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Luncheon’s actions undermine national cohesion

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Yuh respected Jagan.


Man, he is responsible for the calamities. Is like creating a virus without having its remedy. Is no wonder the country is in a mess. Men who offers sane words turn around and corrupt those same words with, "I respect Jagan."


I am not suggesting cussing up the man, but truly analyze the demons he unleashed in the Guynaese society. 


There are numerous jobs in the interior in the mining sector. These robbers in Agricola and other so called depressed communities are in fact content to wait for hard working people to earn money then relieve them of the earnings.  If Brazillians and others can come to Guyana and make a living then we must question the assertiong that "young men can't find jobs".

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Just like your friend in the AFC, you cannot prove anything. Keep making a complete fool of yourself. I am finished with a Gay terrorist like yourself. 

Thank you. Hey maagaa daag, seems like I will now have to counter sue you for defamation of character. LOL.






National cohesion my ass. When you have one sector of the community focused on robbing and looting from honest hardworking people, and political parties sanctioning these criminals, what sort of cohesion is that?

The fact is the opposition has embarked on a campaign to smear the PPP govt whichever way they can, even supporting criminals. They hold a majority in Parliament, but instead of leveraging this, they are are more focused on PPP assault.   

Originally Posted by yuji22:

I will no longer wast my time with a Gay AFC stooge.

Your labels are like water on duck's back.  Go to guyana and speak to Mr. Ramotar. I think he  will listen to your good advice and become the PRESIDENT OF ALL THE PEOPLE , instead of behaving only like the General Secretary of the PPP.



Yugi22 = Yugi's TuTu.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

There are numerous jobs in the interior in the mining sector. These robbers in Agricola and other so called depressed communities are in fact content to wait for hard working people to earn money then relieve them of the earnings.  If Brazillians and others can come to Guyana and make a living then we must question the assertiong that "young men can't find jobs".

Why dont you go in the bush if you think that it is so easy?  Do you think that gold is just lying down on the ground?

Originally Posted by TI:

National cohesion my ass. When you have one sector of the community focused on robbing and looting from honest hardworking people, and political parties sanctioning these criminals, what sort of cohesion is that?

The fact is the opposition has embarked on a campaign to smear the PPP govt whichever way they can, even supporting criminals. They hold a majority in Parliament, but instead of leveraging this, they are are more focused on PPP assault.   

With this Indo Nazi behavior there is no hope for Guyana.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by TI:

National cohesion my ass. When you have one sector of the community focused on robbing and looting from honest hardworking people, and political parties sanctioning these criminals, what sort of cohesion is that?

The fact is the opposition has embarked on a campaign to smear the PPP govt whichever way they can, even supporting criminals. They hold a majority in Parliament, but instead of leveraging this, they are are more focused on PPP assault.   

With this Indo Nazi behavior there is no hope for Guyana.

Unfortunately for the PPP/C neither the Indos nor the Blacks subscribing to their race baiting.


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