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NYPD Seeks Six Rolling Robbers, Who are Allegedly Riding Bikes and Snatching Phones in Queens


Police are looking for a group of men who went on a robbery-spree in Queens.

Investigators say on Saturday September 22nd, six men on bicycles — four of which are seen here — approached two separate women and robbed them.

The robberies happened within minutes of each other near Liberty Avenue and 108th and 109th Street in Richmond Hill.

Police say they made off with a purse and an iPhone 6.

Two days later, police say three of the same men pushed a 50-year-old woman to the ground and stole her iPhone 6 near Centerville Avenue and Albert Road in Ozone Park.

Thirty minutes later, investigators say the trio stole a pair of iPhone's from two 11-year-olds hanging out at a playground.

That incident occurred near 165th Avenue and 99th Street in Howard Beach.

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Liberty Avenue and 108th and 109th Street in Richmond Hill.

Holy rass, that's exactly where my hangout spot is. Unfortunately, I wasn't there last Saturday. Anyway, they will get ketck and a good beating for targeting old women and young kids. Them better be careful in Howard Beach. That's the mafia paradise. Thanks for the warning, Nehru. The Prince always gets Royalty treatment from good friends.  

Last edited by Former Member

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