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In Chief Election Officer Keith Lowenfield’s summation of the Observation Reports generated during the National Recount, he includes an alternative count of the votes cast at the March 2 polls. Lowenfield, who has found that the results of the March 2 process do not meet the standard of fair and credible elections, says anomalies have affected almost 60% of the votes deemed valid during the recount. Above is the breakdown of what he suggests is the valid votes by region and contesting party.

In Chief Election Officer Keith Lowenfield’s summation of the Observation Reports generated during the National Recount, he includes an alternative count of the votes cast at the March 2 polls. Lowenfield, who has found that the results of the March 2 process do not meet the standard of fair and credible elections, says anomalies have affected almost 60% of the votes deemed valid during the recount. Above is the breakdown of what he suggests is the valid votes by region and contesting party.

June 14 2020


-cites majority of APNU+AFC claims in report to GECOM

While confirming that the PPP/C won the majority of votes at the March 2nd polls, Chief Election Officer (CEO) Keith Lowenfield yesterday reported to the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) that the results of the process that he oversaw do not meet the standard of fair and credible elections.

Lowenfield’s summation for each Electoral District contends that identified anomalies and instances of voter impersonation do not appear to satisfy the criteria of impartiality, fairness, and compliance with provisions of the Constitution and the Representation of the People Act.

“Consequently, on the basis of the votes counted and the information furnished from the recount, it cannot be ascertained that the results… meet the standard of fair and credible elections,” he concluded in each summary of the observation reports for every District.

Lowenfield’s shocking report has already attracted the criticism that he went beyond his mandate. His report will now be a major test for GECOM Chair Claudette Singh, who will have to vote in the coming days on whether the recount result should be used to declare the winner of the crisis-ridden elections.

GECOM is also to receive a report from a CARICOM team which observed the 33-day recounting of votes. A team from the Organisation of American States, which also observed the recount, has said that the result can be used to declare the winner of the polls.

The Order which governs the recently concluded National Recount provided for the matrices for the recount of the 10 Electoral Districts to be tabulated by the CEO before being submitted in a report, together with a summary of the observation reports for each District, to GECOM.

These matrices, which were certified by GECOM’s Secretariat, show that the PPP/C’s list of candidates has secured 233,336 votes compared to the 217,920 secured by the incumbent APNU+AFC coalition. This means the PPP/C has won the March 2 General Elections by 15,416 votes.

Lowenfield, however, has argued, in line with the position of the APNU+AFC, that the results were not credible.

In a blistering condemnation of his own performance and that of thousands of polling day staff employed by the Commission, Lowenfield has claimed in District Four, for example, that a total of 466 ballot boxes stand affected due to a total of 1,862 anomalies and/or alleged voter impersonation and unreconciled ballot boxes.

“In other words, approximately 55% of all votes cast for general elections [in that District] stand to be impacted due to either anomalies and/or voter impersonation or unreconciled ballot boxes. Specifically, 7.2% of the votes cast were impacted by anomalies, 39.2% were impacted by voter impersonation, 3.4% impacted by both anomalies/irregularities and voter impersonation, and 5.7% impacted by unreconciled ballot boxes,” he claimed.

Notably, the structure of the CEO’s summation mirrors closely the claims made by APNU+AFC agent Joseph Harmon and President David Granger.

On Friday, the caretaker president during an interview on Benschop Radio stated the party was committed to removing illegitimate votes from the count.

“We are committed to ensuring that bogus votes, that people who were not in the jurisdiction, people who have no form of identification will not be allowed to vote,” the President stressed.

In line with this narrative, Lowenfield has presented an alternative count for each District.

In District One, he contends the if the ballot boxes affected by the anomalies/irregularities and voter impersonation are extracted from the process, the total will be 7,917 votes cast, with a distribution for the larger parties of 2,506 votes for APNU+AFC and 5,298 votes for PPP/C. Currently there are 12,111 valid votes cast in District One.

In District Two, the alternative count would see a total of 6,708 votes cast with a distribution of 2,787 votes for APNU+AFC and 3,737 votes for PPP/C. There are currently 26,564 valid votes cast in District Two.

In District Three, the valid votes cast would fall from 72,592 to 23,306 votes with a distribution of 10,503 votes for APNU+AFC and 12,556 votes for PPP/C.

Further in District Four, the largest electoral district, valid votes would fall from 202,077 to 90,038 votes cast, with a distribution of 71,479 votes for APNU+AFC and 16,696 votes for PPP/C.

Across all ten districts the CEO is suggesting that only 185,260 votes cast can be considered valid. The verified figure from the National Recount is 460,295 votes.

Of the number of votes deemed valid, the majority was cast in favour of the incumbent.

Lowenfield’s alternative count grants the coalition 125,010 votes and the PPP/C 56,628.

The evidence used to deem nearly 60% of votes invalid includes breaches of polling procedures outlined in the Representation of the People Act and the official manual for Presiding Officers and other Polling Day Officials (Revised 2019) as well as alleged voter impersonation.

Certificate of employment

In District Four, the CEO states that there were 18 instances where evidence to validate the usage of a certificate of employment were missing; 56 instances where the oath of identity that is required by the statutes for electors voting without ID cards were missing; 82 instances where extra ballot papers were found in or missing from ballot boxes without the requisite documentation; and 47 instances where the statutory documents required to reconcile ballots cast at the respective polling stations were missing.

These statutory documents include marked lists of electors, folios, counterfoils, unused ordinary and tendered ballots, spoiled and rejected ballot papers and poll books.

Lowenfield explains that it was the Commission’s intention to reconcile the ballots cast for each List of Candidates with statutory documents contained in each ballot box but “during the recount exercise, an unusual pattern of missing statutory documents was discovered in 47 ballot boxes from Polling stations on the East Coast Demerara.

“The absence of those key statutory documents rendered the required reconciliation of 11,566 votes allocated to the nine List of Candidates impossible and consequently void of accuracy,” he concluded, before adding that these missing documents were not contained in the Returning Officer’s package (PE 2) dispatched to the Returning Officer’s Office nor were they with the non-sensitive electoral materials returning to the secretariat.

Several presiding officers have since claimed that they were instructed by the Office of District Four Returning Officer Clairmont Mingo not to include these statutory documents in the ballot boxes.

Addressing allegations of impersonation, Lowenfield noted that it was alleged that there were 1,706 instances of voter impersonation.

“The party alleged that based on their investigations in this region; there were 16 instances where deceased persons appeared to have voted and 1,690 instances where electors who are alleged to be out of the jurisdiction were recorded as having voted,” he said of the APNU+AFC.

‘Of substance’

Although the coalition never presented evidence in support of the majority of these allegations, Lowenfield said that responses from the Chief Immigration Officer and review of the General Register Office’s Deceased Reports confirmed that these allegations were of substance.

The coalition has presented to the Commission three lists totalling less than 1,000 persons who they claim were out of the jurisdiction but voted on March 2. Chief Immigration Officer Leslie James “confirmed” that 172 of these individuals had left the jurisdiction and not returned before polling day. Despite this confirmation, around two dozen persons from that list of 172 have so far have publicly stated that they were in the country.

A series of death certificates provided as proof of impersonation also did not survive scrutiny as it was found that no votes were cast on behalf of the named electors in some cases. In at least one case, the certificate was found to be that of a person who died in 1987 at least 20 years before the current list of electors was compiled.

This did not stop the CEO from declaring for each and every electoral district that the allegations of impersonation “were of substance.”

Even in cases when the numbers do not support the APNU+AFC’s preferred narrative, Lowenfield has cited them in his reporting. For example, the Coalition has repeatedly argued that a significant number of disciplined services ballots had been rejected because they were unstamped. This is not supported by the numbers but Lowenfield in his report recorded unstamped ballots as a “noteworthy procedural error.”

Based on the information provided by the CEO there were a total of 397 unstamped ballots at the General Elections. This number is 9% of the total 4,213 rejected ballots and a mere 0.09% of the total 464,565 valid votes cast, according to the recount. Even if Lowenfield’s alternative count were used, the unstamped ballots would remain insignificant as they represent 0.2% of the 185,260 votes Lowenfield has deemed valid.

The Commission will spend the next few days deliberating on the report. According to the Order they will have to decide whether to request that Lowenfield use the data compiled as the basis for the submission of a report under section 96 of the Representation of the People Act.

It is this second report which will be used to formally declare a winner of the March 2 polls.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

@Ramakant-P posted:

What is this PNC 125,000 Plus and PPP 56,000 plus?

They cherry picking what vote should be counted. So of 460k, they are disqualifying 265k. So only where they win should be counted. 

These people are over the top!

They are validating their bottom house dog whistle, Indians are not to be counted as full citizens.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

They cherry picking what vote should be counted. So of 460k, they are disqualifying 265k. So only where they win should be counted. 

These people are over the top!

They are validating their bottom house dog whistle, Indians are not to be counted as full citizens.

We are not going to take this sitting on our asses like 1973.

@Ramakant-P posted:

We are not going to take this sitting on our asses like 1973.

They not dealing with Jagan and this ain’t Cold War politics.

They have everything in their favor.  They have to take it to the bitter end, by whatever means.

Last edited by Former Member

This is a black led racist cabal.

Indos have to rebel and loot and burn like BLM to defend their votes. Dis time na Lang time. Give dem a dose of their own medicine. It is utter BS to see a few blacks holding an entire nation hostage.

Rise UP !!!! 

FK Lucifer Granger and Lowenfield !!!

@Former Member posted:

This is a black led racist cabal.

Indos have to rebel and loot and burn like BLM to defend their votes. Dis time na Lang time. Give dem a dose of their own medicine. It is utter BS to see a few blacks holding an entire nation hostage.

Rise UP !!!! 

FK Lucifer Granger and Lowenfield !!!

Indians dont burn and loot. They have other methods but they have to prepare to defend. And they have the entire world backing them.


Its been 0ver 100 days now and this racist black led cabal is ignoring Caricom and the entire word. These uncivilized racist bastards must go ! 

FK Lucifer Granger and Lowenfield. These racist and uncivilized animals must go !!!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Its been 0ver 100 days now and this racist black led cabal is ignoring Caricom and the entire word. These uncivilized racist bastards must go ! 

FK Lucifer Granger and Lowenfield.

You are disguising the word..  It wouldn't work with Django. Be careful. He is not dumb as you may think.  

@Former Member posted:

This is a black led racist cabal.

Indos have to rebel and loot and burn like BLM to defend their votes. Dis time na Lang time. Give dem a dose of their own medicine. It is utter BS to see a few blacks holding an entire nation hostage.

Rise UP !!!! 

FK Lucifer Granger and Lowenfield !!!

Sure. Rise up and go cut cane.

Your fight will be futile. Granger and “Black Man” are here to stay. 

Hope to see you at the swearing in. 

@Rochelle posted:

Sure. Rise up and go cut cane.

Your fight will be futile. Granger and “Black Man” are here to stay. 

Hope to see you at the swearing in. 

Hey hey yuh cyant wait foh set up de anti coolie apartheid government. How much dredge land yuh and yuh ACDA mattie go get? Hey hey hey...

@Rochelle posted:

Sure. Rise up and go cut cane.

Your fight will be futile. Granger and “Black Man” are here to stay. 

Hope to see you at the swearing in. 

Girl, no body say they not. But PNC lost. End of story.


Attorney Sanjeev Datadin and Leader of the Liberty and Justice Party Lenox Shuman speak on the report of the Chief Elections Officer to the chair of the Guyana Elections Commission


Sanjeev a wan bright bai. He go be better foh spen he energy foh rewrite de Burnham-Shahab law what de anti-East Indian racist Granja (so seh de CIA) can use foh enrich he mattie. Doan wase time in PPP. In any case Shanjeev yuh know de PPP gat wan histry foh marginal educated peopkle like yu? Shanjeev was top class at UWI rass. 


Lowenfield jumped from the mountain, then when reached half way down, he tried to turn back. Imagine him after handing in his report which showed that the PPP won by 15336, he then changed his mind and declared that the PPP lost by over 60,000 votes.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Lowenfield jumped from the mountain, then when reached half way down, he tried to turn back. Imagine him after handing in his report which showed that the PPP won by 15336, he then changed his mind and declared that the PPP lost by over 60,000 votes.

He did no such thing.  You need to read and ask questions if you don't understand what you read.

@Former Member posted:

A meeting of GECOM is scheduled for tomorrow to discuss the CEO’s “report”.
I am not yet in possession of the CARICOM report or any information thereon.

This man, Sase Gunraj, by leaking information before GECOM meetings, poisons the atmosphere of those meetings.  

@Totaram posted:

This man, Sase Gunraj, by leaking information before GECOM meetings, poisons the atmosphere of those meetings.  

Others might do the same, that completely screws up the confidentiality of the process. 


No photo description available.

This is immensely important and conclusionary. To every sane person in Guyana and the rest of the world paying attention, Lowenfield has just officially, albeit unintentionally, declared/confirmed the PPP as winners of the elections. Let me explain. Since the conclusion of the elections on March 2nd, although they received and have in their possession a copy of every single one of those 2,339 Statement of Polls ( SOPs), both Gecom and APNU have steadfastly refused to release them (for obvious reason - its hard, official evidence show them losing). This is the very, VERY FIRST TIME that Gecom released the totals on those statements. And lo and behold, what do you know? (a) It confirmed, in no uncertain terms, the PPP victory, (b) it agrees with the SOPs released by the PPP and all other opposition parties early in the process, (c) it agrees with the recounted totals, or Statement of Recount (SOR), and (d) Lowenfield just implicated himself for going along with Mingo fraudulent spreadsheet numbers, which he KNEW at the time to be false. If Guyana had a credible Criminal Investigations Department (CID), Lowenfield would have already been detained. Finally, by unintentionally releasing the true totals of the SOPs in their possession, Gecom has made it easy for the Chairperson to make the ONLY valid declaration - a PPP victory. But will she?

Source: Guyana Democracy Under Threat

See the Lowenfield report for yourself folks, he hang himself.

@Former Member posted:

Sanjeev a wan bright bai. He go be better foh spen he energy foh rewrite de Burnham-Shahab law what de anti-East Indian racist Granja (so seh de CIA) can use foh enrich he mattie. Doan wase time in PPP. In any case Shanjeev yuh know de PPP gat wan histry foh marginal educated peopkle like yu? Shanjeev was top class at UWI rass. 

He is bright but being top of a UWI class is no big deal.  Irfaan Ali con them big time --they are either stupid or corrupt.


Lowenfield report might indicate more votes for the PPP, BUT he also mentioned  how they might have been achieved. That is the question for the GECOM chair, before her declaration.  

@Totaram posted:

He is bright but being top of a UWI class is no big deal.  Irfaan Ali con them big time --they are either stupid or corrupt.

How does MIA, who said he graduated from a non existing university in WCD, got a UWI degree and selected to become the president of Guyana ?  Is his handler treating him well, until they have no more use for him, like they did with Ramotar ? 

@Tola posted:

How does MIA, who said he graduated from a non existing university in WCD, got a UWI degree and selected to become the president of Guyana ?  Is his handler treating him well, until they have no more use for him, like they did with Ramotar ? 

I heard BJ gave Ramotar a vicious slap when he messed up a diplomatic meeting. DR was like a father figure but the young punk had no respect for the man.



Sanjeev J. Datadin

Sanjeev Datadin is currently a practicing Attorney-at-Law practicing mainly in Guyana and Antigua and Barbuda with over 20 years experience. He is involved in conducting litigation at every level of the Court system and international arbitration tribunals. Sanjeev has advised local and international energy companies in all aspects of their legal establishment, structuring, taxation and regulation. He has also advised international oil and gas companies on their regulatory and environmental compliance.

Sanjeev has lead litigation in diverse areas of law including contract and commercial law, oil and gas law, public and constitutional law, criminal law and tax law. He had successfully presented arguments and been involved in landmark cases at the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, the Caribbean Court of Justice and the Chambre Arbitrale Maritime de Paris (CAMP), the International Court of Arbitration at Lusanne, Switzerland and World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Tribunal established for the International Cricket Council (ICC) at London, England.

Sanjeev was also a part-time lecturer in Environmental Law in 2001 at the University of Guyana and as part of the Natural Resource Management Project published the report on the state of the existing environmental legislation in Guyana.

Sanjeev obtained a Master of Laws degree (LL.M) at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland, where he was a founding member of the LLM Society and captain of the Aberdeen Cricket Team. He also obtained a Legal Education Certificate (LEC) from the Hugh Wooding Law School where he received the prize for Legal Drafting. Sanjeev graduated from the University of Guyana with a Bachelor of Laws degree (LL.B) being part of the class of the very first year of law graduates from the University of Guyana. He is the recipient of the prestigious Chevening Scholarship in 2003.

@Former Member posted:

I heard BJ gave Ramotar a vicious slap when he messed up a diplomatic meeting. DR was like a father figure but the young punk had no respect for the man.

I haven't heard about the slap before but from the beginning the young punk was disrespectful to party stalwarts and others.  He even insulted Yesu Persaud.  Remember how he insulted Janet Jagan? He believes he and only he knows everything and as you could see from this forum a whole bunch of people believe him.  BTW, he is not that young anymore .  I think he is about 56 and in Guyana that is retirement age.  


Ayo see what happen hay, I man posted Granger is 74 years old with a image of his old youth minister and someone delete my picture. Gash man, it wasn't nudity admin... why did you delete Granger ministers. 

@Former Member posted:

No photo description available.

This is immensely important and conclusionary. To every sane person in Guyana and the rest of the world paying attention, Lowenfield has just officially, albeit unintentionally, declared/confirmed the PPP as winners of the elections. Let me explain. Since the conclusion of the elections on March 2nd, although they received and have in their possession a copy of every single one of those 2,339 Statement of Polls ( SOPs), both Gecom and APNU have steadfastly refused to release them (for obvious reason - its hard, official evidence show them losing). This is the very, VERY FIRST TIME that Gecom released the totals on those statements. And lo and behold, what do you know? (a) It confirmed, in no uncertain terms, the PPP victory, (b) it agrees with the SOPs released by the PPP and all other opposition parties early in the process, (c) it agrees with the recounted totals, or Statement of Recount (SOR), and (d) Lowenfield just implicated himself for going along with Mingo fraudulent spreadsheet numbers, which he KNEW at the time to be false. If Guyana had a credible Criminal Investigations Department (CID), Lowenfield would have already been detained. Finally, by unintentionally releasing the true totals of the SOPs in their possession, Gecom has made it easy for the Chairperson to make the ONLY valid declaration - a PPP victory. But will she?

Source: Guyana Democracy Under Threat

See the Lowenfield report for yourself folks, he hang himself.

Some people like Tota,Tola, Petal, Rochette think that 217920 is greater than 233,336.

@Totaram posted:

He is bright but being top of a UWI class is no big deal.  Irfaan Ali con them big time --they are either stupid or corrupt.

All con man does look foh loophole in de system. UWI gaffo tight up de dactarate ting. Dem gat de ole British ting when men and women was decent and willin foh wuk hard. Dem always want rich and fame de easy way. Granja dem also is con man too. Dem tief de eleckshun foh dem mattie. Dem mattie go get de patronage. Granja use de word ADVICE as wan loophole...hey hey hey hey hey doan try daub yuh councie pon Irfaan. 

Last edited by Former Member
@Tola posted:

Lowenfield report might indicate more votes for the PPP, BUT he also mentioned  how they might have been achieved. That is the question for the GECOM chair, before her declaration.  

Impossible for the PPP to cheat on election day. PNC controlled the election apparatus, like Burnham days.

@Former Member posted:

Impossible for the PPP to cheat on election day. PNC controlled the election apparatus, like Burnham days.

These are being peddled on many pro APNU sites and run with as gospel by sycophants

These four are what I call the best of the best. 

1. The PPP printed Ballot papers in some Caribbean Island.
2. Jagdeo made a deal to give Oil to small Caribbean Islands
if they back them.
3. The PPP are the ones who rigged the elections, Mingo was
trying to counter Rig.
4. Granger refused to be sworn in because he found out the
PPP had rigged and told them he wanted it investigated

 For all the fraud that APNU is claiming that happened, not even one of the polling agents or election observers were able to detect it on Election Day.

If PPPC can bribe all the GECOM officials, APNU polling agents, police officers, small parties polling agents, observers at the polling station plus bribing the US, Canada, British and EU ambassador then PPPC deserve to stay in Government forever... 

@Former Member posted:

Ayo see what happen hay, I man posted Granger is 74 years old with a image of his old youth minister and someone delete my picture. Gash man

Don't post Granger's pictures in this Forum again. They don't belong here. 

@Former Member posted:

These are being peddled on many pro APNU sites and run with as gospel by sycophants

These four are what I call the best of the best. 

1. The PPP printed Ballot papers in some Caribbean Island.
2. Jagdeo made a deal to give Oil to small Caribbean Islands
if they back them.
3. The PPP are the ones who rigged the elections, Mingo was
trying to counter Rig.
4. Granger refused to be sworn in because he found out the
PPP had rigged and told them he wanted it investigated

 For all the fraud that APNU is claiming that happened, not even one of the polling agents or election observers were able to detect it on Election Day.

If PPPC can bribe all the GECOM officials, APNU polling agents, police officers, small parties polling agents, observers at the polling station plus bribing the US, Canada, British and EU ambassador then PPPC deserve to stay in Government forever... 

Django does not believe that APNU is crocked.  He keeps telling you to read the mingo declarations which shows that the PPP won.  When you pointed it out, there is always someone like Petal and Rochette to lambaste you.    


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