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Former Member

AML/CFT: The occasion for shifting the blame


Posted By TarronKhemraj On March 12, 2014 @ 5:01 am In Daily,Features |


If the PPP really wanted the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism bill (AML/CFT) it would have been passed since 2011 when it had the majority.  It is obvious Freedom House is uncomfortable with the bill; therefore, it brought the bill to Parliament just months before the deadline knowing that the opposition will delay its passage. As expected the opposition voted down the bill and attached several demands for its support. In so doing the strategists at Freedom House were able to shift the blame to the opposition and distract from very pressing issues of the day, most notably the depreciation of the Guyana dollar relative to the US$.

The backward economic and foreign policies of the PPP were bound to bring the economy to crisis. These include an asinine foreign policy that places an opportunistic left-wing agenda before the country’s best interests. The PPP has drifted away from the West and moved closer to several tyrannical and kleptocratic regimes around the world. It gambled on a rice barter arrangement with Venezuela just because a populist left-wing government is in power. As it stands, the Venezuelan right-wing, should it depose Mr Maduro, will very likely repeal Petro Caribe, an event that will cause a major shock to the Guyanese economy and several other Caribbean states. Sustaining Petro Caribe at this point depends on the suppression of dissenters in Venezuela. The PPP came out and declared it supports Mr Maduro, thus implicitly supporting the oppression of dissenting voices. If Mr Maduro loses power, the right-wing will create trouble over Essequibo. It is unlikely China20131023watch can be of help here because any new government in Venezuela will be closer to the United States. Will deeper economic cooperation with Brazil help to rebuff Venezuela’s claims and potential sabotage of the Mazaruni hydro project that was recently in the news? As we know, in the name of a confused ideology, kleptocratic Marxism-Leninism, the PPP has done a good job alienating itself from the United States and Great Britain.


The Low Carbon Development Strategy is yet another example of backward and opportunistic economic policy making. The PPP has done nothing to clean up the environment, push for balanced renewable energy, regulate large gas guzzling vehicles, enhance the aesthetics of Georgetown and the villages, yet it insists a useless hotel with a secret investor is consistent with a low carbon strategy. It insists that a new airport terminal is in line with a low carbon agenda. A comprehensive review and upgrading of the drainage system is not a priority in this policy framework. The one attempt at renewable energy, Amaila hydroelectric plant, was not going to solve the fossil energy problem in spite of the price of US$1 billion. The dry season would have reduced the generation of electricity, thereby making it necessary to continue operating heavy fuel polluting engines to keep up with electricity demand.


The country went deeper into gold extraction chasing a gold price bubble. The neutral private sector is penalized. The legal system does not ensure that a neutral unconnected investor will enjoy the fruits of his/her investments. Private property rights are not guaranteed by the legal system, which seems to be a magnet for status seekers instead of people with a strong desire to serve. Business opportunities are divvyed up to a few friends and family of the government – hence the oligarchic exploitative relationship between some in the private sector and the government. The rise of narco trading perverts the incentive structure causing many young people to ditch education in favour of a quick hustle. Scarce human resources are being diverted to narco and money

laundering activities. Money laundering and smuggling (of legal and illegal goods) add to the cost of doing business for those who want to be legitimate.


Various foreign inflows such as foreign aid and FDIs are slowly drying up, according to the data. This was inevitable given the backward economic and foreign policies. These also compound the reduction in foreign exchange flows. It was just a matter of time before the exchange rate came under pressure (although it is not very difficult to maintain a de facto fixed rate in Guyana). When there is devaluation the government of the day gets the blame. However, the PPP has already shifted the blame to the opposition. It has the propaganda machinery to inundate the public with this latest swindle. It controls the taxpayer-funded state media and through kleptocratic manoeuvres it controls most of the private media.


A previous Development Watch column provided data to show that the recent shortage of foreign exchange preceded the date when Parliament refused to pass the anti-money laundering bill. Hence the depreciation has nothing to do with the opposition and everything to do with bad economic and foreign policies of the government.  The PPP has always had one strategy: blame the PNC for everything whether it is crimes or now for the shortage of foreign exchange. Another red-herring – the Inquiry into the death of Dr Walter Rodney – was launched this week. Suddenly after 21 years the PPP launched the commission. This is intended to deflect from the economic problems and discount APNU’s call for an Inquiry into more recent crimes on the East Coast and in particular the murder of Minister Sawh and his family.


The opposition boxed itself in by attaching rigid demands for support of the AML/CFT such as the Public Procurement Commission (PPC). The marginal cost associated with opposing the bill is much greater than the marginal benefits at this point. In a democracy in which no side has an absolute majority, no side will ever get everything it wants. Moreover, attaching the PPC would likely result in a weak PPC, which must be negotiated as an all-important institutional mechanism for ensuring fairness in the distribution of government contracts. APNU’s original demand of an effective Financial Intelligence Unit is reasonable showing that the party has an escape route once blacklisting occurs. The AFC needs to be less susceptible to populists without a backup plan.


Blacklisting will worsen the cost of doing business for legal enterprises. Overseas counterpart banks will slow down payments to and from Guyana. Of course, the objective is to make it hard for the illegal traders. But it is recklessness for any politician to make it harder for people to do legal businesses. Legitimate businesses face numerous hindrances already and they should not have to bear another one.


Politicians must not conflate anti-money laundering and anti-narcotics with anti-business or appear to be doing so.While not becoming too mesmerized with free market ideology, the politicians of this country need to exorcise the left-wing jumbies that have made this country the quintessential donkey cart economy it is today. Where is the pragmatism from the political class? The success of the workers will depend on vibrant and successful businesses and the ability of government to redistribute to the less fortunate. Imagine the opposition allows the kleptocratic communist party of Guyana to claim the right of being pro-business. That is incompetence, especially after all the Hoyte administration did to turn around business investments after the devastating impact of opportunistic socialism known as party paramountcy.

In my next column, I will finally discuss the idea of Caribbean economic convergence.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

If the PPP really wanted the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism bill (AML/CFT) it would have been passed since 2011 when it had the majority.  It is obvious Freedom House is uncomfortable with the bill; therefore, it brought the bill to Parliament just months before the deadline knowing that the opposition will delay its passage. A



Originally Posted by Nehru:

If the PPP really wanted the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism bill (AML/CFT) it would have been passed since 2011 when it had the majority.  It is obvious Freedom House is uncomfortable with the bill; therefore, it brought the bill to Parliament just months before the deadline knowing that the opposition will delay its passage. A



Bai Pavi like since Jagdeo dump yuh de cheap rum freezin yug brain. TK is saying fact. Yu brain lil small foh understand. Meh hope yuh can get back yu henny and poke cuttahs soon. Cheap white rum and wan empty stomach nah good foh yu brain.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

If the PPP really wanted the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism bill (AML/CFT) it would have been passed since 2011 when it had the majority.  It is obvious Freedom House is uncomfortable with the bill; therefore, it brought the bill to Parliament just months before the deadline knowing that the opposition will delay its passage. A



Bai Pavi like since Jagdeo dump yuh de cheap rum freezin yug brain. TK is saying fact. Yu brain lil small foh understand. Meh hope yuh can get back yu henny and poke cuttahs soon. Cheap white rum and wan empty stomach nah good foh yu brain.

TK is a bloody FOOL who impress fools like you. The Opposition has been moving the Goal Post since the inception. TK is also a blatant LIAR and a SOUP DRINKER. He joined EVERY Party on the Planet!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

If the PPP really wanted the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism bill (AML/CFT) it would have been passed since 2011 when it had the majority.  It is obvious Freedom House is uncomfortable with the bill; therefore, it brought the bill to Parliament just months before the deadline knowing that the opposition will delay its passage. A



Bai Pavi like since Jagdeo dump yuh de cheap rum freezin yug brain. TK is saying fact. Yu brain lil small foh understand. Meh hope yuh can get back yu henny and poke cuttahs soon. Cheap white rum and wan empty stomach nah good foh yu brain.

TK is a bloody FOOL who impress fools like you. The Opposition has been moving the Goal Post since the inception. TK is also a blatant LIAR and a SOUP DRINKER. He joined EVERY Party on the Planet!!!

that do not mean he can not call it as he see it 

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

If the PPP really wanted the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism bill (AML/CFT) it would have been passed since 2011 when it had the majority.  It is obvious Freedom House is uncomfortable with the bill; therefore, it brought the bill to Parliament just months before the deadline knowing that the opposition will delay its passage. A



Bai Pavi like since Jagdeo dump yuh de cheap rum freezin yug brain. TK is saying fact. Yu brain lil small foh understand. Meh hope yuh can get back yu henny and poke cuttahs soon. Cheap white rum and wan empty stomach nah good foh yu brain.

TK is a bloody FOOL who impress fools like you. The Opposition has been moving the Goal Post since the inception. TK is also a blatant LIAR and a SOUP DRINKER. He joined EVERY Party on the Planet!!!

Bai me a go wid de facts. Yu gat to have wan good brain fo soak up facts. Dont be bitter Jagdeo na fly yu pun that lear jet.


The opposition boxed itself in by attaching rigid demands for support of the AML/CFT such as the Public Procurement Commission (PPC). The marginal cost associated with opposing the bill is much greater than the marginal benefits at this point. In a democracy in which no side has an absolute majority, no side will ever get everything it wants. Moreover, attaching the PPC would likely result in a weak PPC, which must be negotiated as an all-important institutional mechanism for ensuring fairness in the distribution of government contracts. APNU’s original demand of an effective Financial Intelligence Unit is reasonable showing that the party has an escape route once blacklisting occurs. The AFC needs to be less susceptible to populists without a backup plan.





Who wrote this utter garbage above?


The realities on the ground dictate that the political fight has to be taken to the PPP.  There is nothing populist about that.  When dealing with bullies you have to draw a line in the sand and this is what the AFC has done to the bullies.  THE PPP ARE BULLLIES.


The AFC did not roll over like Granja with his dotish idea of a SOCIAL CONTRACT.  What an arse!


TK you can go and haul your, you know what, for this reckless interpretation of the political facts on the ground.




Originally Posted by KishanB:

The opposition boxed itself in by attaching rigid demands for support of the AML/CFT such as the Public Procurement Commission (PPC). The marginal cost associated with opposing the bill is much greater than the marginal benefits at this point. In a democracy in which no side has an absolute majority, no side will ever get everything it wants. Moreover, attaching the PPC would likely result in a weak PPC, which must be negotiated as an all-important institutional mechanism for ensuring fairness in the distribution of government contracts. APNU’s original demand of an effective Financial Intelligence Unit is reasonable showing that the party has an escape route once blacklisting occurs. The AFC needs to be less susceptible to populists without a backup plan.





Who wrote this utter garbage above?


The realities on the ground dictate that the political fight has to be taken to the PPP.  There is nothing populist about that.  When dealing with bullies you have to draw a line in the sand and this is what the AFC has done to the bullies.  THE PPP ARE BULLLIES.


The AFC did not roll over like Granja with his dotish idea of a SOCIAL CONTRACT.  What an arse!


TK you can go and haul your, you know what, for this reckless interpretation of the political facts on the ground.




What lash, if you have something of sense to share, share it, other wise SHAD UP MR. TK.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

The opposition boxed itself in by attaching rigid demands for support of the AML/CFT such as the Public Procurement Commission (PPC). The marginal cost associated with opposing the bill is much greater than the marginal benefits at this point. In a democracy in which no side has an absolute majority, no side will ever get everything it wants. Moreover, attaching the PPC would likely result in a weak PPC, which must be negotiated as an all-important institutional mechanism for ensuring fairness in the distribution of government contracts. APNU’s original demand of an effective Financial Intelligence Unit is reasonable showing that the party has an escape route once blacklisting occurs. The AFC needs to be less susceptible to populists without a backup plan.





Who wrote this utter garbage above?


The realities on the ground dictate that the political fight has to be taken to the PPP.  There is nothing populist about that.  When dealing with bullies you have to draw a line in the sand and this is what the AFC has done to the bullies.  THE PPP ARE BULLLIES.


The AFC did not roll over like Granja with his dotish idea of a SOCIAL CONTRACT.  What an arse!


TK you can go and haul your, you know what, for this reckless interpretation of the political facts on the ground.






LOL! You gat wan loud mout. But not much else. All dem ranblin letta you and de ather false name wan write a nonsense. Aluh go give de people wan anada Linden.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

The opposition boxed itself in by attaching rigid demands for support of the AML/CFT such as the Public Procurement Commission (PPC). The marginal cost associated with opposing the bill is much greater than the marginal benefits at this point. In a democracy in which no side has an absolute majority, no side will ever get everything it wants. Moreover, attaching the PPC would likely result in a weak PPC, which must be negotiated as an all-important institutional mechanism for ensuring fairness in the distribution of government contracts. APNU’s original demand of an effective Financial Intelligence Unit is reasonable showing that the party has an escape route once blacklisting occurs. The AFC needs to be less susceptible to populists without a backup plan.





Who wrote this utter garbage above?


The realities on the ground dictate that the political fight has to be taken to the PPP.  There is nothing populist about that.  When dealing with bullies you have to draw a line in the sand and this is what the AFC has done to the bullies.  THE PPP ARE BULLLIES.


The AFC did not roll over like Granja with his dotish idea of a SOCIAL CONTRACT.  What an arse!


TK you can go and haul your, you know what, for this reckless interpretation of the political facts on the ground.




What lash, if you have something of sense to share, share it, other wise SHAD UP MR. TK.

Loud mout not political strategy. You always spy pun de opposition and tek news to PPP.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by ball:

You all know that butt plug pavi only sense is nonsense

Hey Jackass go bray ah Pasture, that is your natural Environment!!!!


Pavi bai go relax pun lil cheap XM.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

The opposition boxed itself in by attaching rigid demands for support of the AML/CFT such as the Public Procurement Commission (PPC). The marginal cost associated with opposing the bill is much greater than the marginal benefits at this point. In a democracy in which no side has an absolute majority, no side will ever get everything it wants. Moreover, attaching the PPC would likely result in a weak PPC, which must be negotiated as an all-important institutional mechanism for ensuring fairness in the distribution of government contracts. APNU’s original demand of an effective Financial Intelligence Unit is reasonable showing that the party has an escape route once blacklisting occurs. The AFC needs to be less susceptible to populists without a backup plan.





Who wrote this utter garbage above?


The realities on the ground dictate that the political fight has to be taken to the PPP.  There is nothing populist about that.  When dealing with bullies you have to draw a line in the sand and this is what the AFC has done to the bullies.  THE PPP ARE BULLLIES.


The AFC did not roll over like Granja with his dotish idea of a SOCIAL CONTRACT.  What an arse!


TK you can go and haul your, you know what, for this reckless interpretation of the political facts on the ground.




What lash, if you have something of sense to share, share it, other wise SHAD UP MR. TK.


Mr S. Singh CARICOM just say you "populists without a back up plan" must move on. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

The opposition boxed itself in by attaching rigid demands for support of the AML/CFT such as the Public Procurement Commission (PPC). The marginal cost associated with opposing the bill is much greater than the marginal benefits at this point. In a democracy in which no side has an absolute majority, no side will ever get everything it wants. Moreover, attaching the PPC would likely result in a weak PPC, which must be negotiated as an all-important institutional mechanism for ensuring fairness in the distribution of government contracts. APNU’s original demand of an effective Financial Intelligence Unit is reasonable showing that the party has an escape route once blacklisting occurs. The AFC needs to be less susceptible to populists without a backup plan.





Who wrote this utter garbage above?


The realities on the ground dictate that the political fight has to be taken to the PPP.  There is nothing populist about that.  When dealing with bullies you have to draw a line in the sand and this is what the AFC has done to the bullies.  THE PPP ARE BULLLIES.


The AFC did not roll over like Granja with his dotish idea of a SOCIAL CONTRACT.  What an arse!


TK you can go and haul your, you know what, for this reckless interpretation of the political facts on the ground.




What lash, if you have something of sense to share, share it, other wise SHAD UP MR. TK.


Mr S. Singh CARICOM just say you "populists without a back up plan" must move on. 

move all the way to the camp st jail

Originally Posted by JB:

AML/CFT: The occasion for shifting the blame


Posted By TarronKhemraj On March 12, 2014 @ 5:01 am In Daily,Features |


If the PPP really wanted the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism bill (AML/CFT) it would have been passed since 2011 when it had the majority.  It is obvious Freedom House is uncomfortable with the bill; therefore, it brought the bill to Parliament just months before the deadline knowing that the opposition will delay its passage. As expected the opposition voted down the bill and attached several demands for its support. In so doing the strategists at Freedom House were able to shift the blame to the opposition and distract from very pressing issues of the day, most notably the depreciation of the Guyana dollar relative to the US$.

The backward economic and foreign policies of the PPP were bound to bring the economy to crisis. These include an asinine foreign policy that places an opportunistic left-wing agenda before the country’s best interests. The PPP has drifted away from the West and moved closer to several tyrannical and kleptocratic regimes around the world. It gambled on a rice barter arrangement with Venezuela just because a populist left-wing government is in power. As it stands, the Venezuelan right-wing, should it depose Mr Maduro, will very likely repeal Petro Caribe, an event that will cause a major shock to the Guyanese economy and several other Caribbean states. Sustaining Petro Caribe at this point depends on the suppression of dissenters in Venezuela. The PPP came out and declared it supports Mr Maduro, thus implicitly supporting the oppression of dissenting voices. If Mr Maduro loses power, the right-wing will create trouble over Essequibo. It is unlikely China20131023watch can be of help here because any new government in Venezuela will be closer to the United States. Will deeper economic cooperation with Brazil help to rebuff Venezuela’s claims and potential sabotage of the Mazaruni hydro project that was recently in the news? As we know, in the name of a confused ideology, kleptocratic Marxism-Leninism, the PPP has done a good job alienating itself from the United States and Great Britain.


The Low Carbon Development Strategy is yet another example of backward and opportunistic economic policy making. The PPP has done nothing to clean up the environment, push for balanced renewable energy, regulate large gas guzzling vehicles, enhance the aesthetics of Georgetown and the villages, yet it insists a useless hotel with a secret investor is consistent with a low carbon strategy. It insists that a new airport terminal is in line with a low carbon agenda. A comprehensive review and upgrading of the drainage system is not a priority in this policy framework. The one attempt at renewable energy, Amaila hydroelectric plant, was not going to solve the fossil energy problem in spite of the price of US$1 billion. The dry season would have reduced the generation of electricity, thereby making it necessary to continue operating heavy fuel polluting engines to keep up with electricity demand.


The country went deeper into gold extraction chasing a gold price bubble. The neutral private sector is penalized. The legal system does not ensure that a neutral unconnected investor will enjoy the fruits of his/her investments. Private property rights are not guaranteed by the legal system, which seems to be a magnet for status seekers instead of people with a strong desire to serve. Business opportunities are divvyed up to a few friends and family of the government – hence the oligarchic exploitative relationship between some in the private sector and the government. The rise of narco trading perverts the incentive structure causing many young people to ditch education in favour of a quick hustle. Scarce human resources are being diverted to narco and money

laundering activities. Money laundering and smuggling (of legal and illegal goods) add to the cost of doing business for those who want to be legitimate.


Various foreign inflows such as foreign aid and FDIs are slowly drying up, according to the data. This was inevitable given the backward economic and foreign policies. These also compound the reduction in foreign exchange flows. It was just a matter of time before the exchange rate came under pressure (although it is not very difficult to maintain a de facto fixed rate in Guyana). When there is devaluation the government of the day gets the blame. However, the PPP has already shifted the blame to the opposition. It has the propaganda machinery to inundate the public with this latest swindle. It controls the taxpayer-funded state media and through kleptocratic manoeuvres it controls most of the private media.


A previous Development Watch column provided data to show that the recent shortage of foreign exchange preceded the date when Parliament refused to pass the anti-money laundering bill. Hence the depreciation has nothing to do with the opposition and everything to do with bad economic and foreign policies of the government.  The PPP has always had one strategy: blame the PNC for everything whether it is crimes or now for the shortage of foreign exchange. Another red-herring – the Inquiry into the death of Dr Walter Rodney – was launched this week. Suddenly after 21 years the PPP launched the commission. This is intended to deflect from the economic problems and discount APNU’s call for an Inquiry into more recent crimes on the East Coast and in particular the murder of Minister Sawh and his family.


The opposition boxed itself in by attaching rigid demands for support of the AML/CFT such as the Public Procurement Commission (PPC). The marginal cost associated with opposing the bill is much greater than the marginal benefits at this point. In a democracy in which no side has an absolute majority, no side will ever get everything it wants. Moreover, attaching the PPC would likely result in a weak PPC, which must be negotiated as an all-important institutional mechanism for ensuring fairness in the distribution of government contracts. APNU’s original demand of an effective Financial Intelligence Unit is reasonable showing that the party has an escape route once blacklisting occurs. The AFC needs to be less susceptible to populists without a backup plan.


Blacklisting will worsen the cost of doing business for legal enterprises. Overseas counterpart banks will slow down payments to and from Guyana. Of course, the objective is to make it hard for the illegal traders. But it is recklessness for any politician to make it harder for people to do legal businesses. Legitimate businesses face numerous hindrances already and they should not have to bear another one.


Politicians must not conflate anti-money laundering and anti-narcotics with anti-business or appear to be doing so.While not becoming too mesmerized with free market ideology, the politicians of this country need to exorcise the left-wing jumbies that have made this country the quintessential donkey cart economy it is today. Where is the pragmatism from the political class? The success of the workers will depend on vibrant and successful businesses and the ability of government to redistribute to the less fortunate. Imagine the opposition allows the kleptocratic communist party of Guyana to claim the right of being pro-business. That is incompetence, especially after all the Hoyte administration did to turn around business investments after the devastating impact of opportunistic socialism known as party paramountcy.

In my next column, I will finally discuss the idea of Caribbean economic convergence.


I clearly think since TK joined the APNU/PNC rigger he has gone totally insane with hate for East Indians.


Even Raji chandi Singh and Vincent Teekah and Gowkarran Sharma were more supportive of Indians.


This is a dangerous article and must be condemned in FULL.


The Indians are not the enemy, the PPP is and they are just less than 100 jagabats.


Tarron Khemraj has lost all credibility as an academic in my books, he is now a PNC propagandist.


So sad!

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by JB:

AML/CFT: The occasion for shifting the blame


Posted By TarronKhemraj On March 12, 2014 @ 5:01 am In Daily,Features |


If the PPP really wanted the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism bill (AML/CFT) it would have been passed since 2011 when it had the majority.  It is obvious Freedom House is uncomfortable with the bill; therefore, it brought the bill to Parliament just months before the deadline knowing that the opposition will delay its passage. As expected the opposition voted down the bill and attached several demands for its support. In so doing the strategists at Freedom House were able to shift the blame to the opposition and distract from very pressing issues of the day, most notably the depreciation of the Guyana dollar relative to the US$.

The backward economic and foreign policies of the PPP were bound to bring the economy to crisis. These include an asinine foreign policy that places an opportunistic left-wing agenda before the country’s best interests. The PPP has drifted away from the West and moved closer to several tyrannical and kleptocratic regimes around the world. It gambled on a rice barter arrangement with Venezuela just because a populist left-wing government is in power. As it stands, the Venezuelan right-wing, should it depose Mr Maduro, will very likely repeal Petro Caribe, an event that will cause a major shock to the Guyanese economy and several other Caribbean states. Sustaining Petro Caribe at this point depends on the suppression of dissenters in Venezuela. The PPP came out and declared it supports Mr Maduro, thus implicitly supporting the oppression of dissenting voices. If Mr Maduro loses power, the right-wing will create trouble over Essequibo. It is unlikely China20131023watch can be of help here because any new government in Venezuela will be closer to the United States. Will deeper economic cooperation with Brazil help to rebuff Venezuela’s claims and potential sabotage of the Mazaruni hydro project that was recently in the news? As we know, in the name of a confused ideology, kleptocratic Marxism-Leninism, the PPP has done a good job alienating itself from the United States and Great Britain.


The Low Carbon Development Strategy is yet another example of backward and opportunistic economic policy making. The PPP has done nothing to clean up the environment, push for balanced renewable energy, regulate large gas guzzling vehicles, enhance the aesthetics of Georgetown and the villages, yet it insists a useless hotel with a secret investor is consistent with a low carbon strategy. It insists that a new airport terminal is in line with a low carbon agenda. A comprehensive review and upgrading of the drainage system is not a priority in this policy framework. The one attempt at renewable energy, Amaila hydroelectric plant, was not going to solve the fossil energy problem in spite of the price of US$1 billion. The dry season would have reduced the generation of electricity, thereby making it necessary to continue operating heavy fuel polluting engines to keep up with electricity demand.


The country went deeper into gold extraction chasing a gold price bubble. The neutral private sector is penalized. The legal system does not ensure that a neutral unconnected investor will enjoy the fruits of his/her investments. Private property rights are not guaranteed by the legal system, which seems to be a magnet for status seekers instead of people with a strong desire to serve. Business opportunities are divvyed up to a few friends and family of the government – hence the oligarchic exploitative relationship between some in the private sector and the government. The rise of narco trading perverts the incentive structure causing many young people to ditch education in favour of a quick hustle. Scarce human resources are being diverted to narco and money

laundering activities. Money laundering and smuggling (of legal and illegal goods) add to the cost of doing business for those who want to be legitimate.


Various foreign inflows such as foreign aid and FDIs are slowly drying up, according to the data. This was inevitable given the backward economic and foreign policies. These also compound the reduction in foreign exchange flows. It was just a matter of time before the exchange rate came under pressure (although it is not very difficult to maintain a de facto fixed rate in Guyana). When there is devaluation the government of the day gets the blame. However, the PPP has already shifted the blame to the opposition. It has the propaganda machinery to inundate the public with this latest swindle. It controls the taxpayer-funded state media and through kleptocratic manoeuvres it controls most of the private media.


A previous Development Watch column provided data to show that the recent shortage of foreign exchange preceded the date when Parliament refused to pass the anti-money laundering bill. Hence the depreciation has nothing to do with the opposition and everything to do with bad economic and foreign policies of the government.  The PPP has always had one strategy: blame the PNC for everything whether it is crimes or now for the shortage of foreign exchange. Another red-herring – the Inquiry into the death of Dr Walter Rodney – was launched this week. Suddenly after 21 years the PPP launched the commission. This is intended to deflect from the economic problems and discount APNU’s call for an Inquiry into more recent crimes on the East Coast and in particular the murder of Minister Sawh and his family.


The opposition boxed itself in by attaching rigid demands for support of the AML/CFT such as the Public Procurement Commission (PPC). The marginal cost associated with opposing the bill is much greater than the marginal benefits at this point. In a democracy in which no side has an absolute majority, no side will ever get everything it wants. Moreover, attaching the PPC would likely result in a weak PPC, which must be negotiated as an all-important institutional mechanism for ensuring fairness in the distribution of government contracts. APNU’s original demand of an effective Financial Intelligence Unit is reasonable showing that the party has an escape route once blacklisting occurs. The AFC needs to be less susceptible to populists without a backup plan.


Blacklisting will worsen the cost of doing business for legal enterprises. Overseas counterpart banks will slow down payments to and from Guyana. Of course, the objective is to make it hard for the illegal traders. But it is recklessness for any politician to make it harder for people to do legal businesses. Legitimate businesses face numerous hindrances already and they should not have to bear another one.


Politicians must not conflate anti-money laundering and anti-narcotics with anti-business or appear to be doing so.While not becoming too mesmerized with free market ideology, the politicians of this country need to exorcise the left-wing jumbies that have made this country the quintessential donkey cart economy it is today. Where is the pragmatism from the political class? The success of the workers will depend on vibrant and successful businesses and the ability of government to redistribute to the less fortunate. Imagine the opposition allows the kleptocratic communist party of Guyana to claim the right of being pro-business. That is incompetence, especially after all the Hoyte administration did to turn around business investments after the devastating impact of opportunistic socialism known as party paramountcy.

In my next column, I will finally discuss the idea of Caribbean economic convergence.


I clearly think since TK joined the APNU/PNC rigger he has gone totally insane with hate for East Indians.


Even Raji chandi Singh and Vincent Teekah and Gowkarran Sharma were more supportive of Indians.


This is a dangerous article and must be condemned in FULL.


The Indians are not the enemy, the PPP is and they are just less than 100 jagabats.


Tarron Khemraj has lost all credibility as an academic in my books, he is now a PNC propagandist.


So sad!

Holy Moly Poly you turn academic exphert. Bai all me see a de implied racism here fram you and yuh KishanB handle. Me na see racism in TK article. LOL

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by JB:

AML/CFT: The occasion for shifting the blame


Posted By TarronKhemraj On March 12, 2014 @ 5:01 am In Daily,Features |


If the PPP really wanted the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism bill (AML/CFT) it would have been passed since 2011 when it had the majority.  It is obvious Freedom House is uncomfortable with the bill; therefore, it brought the bill to Parliament just months before the deadline knowing that the opposition will delay its passage. As expected the opposition voted down the bill and attached several demands for its support. In so doing the strategists at Freedom House were able to shift the blame to the opposition and distract from very pressing issues of the day, most notably the depreciation of the Guyana dollar relative to the US$.

The backward economic and foreign policies of the PPP were bound to bring the economy to crisis. These include an asinine foreign policy that places an opportunistic left-wing agenda before the country’s best interests. The PPP has drifted away from the West and moved closer to several tyrannical and kleptocratic regimes around the world. It gambled on a rice barter arrangement with Venezuela just because a populist left-wing government is in power. As it stands, the Venezuelan right-wing, should it depose Mr Maduro, will very likely repeal Petro Caribe, an event that will cause a major shock to the Guyanese economy and several other Caribbean states. Sustaining Petro Caribe at this point depends on the suppression of dissenters in Venezuela. The PPP came out and declared it supports Mr Maduro, thus implicitly supporting the oppression of dissenting voices. If Mr Maduro loses power, the right-wing will create trouble over Essequibo. It is unlikely China20131023watch can be of help here because any new government in Venezuela will be closer to the United States. Will deeper economic cooperation with Brazil help to rebuff Venezuela’s claims and potential sabotage of the Mazaruni hydro project that was recently in the news? As we know, in the name of a confused ideology, kleptocratic Marxism-Leninism, the PPP has done a good job alienating itself from the United States and Great Britain.


The Low Carbon Development Strategy is yet another example of backward and opportunistic economic policy making. The PPP has done nothing to clean up the environment, push for balanced renewable energy, regulate large gas guzzling vehicles, enhance the aesthetics of Georgetown and the villages, yet it insists a useless hotel with a secret investor is consistent with a low carbon strategy. It insists that a new airport terminal is in line with a low carbon agenda. A comprehensive review and upgrading of the drainage system is not a priority in this policy framework. The one attempt at renewable energy, Amaila hydroelectric plant, was not going to solve the fossil energy problem in spite of the price of US$1 billion. The dry season would have reduced the generation of electricity, thereby making it necessary to continue operating heavy fuel polluting engines to keep up with electricity demand.


The country went deeper into gold extraction chasing a gold price bubble. The neutral private sector is penalized. The legal system does not ensure that a neutral unconnected investor will enjoy the fruits of his/her investments. Private property rights are not guaranteed by the legal system, which seems to be a magnet for status seekers instead of people with a strong desire to serve. Business opportunities are divvyed up to a few friends and family of the government – hence the oligarchic exploitative relationship between some in the private sector and the government. The rise of narco trading perverts the incentive structure causing many young people to ditch education in favour of a quick hustle. Scarce human resources are being diverted to narco and money

laundering activities. Money laundering and smuggling (of legal and illegal goods) add to the cost of doing business for those who want to be legitimate.


Various foreign inflows such as foreign aid and FDIs are slowly drying up, according to the data. This was inevitable given the backward economic and foreign policies. These also compound the reduction in foreign exchange flows. It was just a matter of time before the exchange rate came under pressure (although it is not very difficult to maintain a de facto fixed rate in Guyana). When there is devaluation the government of the day gets the blame. However, the PPP has already shifted the blame to the opposition. It has the propaganda machinery to inundate the public with this latest swindle. It controls the taxpayer-funded state media and through kleptocratic manoeuvres it controls most of the private media.


A previous Development Watch column provided data to show that the recent shortage of foreign exchange preceded the date when Parliament refused to pass the anti-money laundering bill. Hence the depreciation has nothing to do with the opposition and everything to do with bad economic and foreign policies of the government.  The PPP has always had one strategy: blame the PNC for everything whether it is crimes or now for the shortage of foreign exchange. Another red-herring – the Inquiry into the death of Dr Walter Rodney – was launched this week. Suddenly after 21 years the PPP launched the commission. This is intended to deflect from the economic problems and discount APNU’s call for an Inquiry into more recent crimes on the East Coast and in particular the murder of Minister Sawh and his family.


The opposition boxed itself in by attaching rigid demands for support of the AML/CFT such as the Public Procurement Commission (PPC). The marginal cost associated with opposing the bill is much greater than the marginal benefits at this point. In a democracy in which no side has an absolute majority, no side will ever get everything it wants. Moreover, attaching the PPC would likely result in a weak PPC, which must be negotiated as an all-important institutional mechanism for ensuring fairness in the distribution of government contracts. APNU’s original demand of an effective Financial Intelligence Unit is reasonable showing that the party has an escape route once blacklisting occurs. The AFC needs to be less susceptible to populists without a backup plan.


Blacklisting will worsen the cost of doing business for legal enterprises. Overseas counterpart banks will slow down payments to and from Guyana. Of course, the objective is to make it hard for the illegal traders. But it is recklessness for any politician to make it harder for people to do legal businesses. Legitimate businesses face numerous hindrances already and they should not have to bear another one.


Politicians must not conflate anti-money laundering and anti-narcotics with anti-business or appear to be doing so.While not becoming too mesmerized with free market ideology, the politicians of this country need to exorcise the left-wing jumbies that have made this country the quintessential donkey cart economy it is today. Where is the pragmatism from the political class? The success of the workers will depend on vibrant and successful businesses and the ability of government to redistribute to the less fortunate. Imagine the opposition allows the kleptocratic communist party of Guyana to claim the right of being pro-business. That is incompetence, especially after all the Hoyte administration did to turn around business investments after the devastating impact of opportunistic socialism known as party paramountcy.

In my next column, I will finally discuss the idea of Caribbean economic convergence.


I clearly think since TK joined the APNU/PNC rigger he has gone totally insane with hate for East Indians.


Even Raji chandi Singh and Vincent Teekah and Gowkarran Sharma were more supportive of Indians.


This is a dangerous article and must be condemned in FULL.


The Indians are not the enemy, the PPP is and they are just less than 100 jagabats.


Tarron Khemraj has lost all credibility as an academic in my books, he is now a PNC propagandist.


So sad!

Holy Moly Poly you turn academic exphert. Bai all me see a de implied racism here fram you and yuh KishanB handle. Me na see racism in TK article. LOL



I do not know who is KishanB.  This is why I do not like posting because these PPP and PNC and AFC low lives cannot accept the truth.


Any time you catch them, then they get personal.


Look, I will stay away from these filthy minds.


The PNC messed up on their message in the sugar belt and they get this bound KULI Kapidilla ak TK to come here to defend their cause.


But it is a lost cause, the PPP will paint the sugar belt red now that the PNC made this idiotic political statement.







Well you will have to live with Prez Rohee for 5 more years - kapadilla



Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by JB:

AML/CFT: The occasion for shifting the blame


Posted By TarronKhemraj On March 12, 2014 @ 5:01 am In Daily,Features |


If the PPP really wanted the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism bill (AML/CFT) it would have been passed since 2011 when it had the majority.  It is obvious Freedom House is uncomfortable with the bill; therefore, it brought the bill to Parliament just months before the deadline knowing that the opposition will delay its passage. As expected the opposition voted down the bill and attached several demands for its support. In so doing the strategists at Freedom House were able to shift the blame to the opposition and distract from very pressing issues of the day, most notably the depreciation of the Guyana dollar relative to the US$.

The backward economic and foreign policies of the PPP were bound to bring the economy to crisis. These include an asinine foreign policy that places an opportunistic left-wing agenda before the country’s best interests. The PPP has drifted away from the West and moved closer to several tyrannical and kleptocratic regimes around the world. It gambled on a rice barter arrangement with Venezuela just because a populist left-wing government is in power. As it stands, the Venezuelan right-wing, should it depose Mr Maduro, will very likely repeal Petro Caribe, an event that will cause a major shock to the Guyanese economy and several other Caribbean states. Sustaining Petro Caribe at this point depends on the suppression of dissenters in Venezuela. The PPP came out and declared it supports Mr Maduro, thus implicitly supporting the oppression of dissenting voices. If Mr Maduro loses power, the right-wing will create trouble over Essequibo. It is unlikely China20131023watch can be of help here because any new government in Venezuela will be closer to the United States. Will deeper economic cooperation with Brazil help to rebuff Venezuela’s claims and potential sabotage of the Mazaruni hydro project that was recently in the news? As we know, in the name of a confused ideology, kleptocratic Marxism-Leninism, the PPP has done a good job alienating itself from the United States and Great Britain.


The Low Carbon Development Strategy is yet another example of backward and opportunistic economic policy making. The PPP has done nothing to clean up the environment, push for balanced renewable energy, regulate large gas guzzling vehicles, enhance the aesthetics of Georgetown and the villages, yet it insists a useless hotel with a secret investor is consistent with a low carbon strategy. It insists that a new airport terminal is in line with a low carbon agenda. A comprehensive review and upgrading of the drainage system is not a priority in this policy framework. The one attempt at renewable energy, Amaila hydroelectric plant, was not going to solve the fossil energy problem in spite of the price of US$1 billion. The dry season would have reduced the generation of electricity, thereby making it necessary to continue operating heavy fuel polluting engines to keep up with electricity demand.


The country went deeper into gold extraction chasing a gold price bubble. The neutral private sector is penalized. The legal system does not ensure that a neutral unconnected investor will enjoy the fruits of his/her investments. Private property rights are not guaranteed by the legal system, which seems to be a magnet for status seekers instead of people with a strong desire to serve. Business opportunities are divvyed up to a few friends and family of the government – hence the oligarchic exploitative relationship between some in the private sector and the government. The rise of narco trading perverts the incentive structure causing many young people to ditch education in favour of a quick hustle. Scarce human resources are being diverted to narco and money

laundering activities. Money laundering and smuggling (of legal and illegal goods) add to the cost of doing business for those who want to be legitimate.


Various foreign inflows such as foreign aid and FDIs are slowly drying up, according to the data. This was inevitable given the backward economic and foreign policies. These also compound the reduction in foreign exchange flows. It was just a matter of time before the exchange rate came under pressure (although it is not very difficult to maintain a de facto fixed rate in Guyana). When there is devaluation the government of the day gets the blame. However, the PPP has already shifted the blame to the opposition. It has the propaganda machinery to inundate the public with this latest swindle. It controls the taxpayer-funded state media and through kleptocratic manoeuvres it controls most of the private media.


A previous Development Watch column provided data to show that the recent shortage of foreign exchange preceded the date when Parliament refused to pass the anti-money laundering bill. Hence the depreciation has nothing to do with the opposition and everything to do with bad economic and foreign policies of the government.  The PPP has always had one strategy: blame the PNC for everything whether it is crimes or now for the shortage of foreign exchange. Another red-herring – the Inquiry into the death of Dr Walter Rodney – was launched this week. Suddenly after 21 years the PPP launched the commission. This is intended to deflect from the economic problems and discount APNU’s call for an Inquiry into more recent crimes on the East Coast and in particular the murder of Minister Sawh and his family.


The opposition boxed itself in by attaching rigid demands for support of the AML/CFT such as the Public Procurement Commission (PPC). The marginal cost associated with opposing the bill is much greater than the marginal benefits at this point. In a democracy in which no side has an absolute majority, no side will ever get everything it wants. Moreover, attaching the PPC would likely result in a weak PPC, which must be negotiated as an all-important institutional mechanism for ensuring fairness in the distribution of government contracts. APNU’s original demand of an effective Financial Intelligence Unit is reasonable showing that the party has an escape route once blacklisting occurs. The AFC needs to be less susceptible to populists without a backup plan.


Blacklisting will worsen the cost of doing business for legal enterprises. Overseas counterpart banks will slow down payments to and from Guyana. Of course, the objective is to make it hard for the illegal traders. But it is recklessness for any politician to make it harder for people to do legal businesses. Legitimate businesses face numerous hindrances already and they should not have to bear another one.


Politicians must not conflate anti-money laundering and anti-narcotics with anti-business or appear to be doing so.While not becoming too mesmerized with free market ideology, the politicians of this country need to exorcise the left-wing jumbies that have made this country the quintessential donkey cart economy it is today. Where is the pragmatism from the political class? The success of the workers will depend on vibrant and successful businesses and the ability of government to redistribute to the less fortunate. Imagine the opposition allows the kleptocratic communist party of Guyana to claim the right of being pro-business. That is incompetence, especially after all the Hoyte administration did to turn around business investments after the devastating impact of opportunistic socialism known as party paramountcy.

In my next column, I will finally discuss the idea of Caribbean economic convergence.


I clearly think since TK joined the APNU/PNC rigger he has gone totally insane with hate for East Indians.


Even Raji chandi Singh and Vincent Teekah and Gowkarran Sharma were more supportive of Indians.


This is a dangerous article and must be condemned in FULL.


The Indians are not the enemy, the PPP is and they are just less than 100 jagabats.


Tarron Khemraj has lost all credibility as an academic in my books, he is now a PNC propagandist.


So sad!

Holy Moly Poly you turn academic exphert. Bai all me see a de implied racism here fram you and yuh KishanB handle. Me na see racism in TK article. LOL



I do not know who is KishanB.  This is why I do not like posting because these PPP and PNC and AFC low lives cannot accept the truth.


Any time you catch them, then they get personal.


Look, I will stay away from these filthy minds.


The PNC messed up on their message in the sugar belt and they get this bound KULI Kapidilla ak TK to come here to defend their cause.


But it is a lost cause, the PPP will paint the sugar belt red now that the PNC made this idiotic political statement.







Well you will have to live with Prez Rohee for 5 more years - kapadilla



pres who, you better wake up you went to too much bottom house meeting,you speak to cane cutters and they saying is the ppp that is destroying the estates.if the ppp win the next election they will be A MINORITY AGAIN the only thing that can keep the ppp in power is the constitution 

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by JB:

AML/CFT: The occasion for shifting the blame


Posted By TarronKhemraj On March 12, 2014 @ 5:01 am In Daily,Features |


If the PPP really wanted the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism bill (AML/CFT) it would have been passed since 2011 when it had the majority.  It is obvious Freedom House is uncomfortable with the bill; therefore, it brought the bill to Parliament just months before the deadline knowing that the opposition will delay its passage. As expected the opposition voted down the bill and attached several demands for its support. In so doing the strategists at Freedom House were able to shift the blame to the opposition and distract from very pressing issues of the day, most notably the depreciation of the Guyana dollar relative to the US$.

The backward economic and foreign policies of the PPP were bound to bring the economy to crisis. These include an asinine foreign policy that places an opportunistic left-wing agenda before the country’s best interests. The PPP has drifted away from the West and moved closer to several tyrannical and kleptocratic regimes around the world. It gambled on a rice barter arrangement with Venezuela just because a populist left-wing government is in power. As it stands, the Venezuelan right-wing, should it depose Mr Maduro, will very likely repeal Petro Caribe, an event that will cause a major shock to the Guyanese economy and several other Caribbean states. Sustaining Petro Caribe at this point depends on the suppression of dissenters in Venezuela. The PPP came out and declared it supports Mr Maduro, thus implicitly supporting the oppression of dissenting voices. If Mr Maduro loses power, the right-wing will create trouble over Essequibo. It is unlikely China20131023watch can be of help here because any new government in Venezuela will be closer to the United States. Will deeper economic cooperation with Brazil help to rebuff Venezuela’s claims and potential sabotage of the Mazaruni hydro project that was recently in the news? As we know, in the name of a confused ideology, kleptocratic Marxism-Leninism, the PPP has done a good job alienating itself from the United States and Great Britain.


The Low Carbon Development Strategy is yet another example of backward and opportunistic economic policy making. The PPP has done nothing to clean up the environment, push for balanced renewable energy, regulate large gas guzzling vehicles, enhance the aesthetics of Georgetown and the villages, yet it insists a useless hotel with a secret investor is consistent with a low carbon strategy. It insists that a new airport terminal is in line with a low carbon agenda. A comprehensive review and upgrading of the drainage system is not a priority in this policy framework. The one attempt at renewable energy, Amaila hydroelectric plant, was not going to solve the fossil energy problem in spite of the price of US$1 billion. The dry season would have reduced the generation of electricity, thereby making it necessary to continue operating heavy fuel polluting engines to keep up with electricity demand.


The country went deeper into gold extraction chasing a gold price bubble. The neutral private sector is penalized. The legal system does not ensure that a neutral unconnected investor will enjoy the fruits of his/her investments. Private property rights are not guaranteed by the legal system, which seems to be a magnet for status seekers instead of people with a strong desire to serve. Business opportunities are divvyed up to a few friends and family of the government – hence the oligarchic exploitative relationship between some in the private sector and the government. The rise of narco trading perverts the incentive structure causing many young people to ditch education in favour of a quick hustle. Scarce human resources are being diverted to narco and money

laundering activities. Money laundering and smuggling (of legal and illegal goods) add to the cost of doing business for those who want to be legitimate.


Various foreign inflows such as foreign aid and FDIs are slowly drying up, according to the data. This was inevitable given the backward economic and foreign policies. These also compound the reduction in foreign exchange flows. It was just a matter of time before the exchange rate came under pressure (although it is not very difficult to maintain a de facto fixed rate in Guyana). When there is devaluation the government of the day gets the blame. However, the PPP has already shifted the blame to the opposition. It has the propaganda machinery to inundate the public with this latest swindle. It controls the taxpayer-funded state media and through kleptocratic manoeuvres it controls most of the private media.


A previous Development Watch column provided data to show that the recent shortage of foreign exchange preceded the date when Parliament refused to pass the anti-money laundering bill. Hence the depreciation has nothing to do with the opposition and everything to do with bad economic and foreign policies of the government.  The PPP has always had one strategy: blame the PNC for everything whether it is crimes or now for the shortage of foreign exchange. Another red-herring – the Inquiry into the death of Dr Walter Rodney – was launched this week. Suddenly after 21 years the PPP launched the commission. This is intended to deflect from the economic problems and discount APNU’s call for an Inquiry into more recent crimes on the East Coast and in particular the murder of Minister Sawh and his family.


The opposition boxed itself in by attaching rigid demands for support of the AML/CFT such as the Public Procurement Commission (PPC). The marginal cost associated with opposing the bill is much greater than the marginal benefits at this point. In a democracy in which no side has an absolute majority, no side will ever get everything it wants. Moreover, attaching the PPC would likely result in a weak PPC, which must be negotiated as an all-important institutional mechanism for ensuring fairness in the distribution of government contracts. APNU’s original demand of an effective Financial Intelligence Unit is reasonable showing that the party has an escape route once blacklisting occurs. The AFC needs to be less susceptible to populists without a backup plan.


Blacklisting will worsen the cost of doing business for legal enterprises. Overseas counterpart banks will slow down payments to and from Guyana. Of course, the objective is to make it hard for the illegal traders. But it is recklessness for any politician to make it harder for people to do legal businesses. Legitimate businesses face numerous hindrances already and they should not have to bear another one.


Politicians must not conflate anti-money laundering and anti-narcotics with anti-business or appear to be doing so.While not becoming too mesmerized with free market ideology, the politicians of this country need to exorcise the left-wing jumbies that have made this country the quintessential donkey cart economy it is today. Where is the pragmatism from the political class? The success of the workers will depend on vibrant and successful businesses and the ability of government to redistribute to the less fortunate. Imagine the opposition allows the kleptocratic communist party of Guyana to claim the right of being pro-business. That is incompetence, especially after all the Hoyte administration did to turn around business investments after the devastating impact of opportunistic socialism known as party paramountcy.

In my next column, I will finally discuss the idea of Caribbean economic convergence.


I clearly think since TK joined the APNU/PNC rigger he has gone totally insane with hate for East Indians.


Even Raji chandi Singh and Vincent Teekah and Gowkarran Sharma were more supportive of Indians.


This is a dangerous article and must be condemned in FULL.


The Indians are not the enemy, the PPP is and they are just less than 100 jagabats.


Tarron Khemraj has lost all credibility as an academic in my books, he is now a PNC propagandist.


So sad!

Holy Moly Poly you turn academic exphert. Bai all me see a de implied racism here fram you and yuh KishanB handle. Me na see racism in TK article. LOL



I do not know who is KishanB.  This is why I do not like posting because these PPP and PNC and AFC low lives cannot accept the truth.


Any time you catch them, then they get personal.


Look, I will stay away from these filthy minds.


The PNC messed up on their message in the sugar belt and they get this bound KULI Kapidilla ak TK to come here to defend their cause.


But it is a lost cause, the PPP will paint the sugar belt red now that the PNC made this idiotic political statement.







Well you will have to live with Prez Rohee for 5 more years - kapadilla




You are another paranoid one. I see Mr TK is now Mr Kapadilla. 

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:



I clearly think since TK joined the APNU/PNC rigger he has gone totally insane with hate for East Indians.



Can you cite what exactly TK says that displays hatred for Indians?   He doesn't spare criticism for any of the three major parties.


Why is the PPP so resistant to working with the APNU/AFC, who collectively won MORE votes, therefore have at least as much of a mandate as does the PPP?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:



I clearly think since TK joined the APNU/PNC rigger he has gone totally insane with hate for East Indians.



Can you cite what exactly TK says that displays hatred for Indians?   He doesn't spare criticism for any of the three major parties.


Why is the PPP so resistant to working with the APNU/AFC, who collectively won MORE votes, therefore have at least as much of a mandate as does the PPP?

These jackasses can only talk fraff. They cannot rebut what TK has to say.

Originally Posted by Mars:

These jackasses can only talk fraff. They cannot rebut what TK has to say.

they like to intimidate any Indian who criticizes the PPP by calling them self hating.


Based on GNI the PPP is in trouble, because over the past 10 years most of the Indians who post here have become anti PPP.  I am sure that this indicates some slippage in support in Guyana as well.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mars:

These jackasses can only talk fraff. They cannot rebut what TK has to say.

they like to intimidate any Indian who criticizes the PPP by calling them self hating.


Based on GNI the PPP is in trouble, because over the past 10 years most of the Indians who post here have become anti PPP.  I am sure that this indicates some slippage in support in Guyana as well.

Interesting point Mr CaribJ.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

If the PPP really wanted the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism bill (AML/CFT) it would have been passed since 2011 when it had the majority.  It is obvious Freedom House is uncomfortable with the bill; therefore, it brought the bill to Parliament just months before the deadline knowing that the opposition will delay its passage. A



You could illustrate you do know your head from your rear if you added some analysis instead of your  usual rectal effluent. 

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

TK is trying to tell us what we already know.

Ole bai Rama wey you show up fram? Like you gane back to yuh ole handle?

Look who talking about handles  - JB = Kapadilla = Redux = Reverse Redux = Sunil = look let me stop.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

TK is trying to tell us what we already know.

Ole bai Rama wey you show up fram? Like you gane back to yuh ole handle?

Look who talking about handles  - JB = Kapadilla = Redux = Reverse Redux = Sunil = look let me stop.

Holy Mother of God this man KB is desperate. 


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