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yuji22 posted:
Nehru posted:

We bai Jaggy is very popular. He is in campaign mode just in case CCJ rules in favour of him running for a third time. The coalition is shaky and the AFC is dead, Jagdeo is a very smart politician.

I will back Jaggy is he runs, the PNC will crush any other PPP candidate.

He had 2 terms; is too glutton for power and money; and should give others a chance!

Last edited by Former Member
Leonora posted:
yuji22 posted:
Nehru posted:

We bai Jaggy is very popular. He is in campaign mode just in case CCJ rules in favour of him running for a third time. The coalition is shaky and the AFC is dead, Jagdeo is a very smart politician.

I will back Jaggy is he runs, the PNC will crush any other PPP candidate.

He had 2 terms, too glutton for power and money, and should give others a chance!

I agree. He should stay on as the PPP leader but some other PPP member should be the Presidential candidate. Jagdeo needs to be visible in the PPP because it tempers the PNC bullying tendencies.

ksazma posted:
Leonora posted:
yuji22 posted:
Nehru posted:

We bai Jaggy is very popular. He is in campaign mode just in case CCJ rules in favour of him running for a third time. The coalition is shaky and the AFC is dead, Jagdeo is a very smart politician.

I will back Jaggy is he runs, the PNC will crush any other PPP candidate.

He had 2 terms, too glutton for power and money, and should give others a chance!

I agree. He should stay on as the PPP leader but some other PPP member should be the Presidential candidate. Jagdeo needs to be visible in the PPP because it tempers the PNC bullying tendencies.

Who would be your choice?  And why?

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:

I agree. He should stay on as the PPP leader but some other PPP member should be the Presidential candidate. Jagdeo needs to be visible in the PPP because it tempers the PNC bullying tendencies.

Who would be your choice?  And why?

I would have to defer this to the more acquainted members.

ksazma posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:

I agree. He should stay on as the PPP leader but some other PPP member should be the Presidential candidate. Jagdeo needs to be visible in the PPP because it tempers the PNC bullying tendencies.

Who would be your choice?  And why?

I would have to defer this to the more acquainted members.

May be Bibi could say why BJ should run again for office,what happen goat bite the others in the PPP.

Last edited by Django
Leonora posted:
yuji22 posted:
Nehru posted:

We bai Jaggy is very popular. He is in campaign mode just in case CCJ rules in favour of him running for a third time. The coalition is shaky and the AFC is dead, Jagdeo is a very smart politician.

I will back Jaggy is he runs, the PNC will crush any other PPP candidate.

He had 2 terms; is too glutton for power and money; and should give others a chance!

This is not about giving others a chance. The PNC will crush any other PPP candidate with bullying and violence. They are scared of Jagdeo.

Jagdeo can run for and win a third time and then start the transition for a new leader. He is the THE most popular leader in the PPP and will deliver victory.

There is no stopping BJ from winning the next election provided it is free and fair.


I just returned from an Easter Lunch, a family member recently returned from Guyana on  two weeks trip, travelled from Crabwood Creek to Parika was telling us about the political climate, the people feel hopeless , businessmen can't get enough foreign currency, unemployment is at the highest rate, all houses are under lock and key as soon as the sun sets. Prices have increased skyrocketed whereby the poor cannot afford,yes, a greater part of the population depends on overseas remittance and barrels. What the relative said is amazing, the most popular politician in Guyana is JAGDEO, you may think he is still the president because they talk what he did for the country when in government.

APNU/AFC made too many promises when campaigning and to date have not fulfilled any, the crime wave shifted from petty to severe and still not controlled. Getting back to Jagdeo, Where ever he goes there is a crowd, the people wants him to lead, up to now the people still don't know who is in control , is it Granger, Harmon, Greenidge or Trotman, and for those who wanted change no one from the AFC is given a leadership role.

The relative was accompanied by someone who works closely in the office of the President and was given security protection.

kp posted:

I just returned from an Easter Lunch, a family member recently returned from Guyana on  two weeks trip, travelled from Crabwood Creek to Parika was telling us about the political climate, the people feel hopeless , businessmen can't get enough foreign currency, unemployment is at the highest rate, all houses are under lock and key as soon as the sun sets. Prices have increased skyrocketed whereby the poor cannot afford,yes, a greater part of the population depends on overseas remittance and barrels. What the relative said is amazing, the most popular politician in Guyana is JAGDEO, you may think he is still the president because they talk what he did for the country when in government.

APNU/AFC made too many promises when campaigning and to date have not fulfilled any, the crime wave shifted from petty to severe and still not controlled. Getting back to Jagdeo, Where ever he goes there is a crowd, the people wants him to lead, up to now the people still don't know who is in control , is it Granger, Harmon, Greenidge or Trotman, and for those who wanted change no one from the AFC is given a leadership role.

The relative was accompanied by someone who works closely in the office of the President and was given security protection.

9th Grade fiction writing

the last paragraph is precious


kp posted:

I didn't asked for an opinion, just relaying what someone experienced on a recent visit.   It is better than what you have to offer where the PNC tells you what to say and post. I suggest you visit and bring your story.

Banna i get twitter feeds,etc from different sources.

I don't take orders from no one,that's the best you guys can come with when confronted.

Django posted:

What a masterpiece from kp,unfortunately it don't hold water.

Thankfully we live in an advance technological world where information are disseminated  every second.

Things are not the best in Guyana. There are untold hardships. The country has a government but incapable of leading. Just got word of someone I know who had his throat slit whilst working as a security guard.

Hopefully advanced technology will tell u tomorrow.

seignet posted:
Django posted:

What a masterpiece from kp,unfortunately it don't hold water.

Thankfully we live in an advance technological world where information are disseminated  every second.

Things are not the best in Guyana. There are untold hardships. The country has a government but incapable of leading. Just got word of someone I know who had his throat slit whilst working as a security guard.

Hopefully advanced technology will tell u tomorrow.

Tain guard killed during robbery

Muneshprem Ayasammy Monien


A Tain Settlement, Corentyne security guard was killed at his workplace in Rose Hall Town on Saturday night during a robbery.

The dead man who was identified as Muneshprem Ayasammy Monien, also known as ‘Watchie’, 53, was stationed at Sukhram’s General Store and Agro Chemicals known as ‘Fat lady’ located along the Rose Hall Town Public Road. He is said to have sustained a slit on his throat, a chop wound on his head, two broken legs and other injuries about his body.

The man was taken to the Port Mourant Hospital during the wee hours of yesterday where he was pronounced dead on arrival.

Sukhram’s General Store


According to information gathered, the owners of the general store are currently overseas. The caretaker of the store, who resides in Albion Village, Corentyne received a call around 11 pm on Saturday that something had happened at the store. She then rushed over where she saw a large gathering of residents and police officers outside of the store.

An eyewitness told Stabroek News that when the woman entered the store, the body was tucked in a corner on a few sand bags next to the door at the back of the building where Monien would usually stand guard.

A resident who was part of the discovery team stated that around 8 pm persons were passing and calling on Monien, however, he did not respond. The man said he went to the cricket game at the Albion Sports Complex and returned minutes after 11 pm, when he saw a large gathering outside of the store. “I run in and see the body and he legs look break up and he had a slash on he throat and one on he head”, said the man.

Stabroek News was told that the entire store was ransacked and cash and other valuables are missing. The caretaker yesterday could not confirm a total amount.

Meanwhile, according to Monien’s relatives, he left home around 5 pm on Saturday for his workplace. It was minutes after midnight that they received a phone call that the man was beaten in the store.

One of his brothers rushed to the location where he noticed a gathering and his brother’s lifeless body on the floor.

Another relative noted that the man only started working at that location several months ago but that he was “watchman” for other places in Rose Hall Town as well.

Commander of B Division, Lyndon Alves yesterday confirmed that the incident is “being treated as a robbery” which led to the murder of the man. He said an investigation has been launched, however, no-one has yet been arrested.

Meanwhile, a police source yesterday stated that investigators are working on “some leads”.

Monien resided at Tain Settlement with his sister. He was described as being a quiet individual.



this is sad news a man making a honest living and his life is shorten,hopefully the miscreants are caught dealt severely by the law.

kp posted:

I just returned from an Easter Lunch, a family member recently returned from Guyana on  two weeks trip, travelled from Crabwood Creek to Parika was telling us about the political climate, the people feel hopeless , businessmen can't get enough foreign currency, unemployment is at the highest rate, all houses are under lock and key as soon as the sun sets. Prices have increased skyrocketed whereby the poor cannot afford,yes, a greater part of the population depends on overseas remittance and barrels. What the relative said is amazing, the most popular politician in Guyana is JAGDEO, you may think he is still the president because they talk what he did for the country when in government.

APNU/AFC made too many promises when campaigning and to date have not fulfilled any, the crime wave shifted from petty to severe and still not controlled. Getting back to Jagdeo, Where ever he goes there is a crowd, the people wants him to lead, up to now the people still don't know who is in control , is it Granger, Harmon, Greenidge or Trotman, and for those who wanted change no one from the AFC is given a leadership role.

The relative was accompanied by someone who works closely in the office of the President and was given security protection.

KP, I was there for 4  weeks. There is a sign of hopelessness. People are wondering how they are going to make ends meet. There were more vendors than buyers in the local market. Jagdeo can lead, however, he needs to lead by guiding the next generation of PPP stalwarts.

Django posted:

What a masterpiece from kp,unfortunately it don't hold water.

Thankfully we live in an advance technological world where information are disseminated  every second.

Django, Don't worry about your PNC advanced technology. Go there and see for yourself. There are a lot of nancy stories on Facebook(from your PNC buddies).


Burglars cart off millions while Corriverton family at church.

Tain guard killed during robbery

Django you just posted these articles, twitter feed you these postings. In your neck of the town if this was the newspaper front page, you would have seen protest on the streets.

 In Guyana , killing and robbing is an acceptable norm by the government and their supporters.

kp posted:

Burglars cart off millions while Corriverton family at church.

Tain guard killed during robbery

Django you just posted these articles, twitter feed you these postings. In your neck of the town if this was the newspaper front page, you would have seen protest on the streets.

 In Guyana , killing and robbing is an acceptable norm by the government and their supporters.

Home invasion, murders,robbery are not taken lightly in my neck of the woods for that matter the whole State.Town police are very active in patrolling and have methods how to arrest the culprits,for robbery and home invasion they have a database,i  was told by an officer.

In Guyana these types of crimes are there regardless of which party is in government.Some folks feed on it for political purposes.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
kp posted:

Burglars cart off millions while Corriverton family at church.

Tain guard killed during robbery

Django you just posted these articles, twitter feed you these postings. In your neck of the town if this was the newspaper front page, you would have seen protest on the streets.

 In Guyana , killing and robbing is an acceptable norm by the government and their supporters.

Home invasion, murders,robbery are not taken lightly in my neck of the woods for that matter the whole State.Town police are very active in patrolling and have methods how to arrest the culprits,for robbery and home invasion they have a database,i  was told by an officer.

In Guyana these types of crimes are there regardless of which party is in government.Some folks feed on it for political purposes.

Dude, are you serious??? Remember you PNC members were blaming the PPP for these petty crimes and now you gat this "gin kak bring ram goat story hey"? Oh, what a wonder boy!!!!

Django posted:
seignet posted:
Django posted:

What a masterpiece from kp,unfortunately it don't hold water.

Thankfully we live in an advance technological world where information are disseminated  every second.

Things are not the best in Guyana. There are untold hardships. The country has a government but incapable of leading. Just got word of someone I know who had his throat slit whilst working as a security guard.

Hopefully advanced technology will tell u tomorrow.

Tain guard killed during robbery

Muneshprem Ayasammy Monien


A Tain Settlement, Corentyne security guard was killed at his workplace in Rose Hall Town on Saturday night during a robbery.

The dead man who was identified as Muneshprem Ayasammy Monien, also known as ‘Watchie’, 53, was stationed at Sukhram’s General Store and Agro Chemicals known as ‘Fat lady’ located along the Rose Hall Town Public Road. He is said to have sustained a slit on his throat, a chop wound on his head, two broken legs and other injuries about his body.

The man was taken to the Port Mourant Hospital during the wee hours of yesterday where he was pronounced dead on arrival.

Sukhram’s General Store


According to information gathered, the owners of the general store are currently overseas. The caretaker of the store, who resides in Albion Village, Corentyne received a call around 11 pm on Saturday that something had happened at the store. She then rushed over where she saw a large gathering of residents and police officers outside of the store.

An eyewitness told Stabroek News that when the woman entered the store, the body was tucked in a corner on a few sand bags next to the door at the back of the building where Monien would usually stand guard.

A resident who was part of the discovery team stated that around 8 pm persons were passing and calling on Monien, however, he did not respond. The man said he went to the cricket game at the Albion Sports Complex and returned minutes after 11 pm, when he saw a large gathering outside of the store. “I run in and see the body and he legs look break up and he had a slash on he throat and one on he head”, said the man.

Stabroek News was told that the entire store was ransacked and cash and other valuables are missing. The caretaker yesterday could not confirm a total amount.

Meanwhile, according to Monien’s relatives, he left home around 5 pm on Saturday for his workplace. It was minutes after midnight that they received a phone call that the man was beaten in the store.

One of his brothers rushed to the location where he noticed a gathering and his brother’s lifeless body on the floor.

Another relative noted that the man only started working at that location several months ago but that he was “watchman” for other places in Rose Hall Town as well.

Commander of B Division, Lyndon Alves yesterday confirmed that the incident is “being treated as a robbery” which led to the murder of the man. He said an investigation has been launched, however, no-one has yet been arrested.

Meanwhile, a police source yesterday stated that investigators are working on “some leads”.

Monien resided at Tain Settlement with his sister. He was described as being a quiet individual.



this is sad news a man making a honest living and his life is shorten,hopefully the miscreants are caught dealt severely by the law.

Employees among seven held asâ€ĶSecurity guard’s battered, mutilated body found in ransacked store

Police have detained seven suspects, including employees of a general store, after the lifeless, bloody corpse of a security guard was found at the back entrance of the Rose Hall Town business place on Saturday night.
Dead is Munesh Prem Ayasammy Monien, 53, of Clifton Settlement Port Mourant. He worked as a security guard at Sukhram General Store and Agro Chemicals, located in the heart of Rose Hall Town, along the public road.
Police sources have since confirmed that it was during a course of a robbery that the man was killed. Kaieteur News understands that at least $1M was stolen.
A police official confirmed that some of the store’s employees were among those in custody last night.
A resident said that his guard, who was on duty on Saturday night, told him that the incident occurred sometime around 19:00 hrs.
“According to what he seh around six-thirty to seven, he see some people calling and calling and the guy (Monien) ain’t responding. When I came back from cricket the patrol came and when we went in we see the man dead.”

Slain security guard Munesh Prem Ayasammy Monien

Sister in-law of dead security guard, Radika Ayasammy

According to the resident, the guard’s throat was slashed and his legs appeared to have been broken. The inside of the store was also ransacked.
Shanta Seepersaud, who was left in charge of the business by the owners who are currently overseas, said she received a call at approximately 23:00 hrs Saturday night and was informed of the murder. She stated that she immediately left for the location.
Meanwhile, the sister-in-law of the dead man, Radika Ayasammy, said that Monien started working at the business place a few months ago. She disclosed that they received a call sometime after midnight relaying that he was beaten. They ventured to the scene but were prevented from entering the building.
“After some time they carry he to the hospital to certify that he dead, then dem bring he to the parlour. He had a chop in he head, a slash in he throat and he foot and so bin break up.”

The general store where Munien worked and was killed

She stated that Monien lived with his sister at Clifton, Port Mourant and would normally start his shift at 17:00 hrs every day, after the business is closed.
He had no children and was described as a kind individual who loved working as a security guard.


I was at a family event last night with some family from Guyana.  Two major concerns they have is Crime and the economic downturn.  The current Govt is misfiring all around and they are concerned they talking long to find the footing.

Almost all believe the PPP stands a good chance of winning in 2020 if things don't change for the better soon.  They held an open mind with the Govt, but patience is running out!


Baseman posted:

I was at a family event last night with some family from Guyana.  Two major concerns they have is Crime and the economic downturn.  The current Govt is misfiring all around and they are concerned they talking long to find the footing.

Almost all believe the PPP stands a good chance of winning in 2020 if things don't change for the better soon.  They held an open mind with the Govt, but patience is running out!


Did you had any blackman or buckman at your  family event? NO.  The  'almost all'  could believe what they want, but even if all coolies vote PPP their belief still cannot make it happen.... 

sachin_05 posted:
Baseman posted:

I was at a family event last night with some family from Guyana.  Two major concerns they have is Crime and the economic downturn.  The current Govt is misfiring all around and they are concerned they talking long to find the footing.

Almost all believe the PPP stands a good chance of winning in 2020 if things don't change for the better soon.  They held an open mind with the Govt, but patience is running out!


Did you had any blackman or buckman at your  family event? NO.  The  'almost all'  could believe what they want, but even if all coolies vote PPP their belief still cannot make it happen.... 

No, all coolies.  However, One admitted voting coalition in 2015.  

Baseman posted:
sachin_05 posted

Did you had any blackman or buckman at your  family event? NO.  The  'almost all'  could believe what they want, but even if all coolies vote PPP their belief still cannot make it happen.... 

No, all coolies.  However, One admitted voting coalition in 2015.  

Tha would be the smartest one in the bunch.


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