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Local Govt Minister made no move to facilitate elections – GECOM Chairman


Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission, Dr. Steve Surujbally, says that a lot of money was wasted on voter education all because the Minister of Local Government displayed scant regard to GECOM’s stated readiness to host Local Government Elections.
Dr. Surujbally was responding to claims that the voter education exercise was not sufficiently addressed to facilitate the holding of Local Government Elections.
The question of when the ruling administration will announce a date for the holding of the long overdue Local Government Elections has been a hot topic, with the government issuing excuse after excuse for the delay.
“The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) is fully prepared and committed to move formally into an election mode with immediacy, if and when the Commission is mandated to conduct Local Government Elections,” Surujbally stated.
According to the GECOM Chairman, there were claims that “there needs to be a vigorous education programme to inform and educate the populace on the new Local Government Elections system, which comprises a mixture of the Constituency and Proportional Representation Models, in which political parties as well as individuals and interested groups may contest the elections.”
But the Guyana Elections Commission Chairman however, slammed this concern as facetious. He explained that in March 2010, after involving itself in huge numbers of public awareness programmes, the Commission intimated to the Minister of Local Government that the Register of Voters was completed and certified, and that there were no material impediments for holding LGE.
Surujbally said that there was not even recognition of receipt of its correspondence to the Minister and nothing emerged from the Ministry of Local Government relative to a date for Local Government Elections.
“Time, great effort and money were wasted,” he stated.
As a consequence, the Chairman said that GECOM took the deliberate decision to implement an ongoing programme, with moderate intensity, publicizing information about Local Government Elections with focus being placed initially on the new Local Government Elections Electoral System.
“This was preferable to a “stop–start” methodology, which could have the inherent possibility to exasperate and disenchant potential voters. Later, at the appropriate time, the Public Education Strategy will focus in an intensified manner on the processes and procedures associated with the new System – the moment a date is appointed for the Elections,” Dr. Surujbally explained.
GECOM’s ongoing Public Education Programme includes two panel discussions, which were conducted at the NCN Channel 11 Studio. They were broadcast (pro bono) by this Channel for the benefit of viewers in Regions Three, Four and Five.
Recorded copies of both panel discussions were also publicized by the television stations in Regions Two, Six, Seven and Ten. GECOM will continue to call on all these TV Houses to broadcast the content of the Panel Discussions.
In addition 100,000 copies of a Brochure titled “Local Government Elections” featuring several aspects of pertinent information were produced.  Copies of this Brochure have been dispatched, with the knowledge of the Minister of Local Government, to all of the 71 Local Authority Areas in Guyana for distribution to citizens of the respective Areas.
“In fact, following the finalization of the boundaries of Constituencies within the various Local Authority Areas, we have commenced distributing these brochures at the level of the Local Authority Areas.  We have also commenced making thousands of copies to the Parliamentary (and other) Political Parties for distribution among their constituents,” the GECOM Chairman explained.
Also, four infomercials about the new system for Local Government Elections and why persons should vote at these elections were publicized on all of the local Radio and Television Stations.
Currently, GECOM is on the verge of engaging the four local daily newspapers to publish sequential columns titled “Local Government Elections Corner”, which will feature pertinent information about Local Government Elections.
The Commission is currently engaged in the process which will lead to the imminent publication, on radio and television, of more pertinent information about the new system for Local Government Elections.
“It is all a matter of timing.  GECOM, with all of its experience and proven track record is committed to carrying out its duties without interference and hindrances.  We know what we are about and do not need unnecessary and unhelpful humbug,” Dr. Surujbally declared.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Fact, we always knew that the PPP is afraid of LGE.


Well another fact is last week ROHEER met with a small team including Jagdoer and Lunchman and the decision was taken, NO ELECTIONS UNTIL 2016.


Denying the holding of elections as required by the constitution is just as undemocratic as if you rig the elections. Guyanese are being denied their voting rights by this thuggish PPP dictatorship.


I accept GECOM Chairman Surujbally's word.

In my opinion, the 3 PPP reps in GECOM are sheer liars and crooks.

With respect to local government elections, if the PPP doesn't want to hear the cries of the people, it must be made to feel the wrath of the people.

Unless the people take the battle to the streets in massive numbers, they will not get to exercise their constitutionally overdue franchise.


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