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Mainstay residents trap huge jaguar

March 12, 2016 | By | Filed Under News 

captured jaguar again [2)Weeks after a Mainstay/Whayaka resident captured a jaguar by luring the animal into a wooden trap, Chris Allen, and his cousin, Troy Fredricks, are responsible for successfully capturing a second jaguar.
On Wednesday night sometime around 20:00 hours, at an area called” Jump, Jump”, the exact area where the first jaguar was caught, the two men activated their trap with more success.
It was noted that once the residents were cautioned not to harm the jaguars, they have opted to constructing wooden traps in the area for the safe capture of the jaguars.
According to reports, Allen was promised a large sum of money for the capture of the first jaguar but never received that money. Both Allen and Fredricks are now reluctant to hand over the jaguar unless they are handsomely rewarded monetarily.
It is still yet not clear how long Fredricks intends to house this second animal. However from reports, it is understood that members of the Environmental Protection Agency will not venture to the Coast to claim the animal. The jaguars venture from the savannahs in search of food given the drought conditions.
But since their emergence, they have been creating tremendous havoc in the hinterland areas. Many residents have complained of losing their dogs and other domesticated animals to the roaming jaguars.
Meanwhile, residents living in Tapakuma, trapped another huge jaguar which has since escaped. It was reported that the cage (trap) was not sturdy.(Yannason Duncan)

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Why isn't the govt stepping in to relocate the animals? The Jaguar should be designated a protected specie given its importance to Guyana. It is constantly used as a selling point to eco tourists, yet govt allows people to kill and ill treat these magnificent animals. 


These are endangered top level predators and their presences is absolutely necessary in the eco system. These animals should not be harmed. It is up to the government to step in and relocate them. They are doing exactly what they should do, migrate to water and food. We have to be balanced and not harm them. I hope this government send in appropriate personnel and relocate these animals safely.

Drugb posted:

Why isn't the govt stepping in to relocate the animals? The Jaguar should be designated a protected specie given its importance to Guyana. It is constantly used as a selling point to eco tourists, yet govt allows people to kill and ill treat these magnificent animals. 

Very good point druggie!   The jaguar shouldn't be killed, unless there is evidence that they have become man eaters.

Relocation to a remote location would be best, and in fact their natural prey might even be more abundant, given that humans are often also predators.

Given that jaguars aren't herd animals, that shouldn't pose a problem, unless its a mother with cubs.  Or a very young cat, unable to fight off larger jaguars.

Mitwah posted:

These jaguars are sentenced to a life sentence  at the zoo.

Guyana needs a volunteer "relocation of endangered species" group to handle captured animals. Hope the current government realizes the importance of wild life in Guyana and asks for help.


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