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Lula get jail, Jagdeo to follow



Brazil ex-president, Lula come to Guyana pun a state visit. Jagdeo was president. De same Jagdeo seh Lula was he best buddy. Lula going to jail. Dem boys wonder how long more before Jagdeo follow him. Jagdeo did give him Guyana’s highest national award.
Rohee was Home Affairs Minister when all this happen. He could barely read and write and fuh sure he can’t spell. He tun a Minister and he hold couple press conference and talk a lot of fraff. Then he tun general secretary and in de middle of that press conference he seh goat nah bite him.
Now he resort to writing letters to de press. Last week he write one cussing down de govt to mek de ExxonMobil contract public. Dem boys agree wid him. But he was right in de govt wid Jagdeo, that scamp, when dem never release none contract. And is not that people didn’t ask. Dem use to beg Jagdeo and he kavakamites.
De Marriott contract, de Berbice Bridge, de Skeldon factory, de One Laptop Per Family, de Enmore packaging plant, de hydro road contract, de airport contract, just to name a few. Guyana can’t see dem contract on to now. Yesterday de same man who want to know if goat bite him, write another letter saying de fire people didn’t have de technical and scientific skill to determine de cause of de Camp Street jail fire.
When dem boys read that dem believe that is somebody else write de letter and sign he name to it because technical and scientific is two big words and dem don’t believe he know de meaning. If he really know de meaning, dem boys challenge him to go wid dem to de forensic lab he build for over a billion dollars just to see what it can do. He got to show dem it is functioning and what it can analyse.
After all fuh de 23 years de Pee Pee Pee been in office he, Rohee, was de head of de prison. What he ever do to better de lives of de prisoners. De money he spend to repair some stations, coulda give Guyana ten top class prisons. Rohee should tell us wheh de money gone.
Dem boys never forget going to Suriname at Moleson Creek. Dem was repairing a li’l station. When a sergeant tell dem how much hundred millions Rohee was spending, dem boys collapse and de boat go way and lef dem.
Talk half and dem boys can’t wait to see Jagdeo follow Lula fuh leading Rohee.

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I don't mind any president goes to jail for wrong doing, but you must first present solid evidence of charges laid against him/her and let the law take its course. If this was meant for kicks, PNC deserve the steel tip shoes for talking fat-talk more than "them boys" 


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