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Malicious, deceitful and bewildering

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Minister of State Joseph Harmon

— Harmon condemns Jagdeo’s fraud claims

THE Government of Guyana has firmly rejected and condemned as “malicious and deceitful” statements made by Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo, at his press conference on Thursday, accusing the President and his administration of fraud.

The claims were made in relation to the issuance of two separate letters to the Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), which spoke to preparations for elections and elections consultations.
In a letter dated February 25, 2019, the President wrote to GECOM Chair, retired Justice James Patterson, acknowledging the time-related and financial constraints preventing the commission from hosting new General and Regional Elections within the three-month timeframe.

While not setting a date for elections, he urged the commission to commence elections preparations, stating that he has intentions to go to the National Assembly to secure the necessary funds for such.
His correspondence came as Patterson had written to the President making clear that the commission cannot deliver credible elections within three months and, as a constitutional agency, would require an appropriation of funds.

In a letter also dated February 25, 2019, the President wrote again to GECOM Chair requesting a meeting regarding the readiness of the commission to conduct General and Regional Elections in 2019.
However, according to commissioners, the second letter was not received by the commission until the close of their statutory meeting on February 26, 2019, unbeknownst to everyone at the time.

However, the first letter was provided to GECOM’s six commissioners on February 26, 2019, while the second letter provided to them on February 28, 2019 at the following statutory meeting.
At his press conference on Thursday, the opposition leader used the fact that two letters were sent by the President to suggest that some fraudulent activity occurred with the doctoring of the first letter to produce a second.

However, on Thursday evening in a release to the media, Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, stated that the opposition leader has descended to a new level of disrespect for the Office of the President and the government by maligning the good character of the President and his office.
In recounting the events which took place, the release stated that the President received Justice Patterson’s letter on Monday, hours before he departed for medical treatment in Cuba.

The President then responded promptly in his first letter, noting his receipt of chairman’s letter; the commission’s inability to deliver credible elections within the three-month timeframe and the need for additional funds, appropriated by the National Assembly, to be provided.

In the letter, the President also assured that financial resources and enough time to conduct credible elections would be provided.
In the second letter, the President began by writing “Dear Chairman, I wrote you earlier acknowledging receipt of your letter dated 2019.02.21 and the documents enclosed…” in which he also called for the initiation of consultations on the readiness of GECOM for the conduct of General and Regional Elections in 2019.

With this in mind, the media release underlined: “The second letter refers to the need to consult because the chairman of GECOM raised issues of time and the lack of financial resources. It was aimed at finding out the amount of money needed to conduct credible elections. The first letter was not doctored.”

Meanwhile, Harmon stated: “There are two letters. The first letter is an acknowledgement of the chairman of GECOM’s letter. The second letter refers to the first letter. So how could you now say that this is something that is doctored when you, the author of the letter, acknowledges that you sent one and this is the second one I am sending?”

The minister of state said that he is appalled by the allegation against the Head of State and the attack on his religion by Jagdeo, who questioned the President’s Christian character at his press conference.

“I have never heard anyone level such an accusation against President David Arthur Granger, a Christian man, who espouses and practices Christian values; who understands the Bible,” Harmon said.
He also indicated that at no time has the President, or any member of his government, stooped to the level of disrespect demonstrated by the opposition leader and his actions must therefore be condemned.

“This is something that not only the government will take very seriously but all Christians; all people of religion across the world must recognise that this is an attack on the religion of the President; an attack on order and good governance and he must be condemned in the strongest possible terms for this level to which he has sunk in this press conference. I am also calling on all right-thinking Guyanese to condemn the leader of the opposition for this level to which he has sunk and for which he is trying to take the society, into the pit to which he has descended,” the minister of state asserted.

He added that although Jagdeo stated that he would be engaging the international community and other organisations on the matter, the government can stand up to scrutiny.

Harmon concluded: “I cannot be responsible for Mr. Jagdeo’s comprehension of simple chronology and simple English language. If he takes the time enough to read, he would be able to understand. So, take it to the international community; take it wherever you want to take it; you would only be embarrassing yourself because people would be able to read and understand exactly what the President is saying.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

No one is asking the government to be responsible for anything Jagdeo says or does. They are only asked to respect the 90 days demand for elections. To that they are failing miserably and in no moral position to criticize anyone else.

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Ohh rass pnc news carriers strike early marning fetching dem propaganda.

You don't post anything, shows to piss in the wind.

Rass bai, like Mars cutting into yuh paycheck. Normally you are the 1st to post PNC propaganda. Why should I give credence to PNC propagated? Slop plop.



Jagdeo points to Govt. attempts to hide letter to GECOM, calls it fraud -PPP commissioners walk out of latest forum


By Abena Rockcliffe-Campbell

“Fraud! This is nothing more but fraud, they are not misleading one person; they are misleading an entire country.”
That was the assertion of Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo yesterday at his weekly press conference.
When he yelled, “fraud” Jagdeo was referring to the existence of two letters addressed to the Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) on the same day. Both letters were written by President David Granger.
The letters were written just a few days ago—February 25.
The following day, the Ministry of the Presidency announced that President Granger had written to GECOM in response to a letter GECOM had sent, informing of the constraints being faced by the Commission, causing it to not be ready for elections.
The Ministry released a copy of the letter sent by the President.

GECOM Commissioner, Sase Gunraj

The letter read, “I have noted that GECOM, as a constitutional agency, would require a new appropriation of funds approved by the National Assembly for the conduct of General and Regional Elections. I now write you in that context for us to initiate consultations on the readiness of GECOM for the conduct of General and Regional Elections.”
It turns out that that was not the only letter sent by Granger.
Another was sent to the GECOM Chairman, and this is the one that PPP members on GECOM have in their possession.
That letter reads, “The Government is committed to doing everything possible to ensure that the Commission is provided with the financial resources and has sufficient time to conduct credible elections. I urge the Commission, therefore, to commence preparations for the conduct of GRE (General and Regional Elections). The Government will initiate measures to provide the funds required and to seek the approval of the National Assembly to ensure that an agreement can be reached, given both the Constitutional requirements and GECOM’s capability.”
While it seems to be a case of government reneging on an official position and sending another letter that does not give GECOM clear instructions to prepare for elections, Jagdeo thinks otherwise.
He thinks that the government is committing fraud, as it tried to replace the first letter (the one instructing preparations), with another which seeks to merely assess GECOM’s readiness.
Jagdeo told the media, “One document was presented to the Commissioners and another document is on the website of the Ministry of the Presidency… this is fraudulent behaviour.”
Jagdeo said that, as a result of the deception, the Guyanese people were misled into thinking that GECOM was not instructed to commence preparations for the conduct of General and Regional Elections.
He said, “When this country thought that we were moving forward, the second letter takes us back to old arguments… it only talks about discussions.”
He added, “…the first letter was explicit…three critical issues were dealt with, including constitutional compliance, instructions for GECOM to start preparations for elections.”
According to him, the credibility of the Government and President Granger himself is at stake. “This overshadows everything else… How can you engage with a government of this nature in good faith? This is a national scandal,” he said.
After Jagdeo’s press conference, a missive was released to the media in the name of GECOM Commissioner (PPP) Sase Gunraj.

Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo

Gunraj said that, at a Statutory Meeting of GECOM held the day after the letters were sent to the Chairman, one letter circulated.
Gunraj stated, “The letter, inter alia, urged the Guyana Elections Commission to commence preparations for the holding of General and Regional Elections.”
He said that yesterday, Jagdeo drew his (Gunraj’s) and his colleagues’ attention to the existence of a second letter, purportedly under the hand of President David Granger, also dated the 25th of February, 2019.
Gunraj said that PPP Commissioner Bibi Shadick made contact with the Office of the Chairman of GECOM and requested a copy of correspondence received by the Chairman from the President.
An email was received from the Office of the Chairman of GECOM at 1:07 pm on the 28th February, 2019, in which the one letter was attached.
Then, at a meeting of the Commission held yesterday at 3pm, “an inquiry was made about the existence of a second letter, and the Chairman only then confirmed the existence of a second letter, and copies were hurriedly made and provided to Commissioners.”
Gunraj stressed that no previous mention was made of the second letter, nor was any effort made to present copies thereof to Commissioners. He said that, at the meeting yesterday, “A discussion on the content of this second letter ensued and upon inquiry, the Chairman responded that it was not his opinion that the second letter superseded the first.”
But, APNU Commissioner Vincent Alexander then tendered the view that it did supersede the first, said Gunraj.
“Thereafter, a request was made by Commissioner Shadick for the Secretariat to provide a plan for preparation for the holding of elections, in keeping with the urging of the President. At this point, Commissioners Alexander and Trotman insisted that any such plan must include House to House Registration,” said Gunraj.
He continued, “This flies in the face of the urgent need, as prescribed by the Constitution of Guyana, to hold elections within three (3) months of the successful passage of a vote of no confidence. Further, it can only be seen as another act in the series of dilatory tactics employed by certain Commissioners and the Secretariat of GECOM to derail this important and constitutionally mandated timeframe. It is become very obvious that there was no plan to be discussed regarding the preparation for elections, we were left no option but to walk out of the meeting.”


Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Ohh rass pnc news carriers strike early marning fetching dem propaganda.

You don't post anything, shows to piss in the wind.

Rass bai, like Mars cutting into yuh paycheck. Normally you are the 1st to post PNC propaganda. Why should I give credence to PNC propagated? Slop plop.

Ha..ha..noticeably you found PPPiss to post.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Ohh rass pnc news carriers strike early marning fetching dem propaganda.

You don't post anything, shows to piss in the wind.

Rass bai, like Mars cutting into yuh paycheck. Normally you are the 1st to post PNC propaganda. Why should I give credence to PNC propagated? Slop plop.

Ha..ha..noticeably you found PPPiss to post.

Kaiteur dos print PPP piss? What about the letters? That too is piss? Note That Mars posted from chronicle, Govt controlled news.

Dave posted:
Django posted:

Jagdeo is a skont grasping at straws, regarding the letters.

That’s all you have to say. 

It’s Friday man and the beginning of a new month.. chill out. 

What's the problem with the letters, that fella getting insane.

Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Ohh rass pnc news carriers strike early marning fetching dem propaganda.

You don't post anything, shows to piss in the wind.

Rass bai, like Mars cutting into yuh paycheck. Normally you are the 1st to post PNC propaganda. Why should I give credence to PNC propagated? Slop plop.

Ha..ha..noticeably you found PPPiss to post.

Kaiteur dos print PPP piss? What about the letters? That too is piss? Note That Mars posted from chronicle, Govt controlled news.

What's the problem with the letters, looks like you kowtowing the mad man.

Since when Kaiteur News is you all news source, seems forgetting calling the paper all sorts of names.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

Jagdeo is a skont grasping at straws, regarding the letters.

That’s all you have to say. 

It’s Friday man and the beginning of a new month.. chill out. 

What's the problem with the letters, that fella getting insane.

I see you follow Basil Williams so much, your smartness is gone. 

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

Jagdeo is a skont grasping at straws, regarding the letters.

That’s all you have to say. 

It’s Friday man and the beginning of a new month.. chill out. 

What's the problem with the letters, that fella getting insane.

I see you follow Basil Williams so much, your smartness is gone. 

I don't kowtow anyone.

Granger should call the elections and shut the madman mouth. PPP ain't winning no elections, although the 2015 voters list is bloated by 60,000 voters, mostly in PPP strong holds, look out for the word "Rigging" . All the coalition gov't have to do is watch them skont in their strong holds, had the feeling the PPP was cheating, confirmed by some analysis.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

Jagdeo is a skont grasping at straws, regarding the letters.

That’s all you have to say. 

It’s Friday man and the beginning of a new month.. chill out. 

What's the problem with the letters, that fella getting insane.

I see you follow Basil Williams so much, your smartness is gone. 

I don't kowtow anyone.

Granger should call the elections and shut the madman mouth. PPP ain't winning no elections, although the 2015 voters list is bloated by 60,000 voters, mostly in PPP strong holds, look out for the word "Rigging"

Mouth piece for the PNC speaks.

Billy Ram Balgobin

Wait, Mars is now fetching for the PNC and bumping DJ ? 

Look how the two letters exposed the PNC lies. Granger is the biggest con man in town. 

Dem rass become a rouge administration after March 19. Jagdeo keeps running them around and wid a cutlass. 

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Django posted:

I don't kowtow anyone.

Granger should call the elections and shut the madman mouth. PPP ain't winning no elections, although the 2015 voters list is bloated by 60,000 voters, mostly in PPP strong holds, look out for the word "Rigging" All the coalition gov't have to do is watch them skont in their strong holds, had the feeling the PPP was cheating, confirmed by some analysis.

Mouth piece for the PNC speaks.

Mouthpiece my foot, speaking the truth.

Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

Jagdeo is a skont grasping at straws, regarding the letters.

That’s all you have to say. 

It’s Friday man and the beginning of a new month.. chill out. 

What's the problem with the letters, that fella getting insane.

I see you follow Basil Williams so much, your smartness is gone. 

I don't kowtow anyone.

Granger should call the elections and shut the madman mouth. PPP ain't winning no elections, although the 2015 voters list is bloated by 60,000 voters, mostly in PPP strong holds, look out for the word "Rigging"

Thought you was smart. 

Why is Granger delaying the election...  cause they will be kick out .. everyone knows that except you. 

yuji22 posted:

Wait, Mars is now fetching for the PNC and bumping DJ ? 

Look how the two letters exposed the PNC lies. Granger is the biggest con man in town. 

Dem rass become a rouge administration after March 19. Jagdeo keeps running them around and wid a cutlass. 

Clueless,like the madman followed.

Dave posted:
Django posted:

Granger should call the elections and shut the madman mouth. PPP ain't winning no elections, although the 2015 voters list is bloated by 60,000 voters, mostly in PPP strong holds, look out for the word "Rigging" All the coalition gov't have to do is watch them skont in their strong holds, had the feeling the PPP was cheating, confirmed by some analysis.

Thought you was smart. 

Why is Granger delaying the election...  cause they will be kick out .. everyone knows that except you. 

Wanna bet ?  the PPP don't have the numbers to win.

Last edited by Django
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

Jagdeo is a skont grasping at straws, regarding the letters.

That’s all you have to say. 

It’s Friday man and the beginning of a new month.. chill out. 

What's the problem with the letters, that fella getting insane.

I see you follow Basil Williams so much, your smartness is gone. 

I don't kowtow anyone.

Granger should call the elections and shut the madman mouth. PPP ain't winning no elections, although the 2015 voters list is bloated by 60,000 voters, mostly in PPP strong holds, look out for the word "Rigging"

Mouth piece for the PNC speaks.

DJ loves his PNC. He can do anything for them. 

Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

Granger should call the elections and shut the madman mouth. PPP ain't winning no elections, although the 2015 voters list is bloated by 60,000 voters, mostly in PPP strong holds, look out for the word "Rigging" All the coalition gov't have to do is watch them skont in their strong holds, had the feeling the PPP was cheating, confirmed by some analysis.

Thought you was smart. 

Why is Granger delaying the election...  cause they will be kick out .. everyone knows that except you. 

Wanna bet ?  the PPP don't have the numbers to win.

What happened, Congress Place en listen to your advise. 

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

Granger should call the elections and shut the madman mouth. PPP ain't winning no elections, although the 2015 voters list is bloated by 60,000 voters, mostly in PPP strong holds, look out for the word "Rigging" All the coalition gov't have to do is watch them skont in their strong holds, had the feeling the PPP was cheating, confirmed by some analysis.

Thought you was smart. 

Why is Granger delaying the election...  cause they will be kick out .. everyone knows that except you. 

Wanna bet ?  the PPP don't have the numbers to win.

What happened, Congress Place en listen to your advise. 

Try something else.

Here is the scenario the coalition supporters are stronger after the NCV. If alyuh think Ifraan will cut the mustard, buy some rope.


DJ keeps singing his Kali Mai song with different tunes.

He boasted that the PPP could not bring down the PNC with a NC vote and Jagdeo dashed his hopes after the Jagdeo bussed the AFC PNC balls.

He called up the Jumbie and now he is singing about PNC victory when the PPP already Buss the PNC balls at LGE by some 45,000 votes.

He rass ketch jumble. Desperate people do and say desperate things. Look how Mars bumped him off with some PNC propaganda. Even SN is now putting pressure on the PNC ! No wonder he rass ran out of news. 

Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

Granger should call the elections and shut the madman mouth. PPP ain't winning no elections, although the 2015 voters list is bloated by 60,000 voters, mostly in PPP strong holds, look out for the word "Rigging" All the coalition gov't have to do is watch them skont in their strong holds, had the feeling the PPP was cheating, confirmed by some analysis.

Thought you was smart. 

Why is Granger delaying the election...  cause they will be kick out .. everyone knows that except you. 

Wanna bet ?  the PPP don't have the numbers to win.

What happened, Congress Place en listen to your advise. 

Try something else.

Here is the scenario the coalition supporters are stronger after the NCV. If alyuh think Ifraan will cut the mustard, buy some rope.

Be careful. You might get thrown in the slammer for promoting coolie suicide.

yuji22 posted:

DJ keeps singing his Kali Mai song with different tunes.

He boasted that the PPP could not bring down the PNC with a NC vote and Jagdeo dashed his hopes after the Jagdeo bussed the AFC PNC balls.

He called up the Jumbie and now he is singing about PNC victory when the PPP already Buss the PNC balls at LGE by some 45,000 votes.

He rass ketch jumble. Desperate people do and say desperate things. Look how Mars bumped him off with some PNC propaganda. Even SN is now putting pressure on the PNC ! No wonder he rass ran out of news. 

Anyone ketching Jumbie is you.

The PPP leader is delusional the marginal win  at the recent LGE,with low turn out will propel  to win the National and Regional Elections.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

Granger should call the elections and shut the madman mouth. PPP ain't winning no elections, although the 2015 voters list is bloated by 60,000 voters, mostly in PPP strong holds, look out for the word "Rigging" All the coalition gov't have to do is watch them skont in their strong holds, had the feeling the PPP was cheating, confirmed by some analysis.

Thought you was smart. 

Why is Granger delaying the election...  cause they will be kick out .. everyone knows that except you. 

Wanna bet ?  the PPP don't have the numbers to win.

What happened, Congress Place en listen to your advise. 

Try something else.

Here is the scenario the coalition supporters are stronger after the NCV. If alyuh think Ifraan will cut the mustard, buy some rope.

Be careful. You might get thrown in the slammer for promoting coolie suicide.

Oh r@ss you back, "Welcome"    yesterday was thinking to shoot a PM.

Last edited by Django

Or rass, Prince took rope once as conformed by brother Sheik. We have to monitor Prince and DJ when the PPP wins. 

Right now DJ is singing Kali Mai sings. Not a good sign for him. I pray that he acts honourably and accepts defeat. 

PPP defeated the PNC by some 45,000 votes at LGE. There is no kali Mai tune in that !

Those 45,000 votes are what triggered Jagdeo to play a master stroke and toppled the AFC PNC. 

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

Granger should call the elections and shut the madman mouth. PPP ain't winning no elections, although the 2015 voters list is bloated by 60,000 voters, mostly in PPP strong holds, look out for the word "Rigging" All the coalition gov't have to do is watch them skont in their strong holds, had the feeling the PPP was cheating, confirmed by some analysis.

Thought you was smart. 

Why is Granger delaying the election...  cause they will be kick out .. everyone knows that except you. 

Wanna bet ?  the PPP don't have the numbers to win.

What happened, Congress Place en listen to your advise. 

Try something else.

Here is the scenario the coalition supporters are stronger after the NCV. If alyuh think Ifraan will cut the mustard, buy some rope.

Be careful. You might get thrown in the slammer for promoting coolie suicide.

Oh r@ss you back, "Welcome"    yesterday was thinking to shoot a PM.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to come back or not. I see too many inconsistencies dealing with posters. 

yuji22 posted:

Or rass, Prince took rope once as conformed by brother Sheik. We have to monitor Prince and DJ when the PPP wins. 

Right now DJ is singing Kali Mai sings. Not a good sign for him. I pray that he acts honourably and accepts defeat. 

PPP defeated the PNC by some 45,000 votes at LGE. There is no kali Mai tune in that !

Those 45,000 votes are what triggered Jagdeo to play a master stroke and toppled the AFC PNC. 

You don't have to monitor any one.

The player in the master stroke was in the pocket, the truth will come out. After this round of elections, PPP will be back in wasteland  and will be there for awhile.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

Be careful. You might get thrown in the slammer for promoting coolie suicide.

Oh r@ss you back, "Welcome"    yesterday was thinking to shoot a PM.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to come back or not. I see too many inconsistencies dealing with posters. 

Had a feeling that was your thoughts.Sometimes i want to quit ,stick around, just be cool.

Last edited by Django

Not by me the original was posted by the below (see attached to DL) 


But quite funny, 2019 and the PPP and PNC are what we are left with, lets hope enough voters come out for the LJP and ANUG it's as if both think they'll win by a large majority !!




Videos (1)
Jagdeo Sweating

ANUS/ANUG = 0 Seats. This is party with men from the past. Ralph in particular is a dinosaur.

LJP = 0 Seats. Guyanese have zero appetite for third parties after AFC conned them.

Lets talk third party in 2024.

Last edited by Former Member

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