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The opposition’s insistence on using the timely passage of crucial anti-money laundering legislation to gain political leverage is beginning to take its toll on the financial sector with at least one overseas financial institution reportedly severing ties locally.


The international community gave Guyana up until next month to amend its laws and take mandatory steps to reduce the possibility of money laundering and the passage of money used to finance terrorism through its financial system. Failure will likely result in Guyana being blacklisted and question marks will hover over transactions originating here. Citibank, one of the largest institutions in the US is said to have written a local bank announcing its intention to sever corresponding relations with it.

Chairperson of the Parliamentary Special Select Committee (PSSC) on AML-CFT, Gail Teixeira, complained about the actions of its opposition members after she was forced to postpone a critical meeting of the committee. She warned that further delays continue to place Guyana in a precarious situation.Teixeira said a meeting was scheduled for 16:30 hrs yesterday but was postponed at the request of the APNU’s Deborah Backer who also said that the AFC’s Khemraj Ramjattan would be unable to attend. Backer had another meeting with leader of the A Partnership For National Unity (APNU), David Granger which for her was more important than preventing sanctions being implemented against Guyana’s financial institutions.

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Isn't a special select committee are bound to meet on a date and time scheduled to discuss important matters on government as set out by Ms.Teixeira, or other members can just stay away and hope the country can face international pressure? This is a matter of national importance, isn't it?


Granger ought to be careful with not supporting the anti laundering bill as he will soon discover that all the Blacks who go to the Islands to work use money transfer to send money back to their family in Guyana.  Granted that Blacks have a history of following their leaders to their own detriment and starvation, however when it becomes as visible as another 10% in fees to transfer money, people will take notice. But by then it will be too late. The AFC are a different story, they are out for revenge after their ex PPP leadership had been denied soup at the PPP table. Now Ramjattan resort to fleecing his clients and corrupting the law courts to "lose" case files in delay tactics. That man responsible for massive corruption in the legal system. 


Remember the pedophile coCaine and Mitjuanita are both safe in the West while the people in Guyana will suffer. They don't care, they have no vested interest in the nation, its like watching a football game to them, from the safety of their run down apartment in the west.



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