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These are the people that Granger is targeting for robbery and high vat taxes. But most importantly because they are Indian, if she was a Black she would get all the support from the government and accolades. However because of her Indianness, she has to watch her back for robbery from Granger's angels as well as the tax man. 


ID 10 T  I am sure neither you nor that druggie watched the flick. So if what you both said is true, why then would those residing in Guyana go about trying to better their lives? If it's up to fools like some of you here you wouldn't get out of bed because a black man is Prez. That's the Indo KKK in action.

Last edited by cain
cain posted:

ID 10 T  I am sure neither you nor that druggie watched the flick. So if what you both said is true, why then would those residing in Guyana go about trying to better their lives? If it's up to fools like some of you here you wouldn't get out of bed because a black man is Prez. That's the Indo KKK in action.

I forget to tell you that Indian businesses are targeted by Blacks, retired police and GDF, police and GDF in the force, and by Government released criminals under the PNC/AFC.

Prince posted:
cain posted:

ID 10 T  I am sure neither you nor that druggie watched the flick. So if what you both said is true, why then would those residing in Guyana go about trying to better their lives? If it's up to fools like some of you here you wouldn't get out of bed because a black man is Prez. That's the Indo KKK in action.

I forget to tell you that Indian businesses are targeted by Blacks, retired police and GDF, police and GDF in the force, and by Government released criminals under the PNC/AFC.

Again, if you who sit behind a keyboard in the USofT know this to be true how is it this woman like others inside Guyana are trying with their business? Your type are obviously wimps, is that how the Indo KKK operate?

Drugb posted:

These are the people that Granger is targeting for robbery and high vat taxes. But most importantly because they are Indian, if she was a Black she would get all the support from the government and accolades. However because of her Indianness, she has to watch her back for robbery from Granger's angels as well as the tax man. 

VAT is paid by the consumer when they buy an item. It is not paid by the seller then they buy an item. So how can Granger be targeting the Indian business people with VAT/ You telling me that these Indian business people have not been paying their taxes, so why suddenly force them to pay VAT?

Prince posted:
cain posted:

ID 10 T  I am sure neither you nor that druggie watched the flick. So if what you both said is true, why then would those residing in Guyana go about trying to better their lives? If it's up to fools like some of you here you wouldn't get out of bed because a black man is Prez. That's the Indo KKK in action.

I forget to tell you that Indian businesses are targeted by Blacks, retired police and GDF, police and GDF in the force, and by Government released criminals under the PNC/AFC.

For the record, more black people have been murdered by indians in the last 25 years, then indian people have been murdered by blacks.

Mr.T posted:
Drugb posted:

These are the people that Granger is targeting for robbery and high vat taxes. But most importantly because they are Indian, if she was a Black she would get all the support from the government and accolades. However because of her Indianness, she has to watch her back for robbery from Granger's angels as well as the tax man. 

VAT is paid by the consumer when they buy an item. It is not paid by the seller then they buy an item. So how can Granger be targeting the Indian business people with VAT/ You telling me that these Indian business people have not been paying their taxes, so why suddenly force them to pay VAT?

VAT and sales tax are two different things and are applied differently!

cain posted:

ID 10 T  I am sure neither you nor that druggie watched the flick. So if what you both said is true, why then would those residing in Guyana go about trying to better their lives? If it's up to fools like some of you here you wouldn't get out of bed because a black man is Prez. That's the Indo KKK in action.

You live in a society that protects your rights to survival regardless of race so you have no empathy for the suffering Indian masses in Guyana who are systematically targeted by this PNC/AFC government for harassment and political retribution. But don't worry slowly your day coming, just recently we see a drug courier stopped at CBJ bound for Toronto, the income slowly getting eroded away. 

Mr.T posted:
Drugb posted:

These are the people that Granger is targeting for robbery and high vat taxes. But most importantly because they are Indian, if she was a Black she would get all the support from the government and accolades. However because of her Indianness, she has to watch her back for robbery from Granger's angels as well as the tax man. 

VAT is paid by the consumer when they buy an item. It is not paid by the seller then they buy an item. So how can Granger be targeting the Indian business people with VAT/ You telling me that these Indian business people have not been paying their taxes, so why suddenly force them to pay VAT?

Who you thing by her products? Black people?  Granger et al have found ways of squeezing the Indians, targeting their traditional foods, clothes and religious products. 

Drugb posted:
 But don't worry slowly your day coming, just recently we see a drug courier stopped at CBJ bound for Toronto, the income slowly getting eroded away. 

Iman doan need to worry I am clean contrary to what yiur punyass mind tells you..its you and your relatives you should be worrying about...Druggie.

Last edited by cain
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