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Local Gov’t Ministry presents Region 3 riverain areas with solar panels, other equipment- commissions several projects


Engrained in the policy of the PPP/C Government, is the delivery of services aimed at realising the upliftment of the citizens it serves. This has seen the introduction of several policies that cater for every class of society, including the vulnerable.


Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Ganga Persaud, Permanent Secretary, Collin Croal, and Region Three Chairman, Julius Faerber during the handing over of the solar panel to the Lanaballi Health Post

Minister of Local Government and Regional Development,

Ganga Persaud, Permanent Secretary, Collin Croal, and

Region Three Chairman, Julius Faerber during the handing

over of the solar panel to the Lanaballi Health Post


One of the initiatives has been the provision of equipment to residents that are in need. In this regard, Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Ganga Persaud accompanied by Permanent Secretary, Collin Croal and Region Three Chairman, Julius Faerber on Thursday visited several riverain communities in Region 3, Essequibo and made presentations.


The Caria Caria Primary Annex

The Caria Caria Primary Annex


Morashee, Lanaballi, Makouria, Caria Caria and Great Troolie were the areas that were visited.


Solar panels, batteries, inverters and other accessories procured at a total cost of $260,000 were delivered to Morashee and Lanaballi.        

Morashee received one panel which will be utilised in the health post, while Lanaballi’s two, will go to the Health Centre and the Nursery/ Primary School.


The team also delivered to Makouria, a brush cutter and a sewing machine and Great Troolie, sports gear to boost sporting activities among young people.


Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Ganga Persaud, Permanent Secretary, Collin Croal, Region Three Chairman, Julius Faerber, Deputy Regional Executive Officer [DREO), Adepemo Peters and students of the Great Troolie Nursery and Primary school with their sports gear

Minister of Local Government and Regional Development,

Ganga Persaud, Permanent Secretary, Collin Croal, Region

Three Chairman, Julius Faerber, Deputy Regional Executive

Officer (DREO), Adepemo Peters and students of the Great

Troolie Nursery and Primary school with their sports gear


The items were obtained with resources from the Ministry’s 2013 capital budget.


“This is the way the PPP/C Government operates…we reach out to the people and hear their concerns, and then based on that, we try to meet their needs,” Minister Persaud noted.


He also charged the residents to maintain the equipment and urged that they be utilised for the development of the communities.


Meanwhile, the team also commissioned a teacher’s quarter at Morashee built at a cost of $5M, an extension to the health post at Caria Caria, and a sanitary block.


Also commissioned was the Primary School Annex at Caria Caria constructed at a cost of more than $5M.


The teacher’s quarters at Morashee

The teacher’s quarters at Morashee.


In commissioning the buildings, Minister Persaud also implored

the residents to safeguard them as they were critical to the

delivery of health care and education services to the residents

in their respective communities.

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