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PPP/C victory
Despite casting doubt on the process, Lowenfield presented the figures garnered in the recount process for the Commission to consider.
According to Lowenfield’s figures, People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) won the March 2 General Election with 233,336 votes cast in its favour. The APNU/AFC secured 217,920 votes.
For the new parties, the numbers are as follows: A New and United Guyana – 2,313; Change Guyana -1,953; Liberty and Justice Party – 2,657; People’s Republic Party – 889; The Citizen’s Initiative – 680; The New Movement – 244; and the United Republican Party – 360.
In the Regional Elections, the PPP/C also won with 233,661 votes, while APNU/AFC secured 217,055 votes. Change Guyana -2,607; Fed-Up Party – 153, Liberty and Justice Party -2,935; Organisation for the Victory of the People – 448; People’s Republic Party – 927; and the United Republican Party – 1,369.
According to the numbers, the PPP/C is to ascend to the seat of power, while the incumbent will be booted out.
The CARICOM High Level Team which observed the recount is yet to submit its report.

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I imagine Granger woke up today pleased about the 2/3 majority, 45 seat win Lowenfield is attempting to hand to him in defiance of the people's will.
I am asking though, do you believe 275, 092 people did not cast their vote credibly. Do you believe APNU/AFC won this election? Do you believe they got a 2/3 majority? do you believe they were given 45 seats in the Assembly by the people of this country? Do you believe Mingo acted alone when he inflated his numbers?
What do you believe?


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