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This is such BS....all these years there was no hurry for Local Govt saying cause of the no confidence motion, they can't have if they were going to have one anytime soon...I think these men would be shovelling shit if they were still in India...jeez!


It would be ‘rather foolish’ to call LGE – Ramotar


By Abena Rockcliffe
Even as he exuded great confidence that the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) would be victorious at any Local

President Donald Ramotar

Government Elections (LGE), President Donald Ramotar told a group of Amerindian leaders yesterday that there would be no LGE anytime soon.
The Head of State, as he addressed those who gathered at the yesterday’s opening of the biannual National Toshaos Conference, questioned, under the circumstances, “How can (A Partnership for National Unity) expect (a date to be set.)

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

This is such BS....all these years there was no hurry for Local Govt saying cause of the no confidence motion, they can't have if they were going to have one anytime soon...I think these men would be shovelling shit if they were still in India...jeez!

Hehehehe you ketch on.


That is shit they're shoveling right there in sweet sweet Guyana.





Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

This is such BS....all these years there was no hurry for Local Govt saying cause of the no confidence motion, they can't have if they were going to have one anytime soon...I think these men would be shovelling shit if they were still in India...jeez!

Guyana cannot host two elections back to back which is why MONC is a dumb idea.  In all likelihood it will result in a PPP victory, but as a minority govt as neither APNU nor the AFC is ready.  The goal will only be achieved if APNU wins 50.1% of the votes, or if the AFC (as Indo party II) takes away enough votes from the PPP (Indo party I) to allow APNU to win,


The notion of an AFC victory is as likely as a snow storm in Georgetown.

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Bryan Benn Snr's photo.

I guess you want G/town and other municipalities to be run by PPP operatives as local govt continues to crumble.  This is what you will get if there is no LGE, which is exactly why the PPP doesn't want it.


Sometimes I suspect that you all are closet PPP supporters.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

caribny your racist PNC claws are coming out.


I bet you cannot defend your point.


The AFC decided that it would rotate the presidential slot on an ethnic basis. Firstit was Trotman, then Ramjattan.  Both lost badly.  Now it should be Hughes, but instead it will be Nagamootoo.


Given that Naga is a johnny come lately what qualifies him to get the slot?  The fact that he can pull more of the Indian vote.


So who is making ethnically based calculations here?


The Indo party II AKA AFC which focuses on winning the Indian vote.  And APNU which is glad that the transformation of the AFC into an Indian party guarantees that they will get 40%.  Provided that black people don't stay home....which is always a possibility.  What they do know is that the AFC in its current manifestation as Indo party II isn't going to increase its black base, or even win back those who they lost in 2011.


You can call me a racist, or you can cite reasons why you think that I am wrong.


Obviously you have no evidence so you call me a racist.  The problem with you PPP refugees is that you are so Indo focused that you forget that the vast majority of those who resent the PPP aren't Indian, and if you ignore them that damns the AFC to irrelevance. 


I told Gerhard that in 2011 and after the election he conceded that I was right when I said that the AFC spent all their resources in regions 5 and 6 and so lost votes in regions 4 and 10.

Last edited by Former Member

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