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Divisiondra, shore, you and your pityful father  don't live in Guyana, or haven't been back recently. Well Guyana has vastly developed, still the bread basket of the Caribbean, look at the roads, housing is being built every day, more small businesses, for a country whose population does not exceed 700.000 people.Yes, it is easy to complain away from the country, but to those who remain give them credit, for all the global hardships they still survive.Don't ever curse the bridge you cross, for Guyana is still our Mother Land, come on don't be ashamed learn to be proud.


There will always be complainers regardless who rules and how well the nation does. Caribj still complaining today that LFSB did not prepare Afros well as such their disadvantage.  There were poor Indian "slum" dwellers under the PNC and we blamed the PNC policies.  Today there is still poor Indian slum dwellers and people blame the PPP.


Undoubtedly there has been tremendous progress however the corruption and nepotism surpassed  and is overshadowing the progress.

Long time stalwarts of the PPP are fleeing Freedom House because they cannot stand the level of thieving and corruption.


Bharrat Jagdeo stole so much and in the end he used the Burnham(dictator) constitution (jAGAN IS ON RECORD SAYING THAT NOTHING IS WRONG WITH THIS CONSTITUTION)S for have a pension that no other Carribean leader ever dream of and will never see.


When the Blackman-Burnham sucked up Guyana's wealth and coolie or black couldn't say a word, it was all nice and good. People like you, chief would tell them to come and take more. And for bonus, they would take your wife or daughter and have a feast. Allyou coolie will forever stay stupid under blackman power.

Originally Posted by Chief:

Undoubtedly there has been tremendous progress however the corruption and nepotism surpassed  and is overshadowing the progress.

Long time stalwarts of the PPP are fleeing Freedom House because they cannot stand the level of thieving and corruption.


Bharrat Jagdeo stole so much and in the end he used the Burnham(dictator) constitution (jAGAN IS ON RECORD SAYING THAT NOTHING IS WRONG WITH THIS CONSTITUTION)S for have a pension that no other Carribean leader ever dream of and will never see.

Bit over statement.  They do have to rein in some of the ills you referred to, but it's not as hopeless as you make it out.  A new breed of leaders are coming up in Guyana which will take the nation to the next level.  Guyana is on the mend and on the rise.  But one must always be vigilant of the forces of evil threatening to take it back to oppression, mayhem and poverty.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

When the Blackman-Burnham sucked up Guyana's wealth and coolie or black couldn't say a word, it was all nice and good. People like you, chief would tell them to come and take more. And for bonus, they would take your wife or daughter and have a feast. Allyou coolie will forever stay stupid under blackman power.

A chammar poke like you cannot and will never understand that we muslims do not see color.


We see people as people regardless of the color of their skin. A blackman has the same color of blood running through his veins and has the same brain power as other human beings to be rulers.


Only if history can turn back time; the Burnmah era will return to Guyana under the PNC, by Granger. Your beloved AFC is already acting by rioting to show they can manipulate the black power better than the PNC by burning the whole frigging country and suffer coolie people. If you cannot see that then you're useless and blind.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

When the Blackman-Burnham sucked up Guyana's wealth and coolie or black couldn't say a word, it was all nice and good. People like you, chief would tell them to come and take more. And for bonus, they would take your wife or daughter and have a feast. Allyou coolie will forever stay stupid under blackman power.

A chammar poke like you cannot and will never understand that we muslims do not see color.


We see people as people regardless of the color of their skin. A blackman has the same color of blood running through his veins and has the same brain power as other human beings to be rulers.

In the light-skinned ME, Syria, Jordan, etc they despise people coming from the South, they even despise Saudis who tend to be dark.


Now who ever said Afros don't have the same intellect, seems only you bringing up the topic.  You should tell that to the Afros who threat Indians like chattel under the PNC, work the fields, take the slugging and sit quietly in a corner and live off the scraps.


This era will never be allowed to return to Guyana, never.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Only if history can turn back time; the Burnmah era will return to Guyana under the PNC, by Granger. Your beloved AFC is already acting by rioting to show they can manipulate the black power better than the PNC by burning the whole frigging country and suffer coolie people. If you cannot see that then you're useless and blind.

He sees it, but his hatred is greater for the PPP which tend to have somewhat more Indians of Christian or Hindu beliefs.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Only if history can turn back time; the Burnmah era will return to Guyana under the PNC, by Granger. Your beloved AFC is already acting by rioting to show they can manipulate the black power better than the PNC by burning the whole frigging country and suffer coolie people. If you cannot see that then you're useless and blind.

Tell your chammar cousin them at Freedom House to stop thief!!

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Only if history can turn back time; the Burnmah era will return to Guyana under the PNC, by Granger. Your beloved AFC is already acting by rioting to show they can manipulate the black power better than the PNC by burning the whole frigging country and suffer coolie people. If you cannot see that then you're useless and blind.

Tell your chammar cousin them at Freedom House to stop thief!!

You love calling non-muslim Indians chammar.  You cannot get over the fact that Indians, mainly Christians and Hindus withstand your bros onslaught and not only survive, but thriving and very well.


Take this Wahab wannabe, dem coolie bais gon be there till you kick the bucket and then some.


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