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Mahaicony poisoning tragedy…Spouse

had threatened to take children from


March 29, 2014 | By | Filed Under News

- had made previous attempts at suicide


The young mother who poisoned her two children last Thursday may have been depressed because her overseas-based spouse had threatened to take the children from her. Close relatives of 21-year-old Awena Rutherford said that her reputed husband had told one of his relatives that he “wanted his children and was coming tomorrow” (today) for them.

Awena Rutherford

Awena Rutherford

Kaieteur News understands that the children’s father is due in Guyana today. On Thursday, Rutherford fed her two children half a pellet each of a ‘carbon tablet’, at Perth, Mahaicony, after telling a relative that she “had a surprise” for them. Jabari Cadogan, 16 months, died at the Mahaicony Cottage Hospital, while his sister, four-year-old Odessa Cadogan, succumbed at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), despite the best efforts of staffers to save her. Rutherford herself reportedly ingested two of the pellets and is in a critical condition in the GPHC’s Female Medical Ward. Kaieteur News was told that the couple was having problems for some time and Rutherford’s spouse had previously threatened to take her daughter. At that time, the couple only had one child. Some of the problems reportedly stemmed from allegations of infidelity. A close relative also disclosed that Rutherford had also attempted to kill herself in similar fashion last December. Relatives reportedly found her lying on her bed with pellets of the deadly rodenticide known as ‘carbon tablets’ on the floor. Fortunately, the children were not at the residence. On hindsight, a relative said that she believed that the young mother was in urgent need of counseling, “but we never knew that she was so distressed”. The relative painted a picture of a troubled and also “own way” young woman from an unstable home. She dropped out of school without writing her Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) examinations after becoming pregnant. She also lost her mother to a terminal illness a few years ago. This newspaper understands that Rutherford and her reputed husband had resided for several years at ‘B’ Field, Sophia. However, she later moved to her mother’s home in Perth, Mahaicony. Rutherford’s reputed husband, who lives overseas, had reportedly called his mother earlier in the day and had asked her to keep the children at her Ann’s Grove, East Coast Demerara residence. Sometime in the afternoon, Rutherford reportedly went to collect the children. The aunt handed the children to their mother, unaware that the mother had purchased pellets of ‘carbon tablets’ earlier in the day. Rutherford then took the children to her Perth, Mahaicony home, after telling the aunt she “had a surprise for them”. On arriving at Mahaicony, she allegedly fed the children the ‘carbon tablets’ and also ingested the same poison. Someone later informed the aunt that Rutherford had poisoned the children and that they were at Mahaicony Cottage Hospital. By the time relatives arrived, little Jabari Cadogan was already dead, while his sister succumbed at the GPHC.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Qupte "A close relative also disclosed that Rutherford had also attempted to kill herself in similar fashion last December." unquote


This woman was crying for help, and none was forthcoming.

In Guyana it is referred to as a dog eat dog situation.....Is this what Guyana has come to?


Quote "On hindsight, a relative said that she believed that the young mother was in urgent need of counseling" unquote


Yet when I tried to deal with the counseling part, the Admin of GNI seen it fit to close my still work in progress thread.

Last edited by Former Member

Stupid woman. She didn't want the kids' father take them from her, so she herself got rid of them. This is more an act of selfishness than anything else. I have no room for care or sympathy for people who abuse kids and this is the ultimate abuse.

Originally Posted by ksazma:

Stupid woman. She didn't want the kids' father take them from her, so she herself got rid of them. This is more an act of selfishness than anything else. I have no room for care or sympathy for people who abuse kids and this is the ultimate abuse.

This is clearly a case of mental disease. The traps would have been immediate family t hen social services. Some one missed serious cues and this mentally ill woman murdered her children.


kp wrote on the now closed topic, "The suicide article is about the child father in America left a young woman with two children in Guyana to suffer."


Where does it say that the father left the woman to suffer? Many people going back to the 70s had to leave their families behind to satisfy some form of immigration requirement. There is no evidence of widespread neglect/suffering from these activities. I myself had to be without my girlfriend then wife for nearly three years when I first moved to the US. The only thing I see with this case is a selfish woman who decided to take the lives of her two innocent children. From everything I have read/seen, poisoning is a very uncomfortable and horrible death. Put the blame where it belongs. I am also surprised by asjbhai's attitude to the PPP/C. Weren't you a supporter of them during the last elections? What happened since then bai?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Stupid woman. She didn't want the kids' father take them from her, so she herself got rid of them. This is more an act of selfishness than anything else. I have no room for care or sympathy for people who abuse kids and this is the ultimate abuse.

This is clearly a case of mental disease. The traps would have been immediate family t hen social services. Some one missed serious cues and this mentally ill woman murdered her children.

While the article stated that she was in urgent need of counseling, it mostly speak of an "own-way" individual out of control. It also stated that she did not seem distressed. Many people come from broken homes and while I agree that homes with a father and mother is very instrumental to kids development, many kids have done very well without that opportunity. Then she had the second child with him after they had fidelity issues and even after he threatened to take away the first child from her. I still think that her actions were more selfish than anything else.

Originally Posted by ksazma:

kp wrote on the now closed topic, "The suicide article is about the child father in America left a young woman with two children in Guyana to suffer."


Where does it say that the father left the woman to suffer? Many people going back to the 70s had to leave their families behind to satisfy some form of immigration requirement. There is no evidence of widespread neglect/suffering from these activities. I myself had to be without my girlfriend then wife for nearly three years when I first moved to the US. The only thing I see with this case is a selfish woman who decided to take the lives of her two innocent children. From everything I have read/seen, poisoning is a very uncomfortable and horrible death. Put the blame where it belongs. I am also surprised by asjbhai's attitude to the PPP/C. Weren't you a supporter of them during the last elections? What happened since then bai?

it goes beyond selfishness. She did try to kill herself. This is mental disease. However it emerged is irrelevannt.


In the corentyne there are close to a hundred young men especially who kill themselves. Some kill their girlfriends. Only last week one  murdered his fifteen year old girlfriend. This is plainly a consequence if inflated and amoral expectations hence mental dysfunction. 


I became an adult here and I was dumped many times by girlfriends and never once did I want to murder them. The problem at home is to inform young people that life is more precious and one cannot make another like you if they do not. It is also to remind parents that they can aproach the problem differently.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Stupid woman. She didn't want the kids' father take them from her, so she herself got rid of them. This is more an act of selfishness than anything else. I have no room for care or sympathy for people who abuse kids and this is the ultimate abuse.

This is clearly a case of mental disease. The traps would have been immediate family t hen social services. Some one missed serious cues and this mentally ill woman murdered her children.

While the article stated that she was in urgent need of counseling, it mostly speak of an "own-way" individual out of control. It also stated that she did not seem distressed. Many people come from broken homes and while I agree that homes with a father and mother is very instrumental to kids development, many kids have done very well without that opportunity. Then she had the second child with him after they had fidelity issues and even after he threatened to take away the first child from her. I still think that her actions were more selfish than anything else.

Two years ago in Wisconsin, a father who had visitation rights slit the throats of his three daughters, ages 6 thru 10. He had no mental problems. He just wanted to be spiteful to the children's mother. He is serving 3 consecutive life sentences.


Guyana has always been and continues to be a place where each person is for themselves. The rich and powerful have always taken advantage of their lesser fortunate. It is actually the same everywhere in the world. The Guyanese government whichever it is/has been has never really cared about setting up systems that benefit people as a whole. During the PNC era, those who support the PNC had all the goodies. Now, it is the other way around. Those who support the PPP get the goodies. At the last elections, I was hoping for a balanced government where most people would be represented instead of the chosen few. Unfortunately that has not happened as yet. One cannot completely blame the PPP because the opposition has not really put forward any viable governing instrument since winning so many seats at the election. Their initial act to sabotage the PPP was not helpful in building trust and cooperation and today that experiment has failed. I am still hopeful for a future balance government because the biased one have to served Guyanese as best as possible. Hopefully they can come up with one geared on doing what is best for Guyana and not only what makes them more powerful/wealthy.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Stupid woman. She didn't want the kids' father take them from her, so she herself got rid of them. This is more an act of selfishness than anything else. I have no room for care or sympathy for people who abuse kids and this is the ultimate abuse.

This is clearly a case of mental disease. The traps would have been immediate family t hen social services. Some one missed serious cues and this mentally ill woman murdered her children.

While the article stated that she was in urgent need of counseling, it mostly speak of an "own-way" individual out of control. It also stated that she did not seem distressed. Many people come from broken homes and while I agree that homes with a father and mother is very instrumental to kids development, many kids have done very well without that opportunity. Then she had the second child with him after they had fidelity issues and even after he threatened to take away the first child from her. I still think that her actions were more selfish than anything else.

Two years ago in Wisconsin, a father who had visitation rights slit the throats of his three daughters, ages 6 thru 10. He had no mental problems. He just wanted to be spiteful to the children's mother. He is serving 3 consecutive life sentences.

point me to the incident and I will grantee you that there is analysis of the failures of the social safety net that permitted him to do as he did. Anyone who murder another is suffering from a mental dysfunction. Legally insane is a different thing from mental disease. Evil is definitely a consequence of mental dysfunction or we would not use it in terms of "wrong" methodology for conflict resolution

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Stupid woman. She didn't want the kids' father take them from her, so she herself got rid of them. This is more an act of selfishness than anything else. I have no room for care or sympathy for people who abuse kids and this is the ultimate abuse.

This is clearly a case of mental disease. The traps would have been immediate family t hen social services. Some one missed serious cues and this mentally ill woman murdered her children.

While the article stated that she was in urgent need of counseling, it mostly speak of an "own-way" individual out of control. It also stated that she did not seem distressed. Many people come from broken homes and while I agree that homes with a father and mother is very instrumental to kids development, many kids have done very well without that opportunity. Then she had the second child with him after they had fidelity issues and even after he threatened to take away the first child from her. I still think that her actions were more selfish than anything else.

Two years ago in Wisconsin, a father who had visitation rights slit the throats of his three daughters, ages 6 thru 10. He had no mental problems. He just wanted to be spiteful to the children's mother. He is serving 3 consecutive life sentences.

point me to the incident and I will grantee you that there is analysis of the failures of the social safety net that permitted him to do as he did. Anyone who murder another is suffering from a mental dysfunction. Legally insane is a different thing from mental disease. Evil is definitely a consequence of mental dysfunction or we would not use it in terms of "wrong" methodology for conflict resolution

He claimed he was suffering from depression. The judge did not buy his story.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Stupid woman. She didn't want the kids' father take them from her, so she herself got rid of them. This is more an act of selfishness than anything else. I have no room for care or sympathy for people who abuse kids and this is the ultimate abuse.

This is clearly a case of mental disease. The traps would have been immediate family t hen social services. Some one missed serious cues and this mentally ill woman murdered her children.

While the article stated that she was in urgent need of counseling, it mostly speak of an "own-way" individual out of control. It also stated that she did not seem distressed. Many people come from broken homes and while I agree that homes with a father and mother is very instrumental to kids development, many kids have done very well without that opportunity. Then she had the second child with him after they had fidelity issues and even after he threatened to take away the first child from her. I still think that her actions were more selfish than anything else.

Two years ago in Wisconsin, a father who had visitation rights slit the throats of his three daughters, ages 6 thru 10. He had no mental problems. He just wanted to be spiteful to the children's mother. He is serving 3 consecutive life sentences.

My point exactly. I saw a story where a father who had no custody rights to his three daughters was able to get them from their baby sitter. When the mother called the police, they dismissed her by saying that they were with their father and they see not harm to the kids. Had they looked up the father's file, they would have seen why he had no custody rights to his daughters because he was always threatening the mother. As the story continued, he drove to a police station and opened fire on the building. The police fired back with a barrage of bullets. In the end, the father was killed. Unfortunately, the three daughters were also killed and the police can't tell who killed them. In my opinion, they can if they really want to because they can see which bullets are in the girls. But that happens, even in America. Everyone agrees that the father was ultimately responsible to their death because he placed them in that danger zone. The mother took the case all the way to the Supreme Court to hold the police officers culpable because they could have done something before he drove up to that police station but the Supreme Court denied her stating that the police in each jurisdiction had the right to how they conduct police operation. The point here is that that father was still culpable because of his hatred to the girls' mother. I have read of how some bullets rip through the body of people bringing them severe pain. How can a parent put their kids through that?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:


I became an adult here and I was dumped many times by girlfriends and never once did I want to murder them. The problem at home is to inform young people that life is more precious and one cannot make another like you if they do not. It is also to remind parents that they can aproach the problem differently.

Fortunately I was spared indignity of being dumped since they never even showed any interest in me.

Originally Posted by seignet:

I am not too sure that suicide is a mental disease. It is more like possessed by demons. Those devils convinces the mind that all hope is lost-the only solution is kill themselves.

Can you prove that demons and devils exist?


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