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Chief Election Officer Keith Lowenfield has submitted the results of the March 2nd general elections using the recount figure which shows a victory for the PPP/C.


He  made the submission this afternoon to GECOM Chair Claudette Singh paving the way for the long-awaited declaration of the result and potentially ending a five-month-old crisis.

Public Relations Officer Yolanda Ward issued the following terse statement this afternoon on a day of dramatic developments:

CEO submits report to Chairperson using results of the recount of ballots cast at the General and Regional Elections.

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@Former Member posted:

I heard from my sources that PNC is still making a last ditch effort to move to CCJ.

A very desperate move. 

Process ...

1. PNCR/APNU/AFC must resign.

2. PPP/C presidential candidate is to be sworn-in as President.

3. Vice-president, ministers, etc., to be sworn into offices.

Specific issues were already decided and decisions made by the CCJ.

PNCR/APNU/AFC's choice to approach the CCJ with the same matter.


Irfaan Ali declared President after Lowenfield submits report

Mohamed Irfaan Ali was today declared President by GECOM Chairperson, Claudette Singh.

The announcement came this afternoon after Chief Election Officer Keith Lowenfield submitted the results of the March 2nd general elections using the recount figure which shows a victory for the PPP/C.

He made the submission this afternoon to GECOM Chair Claudette Singh paving the way for the long-awaited declaration of the result and potentially ending a five-month-old crisis.

Public Relations Officer Yolanda Ward issued the following terse statement this afternoon on a day of dramatic developments:

CEO submits report to Chairperson using results of the recount of ballots cast at the General and Regional Elections.

On the submission of the report by Lowenfield, the government-appointed commissioners Vincent Alexander, Charles Corbin and Desmond Trotman walked out.

Lowenfield had previously defied the GECOM Chair’s instruction for the recount result and has since had private criminal charges brought against him.


Congrats to Presidents Bharat and Ali.

Rochelle and Totaram said that PPP and Ali will never govern, what de rass dem know ? 

Indians of today are not like Jackass Jagan's Indians of yesterday who used to roll over and allow PNC to rig. 

Kudos to PPP GECOM commissioners and shame on Lolo bai and Mingo ! Dem now have to face the legal system and no other person at GECOM should be allowed to do what they attempted to do !

Last edited by Former Member

Congratulations to President Irfaan Ali, the PPP/C and Guyana as a whole. It was a long hard fought battle but justice prevailed in the end. It is quite fitting for there to be some celebration but hopefully it is tempered as there is a lot of work that need to be done now. The country is currently in a mess especially with the added burden of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Not again must Guyana experience such cruelty during another election cycle. Not again must any party seek to violate the laws as the PNC did the past 19 months. President needs to govern for all Guyanese now, even Hinds and Lewis.

@Former Member posted:

Congratulations to President Irfaan Ali, the PPP/C and Guyana as a whole. It was a long hard fought battle but justice prevailed in the end. It is quite fitting for there to be some celebration but hopefully it is tempered as there is a lot of work that need to be done now. The country is currently in a mess especially with the added burden of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Not again must Guyana experience such cruelty during another election cycle. Not again must any party seek to violate the laws as the PNC did the past 19 months. President needs to govern for all Guyanese now, even Hinds and Lewis.


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