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 Charandass Persaud.  Should be so named for 2018. For being the individual that brought down a racist a la Vulgar and Granger. look at the Pressie brainchile the Public Service College. 99% afro., vindictive - a la all PNC witch hunt, vile - cuss birds, contemptuousness A la Basil de Willie, Arrogance - all ah Dem, Brazeness - ala Broomes and Bulkhan, Dunces. - Oh the whole pack.


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Chief posted:

Man of the Year- President Jagdeo.

Brilliant move to get a successful no- motion vote against a sitting Government.

I don't think that Ramotar would have been able to return relevance to the PPP the way that Jagdeo did over the past three years. He is very aware of how politics work in Guyana and he is not shy to use it. The Coalition government were hoping that their pleas to him that the president is sick makes it a bad time to bring a NC motion. What they were ignoring that while the president is getting the best medical care available, the Guyanese people were suffering so there is no reason why all government business should cease. Plus Granger should be more concerned with his health than with governing the country especially since he can't govern and there is always someone to step into the role. The Coalition was hoping to use Granger's health condition as cover. Shame on them for their cowardice.

Jagdeo knows how to count votes.


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