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Chief posted:

Trump is behaving   like a wounded animal.

He lashed out against the women who are  making the claims against him. He lashed out badly against the media.  

Some of these are the left wing media fabrication and embellishment.  Trump contributed with his stupid statements, but much of it is fabrication.

Hillary will drag the US into a quagmire!

ba$eman posted:
Chief posted:

Trump is behaving   like a wounded animal.

He lashed out against the women who are  making the claims against him. He lashed out badly against the media.  

Some of these are the left wing media fabrication and embellishment.

Trump contributed with his stupid statements, but much of it is fabrication.

Hillary will drag the US into a quagmire!

Simply matter ...

He will continue with inappropriate and much more stupid statements until he is officially defeated by the voters in the November 2016 elections.

After the elections, Trump may say, "I did not loose the elections, the people did not vote for me."

Demerara_Guy posted:
ba$eman posted:
Chief posted:

Trump is behaving   like a wounded animal.

He lashed out against the women who are  making the claims against him. He lashed out badly against the media.  

Some of these are the left wing media fabrication and embellishment.

Trump contributed with his stupid statements, but much of it is fabrication.

Hillary will drag the US into a quagmire!

Simply matter ...

He will continue with inappropriate and much more stupid statements until he is officially defeated by the voters in the November 2016 elections.

After the elections, Trump may say, "I did not loose the elections, the people did not vote for me."

DG, if I had believed in your predictions, this world would have ended already.  

Demerara_Guy posted:
ba$eman posted:
Chief posted:

Trump is behaving   like a wounded animal.

He lashed out against the women who are  making the claims against him. He lashed out badly against the media.  

Some of these are the left wing media fabrication and embellishment.

Trump contributed with his stupid statements, but much of it is fabrication.

Hillary will drag the US into a quagmire!

Simply matter ...

He will continue with inappropriate and much more stupid statements until he is officially defeated by the voters in the November 2016 elections.

After the elections, Trump may say, "I did not loose the elections, the people did not vote for me."

Blame the election was RIGGED.

Amral posted:

If Trump did not have these sexual revelations do you think he could have had a better chance of winning? 

The current sexual issues are simply another item for Donald Trump.

Specifically, the election issue without these matter shows that Donald Trump have support but not enough to win the presidential position.

Amral posted:

If Trump did not have these sexual revelations do you think he could have had a better chance of winning? 

Actually, if he had turned the corner after the convention rather than getting into endless stupid fights, he may have been able to weather the storm.  But that freaking video is very damaging.  This sound like something you would get from Mitwah or Jalil.

I was hoping for a competitive post-convention campaign, then a blitz krieg against crooked Hillary in the last moth, but the blitz krieg is the other way around.  Trump shitting in his pants.  The race is over, America is listing and will go down from here.  A 3rd Obama term is unsustainable.

Keffer posted:

Unless there is undisputed scientific confirmation to support the allegations against Trump; all the current talk is nothing but useless noise.

I believe it's grossly unfair to make accusations against someone well outside the statute of limitations where the proper due-process can be followed.  If a proper and fair hearing was held, parties could be cross-examined and get to the facts as to what actually took place.

Trump is certainly not the cleanest of whistles however, he deserves a fair hearing and not by a Liberal Left media lynch-mob trial!

And I still don't understand how he got his tongue down someone's throat if she did not open her mouth.  And if she did by accident, a bite takes care of that!

I am skeptical on these charges though I am equally disgusted by that tape from Trump!  How do we know some of these were not spurned and angry?  That last woman, I find it hard Trump will be sitting in a bar all by himself with no one around.  This is the Trumpster we talking, he is always surrounded.

BTW, this is the same issue with Corsby!

Last edited by Former Member

Baseman your statement about no woman should come forward outside the statute of limitations proves that your thinking is warped.

All of the accusers are saying the same thing, the only reason they came forward is because of his denial when he was asked by Anderson COOPER  if he every kissed or groped anyone as he boasted to Billy Bush in 2005.

As the first accuser said she wants nothing from this excepting the world to know that Donald Trump does have a problem. She is now 73 years old.

ba$eman posted:
Keffer posted:

Unless there is undisputed scientific confirmation to support the allegations against Trump; all the current talk is nothing but useless noise.

I believe it's grossly unfair to make accusations against someone well outside the statute of limitations where the proper due-process can be followed.  If a proper and fair hearing was held, parties could be cross-examined and get to the facts as to what actually took place.

Trump is certainly not the cleanest of whistles however, he deserves a fair hearing and not by a Liberal Left media lynch-mob trial!

And I still don't understand how he got his tongue down someone's throat if she did not open her mouth.  And if she did by accident, a bite takes care of that!

I am skeptical on these charges though I am equally disgusted by that tape from Trump!  How do we know some of these were not spurned and angry?  That last woman, I find it hard Trump will be sitting in a bar all by himself with no one around.  This is the Trumpster we talking, he is always surrounded.

BTW, this is the same issue with Corsby!

You are mad. There is no statute of limitations on the truth. He has every right to sue them if he thinks he is being slandered and will be damaged by this. He is afraid of being deposed so he would not sue.

It is 11 women to date against one who seldom opens his mouth without lying. More women are in the pipeline and soon what were suspicions of impropriety becomes hardened as facts.

Drugb posted:

Now Trump turn into Bill Cosby. 

There is no Cosbification of trump. Cosby used drugs to take advantage of his victims. This is definitively a Trumpification. That involves thinking as this yellow haired windbag thinks, that his celebrity status is a natural opiate ( sensible since it was not his looks)  and women just keel over and fall into his arms willingly if he grabs their "". His words.

Chief posted:

Baseman your statement about no woman should come forward outside the statute of limitations proves that your thinking is warped.

All of the accusers are saying the same thing, the only reason they came forward is because of his denial when he was asked by Anderson COOPER  if he every kissed or groped anyone as he boasted to Billy Bush in 2005.

As the first accuser said she wants nothing from this excepting the world to know that Donald Trump does have a problem. She is now 73 years old.

If you did not came forward during the statute to give everyone a fair chance, then you should not because you are protected from cross examination.  That is the rule of law.  Instead we now have a trial by media.  According to the media and public opinion both OJ and Zimmerman were guilty, but the evidence says no.

You cannot have justice when prejudice and personal opinions is what matters and not the balanced facts.

Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:
Keffer posted:

Unless there is undisputed scientific confirmation to support the allegations against Trump; all the current talk is nothing but useless noise.

I believe it's grossly unfair to make accusations against someone well outside the statute of limitations where the proper due-process can be followed.  If a proper and fair hearing was held, parties could be cross-examined and get to the facts as to what actually took place.

Trump is certainly not the cleanest of whistles however, he deserves a fair hearing and not by a Liberal Left media lynch-mob trial!

And I still don't understand how he got his tongue down someone's throat if she did not open her mouth.  And if she did by accident, a bite takes care of that!

I am skeptical on these charges though I am equally disgusted by that tape from Trump!  How do we know some of these were not spurned and angry?  That last woman, I find it hard Trump will be sitting in a bar all by himself with no one around.  This is the Trumpster we talking, he is always surrounded.

BTW, this is the same issue with Corsby!

You are mad. There is no statute of limitations on the truth. He has every right to sue them if he thinks he is being slandered and will be damaged by this. He is afraid of being deposed so he would not sue.

It is 11 women to date against one who seldom opens his mouth without lying. More women are in the pipeline and soon what were suspicions of impropriety becomes hardened as facts.

Really, and what is the truth?

I don't believe everything they say, makes none to little sense!

Stormborn posted:
Amral posted:

If Trump did not have these sexual revelations do you think he could have had a better chance of winning? 

a snowflake on a river sort of a chance.

That's a lot of chances. You haven't lived in state where the rivers and lakes are frozen and covered with snow. You have not lived in a state where men and women walk on water.


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