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Welcome to Breaking News Trinidad and Tobago Monday, September 07 2015 @ 11:37 PM AST         


Trinidad and Tobago election results 2015: PNM 22, PP 19

        Trinidad and Tobago election results 2015 posted here are preliminary as they are being reported by the local television stations.
Official results are not expected until tomorrow. Visit for them.

Results are still very preliminary, and have gone from PP to PNM and back again.
Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar has said she will not be making a statement until all seats are declared.

Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley is at Balisier House (PNM headquarters) but he is not speaking either.

Stages have been set up at both Rienzi Complex (UNC headquarters) and Balisier House from where victory and concession speeches are expected.
Both camps are in a celebratory mood according to reports.
The following are the 41 parliamentary and how they look so far.
The names of the winners will be posted next to them in brackets as shown below
and this page will be continuously updated until all seats are declared.

1 Arima (PNM)
2 Arouca/Maloney (PNM)
3 Barataria/San Juan (People's Partnership)
4 Caroni Central (People's Partnership)
5 Caroni East (People's Partnership)
6 Chaguanas East (People's Partnership)
7 Chaguanas West (People's Partnership)
8 Couva North (People's Partnership)
9 Couva South (People's Partnership)
10 Cumuto/Manzanilla (People's Partnership)
11 D'Abadie/O'Meara (PNM)
12 Diego Martin Central (PNM)
13 Diego Martin North/East (PNM)
14 Diego Martin West (PNM)
15 Fyzabad (People's Partnership)
16 La Brea (PNM)
17 La Horquetta/Talparo (PNM)
18 Laventille East/Morvant (PNM)
19 Laventille West (PNM)
20 Lopinot/Bon Air West (PNM)
21 Mayaro (People's Partnership)
22 Naparima (People's Partnership)
23 Oropouche East (People's Partnership)
24 Oropouche West (People's Partnership)
25 Point Fortin (PNM)
26 Pointe-a-Pierre (People's Partnership)
27 POS North/St. Anns West (PNM)
28 POS South (PNM)
29 Princes Town (People's Partnership)
30 Moruga/Tableland (PNM) - - still very close -- could increase PNM lead to 23 seats
31 San Fernando East (PNM)
32 San Fernando West (PNM)
33 Siparia (People's Partnership)
34 St. Anns East (PNM)
35 St. Augustine (People's Partnership)
36 St. Joseph (PNM)
37 Tabaquite (People's Partnership)
38 Tobago East (PNM)
39 Tobago West (PNM)
40 Toco/Sangre Grande (PNM)
41 Tunapuna (PNM)
Keith Rowley, Prime Minister elect Photo from fan page

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Daily Express  

PNM wins 2015 General Election

  • Published on Sep 7, 2015, 11:20 pm AST


Jubliation at Balisier House: Photo Gyasi Gonzales


The Dr. Keith Rowley led People's National Movement captured 22 of the 41 constituencies to be declared winner of the 2015 General Election. The PNM improves on their 2010 showing where they won 12 seats to form the opposition.

The People's Partnership who had 29 of the 41 seats and formed the government over the past five years won 19 seats and will now be on the opposition bench.

The Independent Liberal Party led by Jack Warner did not make an impression with the voting public and failed to capture a single seat.


World    | Tue Sep 8, 2015 7:18am EDT        

Opposition party

wins elections

in Trinidad and Tobago

PORT OF SPAIN The opposition People’s National Movement (PNM) party led by 65-year old geologist, Keith Rowley, won Monday’s general elections in Trinidad and Tobago, according to preliminary returns.

Initial tabulations from the Elections and Boundaries Commission, the official body which monitors elections, showed the PNM capturing 23 constituencies for control of the 41-seat parliament in the oil-rich twin-island Caribbean nation.

The incumbent ruling United National Congress, led by Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, won 18 seats.


Speaking to the media late on Monday night, Rowley claimed victory for his party. “Trinidad and Tobago from tomorrow would have a new government,” he said. Kamla later conceded defeat in a speech to her supporters.

Rowley, a veteran politician, is expected to be sworn into office on Tuesday after the election commission's announcement of official results.


He faces some tough budget decisions over spending on social programs due to lower oil prices.

Ex-FIFA Vice-President, Jack Warner, political leader of the fringe Independent Liberal Party, now wanted in the United States on a dozen corruption charges, failed to win a parliamentary seat representing the central region's Chaguanas East constituency.


Just over one million people are eligible to cast votes for candidates contesting the seats – 39 in Trinidad and 2 in Tobago.


PNM wins 2015 General Election

  • Published on Sep 7, 2015, 11:20 pm AST


Jubliation at Balisier House: Photo Gyasi Gonzales


The Dr. Keith Rowley led People's National Movement captured 23 of the 41 constituencies to be declared winner of the 2015 General Election. The PNM improves on their 2010 showing where they won 12 seats to form the opposition.

The People's Partnership who had 29 of the 41 seats and formed the government over the past five years won 18 seats and will now be on the opposition bench.

The Independent Liberal Party led by Jack Warner did not make an impression with the voting public and failed to capture a single seat.

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Trinidad and Tobago 2015 election results favor Rowley

Trinidad and Tobago 2015 election results favor Rowley

by Kerry Baynes -          Sep 8, 2015         

The future of the Caribbean lies in its ability to sustain its grip on domestic policy. However,  crafting international policy to better serve the needs of its citizens are the greatest testimony left to hurdle.


TRINIDAD, September 8, 2015 – In Trinidad’s general election last week, the PNM (People’s National Movement) secured victory last Monday over the PP (People’s Partnership). The PNM won by five seats, 23-18. Dr. Keith Rowley, Party leader for the PNM, will rise to the position of Prime Minister while opposition leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar will leave the Prime Minister post and take over as head of the opposition.

The country is home to a rich oil and gas sector and will soon enter the ranks of developed country status. However, that oil wealth has also fed corruption and concern over corruption in the granting of government contracts was a significant issue in this contest.

Electing Rowley has Trinidad’s one million voters ultimately trusting the PNM over the PP.

Every form of government has it’s own shade of freedom, none so bright as the peaceable transitioning of government. Other hemispheres on the globe are plagued with diplomatic turmoil and armed strife. The unfortunate side effect, or first world malady, however, is the underlying issue of corrupt practices. No government is free of some sort of bending of the rules.

The most common problem occurs awarding government contracts. Ideally, every contract should go to the most capable and most qualified individual, enhancing the public good, making both the economy and the overall society function better. In every government there are limitless accusations of rule bending and unfair practices in the award process; Inadvertently affecting the public good, namely, people’s trust in government.

Rowley announced that he was “humbled” by the victory, and gave a much-lauded speech highlighting national unity after his win. He also said the government plans to overhaul the national education curriculum and noted that he will head the effort of implementing austerity.

The new Prime Minister is expected to face a difficult economic period, with lower gas prices hurting T&T’s economy.

In reaction to concerns about corruption, Rowley said, “We will behave in a manner worthy of the people of T&T.”


The PNM helped forge Trinidad and Tobago’s independence, through the tireless work of Dr. Eric Williams. This gives the party a strong hold over national politics. The parliamentary system gives total control of government operations to one party. In times of plenty there are numerous fans of the government. In times of scarcity there are plenty of attempts to


lay blame.



The prevailing element is the amount of resources that a government can amass for the general benefit. Human resources in the amount of training and skill of its citizens, and the natural/capital resources that amount from the application of government actions.

The future of the Caribbean lies in its ability to sustain its grip on domestic policy. However, its ability to formulate lasting roles in crafting international policy to better serve the needs of its citizens are the greatest testimony left to hurdle. Travel, education, healthcare, employment, and fiscal stability all have a role to play in the developed nation’s view of the Caribbean. To taking a seat at the table and modifying global resources which it contributes , although in small parts, of a major sector –namely the energy sector.

Paved roads and new schools can eventually build themselves. In today’s modern world of rapidly expanding technology, machinery can complete automated tasks that once took a human hours to perform. And with engineering advances being made everyday it is likely that very few products in the future will require constant human intervention to create.

This cuts the productivity gap and increases capacity utilization for those that know how to harness these technologies.

A well armed and ably directed electorate can form a government that can change the course of humanity. Inevitably, every election is another attempt at getting the brand right, so to speak.


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