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Former Member

Opposition rejects Chancellor, Chief Justice nominees

-approves Integrity Commission members

President David Granger; Attorney General, Basil Williams; and Minister of State, Joseph Harmon ‘waiting’ on the Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo, yesterday at State House.

Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo, has rejected the names of Justices Kenneth Benjamin and Yonette Cummings-Edwards as Chancellor of the Judiciary and Chief Justice respectively.
The disclosures were made yesterday after a reportedly scheduled meeting on the appointments between President David Granger and his team and Jagdeo did not happen.
In fact, the Ministry of the Presidency appeared to be upset, posting a photo on Facebook saying that Jagdeo was a no-show at the State House meeting.
According to the Ministry of the Presidency, after requesting a month for consideration of several matters, the Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo, failed to show up at a follow-up meeting convened. Waiting on him were President David Granger; Minister of State, Joseph Harmon; and Attorney General, Basil Williams.
The meeting was convened to discuss the appointments of the Chancellor and Chief Justice, the Integrity Commission and the Teaching Service Commission, the Ministry said.
However, the Office of the Opposition disputed that.
“Our attention was drawn to a bewildering photograph in circulation of President David Granger sandwiched between Attorney-General, Mr. Basil Williams and Minister of State, Mr. Joseph Harmon seated at a table staring pensively at three empty chairs across the table.
This odd photograph bears the caption: ‘No Show’. It is accompanied by a brief statement explaining that the Leader of the Opposition did not show up at a meeting with the President which was scheduled a month ago, to take place today.”
The Office of the Opposition Leader made it clear that having received no information confirming the meeting for yesterday, as is the usual practice, the “Leader of the Opposition dispatched three letters which contain his response to issues raised at the last meeting.”
Jagdeo’s office claimed that additionally, at or about 16:00 hours yesterday afternoon, the Leader of the Opposition contacted Minister of State, Mr. Joseph Harmon via telephone and informed him of the three letters to the President which were sent.
“The Leader of the Opposition also indicated to Mr. Harmon that he remains ready and willing to meet with the President at a mutually convenient time. In light of the foregoing, it is quite surprising that the government would engage in the publicity stunt which is on display. To clarify this matter, we enclose copies of the three letters. They are self-explanatory. The Leader of the Opposition will deal more elaborately with this issue at a press conference to be held tomorrow (today).
In the letter dated yesterday to President Granger, on the appointments of the Chancellor and Chief Justice, Jagdeo referred to the previous consultative meeting held on January 3, 2018.
“…I have duly considered the two (2) nominees for whom you seek my agreement for appointment as Chancellor of the Judiciary and Chief Justice, respectively, in accordance with Article 127 (1) of the Constitution of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana.  As promised, I have done the requisite due diligence. It is with deep regret that I inform you that I am unable to offer my agreement to the appointment of Mr. Justice Kenneth Andrew Charles Benjamin, as Chancellor of the Judiciary and Madam Justice Yonette Decina Cummings-Edwards O.R., as Chief Justice.”
Jagdeo noted that he remains cognizant of the fundamental importance of securing substantive appointments to these two high constitutional offices.
“As a result, I am committed to continuous engagement with your Excellency until there is due compliance with Article 127 (1) of the Constitution.”
In another letter also dated yesterday on the appointment of members of the Teaching Service Commission in accordance with Article 207 of the Constitution of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, Jagdeo wanted some questions answered.
“Pursuant to our meeting on January 3, 2018, and based upon our discussions thereof, I expected Minister of State, Mr. Joseph Harmon M.P., to have informed me whether your Excellency would be continuing the established convention, whereby the Leader of the Opposition would be invited to submit a nominee to the President, for the President to appoint in accordance with Article 207 (2) (d) of the Constitution.”
Unfortunately, Jagdeo said in the letter, he has received no such information from Minister Harmon.
“However, I remain ready and willing to submit a nominee for your kind consideration, should such a request be made. In the event that your Excellency is departing from the established convention to which I have referred, I consider the totality of our engagement on this issue to be in satisfaction of the requirements of “meaningful consultation” as contemplated by the letter and spirit of Article 232 of the Constitution.”
In the third released letter on the appointment of members of the Integrity Commission, the Opposition Leader disclosed that he was offering no objection to the four persons who were identified by the President for appointment.
“I consider the totality of our engagement on this issue to be in satisfaction of the requirements of “consultation” as contemplated by the letter and spirit of section 3 (4) of the Integrity Commission Act Cap. 19:12, Laws of Guyana.”
No notice
The Ministry of the President in a separate statement quoted Attorney General Williams who said that it is unfortunate that Jagdeo failed to show up at the meeting, despite the President’s decision to grant his request for a month to consider the issues.
He noted that the Leader of the Opposition has put the nation’s business at a standstill.
Minister Williams said that it was minutes before the commencement of the meeting that the Leader of the Opposition sent three letters, which communicated his standing on the three matters.
“However, at no time did those letters indicate that the Leader of the Opposition would not be attending the meeting.
“In relation to the appointment of the Teaching Service Commission, he is asking for further time to identify a nominee but he has agreed for the President to go ahead with the appointment with the members of the Integrity Commission.
“The question of giving him further time for the TSC will be up to the President and in relation to the appointment of the Chancellor and Chief Justice, we will have to continue to look at that matter,” the Attorney General said.
The Minister said that the provision of a name by the Opposition Leader will signal the end of the necessary consultations on the TSC.
“The President will then consider the Opposition’s nominee, paving the way for the appointment of this Commission.”
The Government and the Opposition have been at odds over the appointments of persons to a number of key positions.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

'Our attention was drawn to a bewildering photograph in circulation of President David Granger sandwiched between Attorney-General, Mr. Basil Williams and Minister of State, Mr. Joseph Harmon seated at a table staring pensively at three empty chairs across the table.'

This should be circulated and reported as dumb, dumber and dumbest.  


Baseman posted:

Let’s hope BJ wins in 2020, but I’m skeptical!

My heart is with the PPP and I am hoping that they win 2020 and put Guyana back on course. The current situation is bad and only getting worst. My gripe is still unsettled with the PPP and the drama kings and queens who come here and get exected over nothing while Granger is winning daily over Jagdeo weakness. A little over two years and Granger get Guyana under his control. All Jagdeo accomplishments are in reversal. Sad.

Django posted:
Mitwah posted:
Baseman posted:

Let’s hope BJ wins in 2020, but I’m skeptical!

 Are you saying that he will be running?

Good question !!

I am sure Baseman didn't mean Jagdeo, but a candidate from the PPP. 

Cobra posted:
Django posted:
Mitwah posted:
Baseman posted:

Let’s hope BJ wins in 2020, but I’m skeptical!

 Are you saying that he will be running?

Good question !!

I am sure Baseman didn't mean Jagdeo, but a candidate from the PPP. 

A puppet not moved by strings controlled from above but by his hands inside it. 


Cobra posted:
Django posted:
Mitwah posted:
Baseman posted:

Let’s hope BJ wins in 2020, but I’m skeptical!

 Are you saying that he will be running?

Good question !!

I am sure Baseman didn't mean Jagdeo, but a candidate from the PPP. 

I was being provocative.  He seems to be the front man on everything and come 2020, no other choice.  It’s a play!

Baseman posted:
Cobra posted:
Django posted:
Mitwah posted:
Baseman posted:

Let’s hope BJ wins in 2020, but I’m skeptical!

 Are you saying that he will be running?

Good question !!

I am sure Baseman didn't mean Jagdeo, but a candidate from the PPP. 

I was being provocative.  He seems to be the front man on everything and come 2020, no other choice.  It’s a play!

Baseman, is there anyone in the PPP without skeleton in the closet that would make a plausible candidate in 2020? For the sake of election, the PPP must contest it and put on a new face that the people would at least appreciate.


Those three may pull a Burnham and use that photo to suspend all meetings and contacts with the opposition PPP party leadership by claiming that the opposition PPP party is using the meetings as a publicly stunt. Anti-koolies are much smarter than we give them credit for.

Last edited by Prashad
alena06 posted:

'Our attention was drawn to a bewildering photograph in circulation of President David Granger sandwiched between Attorney-General, Mr. Basil Williams and Minister of State, Mr. Joseph Harmon seated at a table staring pensively at three empty chairs across the table.'

This should be circulated and reported as dumb, dumber and dumbest.  



Picture of the year, AFC/PNC's three stooges are talking to empty chairs:




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  • no-show-300x200
Last edited by Former Member

I really think that Jagdeo will not be the presidential candidate for the PPP on 2020. Time will tell. Most politicians believe that only they can solve a sociery’s Problems. There are a few that will make excellent candidates. We will see after this year’s congress.

Zed posted:

I really think that Jagdeo will not be the presidential candidate for the PPP on 2020. Time will tell. Most politicians believe that only they can solve a sociery’s Problems. There are a few that will make excellent candidates. We will see after this year’s congress.

There are many more that will make excellent puppets. 

Mitwah posted:
Zed posted:

I really think that Jagdeo will not be the presidential candidate for the PPP on 2020. Time will tell. Most politicians believe that only they can solve a sociery’s Problems. There are a few that will make excellent candidates. We will see after this year’s congress.

There are many more that will make excellent puppets. 

And the PNC Advisor speaks.

yuji22 posted:
alena06 posted:

'Our attention was drawn to a bewildering photograph in circulation of President David Granger sandwiched between Attorney-General, Mr. Basil Williams and Minister of State, Mr. Joseph Harmon seated at a table staring pensively at three empty chairs across the table.'

This should be circulated and reported as dumb, dumber and dumbest.  



Picture of the year, AFC/PNC's three stooges are talking to empty chairs:

So when perpetrated by your great Koolie leader, it is laudable to abstain from matters concerning governing the nation. Not only do you admire this Rat, you will actually mock and ridicule those persons who made the effort to attend the meeting. In your feeble mind, anything the Rat does is admirable, no matter how detrimental to the nation.

And you have superior intelligence.

Why don't you employ some of your purported fearlessness, show some courage and criticize the Rat when appropriate? Or are you too cowardly?

antabanta posted:
yuji22 posted:
alena06 posted:

'Our attention was drawn to a bewildering photograph in circulation of President David Granger sandwiched between Attorney-General, Mr. Basil Williams and Minister of State, Mr. Joseph Harmon seated at a table staring pensively at three empty chairs across the table.'

This should be circulated and reported as dumb, dumber and dumbest.  



Picture of the year, AFC/PNC's three stooges are talking to empty chairs:

So when perpetrated by your great Koolie leader, it is laudable to abstain from matters concerning governing the nation. Not only do you admire this Rat, you will actually mock and ridicule those persons who made the effort to attend the meeting. In your feeble mind, anything the Rat does is admirable, no matter how detrimental to the nation.

And you have superior intelligence.

Why don't you employ some of your purported fearlessness, show some courage and criticize the Rat when appropriate? Or are you too cowardly?

I agree with most of what you said here and even though I don't consider Jagdeo a great leader, I object to you using the term "great Koolie Leader", primarily the derogatory use of "Koolie".  

GTAngler posted:
antabanta posted:
yuji22 posted:
alena06 posted:

'Our attention was drawn to a bewildering photograph in circulation of President David Granger sandwiched between Attorney-General, Mr. Basil Williams and Minister of State, Mr. Joseph Harmon seated at a table staring pensively at three empty chairs across the table.'

This should be circulated and reported as dumb, dumber and dumbest.  



Picture of the year, AFC/PNC's three stooges are talking to empty chairs:

So when perpetrated by your great Koolie leader, it is laudable to abstain from matters concerning governing the nation. Not only do you admire this Rat, you will actually mock and ridicule those persons who made the effort to attend the meeting. In your feeble mind, anything the Rat does is admirable, no matter how detrimental to the nation.

And you have superior intelligence.

Why don't you employ some of your purported fearlessness, show some courage and criticize the Rat when appropriate? Or are you too cowardly?

I agree with most of what you said here and even though I don't consider Jagdeo a great leader, I object to you using the term "great Koolie Leader", primarily the derogatory use of "Koolie".  

Which Guyanese leader was better than Jagdeo?  And why?  In terms of accomplishments, economic growth, etc.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Which Guyanese leader was better than Jagdeo?  And why?  In terms of accomplishments, economic growth, etc.

Dat Kanta Ecanamist sey is Tit for Tat.

Just a little reminder.

Here is the PPP record after 23 years:

  •   Failed education system with illiteracy on the rise;
  •   Broken health care system;
  •   Highest infant/mother mortality rate in the region;
  •   Poorest country in the hemisphere;
  •   Most corrupt country in the region;
  •   Increased racial divisiveness within the last 23 years - state      sponsored;
  •   Broken transportation system;
  •   Broken electricity system - random and prolonged black outs;
  •   Broken road works & bridges - crippling the movement of goods and people;
  •   Broken water and sewage system - no and sometimes unsafe piped water;
  •   Country in state of dictatorship with the closure of parliament;
  •   Rolling back of press freedoms with media being threatened;
  •   Extra judicial killings and disappearances ;
  •   State sponsored demoralizing of armed services;
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Which Guyanese leader was better than Jagdeo?  And why?  In terms of accomplishments, economic growth, etc.

Dat Kanta Ecanamist sey is Tit for Tat.

Just a little reminder.

Here is the PPP record after 23 years:

  •   Failed education system with illiteracy on the rise;
  •   Broken health care system;
  •   Highest infant/mother mortality rate in the region;
  •   Poorest country in the hemisphere;
  •   Most corrupt country in the region;
  •   Increased racial divisiveness within the last 23 years - state      sponsored;
  •   Broken transportation system;
  •   Broken electricity system - random and prolonged black outs;
  •   Broken road works & bridges - crippling the movement of goods and people;
  •   Broken water and sewage system - no and sometimes unsafe piped water;
  •   Country in state of dictatorship with the closure of parliament;
  •   Rolling back of press freedoms with media being threatened;
  •   Extra judicial killings and disappearances ;
  •   State sponsored demoralizing of armed services;

Total lies and complete bull crap.  This is the reason why Harmon did not give you that GRA job.  He was looking for a sober person with mental stability.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Which Guyanese leader was better than Jagdeo?  And why?  In terms of accomplishments, economic growth, etc.

Dat Kanta Ecanamist sey is Tit for Tat.

Just a little reminder.

Here is the PPP record after 23 years:

  •   Failed education system with illiteracy on the rise;
  •   Broken health care system;
  •   Highest infant/mother mortality rate in the region;
  •   Poorest country in the hemisphere;
  •   Most corrupt country in the region;
  •   Increased racial divisiveness within the last 23 years - state      sponsored;
  •   Broken transportation system;
  •   Broken electricity system - random and prolonged black outs;
  •   Broken road works & bridges - crippling the movement of goods and people;
  •   Broken water and sewage system - no and sometimes unsafe piped water;
  •   Country in state of dictatorship with the closure of parliament;
  •   Rolling back of press freedoms with media being threatened;
  •   Extra judicial killings and disappearances ;
  •   State sponsored demoralizing of armed services;

Total lies and complete bull crap.  This is the reason why Harmon did not give you that GRA job.  He was looking for a sober person with mental stability.

  • Giving away of resources to friends and relatives
  • spiteful and vicious victimization of anyone in their way
yuji22 posted:
alena06 posted:

'Our attention was drawn to a bewildering photograph in circulation of President David Granger sandwiched between Attorney-General, Mr. Basil Williams and Minister of State, Mr. Joseph Harmon seated at a table staring pensively at three empty chairs across the table.'

This should be circulated and reported as dumb, dumber and dumbest.


Picture of the year, AFC/PNC's three stooges are talking to empty chairs:


Profound photo showing how they work diligently with empty chairs.

Demerara_Guy posted:
yuji22 posted:
alena06 posted:

'Our attention was drawn to a bewildering photograph in circulation of President David Granger sandwiched between Attorney-General, Mr. Basil Williams and Minister of State, Mr. Joseph Harmon seated at a table staring pensively at three empty chairs across the table.'

This should be circulated and reported as dumb, dumber and dumbest.


Picture of the year, AFC/PNC's three stooges are talking to empty chairs:


Profound photo showing how they work diligently with empty chairs.

Yeah.... it's good of the PPP to not show up to work. There was no opportunity to teef.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
GTAngler posted:
antabanta posted:
yuji22 posted:
alena06 posted:

'Our attention was drawn to a bewildering photograph in circulation of President David Granger sandwiched between Attorney-General, Mr. Basil Williams and Minister of State, Mr. Joseph Harmon seated at a table staring pensively at three empty chairs across the table.'

This should be circulated and reported as dumb, dumber and dumbest.  



Picture of the year, AFC/PNC's three stooges are talking to empty chairs:

So when perpetrated by your great Koolie leader, it is laudable to abstain from matters concerning governing the nation. Not only do you admire this Rat, you will actually mock and ridicule those persons who made the effort to attend the meeting. In your feeble mind, anything the Rat does is admirable, no matter how detrimental to the nation.

And you have superior intelligence.

Why don't you employ some of your purported fearlessness, show some courage and criticize the Rat when appropriate? Or are you too cowardly?

I agree with most of what you said here and even though I don't consider Jagdeo a great leader, I object to you using the term "great Koolie Leader", primarily the derogatory use of "Koolie".  

Which Guyanese leader was better than Jagdeo?  And why?  In terms of accomplishments, economic growth, etc.

does pradoville counts 

warrior posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
GTAngler posted:
antabanta posted:
yuji22 posted:
alena06 posted:

'Our attention was drawn to a bewildering photograph in circulation of President David Granger sandwiched between Attorney-General, Mr. Basil Williams and Minister of State, Mr. Joseph Harmon seated at a table staring pensively at three empty chairs across the table.'

This should be circulated and reported as dumb, dumber and dumbest.  



Picture of the year, AFC/PNC's three stooges are talking to empty chairs:

So when perpetrated by your great Koolie leader, it is laudable to abstain from matters concerning governing the nation. Not only do you admire this Rat, you will actually mock and ridicule those persons who made the effort to attend the meeting. In your feeble mind, anything the Rat does is admirable, no matter how detrimental to the nation.

And you have superior intelligence.

Why don't you employ some of your purported fearlessness, show some courage and criticize the Rat when appropriate? Or are you too cowardly?

I agree with most of what you said here and even though I don't consider Jagdeo a great leader, I object to you using the term "great Koolie Leader", primarily the derogatory use of "Koolie".  

Which Guyanese leader was better than Jagdeo?  And why?  In terms of accomplishments, economic growth, etc.

does pradoville counts 

Prodoville is a symptom of rapid and sustained economic growth under Jagdeo's liberalization plan. Not good but not bad either.  The good comes with a little bad.

Billy Ram Balgobin

BJ did certain things good but in my opinion, the country needed fresh ideas to solving some intractable problems which he and his team seemed unable to solve.  They were too entrenched in their views and ways of doing things.  His entire inner cabal was arrogant and aloof. His controlling style of leadership led to major institutional dysfunctionality.  He had his strengths and his Achilles heel.  Corruption was rampant!

He greatly undermined Ramotar using his wenches and henches at OP if he did not agree with an initiative.  He was actually a bully and very vindictive!

He needed to balance himself out by getting a woman, dealing with pregnancy and PMS, have some kids and his hands stuck in shitty diapers and screaming kids.  He would have learned to let others run with things and get it done without him micro managing every little thing. 

Amid all the flashiness of the PPP rule, there was widespread poverty and deprivation across all sectors of society. The rural economy was in ruins for small farmers.   The fallout is the social ills we see, people trading their young daughters, etc!!  The moral decay and break down comes with the tail of two Guyana’s, the flashiness of the haves and the over bearing and intense abject poverty of the have-nots!  

The PPP seemed not to even want to focus on that, unless there was political benefit.  And this was the style and thinking of BJ.  This led to initiatives like OLPF turning into OFLAP.  

So in a nutshell, he does have lots to off Guyana he brings little new in terms of political leadership and should move over and let the younger fresh folks take the lead.  His failure to groom a set of new leader ready to take on the mantle of leadership is itself a failure of leadership!

Demerara_Guy posted:
yuji22 posted:
alena06 posted:

'Our attention was drawn to a bewildering photograph in circulation of President David Granger sandwiched between Attorney-General, Mr. Basil Williams and Minister of State, Mr. Joseph Harmon seated at a table staring pensively at three empty chairs across the table.'

This should be circulated and reported as dumb, dumber and dumbest.


Picture of the year, AFC/PNC's three stooges are talking to empty chairs:


Profound photo showing how they work diligently with empty chairs.

And they look like they are talking to themselves   According to the article they NEVER confirmed their attendance at the meeting and just showed up.  Wonder if they were dying for a Kodak moment?

Last edited by alena06

This one has to go in the history books as the Dumbest moment in Guyana's history. AFC/PNC's Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest.

President Jagdeo gave it good and prappa to the Dumbest Granger. The People's President Jagdeo is a master class.

Last edited by Former Member

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