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Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

I said a few days ago that by Thursday or Friday lots of folks would abandon their fears of PPP victimization and turn up at APNU+AFC meetings. Look at the scenes in Corriverton last night:







No surprises. This is a PNC stronghold.

Afro support for the PNC is strong here.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Question for Moses. 


Where are the Indos from Corriverton ? Moses cork duck in Berbice.

Gold teeth you will see the indos more and more clearly on monday.


Until then you must recharge the race baiting and increase your hate peddling to the maximum after all it is the best you can do.


See what a good education could have done for you?

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

These are not Dirty Indians.

Yugi,helping a poor black woman with three kids,

take the kids fed them and give them a place to

to sleep until the hard working mother gets home,

and further assisted her to own a home.I would

rather be called Dirty Indian than be a racist.



Good for you. I have no problem helping anyone regardless of race, colour or religion.


Let them marry some of your children and grandchildren also. That will help to end the racial divide.


Moses said that he is not Indian, I hope that he becomes of of those families that you helped.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Moses will get Katahar from Berbice.

Berbicians are not Dirty Indians.

Never in the

History of Guyana

Political Rascality & Banditry



Has A President & His Close Friends,

been exposed

for so much Corruption,

Thiefing, Mismanagement,

Indo-Racism and Buggery...

as under the Jagdeo & Ramotar Cabal


It is Time for Change.....


Today so many Guyanese 

are betrayed by so few

(De Jagdeo & Ramotar inner circle)


 over 90% of the

Guyanese Population

cannot take it any more.



secure a Landslide Victory



Regardless of how

Jagdeo & Ramotar

roll the dice...

It will not change

the Results for the PPP





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