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AFC leaders have been showing too much anger. People are not interested in politicians with perpetual anger over issues that should have been left behind. It is crystal clear that their movement is not about developing Guyana and strenghtening our democracy. It is about getting back at their former masters for short-changing them. They are doing this without any concerns about the consequences with would have on the country and its people. What is consuming the energies of AFC leaders will destroy them in the end. 


Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

AFC leaders have been showing too much anger. People are not interested in politicians with perpetual anger over issues that should have been left behind. It is crystal clear that their movement is not about developing Guyana and strenghtening our democracy. It is about getting back at their former masters for short-changing them. They are doing this without any concerns about the consequences with would have on the country and its people. What is consuming the energies of AFC leaders will destroy them in the end. 


What is consuming this guy? how to run from your own people?


Or how to thief more money? is that whats consuming him? He looks severely constipated.


Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

AFC leaders have been showing too much anger. People are not interested in politicians with perpetual anger over issues that should have been left behind. It is crystal clear that their movement is not about developing Guyana and strenghtening our democracy. It is about getting back at their former masters for short-changing them. They are doing this without any concerns about the consequences with would have on the country and its people. What is consuming the energies of AFC leaders will destroy them in the end. 


translating Billy Ram Balgobin:


oww man, u is abee brudda; everyting we tief will stay in abee fambly . . . nah let wan lil ting bout corruption "destroy" dis nice racket we gat going dat will make abee richer than our wildest dreams


Guyana is a big manatee carcass for the PPP, and u can snack too if u get rid of de "anger"


remember, "mafiya" means fambly

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

AFC leaders have been showing too much anger. People are not interested in politicians with perpetual anger over issues that should have been left behind. It is crystal clear that their movement is not about developing Guyana and strenghtening our democracy. It is about getting back at their former masters for short-changing them. They are doing this without any concerns about the consequences with would have on the country and its people. What is consuming the energies of AFC leaders will destroy them in the end. 


What is consuming this guy? how to run from your own people?


Or how to thief more money? is that whats consuming him? He looks severely constipated.


this fella look like a miserable duck,not a happy duck

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

AFC leaders have been showing too much anger. People are not interested in politicians with perpetual anger over issues that should have been left behind. It is crystal clear that their movement is not about developing Guyana and strenghtening our democracy. It is about getting back at their former masters for short-changing them. They are doing this without any concerns about the consequences with would have on the country and its people. What is consuming the energies of AFC leaders will destroy them in the end. 


What is consuming this guy? how to run from your own people?


Or how to thief more money? is that whats consuming him? He looks severely constipated.


this fella look like a miserable duck,not a happy duck


Originally Posted by Conscience:

Turn out at the AFC National Conference so far is low based on attendance and the amount of vehicles outside. It was scheduled to begin 9 am but this was delayed by one hour. Our visit at 11 am revealed very poor turn out for a party which boasts of attaining countrywide support. A confidential source revealed that of the 330 delegates the party boasted of only 87 have so far turned up.

Why is the PPP lackey on GNI so concerned about the AFC business.



Where there is smoke, there is FIYA.  The PPP pissing them pants since no body but Gerry Guviea want to talk to them.





The almost 300 delegates touted by Alliance for Change (AFC) General Secretary David Patterson was probably a figment of his imagination as roughly around ninety persons turned up as it held its previously postponed National Conference at the Saint’s Stanislaus College auditorium today. The haphazard manner in which such an important event was held event along with the poor planning that was evident left many questioning the party’s organizational skills as well as its appeal among potential voters.  The low turnout alsoh flew in the face of its claims of countrywide support and gives credence to the PPP’s contention that it has lost significant support, particularly in Berbice.


Even the PPP's shit for brains operation at the PSC wants a date for elections to be held.


Private sector says would have been happier with elections date

Posted By Stabroek editor On December 8, 2014 @ 3:05 pm In Local News | No Comments

The Private Sector Commission today said that though it would have been happier with a specific date for general elections, President Donald Ramotar’s announcement on Saturday that the polls would be held next year had removed some of the uncertainties about prorogation.

The PSC statement follows:

The Private Sector Commission has noted the announcement by H. E. President Donald Ramotar that elections will be held early in 2015 but would have been happier with a specific date. 


Isn't it bewildering that Conscience and Co. have devoted numberless hours and numerous posts to a small political party which they continually claim is dying, dead, unorganized, etc etc?

Why is such a supposedly dead AFC puppy taking up the attention of Conscience and Co. who speak for the all-powerful PPP?



Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Isn't it bewildering that Conscience and Co. have devoted numberless hours and numerous posts to a small political party which they continually claim is dying, dead, unorganized, etc etc?

Why is such a supposedly dead AFC puppy taking up the attention of Conscience and Co. who speak for the all-powerful PPP?



It is amazing the amount of energy they spend on a supposedly dead party......I am stunned at how much time they are spending on the AFC.


It does indeed demonstrate the shallowness of their argument whatever that is.


The propaganda department in the PPP is non existent, Horrible and sad.


Yuh think Councie can tell us

if the PPP got Answer

fuh any Question from the Guyanese.

Dr Arif Bulkhan....


In the six weeks since the mask slipped,

providing an insight into Attorney General

Anil Nandlall in his unguarded moments,


our battered nation has been subjected

to the arrogant response of both the AG himself

and the ruling party in respect of the disclosures,


followed closely by the prorogation of Parliament,


and then yet another debilitating flood in Georgetown

and along the coast after only a few hours of rain.


Most recently,

we have had to come to terms

with the fact that a pilot –

who has been allowed to operate his own hangar

in this notoriously bureaucratic country and


who clearly has the blessing of the government,

having flown even the President on several overseas trips –


was arrested on his way to Guyana

with over half a million in undeclared US dollars

hidden in his plane.


As random as these events may seem,

they are integrally connected and occur –

or are allowed to occur – precisely because of

the nature and quality of the PPP’s leadership.


Not a single one

of these incidents is anomalous or surprising –

unless, of course, like battered spouses

we think that deep down

somewhere our abusers love us

and will change.




according to Dr Arif Bulkham..


 is an Abused Spouce...


First he was abused

by Jagdeo


and Now he is Abused

by Kwame & PPP

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

AFC leaders have been showing too much anger. People are not interested in politicians with perpetual anger

No.  They prefer the kind words from Granger who seems to be able to find loads of Indians to listen to him, and speak with him recently.


Apparently when you all racists go to them and scream "if you don't vote PPP black man gun rape your muddah", they aren't listening anymore.


Seriously people don't seem to want to hear from the PPP when they see how blatantly arrogant and corrupt the PPP is.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

AFC leaders have been showing too much anger. People are not interested in politicians with perpetual anger

No.  They prefer the kind words from Granger who seems to be able to find loads of Indians to listen to him, and speak with him recently.


Apparently when you all racists go to them and scream "if you don't vote PPP black man gun rape your muddah", they aren't listening anymore.


Seriously people don't seem to want to hear from the PPP when they see how blatantly arrogant and corrupt the PPP is.

Mr CaribNY you was cursing he Mr Granger 2 months ago. 

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

It is amazing the amount of energy they spend on a supposedly dead party.

HM-Redux stop showing them all those warm pictures of Granger speaking with and listening to Indians.


The PPP don't know what to do.  I mean Granger being able to speak to Indians, who look at him with deep interest in what he is saying, and apparently appreciate his willingness to listen to them!  They ought to be fleeing in  pure terror. What has Guyana come to when they are going to listen to Granger and suck their mouths when Ramotar passes by?


Last time the PPP screamed how "black man ungrateful" when they lost parliament.  Now, if they slip into the opposition, they will scream about all "dem collie who love black man". 


This while Granger and Nagamootoo decide which jail cell they will be sent to, and who their bedmate will be.  Most likely some big strong very black Freedom Fighter from Buxton or Tiger Bay thirsting for revenge.


I mean the prospect of APNU 41%, AFC 20% and PPP 39% is creating share terror, and you posting these pictures is making it quite vivid. Bad boy!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

AFC leaders have been showing too much anger. People are not interested in politicians with perpetual anger

No.  They prefer the kind words from Granger who seems to be able to find loads of Indians to listen to him, and speak with him recently.


Apparently when you all racists go to them and scream "if you don't vote PPP black man gun rape your muddah", they aren't listening anymore.


Seriously people don't seem to want to hear from the PPP when they see how blatantly arrogant and corrupt the PPP is.

Mr CaribNY you was cursing he Mr Granger 2 months ago. 

Still cursing him.


Its called choosing the lesser of three evils.  I don't care who wins, once its not the PPP.  After the PPP gets thrown out then I will turn on Granger.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

AFC leaders have been showing too much anger. People are not interested in politicians with perpetual anger

No.  They prefer the kind words from Granger who seems to be able to find loads of Indians to listen to him, and speak with him recently.


Apparently when you all racists go to them and scream "if you don't vote PPP black man gun rape your muddah", they aren't listening anymore.


Seriously people don't seem to want to hear from the PPP when they see how blatantly arrogant and corrupt the PPP is.

Mr CaribNY you was cursing he Mr Granger 2 months ago. 

Still cursing him.


Its called choosing the lesser of three evils.  I don't care who wins, once its not the PPP.  After the PPP gets thrown out then I will turn on Granger.

No you not once you get you people rule.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

AFC leaders have been showing too much anger. People are not interested in politicians with perpetual anger

No.  They prefer the kind words from Granger who seems to be able to find loads of Indians to listen to him, and speak with him recently.


Apparently when you all racists go to them and scream "if you don't vote PPP black man gun rape your muddah", they aren't listening anymore.


Seriously people don't seem to want to hear from the PPP when they see how blatantly arrogant and corrupt the PPP is.

Mr CaribNY you was cursing he Mr Granger 2 months ago. 

Still cursing him.


Its called choosing the lesser of three evils.  I don't care who wins, once its not the PPP.  After the PPP gets thrown out then I will turn on Granger.

Is all about you race for you, Mr Singh, Mr jalil and Mr Rose. Me mamoo say that is okay. we dont care because we 1500 USD cognac secure.

Originally Posted by JB:

Is all about you race for you, Mr Singh, Mr jalil and Mr Rose. Me mamoo say that is okay. we dont care because we 1500 USD cognac secure.

Isn't it about race when you support Ramotar?


I don't care who wins, unless it is Ramotar.  You want Ramotar to win.


BTW if that 1500 USD liquor came from PPP scams Nagamootoo has a jail cell ready for your folks.  Cot and a big strong Buxton black man to keep your buttocks busy.  You will definitely know how to "wine back on a some ting" by the time they are finished with you.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by JB:

Is all about you race for you, Mr Singh, Mr jalil and Mr Rose. Me mamoo say that is okay. we dont care because we 1500 USD cognac secure.

Isn't it about race when you support Ramotar?


I don't care who wins, unless it is Ramotar.  You want Ramotar to win.

Why you jumping so. We family is PNC. We rich. Dont let you racial way judge me. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by JB:

Is all about you race for you, Mr Singh, Mr jalil and Mr Rose. Me mamoo say that is okay. we dont care because we 1500 USD cognac secure.

Isn't it about race when you support Ramotar?


I don't care who wins, unless it is Ramotar.  You want Ramotar to win.

Why you jumping so. We family is PNC. We rich. Dont let you racial way judge me. 

So why then is not wanting Ramotar to win about race?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by JB:

Is all about you race for you, Mr Singh, Mr jalil and Mr Rose. Me mamoo say that is okay. we dont care because we 1500 USD cognac secure.

Isn't it about race when you support Ramotar?


I don't care who wins, unless it is Ramotar.  You want Ramotar to win.

Why you jumping so. We family is PNC. We rich. Dont let you racial way judge me. 

So why then is not wanting Ramotar to win about race?

It all in you head. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by JB:

Is all about you race for you, Mr Singh, Mr jalil and Mr Rose. Me mamoo say that is okay. we dont care because we 1500 USD cognac secure.

Isn't it about race when you support Ramotar?


I don't care who wins, unless it is Ramotar.  You want Ramotar to win.

Why you jumping so. We family is PNC. We rich. Dont let you racial way judge me. 

So why then is not wanting Ramotar to win about race?

It all in you head. 

I see.  Chatting nonsense, and when cornered you babble like a mad person.


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