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PPP/C MP, former APNU+AFC Councillor charged with assaulting each other

Carol Smith Joseph and Harry Gill

A former Region Five APNU+AFC Councillor and a PPP/C member of parliament were today charged with assaulting each other. They appeared at the Fort Wellington Magistrate’s Court.

Both Harry Gill and Carol Smith Joseph appeared before Magistrate Rabindranauth Singh, who placed them on self-bail.

According to the facts, Joseph on 7th November assaulted Gill so as to cause actual bodily harm. Gill was charged with common assault committed on Joseph on the same day.

Both parties pleaded not guilty to the charges.

Gill was represented by attorney at Law, Ian Anamayah, while Joseph was represented by attorneys at law, James Anthony Bond and Darren Wade.

The matter will continue on February 6th next year.



Replies sorted oldest to newest

VishMahabir posted:

Why is it that everytime there is a fight in Guyana its always a black woman beating up on an Indo (though this dude dont look like an Indo)?

Is this a cultural thing?

Or, are the men in this country seen as weak?

You are deliberately being a prick.   The issue in Guyana is what you see.  I explained, this is what we grew up with.  Black police side with black thugs and wrong becomes strong.  

You are just being an a55h0le  on the matter.  And don’t go telling me what’s too much in dealing with these thugs and terrorists.

If you want to know if it’s a cultural thing, guh ask yuh coolie side of yuh family.  You don’t need explanation from GNI!

Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Why is it that everytime there is a fight in Guyana its always a black woman beating up on an Indo (though this dude dont look like an Indo)?

Is this a cultural thing?

Or, are the men in this country seen as weak?

It’s a culture thing for Blacks to be BULLY. 

A bully will only continually rape you if you lay down and play dead everytime they approach you. It will only stop when you say enough is enough. Thats the only way you will earn respect...stop blaming others for yall psychology its called creating a straw man and deflection...


Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Why is it that everytime there is a fight in Guyana its always a black woman beating up on an Indo (though this dude dont look like an Indo)?

Is this a cultural thing?

Or, are the men in this country seen as weak?

You are deliberately being a prick.   The issue in Guyana is what you see.  I explained, this is what we grew up with.  Black police side with black thugs and wrong becomes strong.  

You are just being an a55h0le  on the matter.  And don’t go telling me what’s too much in dealing with these thugs and terrorists.

If you want to know if it’s a cultural thing, guh ask yuh coolie side of yuh family.  You don’t need explanation from GNI!

I will ignore your pejoratives and penchant for going into the gutter with the name calling...perhaps Ray can address this... seems like I touched a raw nerve...

I will say it again, because L saw this in Guyana and in my own family: "Indos seem afraid to assert themselves in the presence of Afros, and they feel threatened by Black women..."

The only difference is that in my family I have Indos who are also willing to assert themselves and will take no BS from anyone... 

Here is the fallacy of what you are saying: If you grew up with something, then it means that its a cultural phenomenon...its learned behavior. It can be changed if its learned behavior. There are Indians who can be more assertive in similar situations. Ever heard of the Tamil Tigers or the Gurkhas?

You bannas always cussing non-Indians and accusing them as being bullies....instead of blaming yourself for the lack of respect you have among yourselves...Respect has to be earned...Indos like you and the others here (who keep cussin behind the safe haven of a keyboard) are, for lack of a better words, "confused" and "cowards". 

The Allies during WW2 appeased Hitler so it was no surprise he carved up the Sudetenland, Austria and then Poland before they decided to address his bullyism.

What is clear to me about what you have said here here is that this is the way it and your people will forever succumb to bullyism, refusing to grow a pair, and always looking for a country that has open borders that will let you in...

Chew on that for a minute...

VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Why is it that everytime there is a fight in Guyana its always a black woman beating up on an Indo (though this dude dont look like an Indo)?

Is this a cultural thing?

Or, are the men in this country seen as weak?

You are deliberately being a prick.   The issue in Guyana is what you see.  I explained, this is what we grew up with.  Black police side with black thugs and wrong becomes strong.  

You are just being an a55h0le  on the matter.  And don’t go telling me what’s too much in dealing with these thugs and terrorists.

If you want to know if it’s a cultural thing, guh ask yuh coolie side of yuh family.  You don’t need explanation from GNI!

I will ignore your pejoratives and penchant for going into the gutter with the name calling...perhaps Ray can address this... seems like I touched a raw nerve...

I will say it again, because L saw this in Guyana and in my own family: "Indos seem afraid to assert themselves in the presence of Afros, and they feel threatened by Black women..."

The only difference is that in my family I have Indos who are also willing to assert themselves and will take no BS from anyone... 

Here is the fallacy of what you are saying: If you grew up with something, then it means that its a cultural phenomenon...its learned behavior. It can be changed if its learned behavior. There are Indians who can be more assertive in similar situations. Ever heard of the Tamil Tigers or the Gurkhas?

You bannas always cussing non-Indians and accusing them as being bullies....instead of blaming yourself for the lack of respect you have among yourselves...Respect has to be earned...Indos like you and the others here (who keep cussin behind the safe haven of a keyboard) are, for lack of a better words, "confused" and "cowards". 

The Allies during WW2 appeased Hitler so it was no surprise he carved up the Sudetenland, Austria and then Poland before they decided to address his bullyism.

What is clear to me about what you have said here here is that this is the way it and your people will forever succumb to bullyism, refusing to grow a pair, and always looking for a country that has open borders that will let you in...

Chew on that for a minute...

Here is another example of confusion and cowardice:

You keep defending the drug lord who took out the "criminals" because the weakness of the PPP government could not protect their own people. 

If the government Indos elected could not even protect its own supporters, then you need to hold that same govt accountable...not hold up the drug lord as the heroes of the day...

The level of cowardice runs the top leaders of the PPP.

There is absolutely no way that any sane person can defend the unholy alliance between top PPP leaders and the drug lord....why did the PPP, given its institutional memory of 28 years, not take action to reform the institution and anticipate these things since its election in 1992???

Were there not plenty of incidents from previous violence to learn from?

Where were all those Marxist revolutionaries...who were trained in revolutionary practices, the wannabe Che Guevarras, the Fidelistas...???

VishMahabir posted:

Why is it that everytime there is a fight in Guyana its always a black woman beating up on an Indo (though this dude dont look like an Indo)?

Is this a cultural thing?

Or, are the men in this country seen as weak?

Because every time a black woman does this the Indo KKK go into full court session.  They are perfectly fine with Indo on Indo violence, maybe viewing it as part of the culture. The vehemence that they raised sometime ago when issues of domestic violence was being discussed some of the Indo KKK probably regular "discipline" their wives.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

PNC have many female thugs in their party. One will be running for President soon.

Yes I do recall the PPP "heroes" after the election running to hide like little girls screaming about PNC Amazonian females who they feared would hold them down single handed, beat them up, piss on them and then light them on fire.  Trembling in fear because "dem black woman can do what ever dey want and nobody cyant do anyting about it!".  Poor "men".

Oh the imagination of the Indo KKK.

VishMahabir posted:

You keep defending the drug lord who took out the "criminals" because the weakness of the PPP government could not protect their own people. 


And it goes further as this same drug lord who was part of the Colombian cartel network used gangs of rogue cops and soldiers as well as those who were formerly in those forces. Many/most of these were blacks.

They daily scream that Jagdeo gave them back their manhood when in fact it was merely Indians who had the ability to pay para militias using them for their own purposes, with the rest of the Indian population left unguarded. And then having to face a black population who felt that Jagdeo was out to kill them off.

VishMahabir posted:

There is absolutely no way that any sane person can defend the unholy alliance between top PPP leaders and the drug lord....why did the PPP, given its institutional memory of 28 years, not take action to reform the institution and anticipate these things since its election in 1992???


The PPP gov't was offered assistance from the US, Canada and the UK to professionalize the security force.  They adamantly refused to do so, screaming that this was an infringement of Guyana's "sovereignty".

The truth as revealed in Wikileaks was that the US ambassador of the time revealed that Henry Greene, a Jagdeo appointee, was owned by the drug cartel and the PPP didn't want this to be exposed. As well as other PPP connections with these interests.


yuji22 posted:
Nehru posted:

Yuji, the smell on some of these women will kill you

I man prefer sweet smelling fresh flowers  over Ghanda eggs any day of the week. 

Volda is on her way to discipline you for your insolence and pathetic attempt to recapture your manhood.

And Volda says that she has a surprise for Nehru by implying that black woman smell stink.  She might put on a strap on.

Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:

Looks like women have more cajonas dan dem men in Guyana

PPP/C MP, former APNU+AFC Councillor charged with assaulting each other
Carol Smith Joseph and Harry Gill

A former Region Five APNU+AFC Councillor and a PPP/C member of parliament were today charged with assaulting each other. They appeared at the Fort Wellington Magistrate’s Court.

Both Harry Gill and Carol Smith Joseph appeared before Magistrate Rabindranauth Singh, who placed them on self-bail.


Looks like women have more cajonas dan dem men in Guyana


A version of an old-time Guyanese joke ...

Women were at the fish market and a Guyanese woman was cussing-down an English woman; who was checking out the produce; with lots of choice words like ... "xxxxx, yyyyy, zzzzz and lots more".

The English woman was saying, "Don't cuss me or I will also cuss you."

The Guyanese shout out "Cuss nah, cuss, yuh xxxxx, yyyyy, zzzzz plus lots and lots more".

The English woman then said in a soft voice ... "Your BT."

Last edited by Former Member
Demerara_Guy posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Looks like women have more cajonas dan dem men in Guyana

PPP/C MP, former APNU+AFC Councillor charged with assaulting each other
Carol Smith Joseph and Harry Gill

A former Region Five APNU+AFC Councillor and a PPP/C member of parliament were today charged with assaulting each other. They appeared at the Fort Wellington Magistrate’s Court.

Both Harry Gill and Carol Smith Joseph appeared before Magistrate Rabindranauth Singh, who placed them on self-bail.


Looks like women have more cajonas dan dem men in Guyana


A version of an old-time Guyanese joke ...

Women were at the fish market and a Guyanese woman was cussing-down an English woman; who was checking out the produce; with lots of choice words like ... "xxxxx, yyyyy, zzzzz and lots more".

The English woman was saying, "Don't cuss me or I will also cuss you."

The Guyanese shout out "Cuss nah, cuss, yuh xxxxx, yyyyy, zzzzz plus lots and lots more".

The English woman then said in a soft voice ... "Your BT."

Sorry bro....I don’t get it...must be one a dem Guyanese joke

VishMahabir posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Looks like women have more cajonas dan dem men in Guyana

PPP/C MP, former APNU+AFC Councillor charged with assaulting each other
Carol Smith Joseph and Harry Gill

A former Region Five APNU+AFC Councillor and a PPP/C member of parliament were today charged with assaulting each other. They appeared at the Fort Wellington Magistrate’s Court.

Both Harry Gill and Carol Smith Joseph appeared before Magistrate Rabindranauth Singh, who placed them on self-bail.


Looks like women have more cajonas dan dem men in Guyana


A version of an old-time Guyanese joke ...

Women were at the fish market and a Guyanese woman was cussing-down an English woman; who was checking out the produce; with lots of choice words like ... "xxxxx, yyyyy, zzzzz and lots more".

The English woman was saying, "Don't cuss me or I will also cuss you."

The Guyanese shout out "Cuss nah, cuss, yuh xxxxx, yyyyy, zzzzz plus lots and lots more".

The English woman then said in a soft voice ... "Your BT."

Sorry bro....I don’t get it...must be one a dem Guyanese joke

BT == also known as == BeeTee.

BT/BeeTee means one's rear end, a polite use for that part of the body.

Now there are crude and vulgar words that are used for one's rear end.

Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:

Why is it that everytime there is a fight in Guyana its always a black woman beating up on an Indo (though this dude dont look like an Indo)?

Is this a cultural thing?

Or, are the men in this country seen as weak?

You can't know much about Guyana. That's an incredibly inaccurate assumption about every fight in Guyana. How many years did you live in Guyana?

antabanta posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Why is it that everytime there is a fight in Guyana its always a black woman beating up on an Indo (though this dude dont look like an Indo)?

Is this a cultural thing?

Or, are the men in this country seen as weak?

You can't know much about Guyana. That's an incredibly inaccurate assumption about every fight in Guyana. How many years did you live in Guyana?

He either left very young or was born here. Glad to see him on board as I detect that most of us are near to 60, and some even older than 70.

But what he has is a front seat in intra ethnic behavior given that half of his family is on one side and half on the other.  He doesn't seem to feel compelled to hide his opinions on this and to seek their people's opinions given that black savagery is frequently implied on GNI and from the PPP.

Last edited by Former Member

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