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Jagdeo coming as Opposition Leader

June 18, 2015 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 

Old people got a saying.

When a man ain’t doing well dem does seh that he fall from grace.

Well Donald ain’t only fall from grace, he fall and smash up.

Up to de other day he was talking from stage.


In fact, from de time people hear that he gun talk,

dem run and put up a big stage. Dem use to even rent a tent.

De Cush boy was one of dem who use to provide de stage and de tent.


Dem boys seh that it look like de Cush boy done play wid de Pee Pee Pee because when Donald go to address de people at Enmore on Monday, he had to stand up pun de back of a truck.


De national Dance Company does have a production

name from Studio to Stage,

Donald put on a show

name from Stage to Truck back.


But dem boys seh that de truck back is not de only sign of de fall.

Dem hear that Jagdeo push he aside

and tek over de leadership of de party.

He, Jagdeo, going to Parliament as de Opposition Leader. 


Rohee vex and cuss up;

Donald seh that he never see so much eye-pass

and de rest of de executive just sit down and watch wha happen.

Is just like if all de rest of dem did shoot demself

in de Russian roulette.

But fuh that to happen Jagdeo had to be de crook he is.

Is just like if he was using blank when he was he turn.


He push out Asgar Ally;

he tell Cheddi that Asgar was tekking over de party

and Cheddi fall fuh de talk name.


Then he de Jagdeo run out Run Jattan,

then he run out Moses.

That was after he kick out Ralph.

Now he kick out Donald and Rohee.


Ashni like sheep sit down in de corner

because he claim that Jagdeo help he get he millions.

Uncle Adam hope that he pension ain’t deh in dem millions.


But back to de Parliament.

Wid Moses as leader of de House

Jagdeo got to sit down

and watch wheh de real power deh

and all he can do is cuss.


Talk half and watch how

Jagdeo kick out Donald.

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PetroCaribe money …PM details trail of missing US$$

June 18, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

The PetroCaribe fund is unable to pay rice farmers. US$141M from the fund was distributed to various Government agencies and projects under the People’s Progressive Party/Civic administration.

PM, Moses Nagamootoo at Enmore Martyrs Memorial Ceremony

PM, Moses Nagamootoo

This revelation was shared by Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo, at the 67th anniversary ceremony of the Enmore Martyrs in Enmore, East Coast Demerara (ECD). PetroCaribe was an agreement struck between the governments of Guyana and Venezuela, where Guyana would receive concessionary prices for oil in exchange for rice. Monies received from the exchange deal would subsequently be transferred to the PetroCaribe fund, under the purview of the Ministry of Finance. Some of the money was meant to be allocated to the payment of rice farmers and millers for rice produced to sustain the exchange. Since coming to power A Partnership for National Unity plus Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC), revealed that upon checking the contents of the fund there was no money. Minister of the Presidency, Joseph Harmon, at his post Cabinet press briefing last week, revealed that this essentially meant that the PetroCaribe fund was bankrupt. After this piece of revelation, the PPP/C charged that it was the new administration that was responsible for emptying the PetroCaribe fund, despite being in power for less than a month. The PPP/C refuted claims that it had anything to do with missing monies, since the fund was “managed optimally and transparently” by the former administration. The Opposition party added that funds were spent on various Government developmental projects. However, according to Prime Minister Nagamootoo, the Guyana Power and Light Inc. (GPL) received the bulk of the allocations— US$115M while the Ministry of Housing got US$10M. US$16M was pumped into the Hope Canal project. “We had billions of dollars in what is called the PetroCaribe Fund and we were never told that the previous government transferred US$115M to the Guyana Power and Light from the rice fund,” said the Prime Minister. Prime Minister Nagamootoo said that the previous administration had further transferred US$10M to the Housing Ministry, with Irfaan Ali as the Minister, to develop land which sugar and rice workers are unable to afford. Another revelation by the First Vice President, was that US$16M was allocated to the construction of the $3.6B Hope Canal Project. This, according to him, was contrary to where the PPP/C administration said funding came from, that is the Treasury, during their tenure. “All along we were told that money was coming from the Treasury to build the Hope Canal,” said Nagamootoo, as members of the Enmore attendees were audibly appalled at the news. With the news of the bankrupt PetroCaribe fund, the Prime Minister said that his administration is working assiduously to find money to pay rice farmers for their crop. Moving forward the Prime Minister told the gathering the rice industry is faced with many problems, just like the sugar industry, but that it can be fixed with the support of workers. “We have realised that years of bad government must come to an end and we cannot do it alone. We need your support and cooperation,” said PM Nagamootoo.


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