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Ramjattan seeks update from Police Commissioner on SOCU corruption probe

Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan has contacted Commissioner of Police, Leslie James regarding the status of the investigation into a damning report on various acts of corruption that took place at the Special Organized Crime Unit (SOCU) from 2016 to 2019.

Former SOCU Head, Sydney James

Commissioner of Police, Leslie James

Minister of Public Security,
Khemraj Ramjattan

Ramjattan’s confirmation to Kaieteur News was in response to several questions he received from this newspaper over the weekend.
Kaieteur News understands that a response to the questions posed are likely early this week.
The damning report is said to be with Acting Crime Chief, Superintendent Michael Kingston.
This newspaper recently highlighted that it almost a year has passed since the Guyana Police Force’s Audit Department conducted an assessment of SOCU’s financial affairs which revealed shocking levels of corruption from top to bottom of the agency.
But to date, not a single charge has been laid against any of the individuals fingered in the report.
The document which was seen by this newspaper stated that the former Head of the Unit, Sydney James, and several other officials such as Superintendents Robert Tyndall, Trevor Reid, Byran Vieira and Corporal Kevin Haywood from the Guyana Defence Force, abused the agency’s Operational Fund which benefitted from $1.5M on a monthly basis.
With the exception of a payment book, the audit found that there is no record to rely on for a transparent and accountable financial process at SOCU. In fact, auditors said there is no remittance book, daily cash composition book, and no account and expenditure books.
As it relates to some of the allegations of fraud and corruption, auditors observed that in June 2016, Reid, Tyndall and Vieira collected $600,000.00 each.
But in a scramble to prove that they could account for it, they produced several receipts from January to June to show that they spent $100,000 a month on intelligence gathering. But these receipts were found to be back dated.
It was further observed by the auditors that Haywood, who served as the secretary and not as an investigator, did no operational duties during the time of the assessment, but he still received a whopping $1,378,000.
As for the entity’s former Head, there are allegations against him that he forged the signature of his successor, Superintendent Althea Padmore, so that he could obtain almost $1.8M.
Auditors also learnt that James claimed to have paid $1,719,000 on five occasions to repair motor vehicle PRR 2609. It was discovered that this was not a police vehicle. In addition, the store he claimed to have made the payments to, A and F Auto repairs cannot be located.
Another disturbing discovery for the auditors were records which showed that the SOCU official paid $10,300,000 to M. Ali for car rental. All the receipts were vague and had no vehicle registration numbers or the period they were rented for. Also, the receipts had no letter head or official stamps. The auditors were alarmed at the fact that the amount paid to Ali is 43.6% of SOCU’s expenditure for the audit period (2016 to 2019).
Kaieteur News understands that evidence for all the instances of corruption identified by the Audit Department has been handed over to the police for further investigation by the Fraud Squad.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Like de Rumsucker drunk again ? dat is one messed up fella.

Any judge can and will throw out any of their cases because their investigates are corrupt.

Proves that charges against the PPP members were ALL TRUMPED UP.

Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:

Ramjattan seeks update from Police Commissioner on SOCU corruption probe

Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan has contacted Commissioner of Police, Leslie James regarding the status of the investigation into a damning report on various acts of corruption that took place at the Special Organized Crime Unit (SOCU) from 2016 to 2019.

Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan

Looks like the Jhaaattt just woke up after sleeping continuously for weeks to mutter a few words. 

Image result for Khemraj Ramjattan

Sean posted:

Like de Rumsucker drunk again ? dat is one messed up fella.

Any judge can and will throw out any of their cases because their investigates are corrupt.

Proves that charges against the PPP members were ALL TRUMPED UP.

Sean, I believe Ramjattan is speaking about the corruption within SOCU .


I know but if they are corrupt then all cases prepared by them against the PPP are fake and have been influenced by the PNC or someone else. Someone may have paid them to bring these fake charges. 
PNC is corrupt to the core. 

Last edited by Former Member

This banna should be in jail, according to the article, he forged the signature of his successor, Superintendent Althea Padmore, so that he could obtain almost $1.8M.


Former SOCU Head, Sydney James


Too late. PNC titanic is sinking very fast.  They are demoralized at this stage. It wouldn’t be long before the PNC knives and forks come out at Congress Place. 

Last edited by Former Member

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