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President opens Chetwynd Learning Centre at his former residence

Georgetown, Guyana – (February 21, 2017) President David Granger, yesterday, declared open the Chetwynd Learning Centre in memory of founder of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) and Guyana’s first Executive President, Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham, who would have celebrated his 94th birth anniversary. The centre is located at President Granger’s former residence at Thorne’s Drive, Durban Backlands and is dedicated to the preservation and dissemination of the ideas and philosophies, which are the legacy of the Party’s founder, particularly as it relates to education. It will also house the Burnham Book Trust, the Burnham Research Institute and the Burnham Educational Scholarship Trust (BEST).

President Granger, who was accompanied by First Lady Mrs. Sandra Granger, said in his remarks that one of the main objectives of the late President Burnham was to ensure equality of access to opportunities, specifically in relation to education.

The President spoke of the three units that will be housed within the Centre and assured that his Party will continue provide educational support for young Guyanese and will endeavour to extend the scholarship programme to more children across the country and will even move beyond secondary school so that tertiary-level students can also receive this much needed support. He also said that all the literature that was penned by Mr. Burnham will be reprinted and made available at the Centre so that young people in particular can be better informed rather than fall prey to the distortions of historical facts that are in the public domain.  “Nobody actually goes to the original record to find out what occurred and so that is why we need to reprint those books and that is why we need a research centre, not to publish falsehoods but so that researchers can find out what the truth actually was,” President Granger said.

He also spoke of the dire state of the education system when Forbes Burnham took office in December 1964 and his drive to transform that broken system, eventually putting Guyana on the path of becoming an education nation. “He didn’t see education as a privilege; he saw it as an entitlement… This Learning Centre is being opened to provide a public good; it is not a political party campaign office. As our resources permit, all three agencies will be open to a wider range of Guyanese citizens. In years to come I would like to see similar centres in every town in this country…this is not a substitute, it is a supplement to the educational system,” the President said.

PNCR General Secretary, Mr. Oscar Clarke said that this project is the brainchild of President Granger, who, since taking Office, has reaffirmed the commitment of the Party’s founder to make education a central plank for the development of Guyana. He said that like Mr. Burnham, the current leader too is keenly aware that education is the cornerstone of equality and the key to eradicating poverty, ignorance and bigotry.

“The Party continues to be committed to the goal of creating an education nation. Our country stands on the threshold of greatness. Guyana is a land filled with opportunities to be exploited; however, these dreams cannot be realised unless we create the conditions and build the education infrastructure that produces the scientists, technicians, engineers and mathematicians to take us to modernity,” the General Secretary said.

He added that the Chetwynd Learning Centre, which is named after the father of the President Granger, will also provide information technology services to awardees of the BEST and the Sophia Literacy Project all in an effort to support the delivery of education and to provide opportunities for creative and self-empowered learning.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Very interesting seeing that Burnham did not make Granger his chief of staff nor the head of any of the other service branches.  Instead he went with Maclean and Singh. Even Burnham  could see that this Jranjer was no leadership material.



Last edited by Prashad
Django posted:

Maybe Granger got plans to build a bigger house than BJ.

Is he going to live at Chetwynd Learning Centre,when the time comes to vacated State House ?

Maybe he plans to extend his house to make housing for all his freedom fighters. He needs to repay them and use them for fund raisers and body guards.

Django posted:

Maybe Granger got plans to build a bigger house than BJ.

Is he going to live at Chetwynd Learning Centre,when the time comes to vacated State House ?

Pling pling! bring bring! Phone rings in State House.

Granger: Hello?

Jagdeo: David, it's Bharrat.

Granger: How you do, man? What can I do for you?

Jagdeo: As you know, in 2020 ten years would have passed since I purchased that property in so-called Pradoville 2.

Granger: I believe you're right. So?

Jagdeo: According to the law, I can advertise the property for sale in 2020.

Granger: So?

Jagdeo: Here's the deal. If you lose the election, you can come and live in my mansion and I will go to State House. You just have to pay me $1 and cancel the SARA probe into the thing.

Granger: But I have my own house in Durban Backlands, Bharrat. What will I do with it?

Jagdeo: Easy. Make it a Burnham Centre for Learning and Reseach. And let the CJRC remain in Red House. A win-win shituation, right?

Granger: Looks so. But, tell me, your mansion can rate alongside State House?

Jagdeo: Far better. Modern conveniences. State House still got fittings from colonial times. Ed Ahmad gifted me state-of-the-art fittings and furniture from the US.

Granger: Let's make it a deal, Bharrat. Between now and 2020, I won't jail you. And if you succeed me, you won't jail me and Harmon, correct?

Jagdeo: Correct is right!  

Django posted:

Maybe Granger got plans to build a bigger house than BJ.

Is he going to live at Chetwynd Learning Centre,when the time comes to vacated State House ?

He is not vacating State House.  Didn't the poster of this thread already tell us that the PNC is there for years to come based on some formula where Indians are a minority?  Ask Cobra he knows the prediction well.

Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:

Bibi,nah tek worries Granger is no spring chicken,he will vacate some day.

Mentally he has already vacated.  He is only there in body and soul.   I say he will give Hammie Green a run for his money and live until eternity!!

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:

Bibi,nah tek worries Granger is no spring chicken,he will vacate some day.

Mentally he has already vacated.  He is only there in body and soul.   I say he will give Hammie Green a run for his money and live until eternity!!


The money need to be followed. Who paid for the renovations and what is the deal here. Is he and his wife going to live there and charge admission when he is no longer President. Maybe it is a money making venture to sell his books and other such things.

Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:

The money need to be followed. Who paid for the renovations and what is the deal here. Is he and his wife going to live there and charge admission when he is no longer President. Maybe it is a money making venture to sell his books and other such things.

Granger,raking in US100K a year,he probably use the money to fix his house to become a Learning Center.


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