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May 8 2019


Holding strongly to the view that he is the rightful owner of a plot of land over which he was found guilty of murdering his neighbour, Sukhdeo Dharamdat was yesterday sentenced to 65 years behind bars for the crime at the High Court in Georgetown.

His son, Ishwar Dharamdat, who was also charged with the murder but convicted on the lesser offence of manslaughter, was also sentenced yesterday to a term of imprisonment for 20 years.

Noting the dispute over the land as being the motive behind what she described as Suresh Nandkishore’s “senseless killing,” Prosecutor Tuanna Hardy had asked Justice Navindra Singh to impose sentences which would reflect the nature and gravity of the offences committed.

The Dharamdat men were each found guilty following a trial last month, but their sentencing had been deferred to yesterday to facilitate the preparation and presentation of probation reports.

Following the elder Dharamdat’s address to the court in which he went on for some five minutes about the land belonging to him, Justice Singh said that though he hoped otherwise, Dharamdat only confirmed that his actions, which claimed Nandkishore’s life, was fuelled by his desire for the land.

“You’re a crazy person,” the judge told an expressionless Sukhdeo, while highlighting what he described as the “exceptional cruelty” exerted on Nandkishore, who was beaten with a plank to his head, which cracked his skull.

Even after being stopped by the judge and asked if there was nothing he wanted the court to consider before sentence was imposed, Dharamdat, before saying “I am not satisfied with the judgment I get,” again went on about the land belonging to him.

The judge sought to explain to the man that the trial had already ended and the jury had spoken, so that any explanation about the incident or even the land was, therefore, unimportant

Sukhdeo nonetheless, spoke of the land having been left to him by his grandmother and that he had been victimised by the Nandkishores.

Noting, however, the convict’s preoccupation with the land, notwithstanding a court ruling and the fact that someone

had lost their life and another was left crippled during the attack carried out by Sukhdeo, Justice Singh said that he

was clearly still not prepared to take responsibility for his actions. 

Pointing out that Dharamdat showed not an iota of remorse or regret for what he had done, the judge said that not only did it confirm what the jury from its verdict obviously believed, but also the findings of a probation report.

The judge noted that from the probation report prepared and submitted to the court on Sukhdeo, members of his Handsome Tree, Mahaica, East Coast Demerara neighbourhood, and even his relatives described him as someone who was known in the area for bullying persons for their land.

Emphasising that there were mitigating factors to consider, the judge imposed the 65-year sentence on Dharamdat. The sentence commenced at a base of 60 years, to which 10 years were added for exceptional cruelty. However, five years were deducted for time Sukhdeo had spent on remand awaiting trial.

Given a chance to address the court, the younger Dharamdat, like his father, began by rehashing the events of the day of the killing, but once cautioned by the judge to address the court on the conviction and impending sentence, said that he was “sorry for everything that happen.”

Though professing his innocence and stating that he was not satisfied with the jury’s decision, he emphasised, “I apologise for everything.”

After his address to the court, and referencing a probation report submitted on him, Justice Singh expressed the belief that the young man was “not a bad person, and was genuinely sorry for what had happened.” “Yuh father put yuh in a lot of stupidness,” the judge added.

The judge told Ishwar that while he understood that Sukhdeo was his father, he was a “bad influence” in his life.

Justice Singh opined that from the verdict of manslaughter returned against the young man by the jury, it must have been sympathetic towards him and felt that while he was also responsible for the killing, he ought not to have been as culpable as his father.  

Noting that his father, by his actions, had ultimately caused Ishwar to be imprisoned, the judge rhetorically questioned, “And for what?” He pointed out that because of all that had transpired, Ishwar had also lost his brother.

One of Dharamdat’s other sons—Chaitram Dharamdat— had also been arrested for the murder. He was, however, among the more than a dozen prisoners who perished in the 2016 fire set by other inmates at the Camp Street Prison.

Having considered all the circumstances of the case against the younger Dharamdat, Justice Singh commenced at the 30-year sentence which manslaughter convictions attract. From that, he then deducted five years for his show of remorse and an additional five years for the favourable probation report submitted on his behalf. “Good luck, and keep doing the right thing,” the judge admonished Ishwar, before he and his father were escorted from the courtroom.

It had been the prosecution’s case that the Dharamdat men murdered Nandkishore on February 3rd, 2015 at Handsome Tree, Mahaica, East Coast Demerara, during an attack in which his father and brother were also injured.

Prosecutor Hardy had said the onslaught was fuelled by a bitter dispute over land, which was awarded by the court to the Nandkishores.

During the trial, brother of the deceased, Parmanand Nandkishore, had recalled accompanying his father, Gopaul Nandkishore, and his brother, to their Handsome Tree property, where they had gone to repair a fence.

According to Nandkishore, the Dharamdats had become enraged after the portion of disputed land was awarded to his father following a lengthy court trial.

He had said that while preparing to construct the fence that day, they were attacked by Sukhdeo and his sons.

A 26-year-old chartered accountant at the time of his death, Suresh, also known as ‘Ravo,’ was said to have died of trauma and haemorrhaging in the brain.

Pathologist Dr Nehaul Singh, had given the cause of death as cerebral haemorrhage caused by blunt force trauma to the head.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Mitwah posted:

Justice has been served. They will die in prison.

One of Dharamdat’s other sons—Chaitram Dharamdat— had also been arrested for the murder. He was, however, among the more than a dozen prisoners who perished in the 2016 fire set by other inmates at the Camp Street Prison.


Other son accused, died in prison disaster. 

During the trial, brother of the deceased, Parmanand Nandkishore, had recalled accompanying his father, Gopaul Nandkishore, and his brother, to their Handsome Tree property, where they had gone to repair a fence.

According to Nandkishore, the Dharamdats had become enraged after the portion of disputed land was awarded to his father following a lengthy court trial.He had said that while preparing to construct the fence that day, they were attacked by Sukhdeo and his sons.

A 26-year-old chartered accountant at the time of his death, Suresh, also known as ‘Ravo,’ was said to have died of trauma and haemorrhaging in the brain.


Not worth it for a piece of land in dispute ,settled by a court trial.

Last edited by Django
ksazma posted:

True DJ. Unfortunately greed has a way of dulling one’s senses.

Bhai, the Court pronounce on the land dispute, shows clearly the law was not accepted, hence the brutal murder of a young professional.

A 26-year-old chartered accountant at the time of his death, Suresh, also known as ‘Ravo,’ was said to have died of trauma and haemorrhaging in the brain.

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Those who fetch pnc slop can now reporting crime, but only if is indo committing it.  

Poor you !!! sounds like the colostomy bags taking a toll on the noodle.

Ignore him. He is mentally crippled. Let him drown in his own slop. 

Django posted:
ksazma posted:

True DJ. Unfortunately greed has a way of dulling one’s senses.

Bhai, the Court pronounce on the land dispute, shows clearly the law was not accepted, hence the brutal murder of a young professional.

A 26-year-old chartered accountant at the time of his death, Suresh, also known as ‘Ravo,’ was said to have died of trauma and haemorrhaging in the brain.

I don’t know if the court properly adjudicated this dispute (we see how those two appellate court fools confounded a simple mathematical question) but no one has the right to kill anyone.


These people in the Mahaica, Mahaicony, and Abary areas have a terrible reputation for stealing properties and committing heinous crimes in the process. Very often they would hire an unscrupulous lawyer who would obtain from false land titles from corrupted individuals in the housing department of Guyana. Fake wills are common after the death of a loved one. What is disturbing is that no lawyer nor civil servant ever goes to jail for falsifying documents.  

Billy Ram Balgobin
Iguana posted:

Ah wonder if Drugb crime thread got this incident down as an example of black man killing Indians. Well now alyuh know who the real murderers are. Is yuh own!

I couldn’t help it but to plaster this case on your racist jackass, I hope it stays on your memory. Remember her face at every spoon food you eat. 

we may have differences of opinion, but when someone life is stuff out from them for a crime , we should not involve race. 

And those two Jackass that likes your comments are no better than you. 


Guyanese Dad ‘leaves daughter, 3, to burn in fireball car in NY


NY Daily News – The mother of a little Queens girl burned alive in a car with its doors chained shut said Monday that the words she heard from the tot’s deranged father before the crime are forever etched in her mind:

“You’ll never see your daughter again.”

“I always thought he was going to hurt me,” said Cherone Coleman, 36, who spoke to the Daily News surrounded by family as she seesawed between grief and anger.

“I never thought he was going to hurt my daughter,” Coleman said.

“My daughter was perfect. She was loving, always smiling, and oh so caring,” said the grieving mom. “She was my only child, and I can’t have any more.”

On Sunday night, cops and firefighters pulled her badly-burned 3-year-old girl, Zoey, from a charred Audi in Springfield Gardens, just blocks from where Coleman and her only child lived.

Coleman told The News that the girl’s vindictive dad, Martin Pereira, had become unhinged in recent weeks as they battled over Zoey’s custody. Coleman said she had gone to court to modify their visitation agreement, but a judge denied her request.

Martin Pereira, Zoey, and Cherone Coleman. (Obtained by News)

Against her wishes, but with the court’s blessing, she said, Pereira left with the girl for a weekend visit on Saturday and Sunday. It was only the second time he had been entrusted with Zoey since she and Pereira broke up, Coleman said.

On Monday, Coleman said she wished she had disobeyed the judge’s order. “I should’ve just kept her and gone to jail,” she said.

Coleman said the nightmare began Saturday, when Pereira took Zoey to Cohen Children’s Medical Center in New Hyde Park and claimed to its staff that Coleman had abused the child.

“He was calling me a drug dealer and a drug addict,” Coleman said.

Coleman denied being an abuser — but nonetheless, she said, the hospital staff let Pereira continue spending the weekend with their daughter. “They let him leave with her because he had all the paperwork stating he had visitation,” Coleman said.

The helpless girl was found in the burning 2008 Audi sedan on Baisley Blvd. near 154th St. in Springfield Gardens about 8:50 p.m. Sunday. (Vic Nicastro/for New York Daily News)

On Sunday morning, Coleman said, Pereira repeatedly dialed her phone — but she wouldn’t take his calls.

Finally, he called a relative, who then called her. Coleman said she finally spoke with Pereira later on Sunday.

“Just before he burned my daughter he called saying crazy things,” Coleman said. “I couldn’t even understand some of them, but he said, `Do I have your attention now, bitch? I got your attention now, bitch. You’re never going to see your daughter again.’

Coleman said she then called 911 in a panic to report she had argued with her ex and she feared he was going to harm himself and their daughter.

The phone calls were just a prelude to the horror that unfolded on Sunday night.

That’s when Zoey died in in the back of her father’s flame-engulfed Audi, on Baisley Blvd. at 154th St., near Baisley Pond Park.

The doors to the car were chained shut as bright orange flames roared in the passenger compartment, said witnesses.

Pereira’s clothes were on fire as someone in the neighborhood urged him to run into nearby Baisley Pond. A passerby brought Pereira a blanket to help douse his flaming clothes.

“I have my kid in the car,” the father said, prompting the good Samaritan to call 911, sources said.

The fire was so hot, the car door handles securing the chains melted, enabling rescuers to get inside. They rushed Zoey to Jamaica Hospital in a police vehicle, but she could not be saved.

First responders found two gasoline canisters in the car, and a propane tank in the trunk, sources said.

Cops found Pereira in the park. They took him to New York Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center in Manhattan, where he was being treated Monday for burns. As of Monday evening, he was in police custody at the hospital, but he had not been charged.

Cops on Monday morning declared little Zoey’s death a homicide.

“He’s the fu—ing devil,” Coleman said. “He’s the devil. His family is responsible too. They have called ACS on me so many times with so many lies.” Whipsawed by emotion during an interview, Coleman said at one point she wished Pereira dead.

“I wish I could torture him and kill him. I can’t imagine the pain my baby went through. She was burned terribly, her bones were out and he ran off and left her to burn to death. Why would he do this to my daughter to get to me? It doesn’t make sense.”

But moments later, she thought better of wishing her ex-lover would die.

“I want him to live, and suffer for what he did to my daughter,” said Coleman, a medical assistant at Jamaica Estates Medical Center. Pereira has three prior arrests, sources said. Two are sealed. The third is for aggravated harassment and stems from phone calls he made in 2013, the sources said.

Pereira’s Facebook page is devoted almost entirely to pictures of Zoey. He most recently updated his cover photo with a sweet picture of Zoey just hours before the car fire.

One happy photo from October 2017 shows Pereira with Zoey and her mom. “I love us,” a banner across the picture reads.

EDITOR’S NOTE: The News Room has confirmed that Martin Pereira resided at Patentia, West Bank Demerara and migrated to the US when he was a child.


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Mitwah posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Those who fetch pnc slop can now reporting crime, but only if is indo committing it.  

Poor you !!! sounds like the colostomy bags taking a toll on the noodle.

Ignore him. He is mentally crippled. Let him drown in his own slop. 

De bossman reprimanding his employee in public,  you should wait until knockoff before instructing dj on how to handle the situation. But of course you control the purse string, so de man gaffa listen. 

Meanwhile when de odda man had he crime thread, yall rass conspire to close it down and drive de man to he death. 



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