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Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Why do you concern yourself with India. Corncen yourself with AFRICA, a continent born to doom.
rama the man cannot make a comment,answer him back why they use child labour like all poor country

keep your trap shut.. It is better to work as a child labour rather than beg or starve like your african brothers and sisters..
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Why do you concern yourself with India. Corncen yourself with AFRICA, a continent born to doom.
rama the man cannot make a comment,answer him back why they use child labour like all poor country

keep your trap shut.. It is better to work as a child labour rather than beg or starve like your african brothers and sisters..
rama you a drunk man,i am trying to support you on this one,their is a reason why they use child labour.any where you is a madman
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Why do you concern yourself with India. Corncen yourself with AFRICA, a continent born to doom.
Please do some resaerch.There are more beggars in India that in the entire Africa. Over 50% of the poorest people on earth are in India alone. India the largest slum in the world and the largest ever.
From CIA 2008 World Factbook. This is for you Lucas: Pass it on to Carib, D2 and Redux.

The 10 Poorest Countries Of The World | World Poverty

The level of economy in countries around the globe is not even. It is somewhere very high and somewhere very low. GDP, literacy rate and employment rate are several parameters of a country to determine the level of its economy. According to a report of the United Nations, hunger causes the death of about 25,000 people everyday. Unfortunately, the number of children is greater than that of adults. Consider several facts of income disparity between rich and poor nations to measure the cleavage between the haves and the haves not. The combined income of the world’s richest individuals leaves far behind that of the poorest 416 million. 982 million out of 4.8 billion people in the developing world live on $1 a day. Another 2.5 billion live on below $2 a day. 40% of the poorest population made up 5% of world income while 20% of the richest population made up 75% of global income in 2005.

A country with a GDP per capita of $765 dollars or less is defined as a low-income or poor country. You may wonder why poor countries remain poor. Some interrelated factors like geography, industrialization, colonialism, education, resources, infrastructure, overpopulation, investment, government and debt make poor countries remain the heavy foot of poverty.

Look into the fragile features of the ten poorest countries of the world.

10. Ethiopia (GDP – per capita: $700)

Seen Better Days - Ethiopia

“The Sadomo region of the Ethiopia is known for producing the best coffee second to Hararâ€Ķ.Make Trade Fair!” – mcandrea

Ethiopia ranks 170 out of 177 the poorest countries on the Human Development Index (UNDP HDI 2006). Half of its GDP depends on agricultural activity. The agricultural sector suffers lowdown because of poor cultivation techniques and frequent drought. 50% of its population 74.7 million bears the burden of poverty and 80% lives on bread line. 47% of males and 31% of females are literate. Some parts of Ethiopia run a high risk of hepatitis A, hepatitis E, typhoid fever, malaria, rabies, meningococcal meningitis and schistosomiasis.

Child Poverty

09. Niger (GDP – per capita: $700)

Niger with a population of 12.5 million is one of the ten poorest countries in the world. Drought is a common natural calamity in Niger. It often undergoes a phase of severe food crisis. 63% of its total population lives on below $1 a day. Adult literacy rate is as low as 15%. Life expectancy spans up to 46 years. A number of people die of hepatitis A, diarrhea, malaria, meningococcal meningitis and typhoid fever.

“Escaping from poverty”

08. Central African Republic (GDP – per capita: $700)

Rebel in northern Central African Republic

“Rebel in northern Central African Republic”

The Central African Republic ranks 171 as a poor country. Agriculture is the backbone of its unstable economy. Life expectancy of its meager population 4.3 ranges from 43.46 to 43.62 years. 13.5% of its population is at risk of AIDS.

Destruction in the north-west

“Boy in front of destroyed homes in Ngaoundaye, Central African Republic. Since early 2007, the troubled region has been caught up in fighting between APRD rebels and government troops.” – hdptcar

07. Guinea-Bissau (GDP – per capita: $600)

“Africa, Guinea-Bissau, Bijene, January 2005. Mbemba DjalÃģ, 13 years young, earns some extra cash after school, running his little shop at the veranda of an abandoned colonial house. Photography by Ernst Schade” – ernst schade

The rank of Guinea Bissau as a poor country is 172. Farming and fishing are the only pillars of its economy. The level of income is not even in all parts of the country. About 10% of its adult population is at risk of HIV.

06. Union of the Comoros (GDP – per capita: $600)

Itsandra at sunset

Population growth and unemployment at a high rate are responsible for the poor economy of Union of the Comoros. Population density at a rate of 1000 per square km in agriculture zones may result in an environmental crisis. Agricultural contribution to its GDP is 40%. The low level of education has raised the level of labor force. Economy mainly depends on foreign grants.

05. Republic of Somalia (GDP – per capita: $600)

“Sixteen million people in eastern Africa are in need of emergency food aid and the threat of starvation is severe, according to FAO’s latest report on the Food Supply Situation and Crop Prospects in sub-Saharan Africa.” – ☠ ● qυŅ”Ņ”η σƒ ŅÏƒÂĒК ● ☠

Agriculture is the base of the economy of Republic of Somalia in the Horn of Africa. Nomads and semi-nomads comprise a major part of the population. Rearing livestock is the primary source of livelihood for them. The small agricultural industry contributes 10% to its GDP.


“Mogadishu. October 2004. View of Mogadishu north. Mogadishu is the place where effects of the conflict are more striking. There are arround 400.000 internally displaced persons. Access to health structures is quite impossible for the danger to circulate in the streets where combats are on-going and all type infrastructures have disapeared: water, sanitation, schoolsâ€Ķ The absence of state during more than 13 years has made impossible any investment in public structures. It is estimated that around 72% of Somalia’s population lacks access to basic healthcare services and the healthcare system is in ruins.” – abdisalla

04. The Solomon Islands (GDP – per capita: $600)

Solomon Islands Tsunami -- Minister whose church was washed away

“Solomon Islands Tsunami — Minister whose church was washed away”

The Solomon Islands is a country in Melanesia. Fishing holds its domestic economy. Above 75% of the labor class, is involved in fishing. Timber was the main product for export until 1998. Palm oil and copra are important cash crops for export. The Solomon Islands are rich in mineral resources like zinc, lead, gold and nickel.

03. Republic of Zimbabwe (GDP – per capita: $500)


“The expression on these guys faces says a million things, weak from hunger and too poor to own shoes or have a shirt to wear. This is all because of the tyrant they call a president.
A beautiful country ruined because of one mans greed. ” – Mr Sean

Republic of Zimbabwe is located between the Limpopo and Zambezi rivers in the south of Africa. Its economy suffers a slowdown due to supply shortage, soaring inflation and foreign exchange shortage. Zimbabwe’s involvement in the Democratic Republic of the Congo left its economy fragile. The worst consequence of the knelt-down economy is unemployment that is as high as 80%.

“March, 5, 2008. The Zimbabwean currency tumbled to a record 25 million dollars for a single US dollar”

02. Republic of Liberia (GDP – per capita: $500)

Young boy looks through hole in garbage dump

“MONROVIA, LIBERIA – NOVEMBER 12, 2006 : Young Liberian boy standing on Randal street in Monrovia looks through a hole in a garbage filled car that has been turned on its side and salvaged fro spare parts. ( Photo by: Christopher Herwig )” –

Republic of Liberia on the west coast of Africa is one of the ten poorest economies across the globe. A decline in the export of commodities, the flight of many investors from the country, the unjust exploitation of the country’s diamond resource, looting and war profiteering during the civil war in 1990 brought the economy of the country to its knees. External debt of the country is more than its GDP.

Government child soldiers

“Liberia: Government child soldiers,Ganta; on the back of their truck is an anti-aircraft gun. ÂĐ Teun Voeten, 2003.
Liberia’s decade-long civil war was fuelled by weapons imported in to the country in violation of a UN arms embargo. Shipments over three months in 2002 from a Serbian security company, for example, brought in enough bullets to kill the entire population of Liberia.” – controlarms
01. Democratic Republic of Congo (GDP – per capita: $300)

Street of Kinshasa

“This picture shows what Kinshasa is: full of contradictions. The beauty of the sunlight, nature, happy people contrasts with the filth on the streets, disorganisation, povertyâ€Ķ These two persons seem to stand there, in the middle of all that. Can they push the country forwardâ€Ķ Are they part of a generation that will one day live in a modern Democratic Republic of Congo, freed of all suffering and pain?” – fredogaza

Democratic Republic of the Congo in Central Africa is the last at the bottom of the economic heaps. Depreciation of Franc Zone currencies, incredibly high levels of inflation in 1994, eruption of the civil war, and continuation of armed conflict and slumping oil price in 1998 broke down the economy of the country.

Former child soldiers

“A group of ‘kotelengana’, or former child soldiers, in DRC” – War Child UK

GDP – per capita (PPP) 2008 Country Ranks

SOURCE: CIA World Factbook 2008
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Why do you concern yourself with India. Corncen yourself with AFRICA, a continent born to doom.
Lucas has his particular hard on for India as can be seen in his comments on the religious section. However, he is right. India is contending with an atrocious and pervasive culture of child slavery. Instead of quarreling and offering counter examples of the same happening elsewhere, you ought to face this injustice head on.

Yes indeed Africa has its problem in the Chocolate industry as India has with the sports equipment industry but each has to be addressed not as racists and bigots hiding behind ethnic pride but as humans contending with evil.
Originally posted by yuji22:
Lucas, here is the link:

We do not see India in this list.

We do not need Voodoo numbers from your PNC brothers. This is fact. Some pictures are very graphic. Pass it on to Carib, D2 and Redux. Five more years of PNC rule and Guyana would have made this list.
You are inordinately dull so nothing can penetrate that obdurate racist mind. You see problems in terms of some misplaced ethnic pride but that is not how one addresses problems. You are a waste of time. Caribj and I have never seen eye to eye on many things over the decade of him being here but I would prefer to argue with him any time as he has the capacity to argue point counter point while you do not. That difference is as vast as between a goat and person.
Originally posted by yuji22:
I am posting 2008 CIA factbook information. Call it what you may but the fact remains that these are the ten poorest nations in the world. What have facts have to with race ? Stop hiding under the shell of racism and face the facts. Is this what you and your PNC brothers want Guyana to become ?
If I need to play with primates or hang out with clowns I know the direction to the zoo and understand what is under a big top. You are beyond dull. Why those nations are poor are no less than why we barely beat Haiti in the western Hemisphere. It has nothing to do with race or ethnicity but many other factors.
Dudes in the very early days in Guyana kids had to do early crack of dawn chores like clean cowpen , sheep pen , chicken pen , pick up eggs , water garden then go to school by train & ferry so that is child labor.

What needs to be done in countries is rather than fight child labor fight for better working conditions and health care.

Remember in the colonial days when school kids had to drink vitiminized pastreurize milk , vitamin biscuits etc ?

Child labor in poor countries is a reality so, start by demanding better working conditions and health care then , perhaps better wages and education etc .
Originally posted by kidmost:
Dudes in the very early days in Guyana kids had to do early crack of dawn chores like clean cowpen , sheep pen , chicken pen , pick up eggs , water garden then go to school by train & ferry so that is child labor.

What needs to be done in countries is rather than fight child labor fight for better working conditions and health care.

Remember in the colonial days when school kids had to drink vitiminized pastreurize milk , vitamin biscuits etc ?

Child labor in poor countries is a reality so, start by demanding better working conditions and health care then , perhaps better wages and education etc .
The Creole gangs; mainly child labor existed into the 50's
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by yuji22:
I am posting 2008 CIA factbook information. Call it what you may but the fact remains that these are the ten poorest nations in the world. What have facts have to with race ? Stop hiding under the shell of racism and face the facts. Is this what you and your PNC brothers want Guyana to become ?
If I need to play with primates or hang out with clowns I know the direction to the zoo and understand what is under a big top. You are beyond dull. Why those nations are poor are no less than why we barely beat Haiti in the western Hemisphere. It has nothing to do with race or ethnicity but many other factors.

What don't you get ? These are the ten poorest countries in the world, period. Guyana in not on this list, thanks to the PPP. Have you so easily forgotten the PNC days under Burnham ?

Or did you drink so much PNC snake oil that you have lost your mind ?
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by kidmost:
Dudes in the very early days in Guyana kids had to do early crack of dawn chores like clean cowpen , sheep pen , chicken pen , pick up eggs , water garden then go to school by train & ferry so that is child labor.

What needs to be done in countries is rather than fight child labor fight for better working conditions and health care.

Remember in the colonial days when school kids had to drink vitiminized pastreurize milk , vitamin biscuits etc ?

Child labor in poor countries is a reality so, start by demanding better working conditions and health care then , perhaps better wages and education etc .
The Creole gangs; mainly child labor existed into the 50's

actually until the very early 1960's.
Originally posted by yuji22:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by yuji22:
I am posting 2008 CIA factbook information. Call it what you may but the fact remains that these are the ten poorest nations in the world. What have facts have to with race ? Stop hiding under the shell of racism and face the facts. Is this what you and your PNC brothers want Guyana to become ?
If I need to play with primates or hang out with clowns I know the direction to the zoo and understand what is under a big top. You are beyond dull. Why those nations are poor are no less than why we barely beat Haiti in the western Hemisphere. It has nothing to do with race or ethnicity but many other factors.

What don't you get ? These are the ten poorest countries in the world, period. Guyana in not on this list, thanks to the PPP. Have you so easily forgotten the PNC days under Burnham ?

Or did you drink so much PNC snake oil that you have lost your mind ?
And what does their poverty say to you fool? Do we take snapshots across time and and make conclusions as to who were morons when? Go play with the chimps but makes sure your ignorance do not get the better of them. They are not very forgiving.
Originally posted by yuji22:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by yuji22:
I am posting 2008 CIA factbook information. Call it what you may but the fact remains that these are the ten poorest nations in the world. What have facts have to with race ? Stop hiding under the shell of racism and face the facts. Is this what you and your PNC brothers want Guyana to become ?
If I need to play with primates or hang out with clowns I know the direction to the zoo and understand what is under a big top. You are beyond dull. Why those nations are poor are no less than why we barely beat Haiti in the western Hemisphere. It has nothing to do with race or ethnicity but many other factors.

What don't you get ? These are the ten poorest countries in the world, period. Guyana in not on this list, thanks to the PPP. Have you so easily forgotten the PNC days under Burnham ?

Or did you drink so much PNC snake oil that you have lost your mind ?

Moron pull your head from your a55 , Guyana is 84th poorest nation in the world for 2011 and that is not taking into consideration the fact that that the riches are in the hands of select few which wouldmake Guyana even poorer . SFA!
Originally posted by yuji22:
Lucas, here is the link:

We do not see India in this list.

We do not need Voodoo numbers from your PNC brothers. This is fact. Some pictures are very graphic. Pass it on to Carib, D2 and Redux. Five more years of PNC rule and Guyana would have made this list.

Again, a ridiculous argument based on ignoring the absolute numbers. If you put together the number of people in all those nations in your list you should realise number of poor is still smaller than in only one Indian state. "But who cares if India is a nation of 600 million slumdwelers when we have atomic bomb?" seems to be one of those arguments that prove the mediocrity of one billion people. Te most mediocry 1 billion people of the world.
Lucas, this information is coming from CIA factbook.

Africa tops the list. India and China are the next superpowers of the world. You live in a coconut shell and try to use voodoo numbers like your PNC fool Carib.

For you information, India has one of the worlds fastest growing middle class in the world.

Who are you guys trying to fool ?

Africa has the real slums:
Originally posted by yuji22:
Lucas here is another link for you PNC fool:

Numbers do not lie.
To those that do not understand what they mean, numbers can sure be confusing. A simple analogy might get you closer to understanding what you linked above.If one is climbing up a cliff one surely has a further way to climb than one who is already close to the top. Growth rates for matured economies cannot be interpreted the same way as those for developing economies.

India has made great economic strides but it is disproportionate. Further, urban poor and rural poor are equally depressed and the social services are atrocious. Large cities like Delhi still lack functioning sewers. Communal defecation in every public spaces is still standard according to a report I just read. I have never been there and given my sisters advice I would not be going there anytime in the future as a choice vacation spot as I am yet to fathom a society that is first world what has developed castes of people whose sole duty is to scour a city for fecal natter! My daughters grew up in Goa so one day I may go and visit with them but they have no desire to return soon either.

Develop the habit of examining things in terms of their reality and not as an innate urging to harmonize with some perceived glorious ethnic provenance. You will only disappoint yourself. India is a great nation and one day its philosophic truths will trickle down to its social experiences. Then it will be among the great nations of the world.
Originally posted by yuji22:
D2 is trying to distort IMF and World Bank data. What a PNC fool.
You are trying to read more into it than your education allows and as much as your prejudice would imagine. Conjuring up the PNC as your fail safe mechanism is futile. They hate me no more no less than the PPP does. You need to quit letting our racism get in the way of your education.

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