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October 16,2016 Source

It’s Saturday afternoon and children, freed from the responsibility of having to prepare for school the next day, spend the time playing on the street. Three little boys, aged eight or nine, race each other as they roll truck tyres down Saffon Street all the way to the corner of Broad Street, then back again. One block away on Lombard Street,    a haphazard collection       of shacks face the Guyana National Industrial Company (GNIC) wharf. In a gap between two rows of shacks, young children bathe at a standpipe their bodies perched over a clogged drain. It is this collection of homes, this Lombard street community, that a team from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) described as living in “extreme poverty.”A statement from the IACHR on the 

September 21 to 23 visit said in part, “During its visit to the neighbourhood of Lombard Street, the IACHR delegation was shocked by the extreme poverty and precarious living conditions of its inhabitants. The community comprises approximately 40 adults and 80 children with clear housing, sanitation, and health problems, as well as limited work opportunities and scant social services provided by the State.”

When Stabroek News visited the area yesterday, the issues raised by the IACHR team were evident as were their needs and wants.

They want land. They need access to more space so that they could build a community which is both physically and psychologically healthy.

“What children see that’s what dey are gonna wanna become. Nobody want dey children become what dey see going on here. We need land. People with their little children want to move out from here. People need to go somewhere with space where you can bring up your children in your own way. You need your own place to bring up your children you own way,” Amanda, a resident of the area told Stabroek News.

Five minutes into the interview, it became clear what Amanda doesn’t want her children to see. A police van laden with armed officers and several young men turns the corner and begins to search several of the young men sitting in front of the yard.

It is high drama as several women gather their sons into the shacks and shout for their partners to stay inside.

As shocking as it appears, for the residents, this is normal. When challenged one of the officers tells Stabroek News that the exercise is a routine stop and search and residents support his account.

“This is regular thing. Almost every weekend dey does show up here and pick up people. Last night dey say they looking for some lil boy that tief a police gun and dey busy shooting off in Albouystown like dey head ain’t good,” one resident says.

Tensions ratchet higher when someone shouts, “Dey carrying Scooby.”

“You see how dey stay. Look how dey does not pick up people children just so dry. Mek sure you tape them,” a woman called Pinky demands.

As Scooby calmly climbs into the police van someone tells Pinky that the officer found a joint on him. Another man explains that it is probably just an identification parade they are taking them on.

“If is a ID parade dey gon bring dem back. But like how dey find Scooby with weed dey could do he anything,” he says adding sagely, “dey just gotta be careful and don’t change dey shirt or nothing. Sometime de colour of you shirt could get you jail.”

He has lived in the area all his life and has been on many ID parades. He is not alone. Amanda explains that some people have lived in this space for 35 years, some for 45 years she herself has always lived here.

Asked about the visit by the IACHR team which was accompanied by Minister of Social Protection Volda Lawrence the residents are mostly indifferent. They promised nothing beyond a second visit and the residents have been visited many times before, they are not interested in visits or promises only land.

They have been able to provide themselves with the basic amenities. There are small shops selling groceries, there is running water and electricity, but not directly from the Guyana Power and Light. As Amanda puts it, “Is the ghetto, remember; everybody must find a way to get light.”

Told that Minister Lawrence has pledged to continue to work to improve the situation and opportunities of the community’s residents, the residents stare blankly. Amanda flippantly says, “Okay.”

The IACHR’s statement has called on the State to adopt urgent steps to improve the socioeconomic status of the Lombard Street residents and to create, immediately and without delay, conditions that allow them to exercise all their human rights.

Several residents, including small children, look on as a police van drives away after detaining two of their neighbours.

Several residents, including small children, look on as a police van drives away after detaining two of their neighbours.

One of the many children in the community stands at the entrance to her home.

One of the many children in the community stands at the entrance to her home.

Several residents congregate at a ‘corner shop’ in the area.

Several residents congregate at a ‘corner shop’ in the area.

One of the standpipes in the area

One of the standpipes in the area.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Tiger Bay, Lombard Street, etc, these people are contented with things as they are.  They live like that as long as I can remember.  These places have been Guyana's underbelly through out its history, the descendants of prostitutes and common criminals.   IACHR can try to achieve what Burnham, Hoyte, Jagan, BJ and now Granger is trying to achieve.  Good luck to them!

Drugb posted:

While Granger et al fill their pockets with 50% raises, their supporters live in squalor. 

The PPP took money from UNDP, USAID, CEDAW, UNICEF  and hundreds of international aid institutions in order to reduce poverty but where are we?  Those fellows left us exactly whee Hoyte left us.

Drugb posted:

While Granger et al fill their pockets with 50% raises, their supporters live in squalor. 

These people will not hesitate to vote PNC again. They live in the ghetto but would not criticize the PNC for neglecting them. I do feel sorry for their plight. I have also seen some families in Region 6 living in this condition also.

Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:

While Granger et al fill their pockets with 50% raises, their supporters live in squalor. 

The PPP took money from UNDP, USAID, CEDAW, UNICEF  and hundreds of international aid institutions in order to reduce poverty but where are we?  Those fellows left us exactly whee Hoyte left us.

Nonsense, much of those initiatives were run by the said orgs, so go ask them!

ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:

While Granger et al fill their pockets with 50% raises, their supporters live in squalor. 

The PPP took money from UNDP, USAID, CEDAW, UNICEF  and hundreds of international aid institutions in order to reduce poverty but where are we?  Those fellows left us exactly whee Hoyte left us.

Nonsense, much of those initiatives were run by the said orgs, so go ask them!

none of these groups put personnel on the ground. They are not like the peace corps. They put money to projects

Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:

While Granger et al fill their pockets with 50% raises, their supporters live in squalor. 

The PPP took money from UNDP, USAID, CEDAW, UNICEF  and hundreds of international aid institutions in order to reduce poverty but where are we?  Those fellows left us exactly whee Hoyte left us.

Nonsense, much of those initiatives were run by the said orgs, so go ask them!

none of these groups put personnel on the ground. They are not like the peace corps. They put money to projects

They run the projects and employ mostly local personnel but they do have expats who oversee.  I met several such people when I lived in Guyana and I met a couple when I visited a few years back.  And yes, most workers are local but the funds does not flow through the GoG hands!

ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:

While Granger et al fill their pockets with 50% raises, their supporters live in squalor. 

The PPP took money from UNDP, USAID, CEDAW, UNICEF  and hundreds of international aid institutions in order to reduce poverty but where are we?  Those fellows left us exactly whee Hoyte left us.

Nonsense, much of those initiatives were run by the said orgs, so go ask them!

none of these groups put personnel on the ground. They are not like the peace corps. They put money to projects

They run the projects and employ mostly local personnel but they do have expats who oversee.  I met several such people when I lived in Guyana and I met a couple when I visited a few years back.  And yes, most workers are local but the funds does not flow through the GoG hands!

They work with government as they must to constitute their programs, select their targets and deploy their plan. The government inevitably are a big part of these schemes and it is the reason they fail. Note the State Department constitute the HIV suppression project and sent in personnel there to take care of the task and in the end it is one of the shining symbols of success. None of UNDP's poverty alleviation projects seem to have had much effect and it was suppose to raise all above the poverty level almost six years ago yet we still have the same statistics as given by the Thomas study of poverty delivered way back in the middle of the decade of the last century.

Stormborn posted:

They work with government as they must to constitute their programs, select their targets and deploy their plan. The government inevitably are a big part of these schemes and it is the reason they fail. Note the State Department constitute the HIV suppression project and sent in personnel there to take care of the task and in the end it is one of the shining symbols of success. None of UNDP's poverty alleviation projects seem to have had much effect and it was suppose to raise all above the poverty level almost six years ago yet we still have the same statistics as given by the Thomas study of poverty delivered way back in the middle of the decade of the last century.

You need to desist with your lies. The donor organizations dictate where the money is spent. Government is not given free reign to spend a blank check. 

Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:

They work with government as they must to constitute their programs, select their targets and deploy their plan. The government inevitably are a big part of these schemes and it is the reason they fail. Note the State Department constitute the HIV suppression project and sent in personnel there to take care of the task and in the end it is one of the shining symbols of success. None of UNDP's poverty alleviation projects seem to have had much effect and it was suppose to raise all above the poverty level almost six years ago yet we still have the same statistics as given by the Thomas study of poverty delivered way back in the middle of the decade of the last century.

You need to desist with your lies. The donor organizations dictate where the money is spent. Government is not given free reign to spend a blank check. 

They have project based on assessment. They cannot go in unless the government agrees. The government does act as a guide and implant their agents. The PPP especially s leery even of the peace corps. Shadood and Amar noted they were CIA spies and the PPP do not trust them. Any entity going in goes in with the full agreement of the government. If these people were targeted for aid none got to them as it is self evident. That they are tailor made for help in any poverty alleviation plan is also obvious.

Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:

They work with government as they must to constitute their programs, select their targets and deploy their plan. The government inevitably are a big part of these schemes and it is the reason they fail. Note the State Department constitute the HIV suppression project and sent in personnel there to take care of the task and in the end it is one of the shining symbols of success. None of UNDP's poverty alleviation projects seem to have had much effect and it was suppose to raise all above the poverty level almost six years ago yet we still have the same statistics as given by the Thomas study of poverty delivered way back in the middle of the decade of the last century.

You need to desist with your lies. The donor organizations dictate where the money is spent. Government is not given free reign to spend a blank check. 

They have project based on assessment. They cannot go in unless the government agrees. The government does act as a guide and implant their agents. The PPP especially s leery even of the peace corps. Shadood and Amar noted they were CIA spies and the PPP do not trust them. Any entity going in goes in with the full agreement of the government. If these people were targeted for aid none got to them as it is self evident. That they are tailor made for help in any poverty alleviation plan is also obvious.

Nonsense, the organization would pull their funding if govt does not agree with the allocation of resources.  Beggars can't be choosers. 

Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:

While Granger et al fill their pockets with 50% raises, their supporters live in squalor. 

The PPP took money from UNDP, USAID, CEDAW, UNICEF  and hundreds of international aid institutions in order to reduce poverty but where are we?  Those fellows left us exactly whee Hoyte left us.

Nonsense, much of those initiatives were run by the said orgs, so go ask them!

none of these groups put personnel on the ground. They are not like the peace corps. They put money to projects

They run the projects and employ mostly local personnel but they do have expats who oversee.  I met several such people when I lived in Guyana and I met a couple when I visited a few years back.  And yes, most workers are local but the funds does not flow through the GoG hands!

They work with government as they must to constitute their programs, select their targets and deploy their plan. The government inevitably are a big part of these schemes and it is the reason they fail. Note the State Department constitute the HIV suppression project and sent in personnel there to take care of the task and in the end it is one of the shining symbols of success. None of UNDP's poverty alleviation projects seem to have had much effect and it was suppose to raise all above the poverty level almost six years ago yet we still have the same statistics as given by the Thomas study of poverty delivered way back in the middle of the decade of the last century.

Yes, they do because in the end it becomes part of the national debt.  So the Govt has to agree to the project/initiative.  However, the project is administered by the agency, they sign off on payments to contractors after verification by various managers including their own.  Both the Govt and the agency rep have to sign off on milestones and deliverables.

The point is, contrary to your assertion that the PPP misappropriated the funds is pure hogwash.  It means these agencies were in cohootes with the Govt.  Only the uninformed, uneducated and stupid would agree with you. 

ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:

While Granger et al fill their pockets with 50% raises, their supporters live in squalor. 

The PPP took money from UNDP, USAID, CEDAW, UNICEF  and hundreds of international aid institutions in order to reduce poverty but where are we?  Those fellows left us exactly whee Hoyte left us.

Nonsense, much of those initiatives were run by the said orgs, so go ask them!

none of these groups put personnel on the ground. They are not like the peace corps. They put money to projects

They run the projects and employ mostly local personnel but they do have expats who oversee.  I met several such people when I lived in Guyana and I met a couple when I visited a few years back.  And yes, most workers are local but the funds does not flow through the GoG hands!

They work with government as they must to constitute their programs, select their targets and deploy their plan. The government inevitably are a big part of these schemes and it is the reason they fail. Note the State Department constitute the HIV suppression project and sent in personnel there to take care of the task and in the end it is one of the shining symbols of success. None of UNDP's poverty alleviation projects seem to have had much effect and it was suppose to raise all above the poverty level almost six years ago yet we still have the same statistics as given by the Thomas study of poverty delivered way back in the middle of the decade of the last century.

Yes, they do because in the end it becomes part of the national debt.  So the Govt has to agree to the project/initiative.  However, the project is administered by the agency, they sign off on payments to contractors after verification by various managers including their own.  Both the Govt and the agency rep have to sign off on milestones and deliverables.

The point is, contrary to your assertion that the PPP misappropriated the funds is pure hogwash.  It means these agencies were in cohootes with the Govt.  Only the uninformed, uneducated and stupid would agree with you. 

Re read carefully what I stated. I made no assertion of misappropriation. I said the people are the same place they were when hoyte left after decades of programs to alleviate poverty. Something has to have happened with the money from these programs. They had to have been misspent, mismanaged, mis-allocated or simply wasted. You make the choice. You stated these people are chronic poverty cases meaning they ought to be the primary targets of any program to ease poverty. The proof is in the pudding. I do not care how it was baked.

Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:

Nonsense, much of those initiatives were run by the said orgs, so go ask them!

none of these groups put personnel on the ground. They are not like the peace corps. They put money to projects

They run the projects and employ mostly local personnel but they do have expats who oversee.  I met several such people when I lived in Guyana and I met a couple when I visited a few years back.  And yes, most workers are local but the funds does not flow through the GoG hands!

They work with government as they must to constitute their programs, select their targets and deploy their plan. The government inevitably are a big part of these schemes and it is the reason they fail. Note the State Department constitute the HIV suppression project and sent in personnel there to take care of the task and in the end it is one of the shining symbols of success. None of UNDP's poverty alleviation projects seem to have had much effect and it was suppose to raise all above the poverty level almost six years ago yet we still have the same statistics as given by the Thomas study of poverty delivered way back in the middle of the decade of the last century.

Yes, they do because in the end it becomes part of the national debt.  So the Govt has to agree to the project/initiative.  However, the project is administered by the agency, they sign off on payments to contractors after verification by various managers including their own.  Both the Govt and the agency rep have to sign off on milestones and deliverables.

The point is, contrary to your assertion that the PPP misappropriated the funds is pure hogwash.  It means these agencies were in cohootes with the Govt.  Only the uninformed, uneducated and stupid would agree with you. 

Re read carefully what I stated. I made no assertion of misappropriation. I said the people are the same place they were when hoyte left after decades of programs to alleviate poverty. Something has to have happened with the money from these programs. They had to have been misspent, mismanaged, mis-allocated or simply wasted. You make the choice. You stated these people are chronic poverty cases meaning they ought to be the primary targets of any program to ease poverty. The proof is in the pudding. I do not care how it was baked.

Good, so then go complain to the agencies who administered these projects. They exercised much more operational and fiscal control over the projects than to Govt!  You are now implying these notable foreign agencies are largely incompetent!

If these projects were implemented and the result does not show, then the agencies are largely at fault.  In the end, the debt is still on the back of the nation.

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:
Good, so then go complain to the agencies who administered these projects. They exercised much more operational and fiscal control over the projects than to Govt!  You are now implying these notable foreign agencies are largely incompetent! If these projects were implemented and the result does not show, then the agencies are largely at fault.  In the end, the debt is still on the back of the nation.

Buss he backside, Mr know it all don't know how these donor agencies work, he believe they just give away money without accountability. 

Drugb posted:
ba$eman posted:
Good, so then go complain to the agencies who administered these projects. They exercised much more operational and fiscal control over the projects than to Govt!  You are now implying these notable foreign agencies are largely incompetent! If these projects were implemented and the result does not show, then the agencies are largely at fault.  In the end, the debt is still on the back of the nation.

Buss he backside, Mr know it all don't know how these donor agencies work, he believe they just give away money without accountability. 

Bunch of numb skulls!!  They talk as though people stupid, even these notable agencies are stupid to them!

ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:

Nonsense, much of those initiatives were run by the said orgs, so go ask them!

none of these groups put personnel on the ground. They are not like the peace corps. They put money to projects

They run the projects and employ mostly local personnel but they do have expats who oversee.  I met several such people when I lived in Guyana and I met a couple when I visited a few years back.  And yes, most workers are local but the funds does not flow through the GoG hands!

They work with government as they must to constitute their programs, select their targets and deploy their plan. The government inevitably are a big part of these schemes and it is the reason they fail. Note the State Department constitute the HIV suppression project and sent in personnel there to take care of the task and in the end it is one of the shining symbols of success. None of UNDP's poverty alleviation projects seem to have had much effect and it was suppose to raise all above the poverty level almost six years ago yet we still have the same statistics as given by the Thomas study of poverty delivered way back in the middle of the decade of the last century.

Yes, they do because in the end it becomes part of the national debt.  So the Govt has to agree to the project/initiative.  However, the project is administered by the agency, they sign off on payments to contractors after verification by various managers including their own.  Both the Govt and the agency rep have to sign off on milestones and deliverables.

The point is, contrary to your assertion that the PPP misappropriated the funds is pure hogwash.  It means these agencies were in cohootes with the Govt.  Only the uninformed, uneducated and stupid would agree with you. 

Re read carefully what I stated. I made no assertion of misappropriation. I said the people are the same place they were when hoyte left after decades of programs to alleviate poverty. Something has to have happened with the money from these programs. They had to have been misspent, mismanaged, mis-allocated or simply wasted. You make the choice. You stated these people are chronic poverty cases meaning they ought to be the primary targets of any program to ease poverty. The proof is in the pudding. I do not care how it was baked.

Good, so then go complain to the agencies who administered these projects. They exercised much more operational and fiscal control over the projects than to Govt!  You are now implying these notable foreign agencies are largely incompetent!

If these projects were implemented and the result does not show, then the agencies are largely at fault.  In the end, the debt is still on the back of the nation.

Who takes on a debt and as you say, let others spend the money poorly and in the end still assume the debt. That is the craziest thing ever. I have to check. These funds are grants...I think so. I know CEDAW is and USAID but I never looked into UNDP. But given it is the UN and the UN is not a bank I think it is a grant.

Drugb posted:
ba$eman posted:
Good, so then go complain to the agencies who administered these projects. They exercised much more operational and fiscal control over the projects than to Govt!  You are now implying these notable foreign agencies are largely incompetent! If these projects were implemented and the result does not show, then the agencies are largely at fault.  In the end, the debt is still on the back of the nation.

Buss he backside, Mr know it all don't know how these donor agencies work, he believe they just give away money without accountability. 

I guess the existence of tiger bay and other pockets of endemic poverty is enough to tell me these programs are abject failures so who is accountable here?

ba$eman posted:
Drugb posted:
ba$eman posted:
Good, so then go complain to the agencies who administered these projects. They exercised much more operational and fiscal control over the projects than to Govt!  You are now implying these notable foreign agencies are largely incompetent! If these projects were implemented and the result does not show, then the agencies are largely at fault.  In the end, the debt is still on the back of the nation.

Buss he backside, Mr know it all don't know how these donor agencies work, he believe they just give away money without accountability. 

Bunch of numb skulls!!  They talk as though people stupid, even these notable agencies are stupid to them!

You are the one talking through your behind about loans not and accumulated debt when these are not. The reality is nothing happened to change anything so however much they spent was obviously misspent. If the data about poverty is the same as 2 decades ago where did the money go?



Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:
Drugb posted:
ba$eman posted:
Good, so then go complain to the agencies who administered these projects. They exercised much more operational and fiscal control over the projects than to Govt!  You are now implying these notable foreign agencies are largely incompetent! If these projects were implemented and the result does not show, then the agencies are largely at fault.  In the end, the debt is still on the back of the nation.

Buss he backside, Mr know it all don't know how these donor agencies work, he believe they just give away money without accountability. 

Bunch of numb skulls!!  They talk as though people stupid, even these notable agencies are stupid to them!

You are the one talking through your behind about loans not and accumulated debt when these are not. The reality is nothing happened to change anything so however much they spent was obviously misspent. If the data about poverty is the same as 2 decades ago where did the money go?

You numb skull, go argue with the sponsor of the initiatives, not the GoG.  In the end, these people are where they are because they want to be.  With all the pro-Afro policies of Burnham, Tiger Bay, Lombard street remains where they are for over 50 years.


I just got in from a hockey game made possible for the kids by the Metro Police. The kids all hail from from Thorncliff Park....a poor neighbourhood, lots of Muslims, Hungarians and various ethnic groups. The kids are given all the gear needed to participate and the sessions are free, the officers give their time toward this program. Without these programs, the youth will find other things to fill their time which could have dire consequences.

ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:
Drugb posted:
ba$eman posted:
Good, so then go complain to the agencies who administered these projects. They exercised much more operational and fiscal control over the projects than to Govt!  You are now implying these notable foreign agencies are largely incompetent! If these projects were implemented and the result does not show, then the agencies are largely at fault.  In the end, the debt is still on the back of the nation.

Buss he backside, Mr know it all don't know how these donor agencies work, he believe they just give away money without accountability. 

Bunch of numb skulls!!  They talk as though people stupid, even these notable agencies are stupid to them!

You are the one talking through your behind about loans not and accumulated debt when these are not. The reality is nothing happened to change anything so however much they spent was obviously misspent. If the data about poverty is the same as 2 decades ago where did the money go?

You numb skull, go argue with the sponsor of the initiatives, not the GoG.  In the end, these people are where they are because they want to be.  With all the pro-Afro policies of Burnham, Tiger Bay, Lombard street remains where they are for over 50 years.

Why should I argue with them? I am commenting that nothing was done and the government whose task was to frame these projects have done nothing for these people. I hope Granger uses the oil money to find them homes and make sure there are no plastic cities or people living in mudflats in our country. We have more chances that he will do it than the PPP whose failure to perform is self evident in the reality that these people exist.

I wonder if our dalit grandparents were dalits for 6000 years because they wanted to be where they were! obviously they did not transcend their status until the arrived destitute and in bondage in GY...then the flowered....why?????

Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:
Drugb posted:
ba$eman posted:
Good, so then go complain to the agencies who administered these projects. They exercised much more operational and fiscal control over the projects than to Govt!  You are now implying these notable foreign agencies are largely incompetent! If these projects were implemented and the result does not show, then the agencies are largely at fault.  In the end, the debt is still on the back of the nation.

Buss he backside, Mr know it all don't know how these donor agencies work, he believe they just give away money without accountability. 

Bunch of numb skulls!!  They talk as though people stupid, even these notable agencies are stupid to them!

You are the one talking through your behind about loans not and accumulated debt when these are not. The reality is nothing happened to change anything so however much they spent was obviously misspent. If the data about poverty is the same as 2 decades ago where did the money go?

You numb skull, go argue with the sponsor of the initiatives, not the GoG.  In the end, these people are where they are because they want to be.  With all the pro-Afro policies of Burnham, Tiger Bay, Lombard street remains where they are for over 50 years.

Why should I argue with them? I am commenting that nothing was done and the government whose task was to frame these projects have done nothing for these people. I hope Granger uses the oil money to find them homes and make sure there are no plastic cities or people living in mudflats in our country. We have more chances that he will do it than the PPP whose failure to perform is self evident in the reality that these people exist.

I wonder if our dalit grandparents were dalits for 6000 years because they wanted to be where they were! obviously they did not transcend their status until the arrived destitute and in bondage in GY...then the flowered....why?????

These people even kept themselves that way under 28 years of pro-Afro PNC policies.  Handouts would not change that but sure with oil money, they will get more handouts.

And yes, if dalits are given a chance, some will rise.  But not all.  Many Blacks did rise under the PNC but these did not and will not.  However, opportunity should be given to their kids wanting to do better.  Last I heard, public education was free in Guyana!

Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:
ba$eman posted:
Good, so then go complain to the agencies who administered these projects. They exercised much more operational and fiscal control over the projects than to Govt!  You are now implying these notable foreign agencies are largely incompetent! If these projects were implemented and the result does not show, then the agencies are largely at fault.  In the end, the debt is still on the back of the nation.

Buss he backside, Mr know it all don't know how these donor agencies work, he believe they just give away money without accountability. 

I guess the existence of tiger bay and other pockets of endemic poverty is enough to tell me these programs are abject failures so who is accountable here?

You should do a thesis on that!!  Go ask your PNC buddies for help, they administered Guyana for 28 years during which both Tiger Bay and Lombard street were the armpits of the nation!!

cain posted:

I just got in from a hockey game made possible for the kids by the Metro Police. The kids all hail from from Thorncliff Park....a poor neighbourhood, lots of Muslims, Hungarians and various ethnic groups. The kids are given all the gear needed to participate and the sessions are free, the officers give their time toward this program. Without these programs, the youth will find other things to fill their time which could have dire consequences.

Great story.  I'm sure many will rise out of their poverty to become productive citizens, not because tell them, because they want to!

ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:
ba$eman posted:
Good, so then go complain to the agencies who administered these projects. They exercised much more operational and fiscal control over the projects than to Govt!  You are now implying these notable foreign agencies are largely incompetent! If these projects were implemented and the result does not show, then the agencies are largely at fault.  In the end, the debt is still on the back of the nation.

Buss he backside, Mr know it all don't know how these donor agencies work, he believe they just give away money without accountability. 

I guess the existence of tiger bay and other pockets of endemic poverty is enough to tell me these programs are abject failures so who is accountable here?

You should do a thesis on that!!  Go ask your PNC buddies for help, they administered Guyana for 28 years during which both Tiger Bay and Lombard street were the armpits of the nation!!

You are a stupid man. We are discussing the failure of programs to make a difference these past two decades that were funded. The PNC did not have a pot to piss in during their regime. Western governments were liberal with their funding the past two decades. Add to that we were supposed to be in a democracy vs a dictatorship.

The reality is that these people were failed by respective regimes for whatever reasons. I means the current regime has a five decades history of failure to reflect on and must do it right. Again, even arm pits need to be hygienic. This regime must focus a disproportionate effort to remedy these hell holes in the City. There are less than three hundred families so the scope is not outside their ability to do.

cain posted:

I just got in from a hockey game made possible for the kids by the Metro Police. The kids all hail from from Thorncliff Park....a poor neighbourhood, lots of Muslims, Hungarians and various ethnic groups. The kids are given all the gear needed to participate and the sessions are free, the officers give their time toward this program. Without these programs, the youth will find other things to fill their time which could have dire consequences.

Maybe you and d2 need to pool you resources and do the same for Tigerbay kids instead of complaining. Be the doer instead of the talker. 

Drugb posted:
cain posted:

I just got in from a hockey game made possible for the kids by the Metro Police. The kids all hail from from Thorncliff Park....a poor neighbourhood, lots of Muslims, Hungarians and various ethnic groups. The kids are given all the gear needed to participate and the sessions are free, the officers give their time toward this program. Without these programs, the youth will find other things to fill their time which could have dire consequences.

Maybe you and d2 need to pool you resources and do the same for Tigerbay kids instead of complaining. Be the doer instead of the talker. 

You surprise me daily with how completely an idiot you are. You are here tracking the criminals in GT by posting their exploits yet if you care to be a doer you do not give the police a car or a truck or a donation of any kind to help in their work. Yet no one can complain about poverty less they demonstrate they donated money to the cause. Our entire resource aggregated cannot accrue to the sum already spent by donor states so what benefit my two nickels would be if there is systematic failure to perform in the system?

Last edited by Former Member
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:
cain posted:

I just got in from a hockey game made possible for the kids by the Metro Police. The kids all hail from from Thorncliff Park....a poor neighbourhood, lots of Muslims, Hungarians and various ethnic groups. The kids are given all the gear needed to participate and the sessions are free, the officers give their time toward this program. Without these programs, the youth will find other things to fill their time which could have dire consequences.

Maybe you and d2 need to pool you resources and do the same for Tigerbay kids instead of complaining. Be the doer instead of the talker. 

You surprise me daily with how completely an idiot you are. You are here tracking the criminals in GT by posting their exploits yet if you care to be a doer you do not give the police a car or a truck or a donation of any kind to help in their work. Yet no one can complain about poverty less they demonstrate they donated money to the cause. Our entire resource aggregated cannot accrue to the sum already spent by donor states so what benefit my two nickels would be if there is systematic failure to perform in the system?

We all are aware that the PNC police will sport out any monies given to them. It would be wiser to finance phantoms than the lazy incompetent police. 

Your deeds does not reflect your veribage. You complain but you don't lend a helping hand, even to the corrupt Granger administration that you support. 

Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:
cain posted:

I just got in from a hockey game made possible for the kids by the Metro Police. The kids all hail from from Thorncliff Park....a poor neighbourhood, lots of Muslims, Hungarians and various ethnic groups. The kids are given all the gear needed to participate and the sessions are free, the officers give their time toward this program. Without these programs, the youth will find other things to fill their time which could have dire consequences.

Maybe you and d2 need to pool you resources and do the same for Tigerbay kids instead of complaining. Be the doer instead of the talker. 

You surprise me daily with how completely an idiot you are. You are here tracking the criminals in GT by posting their exploits yet if you care to be a doer you do not give the police a car or a truck or a donation of any kind to help in their work. Yet no one can complain about poverty less they demonstrate they donated money to the cause. Our entire resource aggregated cannot accrue to the sum already spent by donor states so what benefit my two nickels would be if there is systematic failure to perform in the system?

We all are aware that the PNC police will sport out any monies given to them. It would be wiser to finance phantoms than the lazy incompetent police. 

Your deeds does not reflect your veribage. You complain but you don't lend a helping hand, even to the corrupt Granger administration that you support. 

"We" are not aware of anything. You have convinced your self that black people have not the capacity do do anything successfully.

My deeds are unknown to you and has no relevance to what I state here.

Stormborn posted:

"We" are not aware of anything. You have convinced your self that black people have not the capacity do do anything successfully.

My deeds are unknown to you and has no relevance to what I state here.

Nonsense, these are your beliefs based on your own experience via your interactions with Blacks. 

There are many successful Blacks in this world so for you to make this stupid claim shows what a bigot you are. 

The PNC police are a special breed, their job is to sport and collect bribe and do the very least when the victims are Indians. 

Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:

"We" are not aware of anything. You have convinced your self that black people have not the capacity do do anything successfully.

My deeds are unknown to you and has no relevance to what I state here.

Nonsense, these are your beliefs based on your own experience via your interactions with Blacks. 

There are many successful Blacks in this world so for you to make this stupid claim shows what a bigot you are. 

The PNC police are a special breed, their job is to sport and collect bribe and do the very least when the victims are Indians. 

Storm Sewage has stooped so low as to defending the PNC stench. It flows right through, stench and all.

yuji22 posted:
Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:

"We" are not aware of anything. You have convinced your self that black people have not the capacity do do anything successfully.

My deeds are unknown to you and has no relevance to what I state here.

Nonsense, these are your beliefs based on your own experience via your interactions with Blacks. 

There are many successful Blacks in this world so for you to make this stupid claim shows what a bigot you are. 

The PNC police are a special breed, their job is to sport and collect bribe and do the very least when the victims are Indians. 

Storm Sewage has stooped so low as to defending the PNC stench. It flows right through, stench and all.

Maybe he has PNC sewage running through his veins. Look how quiet he has become when PNC strong arm  and abuse the Amerindians. No more is this hypocrite calling for Amerindian land deeds etc. Its now all forgotten. The bannas now moving to Florida and dreaming of Spain. Evidence that he is really a White pretending to be Buck. 

Last edited by Former Member

People are talking in angst like things are not possible to be solved. This is because the complementary reference for feelings are not memorized for the technology because the nerves do not keep a memory of the act. This memory can be achieved with the money association of feelings. Simply write your name on the money and let it circulate (This may be illegal) . Also take a photo of someone and write their name on it and keep it in your wallet. The distribution of data will occur with the spirit and that will facilitate organization of people and there will be further opportunities to communicate with them, bringing us closer. The nerves will interface mind and body. When you copy something with a photocopier, what checks to see if the copy is correct on paper? Nothing. If the image being printed on paper is mirrored in real time onto the copier electronics for monitoring then it will have a way to check its output.  Poor people like on Lombard street in Guyana can walk with a dollar given by someone else with their name on it. Let fate do the rest.

5$ bill with mane Ron

I will put this reasoning on my website


Images (1)
  • 5$ bill with mane Ron
Ronald Anthony Arjune
Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:
Buss he backside.... 

Another Jalilian expression, connoting buggary. Seems like Drugb has assimilated Jalil's DNA. 

This is a Guyanese expression, sanitized. The actual phrase is "buss he ass". 


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