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Lowenfield sent on leave

GECOM’s Chief Elections Officer [CEO), Keith Lowenfield
GECOM’s Chief Elections Officer (CEO), Keith Lowenfield

–Myers performing duties until further notice

CHAIRPERSON of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), Justice (ret’d) Claudette Singh has sent the Chief Elections Officer (CEO), Keith Lowenfield, on his accumulated annual leave, pending investigations into alleged electoral fraud, and the completion of proceedings in Guyana’s courts.

There have been mounting calls for Lowenfield and other officials of GECOM to be removed because of their alleged unlawful acts during the eventful five-month elections impasse, following polling day on March 2, 2020.
Senior officials of GECOM, including Lowenfield, and Returning Officer for Region Four (Demerara-Mahaica), Clairmont Mingo, are before the courts on charges of misconduct in public office.

Deputy Chief Elections Officer,
Roxanne Meyers

As reported, those who have also been charged with offenses relating to electoral fraud and misconduct in public office are Chairperson of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), Volda Lawrence; Opposition activist, Carol Joseph; Deputy Chief Elections Officer (DCEO), Roxanne Myers; the CEO’s clerks, Michelle Miller and Denise Bob-Cummings; Elections Officer Shefern February; and Information Technology Officer, Enrique Livan.

They are all accused of inflating the results of Region Four, Guyana’s largest voting district, to give the A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) coalition a majority win at the March 2 polls, when in fact the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) had won by 15,000 more votes.
The ongoing investigations and court matters had prompted Justice Singh to send Lowenfield on leave.

Chairperson of GECOM,
Justice (ret’d) Claudette Singh

“He was sent on accumulated leave a while ago; I sent him since they were doing investigations,” the GECOM Chair told the Guyana Chronicle on Sunday, adding that the CEO had 141 days of accumulated leave.
Justice Singh confirmed that Lowenfield was written to and asked to apply for his leave and that he’d complied with the request. With the CEO still on leave, Myers has assumed Lowenfield’s duties and is currently tasked with helping to compile the Commission’s 2021 Budget and to prepare for the upcoming Local Government Elections (LGE).

The DCEO, while not having all the powers of the CEO, will perform most of the duties.
“She stepped into his shoes, so she was given a responsibility allowance to complete the task… Remember, we have the continuous registration exercise, which we must do in relation to our preparedness for LGE, so she will guide the process until such time,” Justice Singh said, adding: “It is not a one-man process, so the commissioners will overlook everything.”

When asked why Myers, who is also before the court, was not sent on leave, the chairperson said: “We cannot just send home everybody right now; we do not have anybody else, and she is the only one there… You have to get somebody to do the work and guide the process, and she comes from the secretariat.”
Further deliberations on LGE and the role of Myers will be discussed when the Commission meets on Tuesday.

Although GECOM is moving ahead with its work, there have been clear and continuous calls for persons to be removed immediately from the elections machinery.
In responding to these calls on Saturday, Justice Singh told the Guyana Chronicle: “We have an election petition coming up, and we have people being charged in court… We are going to let that proceed first, and let the court take its course. You cannot just jump up like that; we are looking at the lawfulness in everything.”
Either way, the decision to make an administrative change, as explained by the chairperson, lies with the entire Commission and not just her.

In further explaining this, Justice Singh said: “That is for the Commission, and not me; the Commission will decide on those questions; I cannot decide on them. It is not a one-man Commission; it is the entire Commission which would know what they want, and decide on the way forward.”
This issue has, however, not yet been raised at the level of the Commission, but the chairperson maintained that such a topic would require serious deliberations and discussions.

“We must follow the law; things may look slow, but it is not that they are slow; we are following the law… I do not know what they want us to do; we cannot just jump like that,” Justice Singh said. “It is not that we are going to hold back our people and not do whatever…wherever the ax falls, we will have to work with it,” she added.
And while this issue is by no means secondary, the chairperson reiterated that the Commission has to be mindful of the petition, and the charges against individuals attached to the elections body.

On August 31, 2020, the APNU+AFC coalition, through its lawyer, Roysdale Forde, S.C, filed the election petitions on behalf of Claudette Thorne, while on September 17, Attorney-at-Law Mayo Robertson filed documents on behalf of Heston Bostwick, who wants the High Court to determine the legality of the elections, and the results that led to the declaration and allocation of seats in the National Assembly.

Stakeholders have since posited that this petition cannot be used as a means of delaying or postponing GECOM’s preparedness to hold an election.
And, while Justice Singh was clear that GECOM will continue to follow the laws of Guyana, she said that the Commission is doing everything possible to prepare for Local Government Elections.

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Kaieteur News – With Local Government Elections (LGE) due in the coming year, the Private Sector Commission (PSC) has called on those compromised Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) officials to be removed before the process commences.

Among those include GECOM’s Chief Elections Officer (CEO) Keith Lowenfield, Deputy CEO Roxanne Myers, and District Four Returning Officer (RO) Clairmont Mingo who have pending matters before the courts for the role they played during the contentious March 2 elections.
So far, there has been no indication from GECOM or the Chair, Ret’d Justice Claudette Singh what actions would be taken to reprimand those officials. The PSC in their statement pointed out too, that “As far as we know, none of these officers have been dismissed from their employment with GECOM, nor have they been suspended from duty.”
“It is unthinkable and certainly unacceptable that GECOM should proceed to conduct Local Government Elections while these officers remain employed and involved in the conducting of these elections,” the private sector body added.

The PSC also highlighted that there has been silence from Claudette Singh herself with regard to any action being taken in terms of GECOM’s preparedness to hold LGE.
“While we have heard nothing officially from the Office of the President, it is more than probable that President Ali has already enquired of the GECOM Chairman as to the readiness of GEOCOM to hold these Elections,” the PSC continued, noting that sufficient time has passed since the government has taken office for the public to be told what is going on in GECOM.

Further on, the PSC outlined that the GECOM Chair cannot use the current elections petition brought by the now Opposition A Partnership For National Unity + Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) Coalition as an “excuse” to clean up the Commission.
“Local Government Elections are likely due to be held long before the Petition will be heard to finality. The Election Petition cannot be used as a means of delaying or postponing GECOM’s preparedness to hold an election,” it said.
The PSC highlighted that Guyana has already begun to recover from the five-month hiatus caused by the protracted March elections in spite of the continuing challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic.

For GECOM to properly prepare itself to hold the LGE, the PSC highlighted, would be a “hugely regressive step” and would result in Guyana being made to suffer under the threat of further political instability.

“The Private Sector Commission, therefore, wishes to urge upon the Chairman of the Elections Commission to speak out and speak plainly about the action being taken to put right all that has gone wrong in GECOM and to do it quickly,” the PSC said.

While the Ali government has stated that it is committed to upholding its promise for LGE next year, Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo, echoed similar sentiments to the PSC at a press conference last month where he made it clear that “criminal elements” from GECOM must be removed.

“We have no confidence,” Jagdeo had said, “with criminals running the system. And so, we’re expected that the Commission will get rid of the criminals. They don’t need any evidence. The whole country knows that these are criminal-types who tried to steal the elections, and put this country through trauma. They cannot run any election, and I hope that the Chair of the Commission now has to fight against the criminals. And so, there has to be changes there, that’s what we want.”


Last edited by Viper
@Vish M posted:

They must not be paid pending the legal action

Where did you learn about these matters?  What legal action are you talking about?  In America, are public officials accused of wrongdoing "not paid" pending legal action?  Do you even know what you are talking about?


CEO Lowenfield on over 100 days leave

Chief Elections Officer of the Guyana Elections Commission Keith Lowenfield, who is facing the courts on a number of electoral fraud charges, is currently on his accumulated annual leave.

Public Relations Officer of GECOM Yolanda Ward confirmed that the senior official has been on leave since September 7.

She explained that the CEO had applied for the time off work and it was granted.

In the meantime, Deputy CEO Roxanne Myers, who is also before the courts on electoral fraud charges, is performing his duties.

In a subsequent statement from GECOM, it was explained that the CEO applied on September 1 for his accumulative 2016 – 2019 annual leave totaling 146 days.

The leave will conclude on January 30.

Which media telling the truth ?

@Tola posted:

Dum ass, 150% will be better.  Replace her with a PPP square peg.

we will see about square pegs. You cant make that judgment because we are not at that point yet.

what we do know is that you and these square pegs were hoping to steal the elections...your anti-PPP venom is showing again.

@VishMahabir posted:

we will see about square pegs. You cant make that judgment because we are not at that point yet.

what we do know is that you and these square pegs were hoping to steal the elections...your anti-PPP venom is showing again.

This discussion is about Singh should also be replaced. What wrong did she do in her job capacity ? You being her judge and jury.


The whole thing stinks to the high heavens. Mingo get sick after 9 Regions already counted and you can't find Lowenfield and Singh for any explanation. GECOM was abandoned fr days and that is a direliction of duty. You abandon your job, you could be fired. Don't lecture me, I was there and you were not.  

@lil boy posted:

The whole thing stinks to the high heavens. Mingo get sick after 9 Regions already counted and you can't find Lowenfield and Singh for any explanation. GECOM was abandoned fr days and that is a direliction of duty. You abandon your job, you could be fired. Don't lecture me, I was there and you were not.  

Lil bhai, ketch you karna. How de rass you know where I was during the last election ?  Grow up and find out who shot some of the video.

Direliction = direction = dereliction.  Go back to school, it MIGHT make you smarter.   

Last edited by Tola

Who gives a crap about dereliction? I knew it was misspelled and refused to change it. Where you were is unimportant, the PNC rigged the thing. And you might tell us where the missing Russian is, the one that escaped from Ramjattan.  

@lil boy posted:

Who gives a crap about dereliction? I knew it was misspelled and refused to change it. Where you were is unimportant, the PNC rigged the thing. And you might tell us where the missing Russian is, the one that escaped from Ramjattan.  

Don't contradict yourself.  Since you can read minds, was I in Guyana or not during the election ? 

@Former Member posted:

Good riddance to Lowenfield. Now GECOM and its Secretariat need to clean out the rest of the criminal PNC support within its staffing.

What good riddance?  You must read selectively.  The man applied for and was granted time off owing to him. 

@lil boy posted:

Who gives a crap about dereliction? I knew it was misspelled and refused to change it. Where you were is unimportant, the PNC rigged the thing. And you might tell us where the missing Russian is, the one that escaped from Ramjattan.  

So you knew the word was misspelled but didn't correct it ?  Such arrogance based on what?


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