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Their supporters would care less. They prefer to go hungry and eat dry coconut as long as they can brutalize the coolies in front of the police. It's the power thing. You should see on FB some of the vulgar stuff these guys write about Indians. And yet some people here call coolies racists not looking in the mirror themselves.


His good conscience brought him back.  

Welcome back!  We are still fighting each other on this forum just because those morons from the AFC helped to revive Burnhamism in Guyana.  David Granger has taken this country backwards in every way.  Race relations has never been this bad in 50 years.  Mistrust amongst our peoples have grown rapidly over the past five years.  We are witnessing electoral fraud and connivance between crooked politicians in the government and powerful people in the judiciary to undermine democracy.  

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin

If sanctions do not work then next step is the Brazilian army entering Guyana and reversing the coup.  Either way the game is up.

I hope that the PPP learnt their lesson by showing humble behavior, put Papa Jorgon and Mama Jordon in the garbage bin of history, keep away from the China Chinaman and keep that fat girl away from the US embassy.


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