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This nonsense began the day Obama was elected President in 2008. This "Take our country back" chant mean only one thing. Now the chant today was "USA, USA" in deference to the protestors. As if the protestors are not Americans. I can understand when we were mad at the French when they refused to accept our lie into invading Iraq in 2003 by suggesting changing French fries to freedom fries but how does Trump's supporters make the leap to considering the protestors un-American?

seignet posted:

The American people have made great choices,  their country's participation in the universe. It was always white people in leadership since its creation.  

It does not mean white brains and brawn alone made it great even though they co opted the leadership roles and sucked away the profits everywhere.


Many of its Presidents suppressed biases in the advancement of their country. Even during the days of Black slavery, they conferred with Black intellectuals of the days. Believing a slow and concerted effort was the way to ease tensions and promote progress. Today, too many interest groups thwarts that process. America is being shoved by un-American interests.

seignet posted:

Many of its Presidents suppressed biases in the advancement of their country. Even during the days of Black slavery, they conferred with Black intellectuals of the days. Believing a slow and concerted effort was the way to ease tensions and promote progress. Today, too many interest groups thwarts that process. America is being shoved by un-American interests.

You have been reading the wrong history books. Indeed there were very kind and smart presidents but they all had their conscience shaped not by advice and learning but by will of the people protesting for change. From Lincoln to Kennedy...all had their hands moved for them by the circumstances forced on them.

Dred Scott for example was integral in  initiating a movement that precipitated the theme for the civil war and emancipation declaration  but it was not white angst at slavery that was the caused the war. There was no slow, deliberate and rational movement to change from slavery to full democracy. That is nonsense. The movement to civil rights was a rugged tussle that consumed very mainly black lives...thousands of faceless souls confronted a recalcitrant jim crow consciousness and continues to do so.

We know Huston and Marshall who led the legal struggle and King who led the political movement but the reality is whites did not give in to conscience. They were moved to it by brute force and at the cost of lots of black and some white blood.

I do not know of any person of renown working for "un American" purposes as you so colorfully put it. People disagree and compete but that is what they do in a democracy. Even trump and his fascistic demagoguery is competing for american values as he sees it. It is in competition that the truth is distilled and purified and what is American percolates out of it.

seignet posted:

Many of its Presidents suppressed biases in the advancement of their country. Even during the days of Black slavery, they conferred with Black intellectuals of the days. Believing a slow and concerted effort was the way to ease tensions and promote progress. Today, too many interest groups thwarts that process. America is being shoved by un-American interests.

The power of writing under an alias to hide your mental kakaracity!  Maybe you should start by reading about Andrew Johnson.  

Do not confuse your love of America with your love of American politics. American politics stinks just like Guyana's.

VVP posted:
seignet posted:

The American people have made great choices,  their country's participation in the universe. It was always white people in leadership since its creation.  

What an asinine statement.  Aren't you the one who called for Venezuela to take over Guyana too?  Some people are born to be slaves.

Yes. His  hatred for blacks is so intense that he will even enslave himself to those who he thinks will oppress them.


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