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Man with drugs in crotch boasted bulge was ‘all manhood’


ST JOHN’S, Antigua – A 54-year-old man was pulled from his flight and thrown in the slammer after the unusually large bulge in his groin area turned out to be over a pound of cocaine.

The contraband carries an estimated $20,000 street value.


Eustace Bamfield, a Guyanese-born US naturalised citizen, was set to depart Antigua for the United States at the weekend. As he was walking through the security section at the VC Bird International Airport, he was subjected to a full body search.


While Bamfield reportedly boasted his bulge was “all manhood” authorities didn’t buy it and he was immediately handed over to the cops stationed at the airport.

Sources said the suspect was taken to a private room where he was reportedly stripped and the cocaine found strapped under his genitals.

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