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Local Gov’t Minister urges newly elected Regional officials, work in unity

Georgetown, GINA, January 25, 2012
Source - GINA

The Regional Democratic Councils (RDCs) election was held across the regions today and several new faces were elected to administrate over programmes and policies implemented for the benefit of residents.

Minister of Local Government and Regional Development Ganga Persaud, who has responsibility over the regional bodies, urged the newly elected officials to work in unity and to continue the regions’ development.

Speaking to media personnel at his Kingston office this evening Minister Persaud said, “Now that the elections are through and we have elected chairs and vice chairs, it is very important that they see themselves as a team in each region and that they work in unity of purpose to enhance the continued development within their respective regions.”

He is hopeful that they will not allow issues to divide the councils in any way.

“The ministry stands ready to work with all these councils and to provide as much support as is required to ensure that the necessary services are provided to all citizens.”

Persaud said that the ministry looks forwards to the great dynamism that can come to bear on the work of each of these 10 regions and also expressed satisfied with the election process.

Ministers of Government and Senior Government officials were in attendance at each of the 10 regional elections exercise and offered guidance and shared some expectations with the various elected officials. Minister in the Ministry of Local Government Norman Whittaker was on-hand at the election in Region One-Barima-Waini.

Minister Whittaker spoke to the Government Information Agency (GINA) following this exercise and he conveyed satisfaction over the officials elected to the post. “I believe that it is a good council,” he said and drew emphasis to the fact that he council in addition to having a gender mix (five of the persons elected are females) there is also a youthful presence.

“I did give a charge to the council, I did indicate to them that the work of a council goes beyond just attending meetings of standing committees and RDC statutory meetings, and that they must be a councillor for all the regions, for all the people 365 days a year,” Whittaker said.

He also told GINA that the council because of logistics and other factors would only be able to meet bi-monthly, and for this reason he urged that they need not wait on a statuary meeting to have issues of importance put forward. Instead they can bring these issues whenever they arise to the attention of the Regional Chairman who would engage the Heads of the various programmes within the regions and at the level of the sector.

Eight of the regions cast their vote by show of hand whilst Region 7 and 9 voted using secret ballots. The councillors were elected first and they in turn elected the Regional Chairmen who in turn shared the votes for the Regional Vice Chairmen. A few of the officials from some of the regions were unable to be a part of the election process as issues such as transportation hindered them from attending.

Following the 2011 General National and Regional Elections the 205 regional seats were apportioned as follow to the following parties; the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) 102 seats, A Partnership For Unity (APNU) 73 seats, Alliance For Change (AFC) 28 seats and The United Force (TUF) 2 seats.

Regions ----- PPP/C -- APNU -- AFC -- TUF --- Total Seats

Region 1 ----- 10 --- 3 ---- 2 ---- 0 ---- 15
Region 2 ----- 12 --- 3 ----- 2 ---- 0 ---- 17
Region 3 ----- 18 --- 7 ----- 2 ---- 0 ---- 27
Region 4 ----- 14 --- 19 ----- 2 ---- 0 ---- 35
Region 5 ----- 10 --- 06 ----- 2 ---- 0 ---- 18
Region 6 ----- 17 --- 06 ----- 7 ---- 0 ---- 30
Region 7 ----- 06 --- 08 ----- 1 ---- 0 ---- 15
Region 8 ------ 04 --- 04 ----- 6 ---- 1 ---- 15
Region 9 ------ 08 --- 04 ----- 2 ---- 1 ---- 15
Region 10 ----- 03 --- 13 ----- 2 ---- 0 ---- 18

-------------- 102 --- 73 ---- 28 ---- 2 --- 205

Elected Regional Chairmen and Regional Vice Chairmen and Regional Officials for the 10 Regional democratic Councils are as follows;

Region 1-Barima-Waini
Regional Chairman-Paul Errol Pierre (PPP/C)
Region Vice Chairman-Fermin Singh (PPP/C)

Region One Chairman, Paul Pierre

Donna Ann Bowen- APNU, Victor Hernadez-APNU, Rennita Williams-APNU, Dolores Abrams- AFC, Ignatius Adams- PPP/C,
Westley Abraham- PPP/C, Marco Boyal- PPP/C, Kenny James- PPP/C, Ernest Samuels- PPP/C, Shandel St Juste-PPP/C

Region 2- Pomeroon-Supenaam

Regional Chairman-Parmanand Persaud (PPP/C)
Regional Vice Chairman - Samaroo(PPP/C)

Region Two Chairman, Parmanand Persaud

Linda Duncan –APNU, Rudolph Garraway-APNU, Wazeer Lapiff-APNU, Wazeda Bacchus-PPP/C, Arlene Boyan-PPP/C, Vilma Da Silva-PPP/C, Eulie Henry-PPP/C, Mohamed Farook Khan-PPP/C,
Humace Oodit-PPP/C, Basil Persaud-PPP/C, Shanta Springer-PPP/C, Rosaline Thomas-PPP/C, Rudolph Williams-PPP/C, Archie Cordis-AFC, Naitram-AFC

Region 3-Essequibo Islands-West Demerara

Regional Chairman: Julius Oliver Faerber (PPP/C)
Regional Vice Chairman: Azam Pasha Mohamed (PPP/C)

Region Three Chairman, Julius Faerber

Kathlene Armstrong-APNU, Perry Orlanda Birbal-APNU, Deon Cheryl Gould-APNU, Eviton Gulliver-APNU, Alshazie Baksh, Ramlakhan-APNU, George Orville Stuart-APNU, Naseer Ahmad-PPP/C, Sheik Mohamed Ayube-PPP/C, Esau Dookie-PPP/C, Lindon Samson Fowler-PPP/C, Leotha Abiola Greene-PPP/C, Mohamed Liaquat Hussain-PPP/C, Nazir Khan-PPP/C, Parmanand Kusial-PPP/C, Khusial Mangra-PPP/C, Azam Pasha Mohamed-PPP/C, Roopchand-PPP/C, Geneva Alysia Sami-PPP/C, Parmanand Samlall-PPP/C, Chandroutie Sarrran-PPP/C, Pauline Valencia Scipio-PPP/C, Harripaul Shivcharran Yaidat -PPP/C, Kamal Narine-AFC , Harry Deokinanan-AFC

Region 4-Demerara-Mahaica
Regional Chairman-Clement Corlette (APNU)
Region Vice Chairman- Genevieve Allen (APNU)

Region Four Chairman, Clement Corlette

Deon Forbes Abrams-APNU, Cleon Belgrave-APNU, Raymond Bostwick-APNU, Komota Copeland-APNU, Yonnet Fortune-APNU, Troy Gordon Garraway-APNU, Leslie Ewart Glasglow-APNU , Linda Haley-Gomes-APNU, Leyland Harcourt-APNU,
Floyd Patrick Hendy-APNU, Shondel Hope-APNU, Ramrattie Jagdeo-APNU, Annetta Marks-APNU, Majeed Ekbaal Ali Mazarool-APNU, Maureen Allison Philadelphia-APNU, Hazel Pinder-APNU, Lloyd Kenneth Roberts-APNU, Raymond Azeez-PPP/C, Jainauth Bhikhari-PPP/C, Dianne Maureen-PPP/C, Bhagwantie M Dass –PPP/C, Tasleem Drepaul –PPP/C, Ramkarran Kissoon –PPP/C, Desmond Edroy Morian –PPP/C, Narindra Persaud –PPP/C, Chandrowtee Ramnarain –PPP/C, Sean Richmond –PPP/C, Govind Singh – PPP/C, Dhanpall Sukhdeo-PPP/C, Ovid Wilson –PPP/C, Denise Davidson- AFC, Sixtus Edwards-AFC

Region 5-Mahaica-Berbice
Regional Chairman-Bindrabhan Bisnauth-(PPP/C)
Region Vice Chairman- Rion Lancedale Peters

Region Five Chairman Bindrabhan Bisnauth

Culbert Vincent Abal-APNU, Emerson Benjamin-APNU, Carol Anetta Smith-Joesph-APNU, Kenneth Sealey-APNU, Tacoor Singh-APNU, Gloria Lindo Wolfe-APNU, Sameer Ally-PPP/C, Sandra Baldeo-PPP/C, Bassodeo-PPP/C, Bindra Bisnauth-PPP/C,
Seechanlall Chandilall-PPP/C, Gweneth Ann Mitchell-PPP/C, Salima Yacoob-PPP/C, Vickhand Ramphal-PPP/C, Hernan Anthony-AFC, Cindy Sookdeo-AFC

Region 6-East Berbice-Corentyne
Regional Chairman: Permaul Armoogan (PPP/C)
Regional Vice Chairman: Bhupal Jhagroo (PPP/C)

Region Six Chairman, David Permaul Armogan

Kerwin Crawford Jnr-APNU, Debra Hurst-APNU, Hazrat Husain-APNU, Agnes McDonald-APNU, Reerakraj Poonai-APNU, Jevaughn Stephen-APNU, Zulaka Ali-PPP/C, Warren Barlow-PPP/C, Anil Beharry-PPP/C Gloria BeHarry-PPP/C, Silas Bennett-PPP/C, Lloyd Douglas-PPP/C, Roy Hanoman-Singh-PPP/C, Zamal Hussain-PPP/C, Bijulee Moti-PPP/C, Thakoor Persaud-PPP/C, Ahilia Ramcharran-PPP/C, Bidwatee Roopnarine-PPP/C, Gurudat Shiwprasad-PPP/C, Bevon-Sinclair-PPP/C, Erwin Abdullah-AFC , Manbode Balgobin-AFC , Michael Hintzen-AFC,
Rohan Jagassar-AFC, Donna Mathoo-AFC, Mohamad Mookshah-AFC, Haseef Yusulf-AFC

Region 7-Cuyuni-Mazaruni
Regional Chairman-Gordon Bradford (APNU)
Regional Vice Chairman-Anita Thomas, (APNU)

Region Seven Chairman,Gordon Bradford

Mary Jones- APNU, Calmeth Younge-APNU, Nical King-APNU, Keron Hastings-APNU, Juliette Rahaman-APNU, Keron Andrews-APNU, Olinda Griffith-AFC, Marjorie Wong- PPP/C, Van Menderson-PPP/C , Anthony Murray-PPP/C, Elvis Sheram-PPP/C, John Spencer-PPP/C, Richard Peters-PPP/C

Region 8-Potaro-Siparuni
Regional Chairman: Mark Crawford (AFC)
Regional Vice Chairman: Cornel Edwards (APNU)

John Roth King-APNU, Gloria Scipio-APNU, Senor Bell-PPP/C, Lucinda Miller-PPP/C, Maxwell Andrews-PPP/C, Patrick Anicpus-PPP/C, Aubrey Skeete-AFC, Clyde Edwards-AFC, Williams Gouveia-AFC, Bridget Marco-AFC, Naeem Gafoor-AFC, Marcello Stanislaus-TUF

Region 9-Upper Takatu-Upper Essequibo
Regional Chairman: Wilson William Lorentio-(PPP/C)
Regional Vice Chairman: Douglas Edwards Casimero (PPP/C)

Region Nine Chairman, Wilson Lorentino

Muacir Baretto-APNU, Vincent Henry-APNU, Carl Parker-APNU, Dionysia Thres-APNU, Bryan Allicock-PPP/C, Helita Edwards-PPP/C, Ken Faria-PPP/C, Emeric Francis-PPP/C, Wilson Lorentio-PPP/C, Alfred Ramsarran-PPP/C, Corenne Tacoordeen-PPP/C, Cousma Frank-AFC, Brian Rodrigues-AFC, Trevor Mansingh-TUF

Region 10-Upper Demerara- Berbice
Regional Chairman: Kuice Sharma Solomon (APNU)
Regional Vice Chairman: Bryon Wilmont Lewis (APNU)

Region Ten Chairman, Sharma Solomon

Mayfield Demattos Green-APNU Leon Barrette-APNU, Morris Butters-APNU, Franklin Augustus Carew-APNU, Stanley McKinley Collins-APNU, Diana Dolphin-APNU, Douglas Charles Gittens-APNU, Leslie Ransford Gonsalves-APNU, Charles Clarence Sampson-APNU, Gerald Whittington-APNU, Naomi Alexanderia Xavier-APNU, Phillip Noel Fordyce-PPP/C, Carmen Leslyn Rambaran-PPP/C, Campton Ovid Fraser-PPP/C, Elroy Adolph-AFC, Audwin Rutherford-AFC

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