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ksazma posted:

Complaining is a natural human reaction. Even people who have more than they need complain that they don’t have enough. The Coalition use that element to trick Guyanese into falling into the current cesspool. 

Back to the original topic. When was it explicitly agreed upon that Guyana will be responsible for this $460M?


Baseman posted:
kp posted:
Riff posted:

Well...if you say the ABC don't want PPP in power, then might as well forget ever being in power

forget about who crossover...that's been happening a long time...Nehru said things were sweet under PPP, if it was so sweet, then they should have won going away


Jagdeo did not listened and followed what the US wanted, he was more independent, The Carter Foundation is more of an arm of the CIA, His purpose was to oversee a fair and free election, but he cut and run before the votes were counted, he was anticipating civil unrest and violence , he knew the rigging machinery was set in place.

 In 2020, should the coalition dissolve, because of greed, well the result can be a free for all election. America already stole what they need, Exxon Mobil control of Guyana Oil, and the setting up of Offices/bases on Guyana's soil.

Reading this, the Jagan philosophy still deh round.  Alyuh gon sit on the back bench for a while, just good.  

America will never let at anti US group preside over an oil rich Guyana.  Guyana needs a totally re-educated group to run the PPP, it needs a β€œChicago boys” scenario like they had in Chile.  Purge all those anti-American nitwits and move on.  They are not serving the people well and in the best interest!

Dont know why alyuh nah bin run to Cuba when Burnham kick your asses!

I go to Cuba almost every year, unfortunately you Americans can't.I will be going May this year.

 This has nothing to do with Jagan's Philosophy, I believe in Freedom, not to be controlled by another power be it USA or the British. The colonial days are over, some of you still want to controlled by the MASSA.

 Trump being alyuh president is leading America into Isolation, America dominance is over, the new order will be China, India, Germany.


Guess Cuba was not controlled by Castro for over 50 years emigrate to the wrong country, you should have gone to a free Cuba and lime on the beach...

You ever wonder how Cubans don't have the freedom and money to "travel" like you do?

In terms of new world order...US has elections every 4 years...Trump is just a blip

Riff posted:

In terms of new world order...US has elections every 4 years...Trump is just a blip

Every president, except a few are blips in history. Trump will prove to be a very big blip.  There will be books and case studies done on his rise and rule over the country.  Trump will prove to be one of the most unique presidents ever!


As I stated I believe in Freedom, speech,movement,government, control . I being a Canadian I enjoy all of that unlike you Americans. You guys brought up Cuba I didn't.  But there again you never there and don't know squat. I travel a lot and the safest vacation I enjoy is in Cuba. One year I forgot my bag with my wallet sun glass, cap and some other small items on the beach,  the next morning the front desk called me to identify the items and was told an employee found and return it to the office. In my wallet I had Candian, US,and Cuban currency.

kp posted:

As I stated I believe in Freedom, speech,movement,government, control . I being a Canadian I enjoy all of that unlike you Americans. You guys brought up Cuba I didn't.  But there again you never there and don't know squat. I travel a lot and the safest vacation I enjoy is in Cuba. One year I forgot my bag with my wallet sun glass, cap and some other small items on the beach,  the next morning the front desk called me to identify the items and was told an employee found and return it to the office. In my wallet I had Candian, US,and Cuban currency.

Yuh know that if it was Guyana, yuh stuff whudda gane long time.

kp posted:
Riff posted:

Well...if you say the ABC don't want PPP in power, then might as well forget ever being in power

forget about who crossover...that's been happening a long time...Nehru said things were sweet under PPP, if it was so sweet, then they should have won going away


Jagdeo did not listened and followed what the US wanted, he was more independent,

What does anything have to do with BJ?  He was not running for office nor was he head of state.   Why does he have to listen, not listen, follow, not follow?  Or was he role playing as a Putinesque side kick?  Alyuh Jagdeoites opaque as a jelly fish!

Baseman posted:
Trump will prove to be a very big blip.  There will be books and case studies done on his rise and rule over the country.  Trump will prove to be one of the most unique presidents ever!

Yes whoever follows him in 2020 will have a very big hole to fill in terms of the damage that he would have done.

That is IF he lasts to 2020.  If the Dems seize the House in November the GOP will seek to salvage themselves by ridding the party of the "Trump Curse".

Imagine the Democrats winning a senate seat in Alabama!  A state where only the blacks usually vote for them, this being a mere 25% of the population!


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