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HOPE ALL HAD A CHANCE TO LOOK AT SPOTLIGHT TODAY. First, Moses reminded me of prem Chopra. The man displayed Anger, frustration and a "SOURPUSS' ATTITUDE. tHIS IS A gUYANESE WORD AND IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE human body part. It simply means one who is angry, jealous and deceitful.Moses clearly displayed these qualities when he called ramsammy and Nadir Jagabats( The Jackass Khemraj was laughing in the background). He went on to question how can these two "Jagabats: come to the PPP and be Leaders. This disgeaceful, shameless man just crossed a party to join another. Can you believe the SHAMELESSNESS of this man. No wonder the KFC Youth called him untrusworthy and a traitor who they cant TRUST, thus him NOT being Speaker. How quickly we forget.


Moses referred to the US Debating formats as if he can assend himself to such a level.SHAMELESS!!! He is claiming that the KFC and it's members know nothing about Agricola, they were not there are therefore not responsible for what happened, despite the fact that there is written and Video that Nigel and ramjhaaatan gave an ultimatium to the govt to have Rohee Resign or serious action will result. I ask this, is Moses in the KFC Party or not.


Moses used his opening statement to trash the PPP Govt and a Footnote to mention the beatings, molestation and damage to propwerty the INNOCENT People revceived at Agricola. I SAY HOW MORE SHAMELESS CAN ONE GET!!!! THIS BEYOND shameless MAN ACCUSED THE ppp OF INCITING iNDO gUYANESE against Afros.Well I tell you SHAME has no limit with this man. EVERY Indo Guyanese should be very angry that this man is playing POLITICS with our LIVES. Our children, Spouce, Grands) hE WENT ON TO DENY THAT inDO gUYANESE WERE SINGLED OUT AT aGRICOLA and went on like a runaway train that it was highly irresponsible for the Govt to say Indo Guyanese were singled out. I guess he did not see the Videos, I am sure he has better things to do like find people to pay his Tuition and that of his family.


Finally, I would say this, if Ramsammy and Nadir are JAGABATA for joining another Party, what does that make you?????

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NEHRU when the pnc was in power the ppp could not protect the indian people,now the ppp government is in power and they still cannot protect the indian who is the ass here the people that vote for the ppp or the ppp government or both anybody in the guyana that vote for the ppp know that moses would have make a good minister of home affair but he was too cool to be a ppp maybe he would have jail some of the ppp crime family 

Originally Posted by Nehru:

HOPE ALL HAD A CHANCE TO LOOK AT SPOTLIGHT TODAY. First, Moses reminded me of prem Chopra. The man displayed Anger, frustration and a "SOURPUSS' ATTITUDE. tHIS IS A gUYANESE WORD AND IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE human body part. It simply means one who is angry, jealous and deceitful.Moses clearly displayed these qualities when he called ramsammy and Nadir Jagabats( The Jackass Khemraj was laughing in the background). He went on to question how can these two "Jagabats: come to the PPP and be Leaders. This disgeaceful, shameless man just crossed a party to join another. Can you believe the SHAMELESSNESS of this man. No wonder the KFC Youth called him untrusworthy and a traitor who they cant TRUST, thus him NOT being Speaker. How quickly we forget.


Moses referred to the US Debating formats as if he can assend himself to such a level.SHAMELESS!!! He is claiming that the KFC and it's members know nothing about Agricola, they were not there are therefore not responsible for what happened, despite the fact that there is written and Video that Nigel and ramjhaaatan gave an ultimatium to the govt to have Rohee Resign or serious action will result. I ask this, is Moses in the KFC Party or not.


Moses used his opening statement to trash the PPP Govt and a Footnote to mention the beatings, molestation and damage to propwerty the INNOCENT People revceived at Agricola. I SAY HOW MORE SHAMELESS CAN ONE GET!!!! THIS BEYOND shameless MAN ACCUSED THE ppp OF INCITING iNDO gUYANESE against Afros.Well I tell you SHAME has no limit with this man. EVERY Indo Guyanese should be very angry that this man is playing POLITICS with our LIVES. Our children, Spouce, Grands) hE WENT ON TO DENY THAT inDO gUYANESE WERE SINGLED OUT AT aGRICOLA and went on like a runaway train that it was highly irresponsible for the Govt to say Indo Guyanese were singled out. I guess he did not see the Videos, I am sure he has better things to do like find people to pay his Tuition and that of his family.


Finally, I would say this, if Ramsammy and Nadir are JAGABATA for joining another Party, what does that make you?????

We also saw a bitter, power-obsessed Nagamootoo during the NCN corruption debated when he made similar comments but was roundly reminded by Nadir that he had left the PPP and joined the AFC


Moses behaves like a little kid that is not allowed to play marbles with the boys, he complains and cries for attention. The peak of his political career was when he was with the PPP, he is now in the gutter with the rest. "RUMraj" is parading as an fool and hoping to attract followers such as Moses, the AFC is a second fiddle party and would forever be .


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