23 years, and now want their day in the sun.  They are doing as the PPP did, and that is appointing colleagues to slots, without regard to whether they are suitable. 


They are applying similar tactics with the AFC, who are living beyond their wildest dreams, and are happy with their positions. Still do not see why we have a Ministry of Tourism, when Guyana will NEVER be a major tourist destination. This should have been PART of another Ministry.  I wouldnt have even minded if it was assigned a junior minister to ensure that tourism received some attention.


Face it.  This was about giving Cathy something that she wants.


In the meantime we have YET to hear innovative ideas as to how APNU/AFC plan to move Guyana forward. We all know that the PPP left Guyana a mess, with the rampant corruption, increasing indebtedness and an economy mired in deep trouble.  This because Guyana no longer enjoys preferential access for a narrow range of commodities at guaranteed prices.  Our sugar and rice are completely inefficient, and unable to compete globally.


The PPP frauds will scream about how good the PPP managed the economy. Beyond screaming about lavish homes and huge buildings, they cannot say how exactly this was accomplished. Every small kid in G/town knows that the construction was all about money laundering (drugs, remittances, and undeclared gold proceeds).  Obviously at some point the bubble would have burst.


APNU/AFC will score no points by screaming "is de PPP fault", because that is why 51% of the population voted them in, and that is to FIX the PPP mess.


Tragically APNU is too dumb, arrogant, and bereft of the smallest iota of intelligence even to explain their position clearly to the public.  But then this is how Granger runs the PNC, and thinks that he can do so as President.  He doesnt think that he owes any one an explanation for anything.


Granger better know that PNC supporters are NOT dumb sheep like the PPP supporters.


Advice to Granger.  Running a country is not like running an army.


APNU/AFC honey moon period is OVER!  I am hearing loud complaints from some of their core supporters. No the PPP will not get the suipport, as they have become an Indo KKK partym screaming obscenities against blacks, even if they think that they are disguising their rampant racism.


They will stay HOME, and will be punished for their arrogance.  It will also not surprise me if the excluded elements within the PNC (all those who Granger doesnt like) might create some loud dissatisfaction with his governance.  Linden has already given him notice!

Bai yuh start sounding like a genius   Yuh want the PM jab?  Me guh be de President dat's nat up fuh negotiations 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:


yuji, that Afro man with the maroon cap has been a PPP member long before 1992. I know him but will not mention his name. You make assumptions and present them as facts.

Come on Gilly, Please let us know who he is. I need to know and shower blessing on him.

Eh Eh,Look at story.The man black an you want shower blessing pon 'e.


Granger can still come off this looking pretty good. He has already rewarded all the Afroes he could. Some stupid appointment he made. Now, he needs to go after job creation. And fast. 


I am told the Afroes are complaining more about the downturn in the economy.


Bad news if the PPP should ever win with Jagdeo leading the party.


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