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Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
I suggest that you people learn black history before you open your mouth.

Well, fill us in. We here in Guyana does understand the Afro situation and that is why we are becoming more understanding as to their position. Guyana Indians were used by the Brits to deprive Afros, then along came the PNC and LFBS who used us to box-in Afros, then came the PPP and they used us again to box in and put a lid. This is why Afros are left to rob, loot, rape, kill and pillage from Indians, they have few other options. I always tell my friends in Lusignan, Enterprise, Annandale, etc to leave "low hanging fruits" and free cash to hand over when the oppressed people of Buxton come calling. It is only out of desparation and frustration that they do it. I still believe that fineman would have been more compassionate had Indians behaved differently.

I admire some of my Indo brothers here for finally talking openly about this and let the rest of Indians understand the injustice against Afros. I tell my Indo brothers, don't point to 1964-1992, this was also an anti-Afro conspiracy, but as you know, it's a hard sell, only the best and brightest among us could understand this. Most Indians are either overly selfish of downright illiterate to understand these dynamics. They simple-mindedly blame Afros for their predicament.

It is their ethnocentric view of blacks that causes this. If the fundamental condition that blacks face do not change another group of finemen may emerge. Ramotar needs to do more that these photo ops. Someone should tell him the elections are over.
Originally posted by FC:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
I suggest that you people learn black history before you open your mouth.

Well, fill us in. We here in Guyana does understand the Afro situation and that is why we are becoming more understanding as to their position. Guyana Indians were used by the Brits to deprive Afros, then along came the PNC and LFBS who used us to box-in Afros, then came the PPP and they used us again to box in and put a lid. This is why Afros are left to rob, loot, rape, kill and pillage from Indians, they have few other options. I always tell my friends in Lusignan, Enterprise, Annandale, etc to leave "low hanging fruits" and free cash to hand over when the oppressed people of Buxton come calling. It is only out of desparation and frustration that they do it. I still believe that fineman would have been more compassionate had Indians behaved differently.

I admire some of my Indo brothers here for finally talking openly about this and let the rest of Indians understand the injustice against Afros. I tell my Indo brothers, don't point to 1964-1992, this was also an anti-Afro conspiracy, but as you know, it's a hard sell, only the best and brightest among us could understand this. Most Indians are either overly selfish of downright illiterate to understand these dynamics. They simple-mindedly blame Afros for their predicament.

It is their ethnocentric view of blacks that causes this. If the fundamental condition of blacks do not change another group of finemen may emerge.

Correct, pay up or die, and I can add, the diaspora Indians are also responsible for the plight. They send money and help their Indians relatives and nothing to Afros. Then they come here and point fingers to us remaining here. I always tell them to send money into Afro villages as part of the reparation as they helped to rob Afros under the PNC then left and made it even bigger overseas. Diaspora Afros are no where close to being as successful as their Indo counterpart, which I'm sure is linked to their Guyana relationship. Indians should be mindful of their success and remember they owe Afros and should pay up.

We Indians owe Afros for what was done to them, even what that LFSB did. The guy nationalised everything and just handed it over the Indians leaving Afros out in the cold.

Personally I believe the PPP should implement a sort of "ethno-tax" on Indians and turn the proceeds over to Afros with th agreement that they do not rob, rape, kill and pillage from Indians. We here could learn alot from the US inner-city gangs where businesses who pay "protection" money are allowed to exist and owners live in peace and their wives and daughters not subject to rape. I would suggest, you Indos in the diaspora play your part. When you send Remittance, send 35% to the Afro community here and I'm sure your family will be safe and sound.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:

I tell my frinds here in GT to accept robbery from Afros as a form of reparation for the ills we Indians have done since we landed and took away the plantation jobs.

Indians NEVER took away plantation jobs when they were brought to Guyana, starting around 1832.

Not 1832....
The first batch of Indians arrived on the Whitby in May 1838 at Plantation Highbury on the East Bank of Berbice......
Great idea from a "Harvard" Graduate. partybanana partybanana
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by FC:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
I suggest that you people learn black history before you open your mouth.

Well, fill us in. We here in Guyana does understand the Afro situation and that is why we are becoming more understanding as to their position. Guyana Indians were used by the Brits to deprive Afros, then along came the PNC and LFBS who used us to box-in Afros, then came the PPP and they used us again to box in and put a lid. This is why Afros are left to rob, loot, rape, kill and pillage from Indians, they have few other options. I always tell my friends in Lusignan, Enterprise, Annandale, etc to leave "low hanging fruits" and free cash to hand over when the oppressed people of Buxton come calling. It is only out of desparation and frustration that they do it. I still believe that fineman would have been more compassionate had Indians behaved differently.

I admire some of my Indo brothers here for finally talking openly about this and let the rest of Indians understand the injustice against Afros. I tell my Indo brothers, don't point to 1964-1992, this was also an anti-Afro conspiracy, but as you know, it's a hard sell, only the best and brightest among us could understand this. Most Indians are either overly selfish of downright illiterate to understand these dynamics. They simple-mindedly blame Afros for their predicament.

It is their ethnocentric view of blacks that causes this. If the fundamental condition of blacks do not change another group of finemen may emerge.

Correct, pay up or die, and I can add, the diaspora Indians are also responsible for the plight. They send money and help their Indians relatives and nothing to Afros. Then they come here and point fingers to us remaining here. I always tell them to send money into Afro villages as part of the reparation as they helped to rob Afros under the PNC then left and made it even bigger overseas. Diaspora Afros are no where close to being as successful as their Indo counterpart, which I'm sure is linked to their Guyana relationship. Indians should be mindful of their success and remember they owe Afros and should pay up.

We Indians owe Afros for what was done to them, even what that LFSB did. The guy nationalised everything and just handed it over the Indians leaving Afros out in the cold.

Personally I believe the PPP should implement a sort of "ethno-tax" on Indians and turn the proceeds over to Afros with th agreement that they do not rob, rape, kill and pillage from Indians. We here could learn alot from the US inner-city gangs where businesses who pay "protection" money are allowed to exist and owners live in peace and their wives and daughters not subject to rape. I would suggest, you Indos in the diaspora play your part. When you send Remittance, send 35% to the Afro community here and I'm sure your family will be safe and sound.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by FC:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
I suggest that you people learn black history before you open your mouth.

Well, fill us in. We here in Guyana does understand the Afro situation and that is why we are becoming more understanding as to their position. Guyana Indians were used by the Brits to deprive Afros, then along came the PNC and LFBS who used us to box-in Afros, then came the PPP and they used us again to box in and put a lid. This is why Afros are left to rob, loot, rape, kill and pillage from Indians, they have few other options. I always tell my friends in Lusignan, Enterprise, Annandale, etc to leave "low hanging fruits" and free cash to hand over when the oppressed people of Buxton come calling. It is only out of desparation and frustration that they do it. I still believe that fineman would have been more compassionate had Indians behaved differently.

I admire some of my Indo brothers here for finally talking openly about this and let the rest of Indians understand the injustice against Afros. I tell my Indo brothers, don't point to 1964-1992, this was also an anti-Afro conspiracy, but as you know, it's a hard sell, only the best and brightest among us could understand this. Most Indians are either overly selfish of downright illiterate to understand these dynamics. They simple-mindedly blame Afros for their predicament.

It is their ethnocentric view of blacks that causes this. If the fundamental condition of blacks do not change another group of finemen may emerge.

Correct, pay up or die, and I can add, the diaspora Indians are also responsible for the plight. They send money and help their Indians relatives and nothing to Afros. Then they come here and point fingers to us remaining here. I always tell them to send money into Afro villages as part of the reparation as they helped to rob Afros under the PNC then left and made it even bigger overseas. Diaspora Afros are no where close to being as successful as their Indo counterpart, which I'm sure is linked to their Guyana relationship. Indians should be mindful of their success and remember they owe Afros and should pay up.

We Indians owe Afros for what was done to them, even what that LFSB did. The guy nationalised everything and just handed it over the Indians leaving Afros out in the cold.

Personally I believe the PPP should implement a sort of "ethno-tax" on Indians and turn the proceeds over to Afros with th agreement that they do not rob, rape, kill and pillage from Indians. We here could learn alot from the US inner-city gangs where businesses who pay "protection" money are allowed to exist and owners live in peace and their wives and daughters not subject to rape. I would suggest, you Indos in the diaspora play your part. When you send Remittance, send 35% to the Afro community here and I'm sure your family will be safe and sound.

You can't be serious with what you posted. You got to be joking. I don't agree with that as it defies logic and amounts to extortion. The problem has to addressed by the govt.
Originally posted by seignet:
The man seys, field slaves and factory slaves had different amount of years to serve. The most was 6 years. .

1838 is given as the end of slavery because this is when the period including apprenticeship ended. It might have been the original intent to have differentiated periods but this is when it ended in actuality.

Seignet you dont have a feel for Caribbean history so please dont embarrass yourself further.

And no the majority of slaves did not move off the plantations in 1838. Where would they have moved to and what would they have done?

Think logically. The Africans had to buy lands from planters who sold at high prices. They earne dno money until 1834-38. It would have bene impossible for a grossly under paid people to have accumulated enough cash in 4 years and to develop their villages to the extent that they no longer needed to labor on the plantations.

Some left the plantations. Others remained for several more years.

This is a fallacy to say that blacks totally abandoned the plantations en masse especially when one considers the presence of 25,000 foreign born blacks in Guyana at the time.

Also note that even the blacks who became independent farmers were harrassed by the planters (heavy taxations, flooding lands, making acquistions of additional lands almost impossible, not prividing assistance to drain and irrigate the lands). The intent was to ensure that the Village Movement would fail to force the ex slaves back into full time plantation work.

The planters wante dto moximize their bargaining power over the laborrers by deliberately aiming at excess labor, and an ethnically didvided labor force. If this was not the case the black small farmers would not have been fact would have been supported by the govt in order to ensure reliable supplies of local food stuff, instead of the heavy dependency on food imports.
Originally posted by seignet:
He had his own ships.
He influenced the British Parliament.
Fought against the Anti-Slavery Group.


Seignet I am surprised that you fall for the trick posed by this planter. He was a slave owner. He resented the fact that slavery ended. He resented the new found freedoms of the exslaves to pursuse work where they felt like, particularly by with holding labor through strikes, and forcing wage sup by working for those willing to pay the most.

He used his influence to break the backs of these ex slaves by ensuring a heavy supply of easily controlled laborers...the reason why he preferred Indians. West Indian and African black immigrants soon assimilated into the Creole group and so were not controllable. They also didnt come under Indentureship contracts.

Do you know that Indians were paid 50% of Africans for the same work....and they couldnt do anything about it because they were bound?

Neither were the Portuguese who soon drifted off to other occupations. He had experience with Indians in Mauritius.

Stop quoting excuses peddled by a disgrunted former slave owner as the Gospel Truth. It was a ploy to have his way by encouraging a semi slave like system (Indenture) which enable full control of the bound workers. He also wanted an impoverished and dependent reserve supply of laborers (the blacks) to be used as scabs when the Indians began to protest. He would have subsequently brought in huge numbers of Bajans to be used when teh Indians began to protest.

Do you know that in the 1880s Bajan workers were atacked by Indian indentures because they were ebing used as scabs, this under mining their ability to improve their conditions. Ironically just as earlier indentures were used in 1848 when creoles went on strike for better conditions.

In order to support your thesis you will have to explain the 1842 and 1848 strikes.

INDEED the largest movement of blacks out of the sugar industry was when the 1848 strike failed

Leaving the plantation is a different topic fropm not proving labor to the plantation. NEITHER the ex slaves nor the planters wanted the old system of having 100% of the laborforce used in the industry to be residing on the plantation. The planters did want to be responsible for workers in the non harvetsing seasons when fewer workers were needed, nor did they want to have to build or maintain housing.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
This is why Afros are left to rob, loot, rape, kill and pillage from Indians, they have few other options. .

You need to stop peddling this nonsense.

1. Most Indians are no better off than most blacks. Indians indeed did worse than other indentured groups.

2. Most Africans dont engage in this savagery and indeed are preyed upon by the segment of the black population which engages in this.

3. There are increasing levels of involvement in violent crime by Indians....their prey almost exclusively other Indians.

The other aspect is that Africans and Indians were used by the British against each other. They were victims of colonialism and unwilling conspirators because of their desperate poverty.Should Africans pay reparations to Indians to compensate for the extreme poverty which existed on the sugar estates until asn late as the 50s and early 60s? After all they were used as scabs and as enforcers of the "law" which restricted the effectiveness of Indos in improving their condition by demanding higher wages.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Diaspora Afros are no where close to being as successful as their Indo counterpart, .

Can you furnish data to support this. Indeed NYC Planning data suggests that Guyanese arent any better off than are Jamaicans. So can you prove that AfroGuyanese do worse than Jamaicans?

The only area where IndoGuyanese might eb ahead is in home ownership, this having more to do with the greater extent of the extended family and lower levels of single parent households....and given the shenanigans of Ed Ahmad we can wonder how many of these can really afford their homes...especially when their kids Americanize, marry outside and show less interest in living in multi generational environments.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Diaspora Afros are no where close to being as successful as their Indo counterpart, .

Can you furnish data to support this. Indeed NYC Planning data suggests that Guyanese arent any better off than are Jamaicans. So can you prove that AfroGuyanese do worse than Jamaicans?

The only area where IndoGuyanese might eb ahead is in home ownership, this having more to do with the greater extent of the extended family and lower levels of single parent households....and given the shenanigans of Ed Ahmad we can wonder how many of these can really afford their homes...especially when their kids Americanize, marry outside and show less interest in living in multi generational environments.

There are more indos in Businesses in the USA than your afro counterpart. ED Ahmed is not an exanple of the Indo diaspora.
Originally posted by FC:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by FC:

It is their ethnocentric view of blacks that causes this. If the fundamental condition of blacks do not change another group of finemen may emerge.

Correct, pay up or die, and I can add, the diaspora Indians are also responsible for the plight. They send money and help their Indians relatives and nothing to Afros. Then they come here and point fingers to us remaining here. I always tell them to send money into Afro villages as part of the reparation as they helped to rob Afros under the PNC then left and made it even bigger overseas. Diaspora Afros are no where close to being as successful as their Indo counterpart, which I'm sure is linked to their Guyana relationship. Indians should be mindful of their success and remember they owe Afros and should pay up.

We Indians owe Afros for what was done to them, even what that LFSB did. The guy nationalised everything and just handed it over the Indians leaving Afros out in the cold.

Personally I believe the PPP should implement a sort of "ethno-tax" on Indians and turn the proceeds over to Afros with th agreement that they do not rob, rape, kill and pillage from Indians. We here could learn alot from the US inner-city gangs where businesses who pay "protection" money are allowed to exist and owners live in peace and their wives and daughters not subject to rape. I would suggest, you Indos in the diaspora play your part. When you send Remittance, send 35% to the Afro community here and I'm sure your family will be safe and sound.

You can't be serious with what you posted. You got to be joking. I don't agree with that as it defies logic and amounts to extortion. The problem has to addressed by the govt.

I'm not joking. The perpetuators of crimes against humanity are obliged to pay reparation to the victims. We Indians have found away to out wit, out manuever and out compete Afros even between 1964-1992 and this represents a crime. I suggest Indians repay Afros as we took away from them. I agree the GoG should take the lead, but the need is so great that I call on the diaspora to chip in and help out with splitting their remittance and share with Afros. As a start, Afros should be given tax-free status and douglas 50% tax-free, applied also to VAT. To pay for this, the tax income rate should be increased and VAT taken from 16% - 25%. Just creating more Govt jobs as the PPP have been doing will not cut it, many Afros are so distraught they hang out in villages doing nothing. You need to pay them so they don't join gangs and go on a ramage against Indians. How do you think Afros feel when the see Indians having opportunities to fish, farm, work the sugar and rice fields, own taxis etc and they lack the skills and are left to fend for themselves. It's grossly unfair to Afros.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by FC:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by FC:

It is their ethnocentric view of blacks that causes this. If the fundamental condition of blacks do not change another group of finemen may emerge.

Correct, pay up or die, and I can add, the diaspora Indians are also responsible for the plight. They send money and help their Indians relatives and nothing to Afros. Then they come here and point fingers to us remaining here. I always tell them to send money into Afro villages as part of the reparation as they helped to rob Afros under the PNC then left and made it even bigger overseas. Diaspora Afros are no where close to being as successful as their Indo counterpart, which I'm sure is linked to their Guyana relationship. Indians should be mindful of their success and remember they owe Afros and should pay up.

We Indians owe Afros for what was done to them, even what that LFSB did. The guy nationalised everything and just handed it over the Indians leaving Afros out in the cold.

Personally I believe the PPP should implement a sort of "ethno-tax" on Indians and turn the proceeds over to Afros with th agreement that they do not rob, rape, kill and pillage from Indians. We here could learn alot from the US inner-city gangs where businesses who pay "protection" money are allowed to exist and owners live in peace and their wives and daughters not subject to rape. I would suggest, you Indos in the diaspora play your part. When you send Remittance, send 35% to the Afro community here and I'm sure your family will be safe and sound.

You can't be serious with what you posted. You got to be joking. I don't agree with that as it defies logic and amounts to extortion. The problem has to addressed by the govt.

I'm not joking. The perpetuators of crimes against humanity are obliged to pay reparation to the victims. We Indians have found away to out wit, out manuever and out compete Afros even between 1964-1992 and this represents a crime. I suggest Indians repay Afros as we took away from them. I agree the GoG should take the lead, but the need is so great that I call on the diaspora to chip in and help out with splitting their remittance and share with Afros. As a start, Afros should be given tax-free status and douglas 50% tax-free, applied also to VAT. To pay for this, the tax income rate should be increased and VAT taken from 16% - 25%. Just creating more Govt jobs as the PPP have been doing will not cut it, many Afros are so distraught they hang out in villages doing nothing. You need to pay them so they don't join gangs and go on a ramage against Indians. How do you think Afros feel when the see Indians having opportunities to fish, farm, work the sugar and rice fields, own taxis etc and they lack the skills and are left to fend for themselves. It's grossly unfair to Afros.

Only caribj, Nuff and D2 will agree with you..
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
I'm not joking. The perpetuators of crimes against humanity are obliged to pay reparation to the victims. We Indians have found away to out wit, out manuever and out compete Afros even between 1964-1992 and this represents a crime. I suggest Indians repay Afros as we took away from them. I agree the GoG should take the lead, but the need is so great that I call on the diaspora to chip in and help out with splitting their remittance and share with Afros. As a start, Afros should be given tax-free status and douglas 50% tax-free, applied also to VAT. To pay for this, the tax income rate should be increased and VAT taken from 16% - 25%. Just creating more Govt jobs as the PPP have been doing will not cut it, many Afros are so distraught they hang out in villages doing nothing. You need to pay them so they don't join gangs and go on a ramage against Indians. How do you think Afros feel when the see Indians having opportunities to fish, farm, work the sugar and rice fields, own taxis etc and they lack the skills and are left to fend for themselves. It's grossly unfair to Afros.

Only caribj, Nuff and D2 will agree with you..

A small but empowered group of Indian voices and singing this tune. At first I was taken aback, but as they made their points I realize how wrong I have been. All the killings, raping, robbery and rampage against Indians were caused by Indians themselves. Many Indians are realizing it slowly, thus the last election results which have empowered the PNC and Afros.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
I'm not joking. The perpetuators of crimes against humanity are obliged to pay reparation to the victims. We Indians have found away to out wit, out manuever and out compete Afros even between 1964-1992 and this represents a crime. I suggest Indians repay Afros as we took away from them. I agree the GoG should take the lead, but the need is so great that I call on the diaspora to chip in and help out with splitting their remittance and share with Afros. As a start, Afros should be given tax-free status and douglas 50% tax-free, applied also to VAT. To pay for this, the tax income rate should be increased and VAT taken from 16% - 25%. Just creating more Govt jobs as the PPP have been doing will not cut it, many Afros are so distraught they hang out in villages doing nothing. You need to pay them so they don't join gangs and go on a ramage against Indians. How do you think Afros feel when the see Indians having opportunities to fish, farm, work the sugar and rice fields, own taxis etc and they lack the skills and are left to fend for themselves. It's grossly unfair to Afros.

Only caribj, Nuff and D2 will agree with you..

A small but empowered group of Indian voices and singing this tune. At first I was taken aback, but as they made their points I realize how wrong I have been. All the killings, raping, robbery and rampage against Indians were caused by Indians themselves. Many Indians are realizing it slowly, thus the last election results which have empowered the PNC and Afros.

You infantile and poor thinking does not get you any brownie points. You are wrong on all counts. How is the PNC and afros being empowered?

back to the point.

Only Caribj, NUff and D2 will turn your sarcasm to gospel truth.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:

There are more indos in Businesses in the USA than your afro counterpart. ED Ahmed is not an exanple of the Indo diaspora.

And yet more than 90% of Guyanese in NYC arent self employed...indeed we are LESS likely to be than even Jamaicans. Stripped out AfroGuyanese amd that probably changes to AS LIKELY.

Just because fewer than 5% of IndoGuyanese might have businesses successful enough to make them wealthy isnt enough for you to extend such claims to the community at large.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Only caribj, Nuff and D2 will agree with you..

If blind racism and illiteracy wasnt a problem faced by you you would notice that I do NOT agree with him. He is obviously a wealthy Indian and thinks most Indians are.


AfroGuyanese need no favors...only merit which, as we can see by management staffing at the airport isnt the case. Only totally absent, and that cannot be seen as being credible unless racism isnt involved.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:

A small but empowered group of Indian voices and singing this tune. s.

I am sure there are all filthy rich and have no respect for Indians who arent.

Willing to bet that cane cutters and tenant farmers dont agree with you.

And neither will ordinary Afros agree as well, as plagued as they are by crime.....the small black owned businesses no doubt even MORE plagued as they lack the resources to protect themselves.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:

A small but empowered group of Indian voices and singing this tune. s.

I am sure there are all filthy rich and have no respect for Indians who arent.

Willing to bet that cane cutters and tenant farmers dont agree with you.

And neither will ordinary Afros agree as well, as plagued as they are by crime.....the small black owned businesses no doubt even MORE plagued as they lack the resources to protect themselves.

It is very unfortunate you missed the fact that Indians voted to empower the PNC via the AFC. From what I heard recently, the Indians in the AFC are demanding Indians pay up and try to understand that Afros are simple freedom fighters or debt collectors, debt owed to them by us Indians. I am sure soon many indians will support paying part of their earnings into a fund to give to Afro youths so they don't need to rob, loot and pillage. Afros are entitled to this especially for the sins we committed against you Afros under the PNC regime. PNC left the nation totally broke and everyone had to scrunge. It was rich Indians who caused that, now they need to pay you for doing that to you. Now that things are better, we should hand over money to Afros.
Originally posted by Nehru:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
I suggest that you people learn black history before you open your mouth.

Well, fill us in. We here in Guyana does understand the Afro situation and that is why we are becoming more understanding as to their position. Guyana Indians were used by the Brits to deprive Afros, then along came the PNC and LFBS who used us to box-in Afros, then came the PPP and they used us again to box in and put a lid. This is why Afros are left to rob, loot, rape, kill and pillage from Indians, they have few other options. I always tell my friends in Lusignan, Enterprise, Annandale, etc to leave "low hanging fruits" and free cash to hand over when the oppressed people of Buxton come calling. It is only out of desparation and frustration that they do it. I still believe that fineman would have been more compassionate had Indians behaved differently.

I admire some of my Indo brothers here for finally talking openly about this and let the rest of Indians understand the injustice against Afros. I tell my Indo brothers, don't point to 1964-1992, this was also an anti-Afro conspiracy, but as you know, it's a hard sell, only the best and brightest among us could understand this. Most Indians are either overly selfish of downright illiterate to understand these dynamics. They simple-mindedly blame Afros for their predicament.
you just discribe the whole ppp crime family
It that a group of 4 AHOLES????
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
I'm not joking. The perpetuators of crimes against humanity are obliged to pay reparation to the victims. We Indians have found away to out wit, out manuever and out compete Afros even between 1964-1992 and this represents a crime. I suggest Indians repay Afros as we took away from them. I agree the GoG should take the lead, but the need is so great that I call on the diaspora to chip in and help out with splitting their remittance and share with Afros. As a start, Afros should be given tax-free status and douglas 50% tax-free, applied also to VAT. To pay for this, the tax income rate should be increased and VAT taken from 16% - 25%. Just creating more Govt jobs as the PPP have been doing will not cut it, many Afros are so distraught they hang out in villages doing nothing. You need to pay them so they don't join gangs and go on a ramage against Indians. How do you think Afros feel when the see Indians having opportunities to fish, farm, work the sugar and rice fields, own taxis etc and they lack the skills and are left to fend for themselves. It's grossly unfair to Afros.

Only caribj, Nuff and D2 will agree with you..

A small but empowered group of Indian voices and singing this tune. At first I was taken aback, but as they made their points I realize how wrong I have been. All the killings, raping, robbery and rampage against Indians were caused by Indians themselves. Many Indians are realizing it slowly, thus the last election results which have empowered the PNC and Afros.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
It's grossly unfair to Afros.

You clearly thaink you are funny, but this is not a joke.

Don't pay any attention to this fool. He is cleary trying to get a reaction by being ludicrous. I'll tell you what he overplayed his hand and it is obvious he is making a mockery of afros while trying to sound credible in his warped mind. Your gig is up pal.
Originally posted by Nehru:
It that a group of 4 AHOLES????
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:

Only caribj, Nuff and D2 will agree with you..

A small but empowered group of Indian voices and singing this tune. At first I was taken aback, but as they made their points I realize how wrong I have been. All the killings, raping, robbery and rampage against Indians were caused by Indians themselves. Many Indians are realizing it slowly, thus the last election results which have empowered the PNC and Afros.

Well, you certainly must be from the diaspora as we here back home never refer to each other as such. Many Indians were upset at the position of certain persons regarding the whole Afro thing. But now they have come around to the reality these few men were wise and filled with insight. Even I have come to agree with their point of view that Afros are entitled to a disproportionally larger share of the pie. We have to now overcompensate them as the wrong doing of Indians stretch back over 150 years, and for those who point to the PNC era, will that was only 28 of the 150. You must pay for th sins of your great grand parents. You guys in North America owe the Afros of Guyana, you exploited them, stole their assets and labour, saved it up as your money, then took it there and made a killing. Some of that needs to be repatriated and awarded to the Afro community. It's their right.
Originally posted by seignet:
For caribj all the historians and the books at the history department of UW is incorrect.

Grammer problem the person in question in ageement or not in agreement with the history department.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by seignet:
For caribj all the historians and the books at the history department of UW is incorrect.

Grammer problem the person in question in ageement or not in agreement with the history department.

Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
the Indians in the AFC are demanding Indians pay up and try to understand that Afros are simple freedom fighters or debt collectors, debt owed to them by us Indians. .

Now you have been exposed as another PPP racist sore that the PPP is now a minority govt. Indos in AFC said no such thing.
Originally posted by seignet:
For caribj all the historians and the books at the history department of UW is incorrect.

You deliberatly misinterpret the motives of your sources. Gladstone pushed for Indian migration into the Caribbean...not just Guyana...because he was enraged that the ex slaves were independent minded people who demanded their fairb share.

He wanted a new "slave" to exploit.
Originally posted by seignet:

Then Professor Dr. Eric Williams in his book Capitalism and Slavery got it all wrong.

He did not. ORIGINALLY the plan was for 4 and 6 year, but in 1838 the British govt decided to have some working as apprentices and others free to do what they wanted was not practical.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
the Indians in the AFC are demanding Indians pay up and try to understand that Afros are simple freedom fighters or debt collectors, debt owed to them by us Indians. .

Now you have been exposed as another PPP racist sore that the PPP is now a minority govt. Indos in AFC said no such thing.

No, I'm not, minority, they should leave office, it about time some else figure how to spend the large reserves they built up. Problem with us Indians, we know good how to save, we don't know how to spend. The PNC has historically done a much better job in that quarter. There is great need in the Afro community for this money, so I say let them take it.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
we know good how to save, we don't know how to spend. .

You got to be kidding. Those young Indos outspend Afros anyday.
only inlegal or dirty money which is lots in guyana.the hard working indians try and save as much as possible
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
we know good how to save, we don't know how to spend. .

You got to be kidding. Those young Indos outspend Afros anyday.
only inlegal or dirty money which is lots in guyana.the hard working indians try and save as much as possible

Yep, tell him there. Indian youths of rich parents have traditionally done so. But sooner or later they kech sense.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by seignet:
For caribj all the historians and the books at the history department of UW is incorrect.

You deliberatly misinterpret the motives of your sources. Gladstone pushed for Indian migration into the Caribbean...not just Guyana...because he was enraged that the ex slaves were independent minded people who demanded their fairb share.

He wanted a new "slave" to exploit.
Originally posted by seignet:

I see that you believe that a man who owned slaves, who he considered savages, cannibals and barbarians, is some one who has the moral authority for you to accept the scam that he was peddling.

I see you avoid discussion of the 1842 and 1848 strikes. If the ex blacks had no interest in sugar why did they strike? Why did they not just walk away ignore the planters?
quote"The APNU list of Parliamentarians raises eyebrows for the startling omissions and reinforces the call by OneVoice News for the abolition of the closed list system by all political parties in Guyana.

It is clear just by a cursory look at this list that several of those selected are mere political hacks and hangers-on with connections to the King Maker.. .unquote

quote...The recent exclusion of Mr. Aubrey Norton, Nicole Telford and others from the APNU list of representatives is a glaring example of all that is wrong with the system. It is a well known fact that Norton has not had a stellar relationship with PNC leadership and sources close to the selection process have told OVNN that it was this fact that resulted in his disrespectful and unceremonious omission from the list of representatives. Nicole Telford would have easily been a more effective pick to represent NFA than the ailing Keith Scott who is still recovering from a recent stroke. Mr. Scott is simply unable to perform at the very high level required of this parliament and the fact that he was chosen further reinforces that merit was not a major criteria in the male dominated, closed door, selection process.

It was also brought to our attention that one female candidate held a significant advantage because of her close relationship with a very influential party big-shot. If these allegations are true then what example does this set for Guyanese women, for our daughters? The APNU must take a long hard look in the mirror and cleanse itself from elements that bring such shame and dishonor to the partnership".unquote


still awaits your thoughts Caribj
Originally posted by albert:

still awaits your thoughts Caribj

And I told you to look after your own bedroom and leave APNU to tend to theirs. You are so busy looking next door at some wife horning her husband that you didnt notice your own is doing the same to you. lol panman

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