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Looming General Elections…Mansions, pensions and industrial scale corruption, have broken the backs of Guyanese

September 7, 2014 | By | Filed Under News

…condoned illegal operations of Bai Shan Lin is a liability for the PPP – Bulkan

By Abena Rockcliffe


The general election fever seems to be permeating the atmosphere. Streets that have been deteriorating for a while are being fixed, the government and opposition parties are holding several meetings and there is much controversy surrounding the Preliminary List of Electors (PLE).

Shadow Minister of Local Government, Ronald Bulkan

Shadow Minister of Local Government, Ronald Bulkan


Members of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) are convinced that the coalition has victory in the bag. Last month the Alliance For Change (AFC) made good on its promise to file a No Confidence Motion against the Guyana Government which if approved, will force Head of State, President Donald Ramotar to call fresh general elections. The Party had told the media that it would like to see the Motion debated and voted on as soon as possible. It is expected to be debated in October at the end of parliamentary recess. The historic Motion was proposed by AFC’s Vice Chairman and Member of Parliament (MP, Moses Nagamootoo and seconded by MP, Catherine Hughes. The AFC, before tabling the Motion, secured the support of APNU and now the only thing that can stop the Motion from being passed is the sudden illness of an Opposition MP or if he or she cannot make it for some other reason. At APNU’s most recent press conference held on Friday last, Shadow Minister of Local Government, Ronald Bulkan exuded full confidence that if all goes natural, free and fair APNU will be the clear winner of the upcoming elections. At that forum, APNU members refuted the claims made by Rohee as it relates to the 2,958 “dead persons” that appeared on the List. APNU said that many of the persons Rohee and the PPP had written off as dead are alive and well. The coalition concluded that the PPP is afraid of the elections and as a result is clutching at straws. But Bulkan had some interesting additional opinions. The MP seemed to think that APNU will be a clear winner not because of its traditional supporters but because the majority of Guyanese have realized that the PPP is no good for this country. Responding to a question posed by Kaieteur News as to what makes the Party so sure about victory; Bulkan said that it is evident that the people are “plain fed up.” He said that he PPP has failed in the key areas of governance. According to Bulkan, the administration has not been able to increase the standard of living of the masses, has destroyed the sugar industry and has not been able to provide adequate national security. Bulkan said that those shortcomings in conjunction with the corruption, “mansions and pensions” are the proverbial last straws that have broken the backs of the Guyanese people, and “no longer can they bear the strain.” Bulkan referenced the fact that former presidents can now live lavish lifestyles off of taxpayers’ dollars.  In May, 2009, then President Bharrat Jagdeo assented to the controversial Former Presidents (Benefits and Facilities) Bill, bringing it into law. Guyana now pays this former Head of State, US$6,000 per month. Also, under Guyana’s Former Presidents (Benefits and other Facilities) Act, a Head-of-State upon retirement, is entitled to payment for expenses incurred in the provision and use of water; electricity and telephone services at the place of residence in Guyana; services of personal and household staff, including an attendant and a gardener; services of clerical and technical staff, if requested; free medical attendance and medical treatment or reimbursement of medical expenses incurred by him for the medical attendance or treatment of himself and dependant members of his family. Past Presidents are also entitled to full-time personal security and services of the Presidential Guard Service at the place of residence; the provision of motor vehicles owned and maintained by the State; toll-free road transportation in Guyana; an annual vacation allowance equivalent to the cost of two first class return airfares provided on the same basis as that granted to serving members of the Judiciary; and a tax exemption status identical to that enjoyed by a serving President. There is no limit to the number of security personnel, the number of cars for transportation, medical bills and telephone and electricity services. These are all separate and distinct from the pension payable to the former President. When the law was debated and approved by the PPP/C dominated Parliament in May 2009, the then Shadow Finance Minister, Winston Murray, while welcoming the move to formalize what is paid to former Presidents had lamented the uncapped nature of the benefits. Recently, the National Assembly was informed that the State had spent in excess of $45 million ($45,417,950) on Jagdeo’s light bill, transportation and security between December 2011 and February at an average of $1,682,146 per month. Bulkan, on Friday, said that when the average Guyanese meditates on Jagdeo’s pension and post presidency lifestyle in comparison to their standard of living, even with hard work, they must be very angry. Bulkan told Kaieteur News that parents who have jobs but still cannot adequately provide for their children will ensure that they never again put their “X” next to the cup. He said that the PPP knows this and that is the reason Rohee is manufacturing these excuses. In a subsequent interview, Bulkan said that recent revelations about Bai Shan Lin’s operations will not help the PPP to win back the presidency. He said that the Amerindians are by no means comfortable with the fact that their traditional lands are being “given away” to Bai Shan Lin. Bulkan added that the Amerindians will use that opportunity to get revenge for the way they have been treated by the PPP administration.

Quote " Amerindians are by no means comfortable with the fact that their traditional lands are being “given away” to Bai Shan Lin. Bulkan added that the Amerindians will use that opportunity to get revenge for the way they have been treated by the PPP administration."unqote


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