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It is a shame on the PPP that we have become far less than we could have been


I read the letter columns (December 9) and concluded that Prime Minister Hinds must be debating himself passionately, when he said that we need to debate differences in our positions and views. He and his government have locked out the rest of society from debate – from the state media and the National Assembly.

So, what debate is he talking about? Is it where he sits with himself and himself replicated in the others from one side, with one view and one aim – to destroy all else?

The Stalinists in his government are afraid of debates and open discussion, and use state and crony media to cowardly attack all who dissent, and threaten with impunity to destroy critics. The Prime Minister is silent on Mr Anil Nandlall’s β€œvituperative and vulgar” attacks on a section of the free press, but is somehow β€œshocked and pained” by Mr Freddie Kissoon for the odious remarks made by political kleptocrat Mr Ashni Singh whose unlawful spending of $4.5 billion triggered a no-confidence motion in parliament.

But Sam is Sam, and I will concede to his liberty to say: β€œFreddie is wrong and Ashni was right!”

Yesterday, we marked Human Rights Day. We do so under gloom that our democracy is threatened and we do not have legitimate governance.

Mr Hinds was part of our struggle for elementary human rights. I was doing so before him and, as a journalist, I am appalled at the destruction of free debate once again, and the closure of the people’s funded media to open discussion.

We can retrace our footsteps, and free up the media in a symbolic gesture that all that we fought for, all our sacrifices for freedom, to even be similar if not better than our colonialist and imperialist masters in human terms, have not gone down the drain.

It is a shame on the PPP that what we have become is far less than what we could have been and perhaps contrary to what we have dreamt.


Yours faithfully,

Moses Nagamootoo

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

It is very difficult to predict but I will give it a shot.


PPP =  52%


PNC =  43%


KFC =  4%


The reason the PPP will not get more than 52% is because of their lack or transparency, perception of Corruption and patches of Cronyism.

Then the PPP better clean up their shit. 

I think some of them are too deep into the current system to be able to change. Which will ultimately hurt the entire Party.  Panday in Trinidad also thought he could do as he please and we know what happened to him. All long rope has an end.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

It is very difficult to predict but I will give it a shot.


PPP =  52%


PNC =  43%


KFC =  4%


The reason the PPP will not get more than 52% is because of their lack or transparency,perception of Corruption and patches of Cronyism.

Perceptions and realities are, of course, different issues.

I agree DG BUT the general Public most times are sway by perception.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

It is very difficult to predict but I will give it a shot.


PPP =  52%


PNC =  43%


KFC =  4%


The reason the PPP will not get more than 52% is because of their lack or transparency,perception of Corruption and patches of Cronyism.

Perceptions and realities are, of course, different issues.

You tell him slack master not so fresh.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

It is very difficult to predict but I will give it a shot.


PPP =  52%


PNC =  43%


KFC =  4%


The reason the PPP will not get more than 52% is because of their lack or transparency,perception of Corruption and patches of Cronyism.

Perceptions and realities are, of course, different issues.

DG I do business in Guyana and in other parts of the English speaking Caribbean.  In those other places routine things get done.  Corruption occurs if one wants to buy prime beach property or to get import duty concessions.


In Guyana corruption exists if one wants a copy of your birth certificate.


Do you understand why Guyanese perceive more corruption than do people in other parts of the English speaking Caribbean?  Because it isn't at an intellectual level where people assume that politicians get kick backs for big projects.  It is at an INDIVIDUAL level where the system is so corrupt that even petty civil servants know that they can get away with it.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

It is very difficult to predict but I will give it a shot.


PPP =  52%


PNC =  43%


KFC =  4%


The reason the PPP will not get more than 52% is because of their lack or transparency,perception of Corruption and patches of Cronyism.

Perceptions and realities are, of course, different issues.

DG I do business in Guyana and in other parts of the English speaking Caribbean.  In those other places routine things get done.  Corruption occurs if one wants to buy prime beach property or to get import duty concessions.


In Guyana corruption exists if one wants a copy of your birth certificate.


Do you understand why Guyanese perceive more corruption than do people in other parts of the English speaking Caribbean?  Because it isn't at an intellectual level where people assume that politicians get kick backs for big projects.  It is at an INDIVIDUAL level where the system is so corrupt that even petty civil servants know that they can get away with it.

Now yuh talkin Bro.  I have been saying this for years now.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
  Panday in Trinidad also thought he could do as he please and we know what happened to him. All long rope has an end.

Thanks for pointing out Trinidad differs from Guyana.


A minister in the Kamla govt screams at a cabin attendant, when he refuses to sit down to allow the plane to depart, and accidentally brushes her breast.  He is fired.


A PPP minister pistol whips some one in a drunken brawl. Another calls up a newspaper and threatens to have them murdered. Yet another drives drunk, hits some one and escapes the scene.


AL far more serious crimes than screaming at a cabin attendant and accidentally brushing her breast.


Yet the Trini was fired and the Guyanese were not, one even sent on a prestige posting to Brazil as a reward!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

It is very difficult to predict but I will give it a shot.


PPP =  52%


PNC =  43%


KFC =  4%


The reason the PPP will not get more than 52% is because of their lack or transparency, perception of Corruption and patches of Cronyism.

Perceptions and realities are, of course, different issues.

I agree DG BUT the general Public most times are sway by perception.

Indeed and generally at the election box, people do indeed reflect before casting their mark on the ballot sheet.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

It is very difficult to predict but I will give it a shot.


PPP =  52%


PNC =  43%


KFC =  4%


The reason the PPP will not get more than 52% is because of their lack or transparency,perception of Corruption and patches of Cronyism.

Perceptions and realities are, of course, different issues.

DG I do business in Guyana and in other parts of the English speaking Caribbean.  In those other places routine things get done.  Corruption occurs if one wants to buy prime beach property or to get import duty concessions.


In Guyana corruption exists if one wants a copy of your birth certificate.


Do you understand why Guyanese perceive more corruption than do people in other parts of the English speaking Caribbean?  Because it isn't at an intellectual level where people assume that politicians get kick backs for big projects.  It is at an INDIVIDUAL level where the system is so corrupt that even petty civil servants know that they can get away with it.

Now yuh talkin Bro.  I have been saying this for years now.

Yet you support the PPP where corruption has become even worse than it was under the PNC.


Patrick Manning, former T&T PM is an ordinary man.  No conspicuous displays of wealth, and certainly no lavish pension, to the point where he is even begging to hold on as MP, even though his health doesn't allow him to perform.


Jagdeo, a man with a pension BIGGER than what Obama will get, and who is fabulously wealthy, when he was a poor civil servant in 1992.



By the way the Burnham daughters want to know where is all this money that their father stole because 30 years after his death, they are yet to find it?  Can you help them?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
  Panday in Trinidad also thought he could do as he please and we know what happened to him. All long rope has an end.

Thanks for pointing out Trinidad differs from Guyana.


A minister in the Kamla govt screams at a cabin attendant, when he refuses to sit down to allow the plane to depart, and accidentally brushes her breast.  He is fired.


A PPP minister pistol whips some one in a drunken brawl. Another calls up a newspaper and threatens to have them murdered. Yet another drives drunk, hits some one and escapes the scene.


AL far more serious crimes than screaming at a cabin attendant and accidentally brushing her breast.


Yet the Trini was fired and the Guyanese were not, one even sent on a prestige posting to Brazil as a reward!

The PPP does not have ethics,the young ones in the

party behaves like a bully.

Last edited by Django
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Indeed and generally at the election box, people do indeed reflect before casting their mark on the ballot sheet.

Yes.   This is why the PPP got 220k votes in 1997 and a scant 166k in 2011.  A drop of over 50k VOTES!  The PPP has lost almost 25% of their votes over the past 17 years!

Numbers are gross and in elections, the percentage is important.


Also, each election is specific to its own.


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