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VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Shameless! dem expect Guyanese to forget about how their leadership treated women....

Who did he treat bad?

Did gon come up with a lady name, associated with Jagdeo.

AND, dont forget Dr Beri Beri and Sherlina...

Like you forget or you faking it too?

Let me help you a little banna...."Nageer" ring a bell???

VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Shameless! dem expect Guyanese to forget about how their leadership treated women....

Who did he treat bad?

Did gon come up with a lady name, associated with Jagdeo.

AND, dont forget Dr Beri Beri and Sherlina...

Like you forget or you faking it too?

BJ's personal issues should not be a topic of discussion.  That's the two of them!  Beri he was sanctioned for his behavior!

Not sure what you referring to me, I never ran for office!

Talk about all the wives and mothers whose lives were thrown upside down when your party abruptly closed the estates and threw 10k out of work!  Did you think of these families, mothers, wives?

Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Shameless! dem expect Guyanese to forget about how their leadership treated women....

Who did he treat bad?

Did gon come up with a lady name, associated with Jagdeo.

AND, dont forget Dr Beri Beri and Sherlina...

Like you forget or you faking it too?

BJ's personal issues should not be a topic of discussion.  That's the two of them!  Beri he was sanctioned for his behavior!

Not sure what you referring to me, I never ran for office!

Talk about all the wives and mothers whose lives were thrown upside down when your party abruptly closed the estates and threw 10k out of work!  Did you think of these families, mothers, wives?

This is sheer deflection...and foolishness. 

Stop your nonsense...this has nothing to do with the sugar workers and their wives.

Jagdeo is a role model and the mover and shaker of the PPP. No other person in Guyana has that much power...and least in the PPP. He is a political leader and a very PUBLIC leader. His personal life is not beyond reproach.

You cant separate the moral value from the person. When he addresses family values, domestic abuse, marriage issues, let me know how you feel. 

VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Shameless! dem expect Guyanese to forget about how their leadership treated women....

Who did he treat bad?

Did gon come up with a lady name, associated with Jagdeo.

AND, dont forget Dr Beri Beri and Sherlina...

Like you forget or you faking it too?

BJ's personal issues should not be a topic of discussion.  That's the two of them!  Beri he was sanctioned for his behavior!

Not sure what you referring to me, I never ran for office!

Talk about all the wives and mothers whose lives were thrown upside down when your party abruptly closed the estates and threw 10k out of work!  Did you think of these families, mothers, wives?

This is sheer deflection...and foolishness. 

Stop your nonsense...this has nothing to do with the sugar workers and their wives.

Jagdeo is a role model and the mover and shaker of the PPP. No other person in Guyana has that much power...and least in the PPP. He is a political leader and a very PUBLIC leader. His personal life is not beyond reproach.

You cant separate the moral value from the person. When he addresses family values, domestic abuse, marriage issues, let me know how you feel. 

So the man had a public divorce. So what?  You don’t get into he seh she seh.  It’s their private matter!

Many Break-ups tend to be that way!  It’s not a crime. You on the outside cannot and should not judge and make into a national issue!

ksazma posted:

This banna Vish looks like he into antiman runnings. Looks like he crave a piece of Jagdeo. 😀

This comment is not one of your usually "enlightened" comment....its one thing to expose the failings of the PNC, but quite another failing on your part when you ignore those of the boys need to raise the bar. 

VishMahabir posted:
ksazma posted:

This banna Vish looks like he into antiman runnings. Looks like he crave a piece of Jagdeo. 😀

This comment is not one of your usually "enlightened" comment....its one thing to expose the failings of the PNC, but quite another failing on your part when you ignore those of the boys need to raise the bar. 

You engaging in GROUPTHINK...and running with the some would say...

Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Shameless! dem expect Guyanese to forget about how their leadership treated women....

Who did he treat bad?

Did gon come up with a lady name, associated with Jagdeo.

AND, dont forget Dr Beri Beri and Sherlina...

Like you forget or you faking it too?

BJ's personal issues should not be a topic of discussion.  That's the two of them!  Beri he was sanctioned for his behavior!

Not sure what you referring to me, I never ran for office!

Talk about all the wives and mothers whose lives were thrown upside down when your party abruptly closed the estates and threw 10k out of work!  Did you think of these families, mothers, wives?

Think yammer about personal experience of a significant other and conclude that their behavior projects into the social ethos. If Jagdeo has been a bitch ( and a crook) why is that not a measure by which he is to be judged? 

VishMahabir posted:
ksazma posted:

This banna Vish looks like he into antiman runnings. Looks like he crave a piece of Jagdeo. 😀

This comment is not one of your usually "enlightened" comment....its one thing to expose the failings of the PNC, but quite another failing on your part when you ignore those of the boys need to raise the bar. 

I understand what you are saying!  My point, don’t co-mingle people’s personal relationship conflicts with the broader national agenda!  It comes across as a cheap way to score points.

Stick to the larger issue of women’s rights, economic upliftment, DV, enhanced role in the national dialogue, etc, etc, etc. Leave personalities and personal conflicts out!

Stormborn posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Shameless! dem expect Guyanese to forget about how their leadership treated women....

Who did he treat bad?

Did gon come up with a lady name, associated with Jagdeo.

AND, dont forget Dr Beri Beri and Sherlina...

Like you forget or you faking it too?

BJ's personal issues should not be a topic of discussion.  That's the two of them!  Beri he was sanctioned for his behavior!

Not sure what you referring to me, I never ran for office!

Talk about all the wives and mothers whose lives were thrown upside down when your party abruptly closed the estates and threw 10k out of work!  Did you think of these families, mothers, wives?

Think yammer about personal experience of a significant other and conclude that their behavior projects into the social ethos. If Jagdeo has been a bitch ( and a crook) why is that not a measure by which he is to be judged? 

Shit talker!

Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
ksazma posted:

This banna Vish looks like he into antiman runnings. Looks like he crave a piece of Jagdeo. 😀

This comment is not one of your usually "enlightened" comment....its one thing to expose the failings of the PNC, but quite another failing on your part when you ignore those of the boys need to raise the bar. 

I understand what you are saying!  My point, don’t co-mingle people’s personal relationship conflicts with the broader national agenda!  It comes across as a cheap way to score points.

Stick to the larger issue of women’s rights, economic upliftment, DV, enhanced role in the national dialogue, etc, etc, etc. Leave personalities and personal conflicts out!

Dude...when it comes to politicians, there is a very thin line between personal actions and public actions. People dont just judge politicians on their policies...I know some Hindus who have serious problems with how BJ treated his partner. 

Now, with that background in mind, how "legitimate" would it look if BJ becomes a champion of women's rights? 

You see the contradictions here??? Only the knuckleheads like Dave and KP got tek him seriously. 


The PPP as a party has always held women in high esteem. Fact: it was the PPP that consistently proactively observed International Women's Day every year since the 1950s. The PNC followed suit in the 1970s. So yes, the PPP/C respects women. And, frankly, there are some individuals in the party who need to treat women better. Same goes for some individuals in other political parties.

VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
ksazma posted:

This banna Vish looks like he into antiman runnings. Looks like he crave a piece of Jagdeo. 😀

This comment is not one of your usually "enlightened" comment....its one thing to expose the failings of the PNC, but quite another failing on your part when you ignore those of the boys need to raise the bar. 

I understand what you are saying!  My point, don’t co-mingle people’s personal relationship conflicts with the broader national agenda!  It comes across as a cheap way to score points.

Stick to the larger issue of women’s rights, economic upliftment, DV, enhanced role in the national dialogue, etc, etc, etc. Leave personalities and personal conflicts out!

Dude...when it comes to politicians, there is a very thin line between personal actions and public actions. People dont just judge politicians on their policies...I know some Hindus who have serious problems with how BJ treated his partner. 

Now, with that background in mind, how "legitimate" would it look if BJ becomes a champion of women's rights? 

You see the contradictions here??? Only the knuckleheads like Dave and KP got tek him seriously. 

Guyana is not a one man show. The rights of women, the challenges of women, the issues of women, etc are being addressed across a wide spectrum of organizations be it political, non-political, Govt, non-Govt all intertwined domestically, regionally and internationally feeding up to a UN Charter!

I don’t see how any one person’s issues, be it President, a CEO or average citizen can co-opt the entire national agenda!

As I said, it comes across as cheap political points!

Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Ray posted:

Vish using his thanksgiving break to hammer these PPP turkeys

He should be hammering the PNC fundraisers caught with guns and gold.

Hey dude...when you start eating that turkey drumstick tomorrow...remember what they say are what you eat!

And what you are going to eat? A bucket of shit?

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
VishMahabir posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Ray posted:

Vish using his thanksgiving break to hammer these PPP turkeys

He should be hammering the PNC fundraisers caught with guns and gold.

Hey dude...when you start eating that turkey drumstick tomorrow...remember what they say are what you eat!

And what you are going to eat? A bucket of shit?


VishMahabir posted:
ksazma posted:

This banna Vish looks like he into antiman runnings. Looks like he crave a piece of Jagdeo. 😀

This comment is not one of your usually "enlightened" comment....its one thing to expose the failings of the PNC, but quite another failing on your part when you ignore those of the boys need to raise the bar. 

Banna, it is about picking a politician, not a priest. The PPP is still miles ahead of the PNC when it comes to democracy.

ksazma posted:
VishMahabir posted:
ksazma posted:

This banna Vish looks like he into antiman runnings. Looks like he crave a piece of Jagdeo. 😀

This comment is not one of your usually "enlightened" comment....its one thing to expose the failings of the PNC, but quite another failing on your part when you ignore those of the boys need to raise the bar. 

Banna, it is about picking a politician, not a priest. The PPP is still miles ahead of the PNC when it comes to democracy.

Bai Ksaz, don't insult the boy's intelligence. Does he know the true meaning of democracy? If he does, can he differentiate between true democracy and a supposedly democratically elected illegal moon pass government in Guyana?


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