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The eight-storey, uncompleted structure at the back of the once popular Buddy’s Pool Hall and Night Club on Sheriff Street is up for sale alongside other properties.

Advertising in Caribbean Airlines’ inflight magazine, Caribbean Beat, Buddy’s Housing lists the Sheriff Street structure as for sale or rental.

A rice mill, commercial properties on the East Bank, East Coast and in Georgetown, lands for sale on Brickdam and Main Street in addition to three-bedroom homes located on the East Coast are all listed in the advertisement in what appears to be a major shift away from business here.

Managing Director of Buddy’s Housing Development, Ryan Shivraj, would only confirm yesterday that the properties were for sale but said, “At this time I don’t want to really say anything.”

The Sheriff Street building, now for sale, was once slated to be a state-of-the-art hotel equipped with a helipad. Its owner Omprakash ‘Buddy’ Shivraj had said that he had plans to open another casino and hotel much like the one he sold to the then Princess Group of Companies.

The eight-storey building on Sheriff Street that is up for sale.

The Buddy’s Pool Hall and Night Club, which had been popular on the entertainment scene for more than a decade and which was housed in a seven-storey building on Sheriff Street near to where the eight-storey building is located, closed quietly last year, following a fall in business.

A medical school, the Alexander American University School of Medicine, run by Indian nationals, now operates from the second floor of the building while the Chinese Mei Tung Restaurant continues to rent the third floor. The restaurant also has a mobile food unit on the outskirts of the parking area.

The Buddy’s Gym is still operational and this newspaper understands “continues to hold its own” and is slated to remain open.

The Buddy’s Hotel, which was located at Providence, is now renamed the Ramada Princess, and was sold to Turkish hotelier Sudi Özkan back in 2008.  The Hotel was constructed with funding that included five mortgages from the Guyana Bank for Trade and Industry (GBTI) and a $165.7 million advance on the sale of rooms to the Government of Guyana.

The then Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport had paid over to the Ministry of Finance since 2007, the sum of US$598,000 – approximately $119.6 million – of the $165.7 million that the government had advanced to the hotel. The remaining $46.1 million was said to have been recovered through room nights at the hotel.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Cobra posted:
yuji22 posted:

Does anyone know the asking price ?


Asking price may be important to yuji, but the real question is why these businesses are for sale? Yuji, any clue?

Cobra Bhi,

My question had a  two fold intention. 

1.) Real estate prices are starting to fall, a sign of a declining economy.

2.) Businesses have Zero confidence in the economy.

The goose that laid the golden egg is flying away. Time for Indos to cut and run before it is too late. 

SOCU and SARU has been set up to destroy and humiliate Indos.


What does a HOBO know about economics and development ? They are parroting PNC BS.

Those who have wealth understand how to create and maintain wealth. The PNC is like wood ants, they will eat and destroy EVERYTHING.

yuji22 posted:

What does a HOBO know about economics and development ? They are parroting PNC BS.

Those who have wealth understand how to create and maintain wealth. The PNC is like wood ants, they will eat and destroy EVERYTHING.



 I noticed a while back some wealthy Guyanese are buying rental condos in Florida and large homes that they can get for a reduced price in different states. It may be a signal that capital is on the move from Guyana.


Last edited by Prashad
cain posted:

So you saying you know nothing about BJ's economy he left the coalation with?

A jackass who claim that all Indos are drug dealers. If this is the case then how come so many IndoG millionaires in US and CA while you on a certain path to dependency on govt support for your retirement?

Drugb posted:
cain posted:

So you saying you know nothing about BJ's economy he left the coalation with?

A jackass who claim that all Indos are drug dealers. If this is the case then how come so many IndoG millionaires in US and CA while you on a certain path to dependency on govt support for your retirement?

Find me where I mentioned all Indos are drug dealers or shut da fk up you lying fkin porter you.

cain posted:
Drugb posted:
cain posted:

So you saying you know nothing about BJ's economy he left the coalation with?

A jackass who claim that all Indos are drug dealers. If this is the case then how come so many IndoG millionaires in US and CA while you on a certain path to dependency on govt support for your retirement?

Find me where I mentioned all Indos are drug dealers or shut da fk up you lying fkin porter you.

Daily your hatred of Indians are on full display on GNI.  You continously claim that the development under PPP was due to drug trade and it is the Indians who were building large properties including businesses. Meanwhile you lowlife live as a pauper overseas passing judgement with no basis.


Guyana is no longer a place to invest and do business.  Good on this businessman to cut and run.  Many others will be following suit.  The govt is counting on taxes from them to survive.  Well it ain't gonna be so Massa!!!  Stricter the government, wiser the population!!!

Bibi Haniffa

Guyana does not need "businessmen" like Buddy, people who are involved in smuggling and money laundering. Too many of those around. They need legitimate business investment that will create employment and bring in foreign exchange. 

Last edited by Mars

Few if any PNC supporters in Brooklyn have the means to invest. They can hardly afford to pay rent.

All you tried to slaughter and kill off the Indo businesses under PNC part one and are practicing it again under PNC part two.

Hold on, PNC supporters will invest in the Free rum and what some political activists are calling a Blackmanfest in 50 plus one celebrations.

What a shame. 

Mars posted:

Guyana does not need "businessmen" like Buddy, people who are involved in smuggling and money laundering. Too many of those around. They need legitimate business investment that will create employment and bring in foreign exchange. 

Another one tried and convicted by the slop can crew via mccarthyism in the court of jackasses. 

yuji22 posted:
Cobra posted:
yuji22 posted:

Does anyone know the asking price ?


Asking price may be important to yuji, but the real question is why these businesses are for sale? Yuji, any clue?

Cobra Bhi,

My question had a  two fold intention. 

1.) Real estate prices are starting to fall, a sign of a declining economy.

2.) Businesses have Zero confidence in the economy.

The goose that laid the golden egg is flying away. Time for Indos to cut and run before it is too late. 

SOCU and SARU has been set up to destroy and humiliate Indos.

fool indos was running a long time now most run during jagdeo rule you people too stupid to be alive

Drugb posted:
Mars posted:

Guyana does not need "businessmen" like Buddy, people who are involved in smuggling and money laundering. Too many of those around. They need legitimate business investment that will create employment and bring in foreign exchange. 

Another one tried and convicted by the slop can crew via mccarthyism in the court of jackasses. 

Buddy was a big time fuel smuggler and washed his money in the Princess deal. You must have conveniently forgotten when the PPP magistrate set him free because the prosecutor failed to prove that diesel was a petroleum product. The man was caught red handed with illegal fuel but because of his connections to the PPP, he was set free. The man was even given loans by the government which he never paid back properly and was not paying his electricity bills for years. You can deny it as much as you like but that won't change history.

yuji22 posted:

Few if any PNC supporters in Brooklyn have the means to invest. They can hardly afford to pay rent.

All you tried to slaughter and kill off the Indo businesses under PNC part one and are practicing it again under PNC part two.

Hold on, PNC supporters will invest in the Free rum and what some political activists are calling a Blackmanfest in 50 plus one celebrations.

What a shame. 

Dude shut your behind. Some of the most successful guyanese are black people.  they do not get a lil money like you low life dalits and pretend they are the shit. I have lots of black friends who are multi millionaires and they live very quiet nondescript lives focusing more on being the best they can be rather than useless braggarts. 

Right by me is a woman owned development company that handles  massive state  projects. She help built the DC convention center and you never hear these folks yammering about their wealth.  From academia to medicine to armed forces to construction industry to tech there are dozens  black Guyanese doing us good.

Shallow ignorant racists like you on the other hand just shrivel on the vine and die pretending you are more than you are.

Mars posted:
Drugb posted:
Mars posted:

Guyana does not need "businessmen" like Buddy, people who are involved in smuggling and money laundering. Too many of those around. They need legitimate business investment that will create employment and bring in foreign exchange. 

Another one tried and convicted by the slop can crew via mccarthyism in the court of jackasses. 

Buddy was a big time fuel smuggler and washed his money in the Princess deal. You must have conveniently forgotten when the PPP magistrate set him free because the prosecutor failed to prove that diesel was a petroleum product. The man was caught red handed with illegal fuel but because of his connections to the PPP, he was set free. The man was even given loans by the government which he never paid back properly and was not paying his electricity bills for years. You can deny it as much as you like but that won't change history.

None of these fools care about his nefarious dealings. Jagdeo pre paid him for rooms to t he tune of close to one million US dollars....that was a lot of PPP folks sleeping in at buddies. The US government said he was in bed with some of the most dangerous drug smugglers and consider him tainted. I wonder if anyone remembers the tanker truck that simply disappeared from the police compound. Then of course was the in your face court case where a magistrate insist he could not be convinced diesel was proven to his satisfaction to be petrol

yuji22 posted:

Wait until they break down dat lil house that you build without proper foundation and demand taxes for it. That day will come, it is not far away.

Tek Time.

okay gal

Stormborn posted:

None of these fools care about his nefarious dealings. Jagdeo pre paid him for rooms to t he tune of close to one million US dollars....that was a lot of PPP folks sleeping in at buddies. The US government said he was in bed with some of the most dangerous drug smugglers and consider him tainted. I wonder if anyone remembers the tanker truck that simply disappeared from the police compound. Then of course was the in your face court case where a magistrate insist he could not be convinced diesel was proven to his satisfaction to be petrol

You folks tell so much lies that you begin to believe them. The case against Buddy was dismissed as his farm was being used allegedly unbeknownst to him for nefarious activities. The prosecutor bungled the case and did not present enough evidence. Maybe Buddy was involved however many pnc police were involved in the cover up, there is blame to go all around. 

Mars posted:

Guyana does not need "businessmen" like Buddy, people who are involved in smuggling and money laundering. Too many of those around. They need legitimate business investment that will create employment and bring in foreign exchange. 

They need drug dealers like Noel Blackman and Lear Goring. These dudes know what to do.


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