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Originally Posted by Conscience:

No amount of damage control done by the opposition goons, can erase the devious plot to fraud the GRA by the owner of the Kaieteur News.

Who is the biggest fraudster, Glen or Jags.


Who frauded Guyana out of G$40 billion at the Skeldon Sugar Factory?



Originally Posted by Conscience:

No amount of damage control done by the opposition goons, can erase the devious plot to fraud the GRA by the owner of the Kaieteur News.

What damage control you shit raker? If he did wrong then take him to court and shut up. He cannot be allowed to dodge taxes.


What bothers me is the use of the tax office as an enforcement mechanism for the PPP. This "revelation" has to have occurred with collusion of the state's agencies and the administration propaganda gang.


This is all a consequence of the fellow outing the PPP for their corruption, their lack of patriotism and obscene thievery in collusion with Chinese logging companies. I bet Go invest and Sateur are deep in their hacks in this PPP dark craft. 


Further, Glenn Lall, owner and publisher of the Kaieteur News, was listed as the closest relative of Naratootandeo Brijnanan on the application form that was submitted to the Foreign Affairs Ministry. The Brijnanans gave as their address in Guyana 221 Number 61 Village, Corentyne Berbice.


So glenn lal is responsible for all of his family and their dealings with the Govt?



Originally Posted by Conscience:

Glen Lall is proclaiming to be on a quest to expose corruption yet he is allegedly deeply involve in the very corruption he preach against.


Conscience you still stuck on Glenn?


Boy yu head hard.  Did out your own eye before you try to dig out other people eyes.


Check out the beach front property owned by the HOO, who bought it with taxpayer money at Pradoville.


KAIETEUR NEWS OWNER DUTY FREE SCANDAL: No sign of SUVs at address on registration forms





The Lot 8 Continental Park address listed on the registration documents is the home of a GRA officer who has close ties to Glen Lall

A visit to a Lot 8 Continental Park address in an effort to locate two Lexus vehicles which are currently under scrutiny by the Auditor General and GRA turned up empty handed. The SUVs have been fingered in a probe into allegations that Kaieteur News owner Glen Lall defrauded the state tens of millions of dollars in taxes by having his US based relatives import them on his behalf using the re-migrant scheme tax exemption.




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