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Former Member

Police considering PPP’s complaint about award of new Demerara Bridge feasibility study


The move-able part of the proposed new Demerara River bridge through which ocean-going vessels will pass.

The Guyana Police Force’s Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) is considering the opposition People’s Progressive Party’s (PPP’s) request for a probe into Cabinet’s award of a contract to a Netherlands-headquartered company to conduct a feasibility study for a new Demerara Harbour Bridge.

“The matter is now engaging the attention of the Guyana Police Force,” Head of SOCU, Special Assistant Police Commissioner, Sydney James told Opposition Chief Whip, Gail Teixeira. He also told her that her that Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan; Commissioner of Police, David Ramnarine and the Police Legal Advisor, Retired Justice Claudette Singh have been informed of her complaint.

The PPP alleges that Cabinet and Public Infrastructure Minister David Patterson violated the Public Procurement Act by warding a GY$148 million contract to LievenseCSO Engineering Contracting BV  to conduct a feasibility study and design for the new Demerara Harbour Bridge because the law does not allow either party to unilaterally award contracts for goods and services without seeking the approval of the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB).

James told Teixeira that SOCU received her correspondence dated August 15, 2018 and “supporting documents” “for an investigation” by that law enforcement unit of the police force.

The previously proposed three-lane new Demerara River Bridge.

Teixeira has asked SOCU to consider the report  by the Public Procurement Commission, which includes findings and recommendations, to conduct a “comprehensive investigation” “with a view to instituting criminal charges against the Minister of Public Infrastructure.

“Due to the seriousness of their findings and the gross violations of the Procurement Act, with particular reference to the role of the Minister of Public Infrastructure in violating the Procurement Act and the most recent Code of Conduct as outlined in the Integrity Commission, Act, I hereby call on the S.O. C.U. to take action as required under the law,” she told SOCU in her August 15, letter.

The Public Procurement Commission has deemed the award of the contract to LievenseCSO Engineering Contracting BV illegal because it was not forwarded to the NPTAB for approval and that the General Manager of the Demerara Harbour Bridge Company, Rawlston Adams inked the agreement without the approval of that company’s board.

SOCU Headquarters

In defending the decision to award the contract to LievenseCSO Engineering Contracting BV, the Ministry of Public Infrastructure said in the final analysis said after faithfully following the procurement process and not getting the desired result, it received an unsolicited proposal from LievenseCSO Infrastructure & Environment with Econovision and Ace Consultancy which was one of the 23 shortlisted firms.

“Having regard to the fact that this was an unsolicited proposal for a matter for which a suitable candidate was not found after a rigorous and lengthy tender process and there being no established procurement rules for dealing with unsolicited proposals, a Cabinet Paper was prepared on the matter on November 18, 2016 and submitted for Cabinet’s consideration,” the ministry said.

The Public Infrastructure Ministry has said that Cabinet considered the matter and, on November 22, 2016, took the decision to approve $103,978,580 being used from the Demerara Harbour Bridge Corporation for funding of Stage and approve $57,535,740 being used from the Demerara Harbour Bridge Corporation for the funding of Stage two.

“MPI reiterates that lengthy procurement procedures were faithfully followed which did not yield suitable results. Having thereafter received a proposal which satisfied the government’s requirements for this project of national importance and given the relevant time constraints, it was felt that it was in Guyana’s interest to take advantage of the proposal. It is for this and other stated reasons that Cabinet’s approval was sought.”

Public Infrastructure Minister David Patterson

The ministry said the Evaluation Committee reviewed all 23 submissions and shortlisted twelve  companies who were requested to submit detailed proposals. Two companies- China Railway First Group Company Limited and C
MMM Group Limited. & CEMCO Inc of Canada and Guyana submitted detailed proposals as requested.

Having reviewed the two proposals, the Evaluation Committee deemed one of the two detailed submissions as being inconsistent with what was required and the other far in excess of budget, even after negotiations with the bidder. Consequently, with the agreement of the NPTAB, the MPI annulled the tender, the Ministry added.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Bai Labbu,

You na know how de thing does wuk man ? It guh like dis:

Dat matta ain't reaching Grain Jaw desk.

RamPattertan will mek one call and tell the Pole Ice and tell to haul dem bass. De Pole Ice gun den drap de case and leave Patto alone. I hear bout some big big number passing hans but I man keeping me mouth shut.

Me don't hear no evil and me see no evil. I does see de Jumbie and leave he alone. Business People does mind their Business.

Harbon will call his partna Jagga and tell him fun cool down and send he de cut and all of dem cool.

Hey Hey Hey


I agree. Dem Politicians all crooked. Dem only like to squeeze de businessmen who have to pony up at election time. I know someone who does give two envelopes, one for each party. 

Last edited by Former Member


Patterson is wan AFC bhai,not PNC bhai.

SOCU should investigate Patterson regarding the New Demerara Bridge,if he is guilty of any wrong doing let him pay the penalty.

The PPP doing this so they can wiggle out of the their wrong doings.

Last edited by Django
yuji22 posted:

I agree. Dem Politicians all crooked. Dem only like to squeeze de businessmen who have to pony up at election time. I know someone who does give two envelopes, one for each party. 

We know that you are a very generous person. 

Django posted:


Patterson is wan AFC bhai,not PNC bhai.

SOCU should investigate Patterson regarding the New Demerara Bridge,if he is guilty of any wrong doing let him pay the penalty.

The PPP doing this so they can wiggle out of the their wrong doings.

Put two and two together. AFC is irrelevant now and the AFC knows that the PNC will squeeze them out. Orders were given to the authorities to now prosecute the AFC to make them look crooked too. This will be the reason to throw them out of the coalition.



l originally thought of that but then again why would Granger want to create a headache for himself while he has the AFC cornered ? He already put them through the ringer by asking them to peddle their own canoe for LGE to prove their worth and relevance. 

Trotman can justify his position but the rest in the AFC might be suffering from heartburn. 

Interesting times ahead. 


From what I heard, this bai Patty Bake is overdoing the underhand deals. He wuss than dem PPP basis. I know someone who does business in Guyana and he was complaining about how this chap asks for too much. 


Patterson family members has multiple business names that bid for contracts.... it was only a matter of time.

Kudos to the government for not ignoring PPP complaint, let’s hope the police be transparent. 



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